^ 5 5 9 0 J v ,r’ , ^ / l 6 / 9 5 ICROG«AP m U s s 3 . 0)0 0 W LAKF r , f e ■ E E 3 I 9 Good irm orning Today’s forcca;cast: B u s Jy M o ) o r e ]p l a n tt s t a J Dpi> e n Increasing cloudsids with lighl northeast By Julie M. McKiimoD winds. Highs nearr 60.60 Lows in thc 30s.' PageA2 Timcs-Ncws writer JEROME - Moore Bu:Business Forms' Jerome plant is going to sta^slay in businc.ss af- - ter all. - -For-five months. Moorerc oniciali^dcbated.0 Utility fights salmonsa whether to keep open thele pplant in Jerome, which-currently has 1-44 rejregular and about Idaho Power Co.:o. ha.s asked u federal - ■ ^ 12 temporary employees, sisaid Bob Uroad- FT’ appellate court to) rcreview thc Northwest bear. Moore’s dirw lor o f'm ma anufacturing. 'Power Planning Courouncil's salmon rccov- Last July. Moore officials:ials announced the ery ptan. P»gaB1 ■Jerome plant was one of frfive plants slated for closurc in an effort loI coconsolidate snfiall- cr plants. Parents rap administratorsad Broadbear said thc decis:cision to keep thc I A letter from JcJcromc-arca parents Jerome planl open was proprompted by u 13 blames school admirminisirators for the dis- percent increase in businesness in ihc sccond trict's dropout rate. h alf of 1994. along wilh ansn sawareness o f thc P*geB1 quality ofthc location andd lolocal employees. G "Jerome is thc facility ihathat is going lo re- ............... • main open of those five,” I — Just made good busines:;::&v&cnsc.- -------- - The only other plant thatlat printed[ the same goods as ihc Jerome plantant - custom busi- Ada County teenste arrested ness forms and documentsts - closed lost year Four Iccns have'C beent arrested after a and now is for sale; the otherotl throe plants crime spree that bcgi)cgan in Boise and cnd- produced lines that didd noir experience 'cd Thursday in Rupcupcn. growth, he said. PageD3 At lhe Jerom e plani Friday,Frii third- und first-shift employees Icamedned o f the deci.sion during a 7 a.m. announccnirement, which was mci by a round o f applause,ise, said Plant Man- agcr Jerry Alexander. ‘•’Relief probably dcscribcriiJcs il os good as The home strelretch anything." Alexander said. The College ofr SouthernSc Idaho m en’s Afler lhe July closurero announcemt ent, ba-skeiball team lockocked up the host spot aboul 10 o f lhe morc thanlan 160 em ployees' wcrc laid off. Som e othersra left.Ic for thc regional tout;oumamcni wiih a road uuteaALftBALSaURVmw victory over Colorod>rodo Northwestern Fri- In the next couplc o f wciweeks, Moore will day night. evaluate employees to seecc what slots need Twontnty-year employee Leon>n <Culver, right, sp ea k s withwi Bob Broadbear, dire<rector of m anufacturingg fafo r M oore PageBS P le a s e9 ss< e e M 0 0 R E /A 2 B u sinIness Forms, on FridayMt a< the Jerome plant. / Madness setssin ii Tlic invitations haven'tha been sent, but ■oops it's not too hard to10 predict who will bc U.S. tro attending collcgc basketball'sba big dance Stateihouse ssports 44 newdiomes next monlh. PageBS LeadersI sshave H mayguuard heads as> fiiend1 H Croatiaa exit Helping the needyne — how? fights ca;ancer ^ H „ThfiWaihipgtanP^ ' A ren c h u rch o s anda chnrily groups could bc IcH to takekc upi the .slack. By F n n k E. Lockwood W ASHINGTON — AflAftCT tw'o*year8 o f P»g«C1 Timcs-Ncws writer resisting military involivolvement in the Balkans, the Clinton adnadministration has Cowabunga!J BOISE - It wasn'tt budgetbi cuts thal concluded that it may ha^have to send thou- ; caused a slir at thc Statchitehouse Friday. 0 the region within Columnist Joscpl;eph Walker meets the sands of U.S. troops to tl; It was haircuts. weeks bccausc of the thrtthreatened collaJise Teenage M uiam NinSinJa Turtles. H ouse S p e a k e r M.ik*like Simpson, R- PS9«C1 o fa United Nations peocelocekeq)ihg mission, Blackfoot, shocked theIC House1 o f Repre- The U.S. forees wouldlid 1bc dispatched as scniatives by showing; up for work bald. part o f a N ATO effort lo pprotect the depar- So did MaJority Leader;r BruceB Newcomb, ture of U.N. peacekeepingping troops, w ho on. R-Burley, Assistant MMaJority Leader Jan. 12 were ordered to10 lcleave Croatia this Thomas Locrtschcr, R-loL-lona. and Majori- spring by Croatian Presidi:sident FranJo Tudj* Too sm art for»r school■ ty Caucus ChairmanI JoJohn Tippets. R- man. •1. Bennington. ias threatened to ex- Schools hove beenbe slow to address Although TudJmnn has i Newcomb, who loldd ThcT Times-News ;fore, American ond gifted studenis* nealeeds; no Magic Valley pel the U.N, troops bcfon last month that hc has carcancer, w as slowly this tim e he appears school district compimplies with a stale man- European officials say thii losing his hair due lo chct:hcmothcrapy. 0 peacekeepers may date passed tw oI yearsyc ago to develop serious and the 12,000 p< Baldness was a burderrdcn Newcomb cx- en March when programs for gifteded kidsI by 1998. have to depart between I pected to bear alone.:. BulB N cw com b’s their U.N. mandate expiripires, and June 30, Republican colleaguess decidedd to shave when TudJman says thehe 1last U.N. soldier their heads - as a sign o n o f friendship and has to be gone. solidarity. W ith concern buildingng Ihere and in Croa> They broke the news's t<to Newcomb at a lia, both Secretary of State Warren Friday morning leadenlership meeting - Another fishI problemp Christopher and Defc)efense Secretary then marched down theie streets to see Cor- Wiliam J. have/e rrecommended t^ L ogging and miningmii in thc Paciflc olyn - a Boise bcautician — Northwest may faccace another obstacle as " President Clinton that hhe e approve"theI 6 ^ - Newcomb says Icadeadership members ation to provide covercr ffor a U.N. wilh- the bull trout nearsrs eextinction. gol a “volume discount - five bucks drowa! from Croatia. eoch. W iihin minuies., thitheir hair was his- According to adminisiinistration ofTicials, loiy. nwKnw locfovooornM twmmn Clinton has withheld: emendorsement so as Rangers recallall buddira Thc haircuts inspiredwl riotousi laughter, , not to give the impressression thal a U.N. ling ovotion, then ~Spea>aker of the House MikeI SSim pson, A ssistan t MaJcaJortty U a d e r A group o f Army•my Rangers com pleted then tt mighty standing wiihc^wal is inevitable;le; iAmerican, and al- s - who roared for m as L o ertscher an d MajcaJorlty Caucus Chairman.in John Tippets, from training Friday, theirth( graduation ccre- tears from lawmakers - Thom Ued negotiators are stillill 'Utrytng to persuade monies u nm anrd1 by recollections o f four Newcomb and for hiss friendsfr in leader- left toto right, lay h an d s on Hoi■(ouse MaJority L eader BruSruce New com b of TudJm an to perm it at1 Ictleast a token U.N, ship. classmatcs who diedlied in training. ^ ^ ^ , Burie’ley. The fo u rso m e go t mamatching hairdos Friday.y- force to remain to sepai:parate govemment ^ A 3 Tippets lold the Houseuse that th c haircuts' forees from Croatian SJerb m rebels w hb.cdh- arc “our way of saying,ng, ‘Wc don’t care a “jointmt leadership decision," h c adadded. avoid. But he; smiledst broadly for the trol m ore than one-^uortairterofthecouhtiy. how you look. Wc thinknk you’re] the great- N cwiwcomb IhaeJicd thc Housee aand his sworm'of photo^itographers - and said he Clinton pledged fastIt DDeccmbcr.to,*cnd c st."’ bald buddies;bu adding, “Wilh frienilends fike appreciates the; gcsnire.gc U.S. forccs to help th e5-25.000 -25 U.N. troops Simpson - clowninging for cameras - you, howho can I lose'?’’ Instead o f bein;eing tmumatic, the haircut in BosDia stage a retrestreat, which looked said the conservative hairhaircuts befit a con- Camm ern crew s surrounded SiiSimpson “tumed out to bebe a joyous event,” New- . then like it m i^ becom:omc neccssary.' Air Museum dela>layed servative Legislature. TheThi decision to di- and NewcombNi - putting thee EBurley comb said. “YahI'ahoos like this - they're theagh.that crisis hasifubidded; «u1 a siimlar n how Japan should.ro-.. vest GOP power brokersers o fth cir hair was farmcH er nJi spotlight he has‘ tr hard t o ^ t ^ ’___ ...................Arguments over h P le a s e:»eCR0ATIA/A2 iw member W orld WarVar II threaten the opcn- ing a new museum.m. PageA? Foster hit by/ freshi 'JJgexas senjlator lau]inches C"ampaigi questions abo)outpast Mociated Press come president that is to The A asocia^ Press changc.” -.................S ectio n A M ovtes..-............4 ~ - - C O LLUMBUS, l Gar— From thehe ■ While thc Republicannin presiden- W e a th e r............22 S p o rts............5-7 W ASHINGTON — Rcspesponding to fresh steps of two'schools that shapedcd tial jockeying hu beenm iunder way N ation............3-44 M oney................8 questions about his medicalical past, surgeon h is lifefe. Republican Sen. Phillil for months, Gramm wa;w a s (he first W o rld.................55 general nominee Dr. Henrynty Foster Jr. said Grammu opened the 1996 presidcn- to officially announce: hi:his Candida- C o m ic s ............. 63 Section C Friday he learned only belatedlybci about a tial racicc Friclay with dramaticJc cy.
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