NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2014 VoL. 70 CANADIAN WOMEN FOR WOMEN IN AFGHANISTAN AT A GLANCE Background Overfifteenyearsago,theTalibanruledAfghanistanwithaclosedmindandanironfist.Womenandgirlslived aharshrealitymarkedbyextremepovertyandoppression.Theywerechattel,seldomseenandneverheardina societydominatedbymen,andlargelyinvisibletotheoutsideworld.Today,womenaretakingbacktheirrightful placeandCanadiansstandwiththem. In1996Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan)wasformed,bringingtogetherthe effortsofCanadianswhoarepassionateaboutimprovingthelivesofAfghanwomenandgirls.CW4WAfghanis anot-for-profitorganizationwith13volunteerchaptersacrossCanada,aswellasanon-religious,non-political, federallyregisteredcharity. Members AfghanandCanadianmembersbelievethatthepathtotruepeacein Afghanistanliesthrougheducation.Tothatend,theyworktoadvance educationandeducationalopportunitiesforAfghanwomenandtheirfamilies, andtoeducateCanadiansabouthumanrightsinAfghanistan.Pleasejoinour membershipatwww.CW4WAfghan.caSUPPORT. Mission Canadians takingaction,inpartnershipwithAfghanwomen,towardsimproving conditionsofhumanrights,endingwomen’soppression,andproviding opportunitiesforAfghanwomentolivetheirliveswithdignity,certaintyand purpose. Values CW4WAfghanmembersbelievethatindividuals,asglobalcitizens,working insolidarityandwithintegrityofpurposeandaction,canaffectpositive changeintheworldthrougheducationandthepromotionofsocialjustice andhumanrights. goal Toensureeffectivelong-termsustainableeducationprogramsforAfghanwomen andtheirfamiliesandtoengageCanadiansasglobalcitizens. structure • CanadianBoardofDirectorswithcross-Canadarepresentation • ProjectManagementTeamoverseeingprojectandprogramdesignand performance,andprojectmanagementcommittees • AfghanistanCountryOfficewith17AfghanstaffinKabul www.CW4WAfghan.ca ThisCW4WAfghan Newsletter Summer 2014provides our members and supporters with updates on our Chapter fundraising and public engagement activities in Canada. Visit our website www.CW4WAfghan.ca • SIGN UP • DONATE • CONTACT US TAbLE OF CONTENTS WHAT’S NEW. 4 KABUL. 7 ATLANTIC. 8 CALGARY. 9 IN FOND MEMORY, LINDA LOREE 1946-2014. 10 KINGSTON C4WA. 11 OAKVILLE CSAW. 12 MANITOBA. 14 A TRIBUTE TO CANADIAN TROOPS. 15 OTTAWA. 16 PETERBOROUGH. 17 SASKATCHEWAN. 17 VANCOUVER. 18 VICTORIA. 18 CONTACT US. 19 Looking for information on the results of our work in Afghanistan? Please see our Impact Report 2013 available on our web site www.CW4WAfghan.ca “PROGRAMS.” For information on our audited financial statements, see our Annual Report 2013 Newsletter Summer 2014 | CW4WAfghan pg 3 what’S new: LANTERN FUND GOAL $2 Million $500,000 funds raised to April 2014 • Lantern Fund has topped $500,000! Co- chairs Irene MacDonald and Deborah Alexander have been busy month-after-month over this past year arranging meetings with potential funders, philanthropists, community CW4WAfghan Members l-r: Deborah Alexander, Co-chair leaders, foundations, and key individuals many of Lantern Fund; Susan Hartley, Board Member; Carm Bailey, whom are contributing their time to assist with Atlantic Member; Irene MacDonald, Board and Co-chair our fundraising strategies and goals. Our aim is Lantern Fund (launching of Lantern Fund Oct 2012) to raise $2 million for teacher training to 2018. Thank you to all our donors! The first six months of this 2014 including our first-ever fundraiser in Reports 2013 and visit our website calendar year have been filled with Afghanistan! www.CW4WAfghan.ca. a wide range of fundraising and awareness raising activities and Together, we successfully continue • Our new website will be events, thanks to our dedicated to sustain our excellent education launched June 2014. Thanks to volunteer chapter network and programs in Afghanistan. Allyson, Shane and Left Right members. This newsletter highlights Minds (Vancouver) for their some of the very entertaining, fun and • To learn more about our programs, work in bringing our members this successful events all across Canada-- see our Impact and Annual much improved online resource. Students at Fatema Tul Zahra school, one of two CW4WAfghan funded community schools helping a total of 600 children (50% female) who cannot attend public school. The standard approved curriculum is applied in both schools, as well as additional vocational classes. CW4WAfghan donors have been funding the majority of the costs for the students since 2006, including books, stationery, uniforms and lunches. pg 4 CW4WAfghan | Newsletter Summer 2014 what’S new Cont’d. • Vancouver Chapter hosted a very enjoyable • Congratulations to CSAW Oakville member evening with journalist Mellissa Fung, as well as a Barbara Wood, who received the Mark Dewolfe film screening with Afghan Film Maker Malek Shafi’i. Social Action Award from the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga. • Kingston Chapter hosted a sold-out crowd at their chapter’s 11th annual fund-raising event, raising • Calgary Chapter ‘Breaking Bread Dinner’ co-chairs, $20,000, for a total of over $173,000 since 2003! In Celia Rushford and Leanne Brintnell, hosted the addition to volunteering for school presentations, 11th Annual fundraiser with over 600 guests and raising members also took part in the honouring of Canadian over $95,000--the largest fundraising event ever! troops and paid tribute to those fallen soldiers as part of the national Day of honour in Ottawa and • Sally Armstrong, honorary Petawawa. chair of the Lantern Fund, has donated many days of her time • Congratulations to Munaf Husain, Dancing again this year in travelling and Light Pictures who was awarded the Summit giving presentations at many International Leader Award in emerging Media 2013 fundraising events across Canada. Sally Armstrong, Honorary Chair, for the Lantern Fund video he created and donated Thank you Sally! Lantern Fund for Cw4wAfghan. • Saskatchewan Chapter continues to build on • Oakville CSAW Chapter: read about their school the success of their May 2013 conference jointly events and their annual International women’s Day held with the Saskatchewan chapter of DKG Society 11th annual Dinner Party with guest speaker CBC International. Read about the inspiring activities comedian Mary Walsh. Over 700 people filled of the GEM (Girls Everywhere Matter) Club, in the banquet hall for this fun-filled evening raising Aberdeen, SK. $15,000 for the Lantern Fund. • Victoria Chapter members were the fabulous hosts • Our thanks to Steve Speer of our fall VICTORIA 2013 SYMPOSIUM and you at Acorn Communications in can read all about that in our AnnUAL RePORT. The Calgary for his ongoing graphic, team is now preparing for their July garden party. photography and design support to Cw4wAfghan. • Grande Prairie chapter members are Marlene, Visit www.fourbyfive.com to Arlene, helen and they are planning four events for view Steve’s award-winning this year to fundraise and to promote awareness. In photography. Steve Speer, May 2014, they gave a presentation for a 35 member Acorn Communications organization in Spirit River, AB. • Ottawa Chapter team has been busy this year with a number of events, • Manitoba Chapter has hosted a screening of the including a marketplace at the Great Canadian honour Diaries; marched in celebrating the 103rd Theatre Company (GCTC) production by hannah IwD.; presented to the Business Professional women Moscovitch, “This is war”; joined a panel discussion Organization; and participated in several other activities. as part of the “Fearless women” series; and held their Most of this year will be busy in preparation for the 2014 second annual nawroz event (new Year) event. Because human Rights are Universal Symposium to be held from October 2 - 4, 2014, in winnipeg. • Edmonton Chapter recently held a very successful fundraising event in June, with generous assistance • Okanagan’s Little Women for Little Women. Teen from member Mary Gordon and her friends. Sally member Alaina and her mother, Jamie Podmorow, Armstrong was the guest speaker and gave a very travelled to new York this spring to support the powerful moving and informative presentation. The event peace driven summit, ‘We Are Family Foundation Just raised $5,000, including product and book sales at Peace Summit.’ This summit is designed to recognize their marketplace. and support the efforts of Global Teen Leaders around the world who are actively working on projects that promote a more peaceful society. Newsletter Summer 2014 | CW4WAfghan pg 5 what’S new Cont’d. • Thank you toJemima Maycock who has been leading the Little women for Little women in Afghanistan team in Banff, AB for her very successful fundraising efforts. we look forward to learning more about all your activities throughout 2014 in Banff. • Atlantic Chapter recently hosted an event with journalist Mellissa Fung in halifax. It was a very well received event and they are now planning for another event in PeI this fall. Thank you from the Cw4wAfghan network to Mellissa Fung for her generous contributions to our events. His Worship, Major Nenshi presenting City of Calgary • Congratulations to executive Director, Janice Signature Award to Janice Eisenhauer, Executive Director Eisenhauer, who received the City of Calgary Signature CW4WAfghan on June 11, 2014. Award in June acknowledging her volunteerism and the international efforts of Cw4wAfghan. Below: VICTORIA 2013 Symposium last October - Delegates at the lovely Delta Oceanpointe Resort. pg 6 CW4WAfghan | Newsletter Summer 2014 KABUL OUR FIRST FUNDRAISING EVENT --- IN AFGHANISTAN!! InJune,ourProgramsDirector,LaurynOates,emailsfromKabul:
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