2005 Directory of Indiana State, County, City and Town Of fi cials Responsible for Road and Street Work Compiled and Distributed by Publication No. INLTAP-RP-1-2005 SCHOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING PURDUE UNIVERSITY West Lafayette, Indiana INDIANA LTAP Local Technical Assistance Program WHAT IS INDIANA LTAP? Indiana Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) was established by the Fed er al Highway Ad min is tra tion (FHWA). The purpose of the LTAP program is to trans late the latest, state-of-the- art road, high way and bridge tech nol o gies into systems usable by lo cal high way agen cies. LTAP is fund ed by FHWA, the lo cal agency distri bu tion of the Motor Ve hi cle High way Account and Purdue Uni ver si ty. This directory is pub lished annually by the In di ana LTAP offi ce at Purdue Uni ver si ty. VISION STATEMENT The vision of the Indiana Local Technical Assistance Pro gram is to be known and respected throughout the State of In di ana as the primary re source for training, technical as sis tance, and tech nol o gy transfer for government and industry offi cials with local trans por ta tion related re spon si bil i ties, and to be known through out the LTAP community as an in no va tive, ag gres sive, and productive participant. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Indiana Local Technical As sis tance Pro gram is to foster a safe, ef fi cient, en vi ron men tal ly sound transportation system by improving the skills and knowl edge of local trans por ta tion providers through training, technical as sis tance, and technology transfer. Address: Indiana LTAP Vision Technology 1 1435 Win Hentschel Blvd., Suite B100 West Lafayette, IN 47906-4150 Phone: (765) 494-2164 Fax: (765) 496-1176 Toll-Free: (800) 428-7639 (IN only) Email: [email protected] Website: www.purdue.edu/INLTAP/ 1 INDIANA LTAP --- LT LTAP Local Technical Assistance Program 494-7704 (765) [email protected] Chad Konger Chad (765) 494-7704 (765) [email protected] [email protected] STAFF Schultz Lindsey Program Manager Assistants Research Graduate Thomas C. Martin, P.E. 494-2164 (765) [email protected] [email protected] AP --- LT (765) 494-2210 Mondell K. Marsha AP --- LTAP Faculty Coordinator Secretary Dr. C. Douglas Sutton, Professor 496-6583 (765) [email protected] [email protected] (765) 494-2237 Schultz A. Rick Research Engineer Librarian John A. Habermann, P.E. 494-4255 (765) [email protected] [email protected] Jerry L. Larson L. Jerry (765) 496-6584 --- AP Project Manager Specialist Training Laurie D. Johnson, P.E. 494-0315 (765) [email protected] [email protected] LTAP --- LT LTAP (765) 496-2414 Pitstick M. Linda Editor and Resource Specialist Specialist Resource and Editor Linda M. Pitstick 496-2414 (765) LTAP --- LT --- LTAP [email protected] [email protected] (765) 494-0315 P.E. Johnson, D. Laurie Training Specialist Manager Project Jerry L. Larson AP --- 496-6584 (765) [email protected] [email protected] (765) 494-4255 P.E. Habermann, A. John Librarian Engineer Research Rick A. Schultz 494-2237 (765) [email protected] [email protected] (765) 496-6583 Professor Sutton, Douglas C. Dr. Secretary Coordinator Faculty AP --- LTAP AP Marsha K. Mondell 494-2210 (765) AP --- LT [email protected] [email protected] (765) 494-2164 P.E. Martin, C. Thomas Graduate Research Assistants Manager Program S Lindsey Schultz TAFF [email protected] (765) 494-7704 Chad Konger [email protected] (765) 494-7704 Program Assistance Technical Local LTAP --- LT LTAP LTAP INDIANA 1 2 INDIANA LTAP LTAP --- LT LTAP AP Local Technical Assistance Program Steve Sherwood ..................NACE Representative, IACHES Representative, ..................NACE Sherwood Steve Randy Strasser .................Brown Equipment Company, Inc. Company, Equipment .................Brown Strasser Randy Steve Powell ..................................................SBC of Indiana of ..................................................SBC Powell Steve David Pamplin ................................Indiana Division, FHWA Division, ................................Indiana Pamplin David ADVISORY BOARD Bill Haan .....Indiana Association of County Commissioners County of Association .....Indiana Haan Bill Jerrold L. Bridges .......Metropolitan Planning Organizations Planning .......Metropolitan Bridges L. Jerrold Commissioners Andrea Johnson .....Indiana Association of Cities and Towns and Cities of Association .....Indiana Johnson Andrea Janie Chenault ...........................................Lawrence County Mike Bowman ............................Milestone Contractors, L.P. Contractors, ............................Milestone Bowman Mike AP --- LT Phillip Estridge ...............................................Henry County Phil Beer ......................................................USI Consultants ......................................................USI Beer Phil Ruth Shedd .............................................Tippecanoe County cio Members of the Board the of Members cio Ex. Offi Ex. AP --- LT Mayors/Town Managers Raymie Eckerle ........Street Commissioner, City of Jasper of City Commissioner, ........Street Eckerle Raymie James E. Bullard ............................ Mayor, City of Seymour Indiana Street Commissioners Association Commissioners Street Indiana Gary Eakin .......................Town Manager, Town of Danville Scott Tilden ............. Highway Supervisor, Fulton County Fulton Supervisor, Highway ............. Tilden Scott Lee W. Hoard .....................................Mayor, City of Delphi Darin Duncan, P.E. ................Engineer, Harrison County Harrison ................Engineer, P.E. Duncan, Darin Michael E. Fincher ......................Mayor, City of Logansport Supervisors Indiana Association of County Highway Engineers and and Engineers Highway County of Association Indiana INDOT Representative AP --- LT Opal M. Kuhl, P.E. ...............Engineer, City of Lafayette of City ...............Engineer, . P.E. Kuhl, M. Opal Bruno Canzian .....Manager of Local Transportation Section Indiana Association of City Engineers City of Association Indiana --- LT AP Association Representatives Association Purdue University Faculty Representatives Dr. John E. Haddock .............................................. Professor r .DulsSto ......................Professor ............................................ Sutton Douglas C. Dr. Dr. Jon D. Fricker ...................................................Professor r uae ih ........................ Professor ................................................. Sinha Kumares Dr. Dr. Kumares Sinha ................................................. Professor Dr. Jon D. Fricker ...................................................Professor Fricker D. Jon Dr. Dr. C. Douglas Sutton ............................................ Professor r onE adc .......................Professor .............................................. Haddock E. John Dr. Purdue University Faculty Representatives Faculty University Purdue Association Representatives AP --- LT Indiana Association of City Engineers Bruno Canzian .....Manager of Local Transportation Section Transportation Local of .....Manager Canzian Bruno Opal M. Kuhl, P.E. ...............Engineer, City of Lafayette AP --- LT INDOT Representative INDOT Indiana Association of County Highway Engineers and Supervisors Michael E. Fincher ......................Mayor, City of Logansport of City ......................Mayor, Fincher E. Michael Darin Duncan, P.E. ................Engineer, Harrison County Lee W. Hoard .....................................Mayor, City of Delphi of City .....................................Mayor, Hoard W. Lee Scott Tilden ............. Highway Supervisor, Fulton County Gary Eakin .......................Town Manager, Town of Danville of Town Manager, .......................Town Eakin Gary Indiana Street Commissioners Association James E. Bullard ............................ Mayor, City of Seymour of City Mayor, ............................ Bullard E. James Raymie Eckerle ........Street Commissioner, City of Jasper Mayors/Town Managers Mayors/Town AP --- LT Ex. Offi cio Members of the Board Ruth Shedd .............................................Tippecanoe County .............................................Tippecanoe Shedd Ruth Phil Beer ......................................................USI Consultants Phillip Estridge ...............................................Henry County ...............................................Henry Estridge Phillip --- LT AP Mike Bowman ............................Milestone Contractors, L.P. Janie Chenault ...........................................Lawrence County ...........................................Lawrence Chenault Janie Andrea Johnson .....Indiana Association of Cities and Towns Commissioners Jerrold L. Bridges .......Metropolitan Planning Organizations Bill Haan .....Indiana Association of County Commissioners B A OARD DVISORY David Pamplin ................................Indiana Division, FHWA Steve Powell ..................................................SBC of Indiana Randy Strasser .................Brown Equipment Company, Inc. Steve Sherwood ..................NACE Representative, IACHES Local Technical Assistance Program Assistance Technical Local AP LTAP --- LT LTAP INDIANA LTAP INDIANA 2 3 UPCOMINGINDIANA CONFERENCES LTAP --- LT LTAP Local Technical Assistance Program 13-14 September -- 2006 AND SPECIAL EVENTS 14-15 September -- 2005 E XPOSITION M W AINTENANCE COUNTY BRIDGE INTER CONFERENCE AP --- LT 2006 -- January 25-26 AP ---
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