J&K COMBINED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION, 2016 S.No. Contents Pages 1. SRO-387OF 2008 DATED: 01.12.2008 ….. 1-9 2. SRO-190 OF 2016 DATED: 17.06.2016 ….. 10 3. Scheme and Subjects for the Preliminary and Main Examination ….. 11-15 4. Syllabus for Preliminary Examination ….. 16-37 5. Syllabus for Main Examination ….. 38 OFFICE SOLINA, SRINAGAR/RESHAM GHAR COLONY, BAKSHI NAGAR, JAMMU Government of Jammu and Kashmir General Administration Department (Services) Civil Secretariat, Jamm u Notification Jammu, 1st December, 2008 SRO- 387. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to section 124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor hereby makes the following rules for the conduct of combined competitive examinations by the Public Service Commiss ion, namely:- 1. Short title and application.- (1) These rules may be called the Jammu and Kashmir Combined Competitive Examination Rules, 2008. (2) These rules shall apply to the conduct of combined competitive examination by Pub li c Service Commission for direct recruitment to the following s ervices:- (i) Junior Scale of J&K Administrative Service. (ii ) J&K Police (Gazetted) Service. (iii) J&K Accoun ts (Gazetted) Service. 2. Definitions.– In these rules un less the context otherwise requ ires: (a) “available vacancies” mean the vacancies available in the direct recruitment quota of the services mentioned in rule 1 to be filled on the basis of combined competitive examination; (b) “Commission” means the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commiss ion; (c) “Examination” means the combined competitive examination for recruitment to the direct recruitment posts of the services specified in rule 1; (d) “Fee” means the fee which may be charged by the Commission from a cand idate for the Preliminary/ Main Examination; (e) “Government” means Government of Jammu and Kashmir; (f) “li st” means the list of cand idates prepared on the basis of merit in the examination for the various services and posts. Explanation :- Cand idates shall be all otted to various services and posts keeping in view their merit in the examination and the preferences expressed by them for various services and posts; (g) “Preference” means preference, for being selected for a service or posts for which examination is being held under these rules, in the order in which these are mentioned by the cand idate in the app li cation form prescribed by the Comm ission; (h) “rules” means the Jammu and Kashmir Combined Competitive Examination Rules, 2008; (i) “State” means the Jammu and Kashmir State. 3. Duration of examinations.- The examination shall be held at such intervals as the Government may in consultation with the Commission from time to time determine, but at least once in a calend ar year un less there are good and sufficient reasons for not doing so. 4. Condu ct of Examination.- The examination shall be conducted by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (Condu ct of Examination) Rules, 2005. 5. Cond ition s of eligibility:- In order to be eligible to compete in the examination, a cand idate must satisfy the following conditions, namely;- (i) that he is a permanent resident of the State; *(ii) that he has attained the age of 21 years but has not crossed the age of 30 years on 1st Janu ary of the year in which notification inviting app li cations is iss ued by the Comm ission: Provided that the upper age li mit shall be 32 years, in case of the foll owing:- a) Cand idates belonging to Schedu led Castes/ Schedu led Tribes/ Socially and Edu cationall y Backward Class es; b) Cand idates holding a civil post in the State in a sub stantive capacity: Provided that the upper age li mit for physically chall enged cand idates shall be 33 years irr espective of the category to which such a cand idate belongs. Provided further that a cand idate who has completed two years service in sub stantive capacity to be certified by his Head of the Department, shall alone, be eligible to claim the benefit of upper age li mit und er clause (b) above. Provided also that for good and sufficient reasons, to be recorded in writing, the Government may prescribe for any particular *Amended vide SRO No. 154 of 2011 dated 19-05-2011 examination any other upper age li mit for open category and reserved category cand idates”. (iii) that he holds, no twithstand ing anything to the contrary contained in the recruitment rules of various services and posts mentioned in rule (1), a Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University in Ind ia or of a foreign University declared by Government in consultation with the Commission to be equ ivalent to the degree of a recognized Ind ian University: *Provided that the candidates who have appeared fully in any examination on or before the last date for receipt of app li cation forms for Preliminary Examination for such degree from any such University the pass ing of which would render them eligible to appear in the examination bu t the result of their examination has not been declared, shall be all owed to appear in the preliminary examination. All such cand idates who are declared qualified by the Commission for taking the Combined Competitive (Main) Examination shall have to produce proof of pass ing such examination with their app li cations for the Main Examination failing which such cand idates shall not be admitted to the Main Examination; *Provided further that in respect of cand idates for J&K Police (Gazetted) Service, the cand idate should possess the following standards also, namely:- I. For Males: (a) Height: 165 cm (b) Chest girth Min. 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm II . For Females: (a) Height: 150 cm (b) Chest girth Min. 79 cm. Expansion 5 cm III. For candidates from Leh/ Kargil a. For Males: (i) Height: 160 cm (ii) Chest girth: Min. 79 cm. Expansion 5 cm b. For Females: (i) Height: 145 cm (ii) Chest girth: Min. 79 cm. Expansion 5 cm” *Amended vide SRO No. 154 of 2011 dated 19-05-2011 Provided also the cand idate(s) already holding a civil post in the State shall submit their app li cation through Head of Office with an advance copy of the app li cation directly to Commission and in case the Commission receives an intimation withholding permiss ion from the employer in respect of a cand idate who has app li ed for, or is app earing in the Combined Competitive Examination, his/her app li cation shall be rejected and cand idature cancell ed. Such a cand idate may, however, be all owed to appear in the examination as fresh cand idate subject to the condition that the said candidate is otherwise eligible under rules. *Explanation:- :- The express ion “Civil post in the State” mentioned above means a post in any departmental service under the State and includes the posts in the High Court of J&K and the J&K State Legislature”. *6. Documents to be furnished by the candidates for the Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination:.- A cand idate shall not be requ ired to submit any certificate relating to his/her age, edu cational qualification, certificate of belonging to reserved category and holding of a civil post in the State, at the time of filling his/her app li cation (OMR) form for the Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination. The admiss ion to the preliminary examination shall be purely provisional and if on verification at any stage, it is found that the cand idate has claimed eligibility for such examination by misrepresentation, concealment of any material fact(s) or impersonation or fraud, his or her cand idature shall be cancell ed and he/she will be liable to prosecution/ disciplinary action by the Commiss ion”. *7. Documents to be furnished by the candidates for the Combined Competitive (Main) Examination :- Besides furnishing the documents that may be requ ired by the Comm ission, the app li cations for the Combined Competitive (Main) Examination shall be accompanied by the attested copies of the following certificates:- (a) Academic qu ali fication; (b) Age; (c) Character; (d) Permanent residence of the State; (e) Category Certificate, in case of cand idates belonging to any reserved category. Note:- (i) No certificate except the Matriculation certificate or equ ivalent thereof shall be admitt ed in proof of age. (ii) Character certificate shall mean a certificate issued by the Head of the Edu cation Institute or by the University last attended by the cand idate or by any gazetted officer of the State. In case of a cand idate already in Government Service, the character *Amended vide SRO No. 154 of 2011 dated 19-05-2011 certificate shall mean a certificate iss ued by his Controlli ng Off icer: Provided that the app li cation forms submitted either for the Combined Competitive (Preliminary) or Main Examination, incomplete in any manner shall be rejected without any notice to the cand idate(s). However, the Commission shall notify the list of such cand idates whose cand idature is rejected on account of incomplete forms”. 8. Examination - (1) The examination shall consist of two successive stages:- (a) *Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination (Objective Type) for the selection of cand idates for the main examination; and (b) *Combined Competitive (Main) Examination (written and interview) for the selection of cand idates for the various services and po sts. *(2) The preliminary examination will consist of two papers of objective type (multiple choice qu estions) and carry 450 marks in the subjects set out in App end ix-I.
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