465000 470000 475000 480000 485000 490000 495000 27°20'0"W 27°15'0"W 27°10'0"W 27°5'0"W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 Activa tion ID: EMS N-018 4 4 Glide Number: (N/A) P roduct N.: 05TER CEIR A, v1, English Terceira - Portugal N Earthquake Landslide Risk Assessment - 2015 " N 0 " ' 0 0 ' 5 0 ° Population & POIs at Risk Map - Overview 5 8 ° 3 8 3 P roduction da te: 7/1/2016 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 9 9 2 2 4 4 100 65 76 Biscoitos 187 Altares 89 72 Raminho Cartographic Information 246 249 243 259 Vila Nova 50 159 293 2 71 Full color A1, high resolution (300dpi) 0 1:50.000 5 2 284 171 0 0,5 1 2 3 4 251 K m 50 254 373 Grid: W GS 1984 Z one 26 N ma p coordina te system Tick ma rks: W GS 84 geogra phica l coordina te system 453 Agualva ± 403 265 321 461 473 62 Legend 153 472 435 Administrative boundaries Transportation Points of Interest 501 Risk Level 544 Sao Bras Municipa lity Airport IC Hospita l 522 Null I4 Populated places 633 703 103 V ery Low P ort ×Ñ Fire sta tion !. City Jc 576 640 Low a P olice Bridge & overpa ss ¬ 561 663 600 !. Town 0 0 Medium ! H Educa tion 0 0 I 1 V illa ge Tunnel 2 0 0 0 High 517 726 0 0 S ports 0 0 !(S 363 5 0 Highwa y 9 532 5 9 V ery High Buildings 00 0 2 399 5 791 2 G Government 4 62 4 First Aid Areas P rima ry R oa d (! Fa cilities 758 7 Airport 513 685 829 5 0 512 0 1 S econda ry R oa d 5 8 599 0 First Aid Area s Úð Industria l fa cilities 7 0 0 P ort 0 Terceira Airport 786 718 760 Loca l R oa d t N 592 9Æ Ca mp loca tion Commercia l, P ublic & " W a ter infra structure " 847 591 72 N 7 " 0 ' Serreta 0 741 P riva te S ervices Other Electricity 0 0 S helter ' Æ 5 687 O ô!E 4 5 infra structure 6 71 Industry & Utilities ° Physiography 5 4 5 697 cÆ Field hospita l 0 ° 8 8 5 686 6 W a ve power 303 0 634 5 P la ce of worship 3 5 921 589 8 300 751 762 0 421 P rima ry ØÑ 0 9 3 ÃÆ Helicopter la nding spot infra structure 0 961 0 738 101 126 Other 0 0 664 7 797 587 3 964 587 S econda ry 0 ¾ Ga soline ta nk d P ower sta tions 0 Z ! 702 771 0 Uncla ssified # 980 644 60 101 S pot heights 0 939 736 W ind turbines 533 0 583 686 XY 976 9 5 641 758 703 Mitigation Measures 965 974 5 84 9 0 0 Hydrography 557 0 65 673 Fontinhas " Oil 843 5 95 562 103 9 0 62 Fence / ba rrier / wa ll 874 594 R ivers & strea ms Ma rina 431 0 678 V egeta tion covera ge, geomembra nes !¤ 956 5 796 713 584 621 649 8 672 574 715 661 Coa stline 759 674 !© Milita ry 8 593 702 50 693 594 550 592 829 746 7 735 1003 949 566 546 0 661 544 0 721 636 10 648 8 00 733 779 618 595 491 0 690 0 0 Consequences within the AOI Risk Level 0 543 644 65 904 5 655 673 7 599 536 Island: Terceira Very Low Low Medium High Very High 588 0 725 5 535 713 992 541 5 151 605 Population (Inhabitants) 8982 44442 2822 180 0 628 100 596 594 638 Area of Built-up areas (sqkm) 3,561 18,357 1,267 0,000 0,000 95 0 583 726 597 0 633 90 573 573 565 632 700 133 0 5 5 6 0 50 850 691 650 577 0 60 Consequences within the AOI Risk Level 532 578 0 620 578 55 473 Island: Terceira V. Low Low Medium High V. High None 60 536 573 498 750 0 550 727 0 544 442 532 5 541 507 452 Airport 104 0 0 0 0 700 5 617 Casa da Ribeira 526 531 Port 6 1 0 0 0 0 529 594 524 529 502 Commercial, Public 511 527 5 1 600 0 Belo Jardim 94 180 5 1 0 0 5 0 526 4 0 POI 0 5 3 0 & Private Services 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 Doze Ribeiras 479 0 Industry & Utilities 54 152 48 1 0 0 0 0 5 457 5 8 5 450 380 8 Place of worship 4 23 2 1 0 0 2 00 2 4 468 4 6 376 0 611 Other 1 6 1 0 0 0 464 0 453 550 4 Praia da Vitoria Port 50 463 536 40 453 431 441 Map Information 0 5 5 384 0 The purpose of the requested ma pping is to provide comprehensive knowledge of the 6 579 350 0 232 0 394 0 371 20 potentia l impa ct on Azores isla nds (P T), of different na tura l disa sters, including ea rthqua kes, 331 223 floods, volca nic eruptions, la ndslides, soil erosion, tsuna mis a nd storm surges, a nd coa sta l 3 54 00 4 erosion. 434 5 425 0 The a na lysis a ims to identify a ssets a t risk, focusing on popula tion, infra structure a nd the 0 0 64 5 480 3 0 621 4 383 environment to a llow informed decision ma king to ta ke pla ce concerning the pla nning a nd 0 391 4 Santa Barbara 0 605 432 101 302 432 203 recovery a ctivities of the involved sta keholders. To this end, specific risk mitiga tion mea sures 283 315 300 424 413 a re proposed, a long with the specifica tion of critica l first response informa tion. 248 404 2 605 4 00 0 436 The key users of the ma p series a re the R egiona l (Açores, P ortuga l) Authorities: (1) Direção 433 469 0 117 79 R egiona l Obra s P ública s e Comunica ções, (2) S erviçio R egiona l de P roteça o civil e 1 378 0 166 286 449 Fonte do Bastardo 0 bombeiros dos Açores, a nd (3) CIV IS A: Centro de Informa ção e V igilância S ismovulcânica 342 179 273 dos Açores. 393 172 171 186 311 3 0 268 311 0 Data Sources 327 369 10 Cinco Ribeiras 3 0 5 Inset maps based on: 0 W orldV iew-2 mosa ic © Digita lGlobe (a cquired on 2013/08/17), GS D 0.5 m, ~7% cloud cover 213 329 301 Porto Martins 321 Reference Imagery: R egiona l Orthophotogra phy © Direção R egiona l da s Obra s P ública s e 5 0 281 Comunica ções dos Açores (yea r of a eria l photogra phy a cquisition: 2003,2004), GS D 0.5 m, Regatos 208 407 272 sca le 1:10000 279 132 00 Vector layers: R oa d Network: prima ry source is the OS M duly upda ted/ digitized, from the Posto Santo 2 4 281 5 4 Sao Bartolomeu dos Regatos 0 0 sa tellite ima ges, Buildings Footprints digitized from the sa tellite ima ges, Administra tive limits 0 Terra-Cha (CAOP 2015) © Direção Gera l do Território (P T), Census Da ta – Census Blocks geometry 124 160 a nd informa tion (2011) © Instituto Na tiona l de Esta tistica (P T). Eleva tion da ta a nd La nd 153 326 265 207 0 191 0 Cover/ Use Da ta (duly upda ted/refined on the ba sis of the sa tellite da ta photointerpreta tion) 161 350 0 0 0 0 3 N 0 0 prima ry source © Direção R egiona l da s Obra s P ública s e Comunica ções dos Açores. " 376 N 0 140 0 " 0 ' 8 8 The da ta provided is subject to the terms outlined in the a rra ngements concerning a ccess to 171 0 ' 0 284 2 0 2 4 0 135 0 0 4 5 4 a uthorita tive geospa tia l reference da ta for Copernicus emergency ma na gement service. ° 3 262 4 ° 8 Vila de Sao Sebastiao 3 8 Ribeirinha 172 3 Sao Bento 192 Santa Luzia Dissemination/Publication 92 Sao Pedro 122 The products (ma ps) a re a va ila ble through the EMS Copernicus P orta l a t the following UR L: http://emergency.eu/ma pping/list-of/components/018. 191 Delivery forma ts a re GeoTIFF, GeoP DF, GeoJP EG a nd vectors (sha pefile a nd K ML forma ts). 117 No restrictions on the publica tion of the ma pping a pply. 113 72 Feteira 105 Se Framework Serretinha Porto Judeu 0 Salga 1 142 5 0 The products ela bora ted in the fra mework of the current R isk a nd R ecovery ma pping 0 66 0 0 169 1 a ctiva tion a re rea lised to the best of our a bility. All geogra phic informa tion ha s limita tions due 150 38 to sca le, resolution, da te a nd interpreta tion of the origina l da ta sources.
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