20150216-NEWS--1-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 2/13/2015 4:46 PM Page 1 $2.00/FEBRUARY 16 - 22, 2015 Cavaliers are taking beacon technology to creative levels with help of their new mobile app — P. 5 As Winking Lizards knows, Medical Mutual gives its employees incentives to support clients — P. 7 Activist investors are staking their claim Shareholders are playing SANDVICK ARCHITECTS an increasingly strong When The Foundry opens this fall, it is expected to be a popular gathering place for the Northeast Ohio rowing community. role in company actions By RACHEL ABBEY McCAFFERTY [email protected] FLATS’ MOMENTUM BUILDS To the public, shareholder activism in re- cent years may best be represented by unsea- soned pasta water. The Foundry, a $9 million project, will be a year-round home for rowers Starboard Value LP last year made head- lines when it waged a public proxy campaign By STAN BULLARD against Darden Restaurants Inc., the owner of [email protected] restaurant chains including Olive Garden. Starboard succeeded in replacing Darden’s Columbus Road in the Flats is about to board after pointing out problems at Olive gain another Cuyahoga River-oriented fea- Garden, like a lack of salt in the water it uses ture with “The Foundry,” a $9 million plan to to boil pasta. recast a dozen old buildings as a collegiate Such a detailed focus may still be rare, but and youth boathouse, fitness center and shareholder activism, or when an investor park. tries to take a bigger role in how a company is The project by MCPc Family Charities and run, is becoming increasingly common. A re- Mike Trebilcock — the CEO of Cleveland- port from London-based Activist Insight based MCPc, a seller of computer equipment found that 344 companies across the globe — and provider of tech services — and his wife, with the vast majority located in the United Gina, will provide additional facilities for States — faced public activist demands in young rowers and green space in the Flats. 2014. That compares to 291 companies that It’s near the new Rivergate Park and the ex- faced such demands in 2013 and 136 compa- isting home of the Cleveland Rowing Associ- nies in 2010. ation. Driving the activity, experts say, is an in- The plan is the latest form of support that crease in the amount of money funds have to MCPc Family Charities and the Trebilcocks spend, as well as a greater amount of influ- have offered to the Cleveland Youth Rowing ence activists hold over other investors. Association and the Midwest Scholastic Row- In recent years, a number of Northeast Ohio ing Association in the Flats. companies, including Cliffs Natural Resources The Foundry is scheduled to open this fall. Inc. and GrafTech International Ltd., have It will convert a group of buildings at 1831 come under pressure from shareholders, Columbus Road to a year-round training some of which have lead to full-fledged proxy center for rowers with an indoor rowing tank, fights. a fitness center, boathouse and banquet cen- Shareholder activism has increased every ter. The plan calls for using about 500 feet of year throughout the past decade, said Derek riverfront for docks for launching boats and See INVESTORS, page 6 See FOUNDRY, page 8 MCPe FAMILY CHARITIES 07 7 ALSO INSIDE: WHO TO WATCH NEWSPAPER We take a look at some of Northeast Ohio’s many Entire contents © 2015 74470 83781 standouts in the nonprofit sector ■ Pages 17-22 by Crain Communications Inc. Vol. 36, No. 7 0 PLUS: HONOREE PROFILES ■ LEADERS IN NEW ROLES 20150216-NEWS--2-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 2/12/2015 11:13 AM Page 1 Small Business Matters i Want more information and resources on this week's topics, ideas and events? Go to www.cose.org/smallbizmatters. PRESENTED BY 52 TIPS FOR YOUR BUSINESS #7: Start Small, Think Big ,]LU[OL TVZ[ JVUÄKLU[ HUK VW[P- 7V[LU[PHSJSPLU[Z HYLU»[ ULJLZZHYPS` JVU- February 16 TPZ[PJ ZTHSS I\ZPULZZ V^ULYZ JHU OH]L JLYULK^P[O[OLZPaLVM`V\YVɉJLVYOV^ HUPUMLYPVYP[` JVTWSL_ ^OLU P[ JVTLZ [V THU`LTWSV`LLZ`V\OH]LHZSVUNHZ`V\ JVTWL[PUN ^P[O SHYNLY TVYL LZ[HISPZOLK JHUKLSP]LY[OLNVVKZ*VUÄKLUJLHUK[OL I\ZPULZZLZ)\[[VKH`»ZNSVIHSLJVUVT` HIPSP[` [V WYV]PKL H ZVS\[PVU PZ ZVTL[PTLZ By The Numbers PUTHU`^H`ZOHZSL]LSLK[OLJVTWL[P[P]L HSS P[ [HRLZ MVY H JSPLU[ [V NP]L `V\ H ZOV[ WSH`PUNÄLSKMVYZTHSSI\ZPULZZLZ<UKLY- ¸>L»]LHSSOLHYK[OL[LYTºMHRLP[\U[PS`V\ Council of Smaller Enterprises Z[HUKPUN[OL]HS\L`V\IYPUN[V[OL[HISL THRLP[»HUK[OH[PZ[Y\LMVYZTHSSI\ZPULZZ HUKVɈLYPUNTVYLWLYZVUHSPaLKH[[LU[PVU V^ULYZ¹ZH`Z)VVRLY¸:VTLWLVWSL^HU[ JHUOLSW`V\H[[YHJ[UL^J\Z[VTLYZHUK HSS[OLILSSZHUK^OPZ[SLZ¶UPJLVɉJL [HRL`V\YI\ZPULZZ[V[OLUL_[SL]LS MHUJ` JHY ¶ L]LU^OLU Z[HY[PUN V\[ ¸;OL RL` PZ [V ILSPL]L `V\ JHU )VVRLY^OVZ\JJLZZM\SS`NYL^OPZOLH[ 0 YLJVTTLUK W\[[PUN `V\Y JVTWL[L ^P[O[OL IPNKVNZ¹ ZH`Z *SH\KL HUKZLY]LMVVK]LU[\YLMYVTTVKLZ[ILNPU- LULYN` HUK MVJ\Z )VVRLY V^ULY VM :PTWS` :V\[OLYU :PKLZ UPUNZ PU[V H T\S[PTPSSPVUKVSSHY I\ZPULZZ LZWLJPHSS` H[ [OL FOUNDING OF COSE :4(33)<:05,:: ¸;OL Y\SLZ OH]L JOHUNLK PU I\ZPULZZ )PN ZH`ZP[»ZPTWVY[HU[[VHS^H`ZWYLZLU[`V\YZLSM ILNPUUPUN VU Hear more from *6-6<5+,9: J\Z[VTLYZ HYL SVVRPUN [V ZH]L JVZ[Z HUK HZ H JYLKPISL I\ZPULZZ V^ULY L]LU PM `V\ [OPUNZ [OH[ JHU Claude Booker at LU[YLWYLUL\YZULLK[VYL[OPUROV^[OL`NV Y\UHZ[HY[\WV\[VM`V\YIHZLTLU[¸0MLS[ OLSW `V\ NLU- *6:,»ZÄYZ[ [VTHYRL[0M`V\THRL`V\YZLSM]HS\HISL[V [OH[WYLZZ\YLLHYS`VU¹ZH`Z)VVRLY¸)\[0 LYH[L YL]LU\L `V\Y J\Z[VTLYZ I` WYV]PKPUN H JVZ[LɈLJ- ILSPL]LKPUT`PKLHHUKT`[HSLU[HUKRUL^ ;OLILSSZHUK Small Business [P]L ZVS\[PVU [OLYL PZ UV SPTP[ [V ^OH[ `V\ [OH[ 0 KLZLY]LK HU VWWVY[\UP[` ILJH\ZL VM ^OPZ[SLZ^PSS Boot Camp @,(9:6-:,9=0*, JHUHJJVTWSPZO¹ [OLZVS\[PVU0^HZIYPUNPUN¹ JVTLSH[LY¹ i on March 11. (5+:<7769;;6:4(33 )<:05,::6>5,9: .L[ `V\Y I\ZPULZZ PU WLHR WLYMVYTHUJL Boot Camp #1 - “Money Matters” Guest Speaker:*SH\KL)VVRLY6^ULYVM ZOHWL ;OL :THSS )\ZPULZZ )VV[ *HTW >,+5,:+(@4(9*/ :PTWS`:V\[OLYU:PKLZ Owner Resources :LYPLZ PZ WLYMLJ[ MVY ZTHSSI\ZPULZZ V^ULYZ !(4¶!74 Peer-Based Roundtable Discussions: Successful entrepreneurs have a wealth of SVVRPUN[VNHPUPUZPNO[VUOV^[VTHRL[OLPY *967)0:;96 :LJ\YPUNH3PULVM*YLKP[>VYRPUN^P[O knowledge and practical advice to share and I\ZPULZZ [OL ILZ[ P[ JHU IL .HPU\UPX\L 0U]LZ[VYZ<ZPUN+LI[-PUHUJPUN[V)\PSKH there are many ways to get involved and make PUZPNO[ MYVT L_WLY[Z HUK SLHYU MYVT SPRL *VZ[! *6:,4LTILYZ )\ZPULZZ4HRPUN[OL4VZ[VM*YV^KM\UKPUN DUHDOGLσHUHQFHE\KHOSLQJDQGLQVSLULQJRWKHU TPUKLKZTHSSI\ZPULZZV^ULYZ[OYV\NOWLLY 5VU4LTILYZ3\UJO0UJS\KLK HUK+LJPKPUN>OLU[V:[HY[HUK:[VW small business owners. Listed below are a few IHZLKIYLHRV\[ZLZZPVUZ Register at www.cose.org/events -\UKYHPZPUN RUJDQL]DWLRQV WKDW RσHU SHHUWRSHHUEDVHG volunteer opportunities. 054,4690(4 Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE) ^^^JVZLVYN]VS\U[LLY JumpStart William McFarlane Jones ^^^Q\TWZ[HY[PUJVYNLU[YLWYLUL\YZ\WWVY[ 1(5 ¶1(5 Manufacturer Advocacy & Growth Network 6U1HU\HY` [OL UVY[OLHZ[ 6OPV ZTHSS You can hear Bill Jones’ (MAGNET) ^^^THU\MHJ[\YPUNZ\JJLZZVYN I\ZPULZZJVTT\UP[`SVZ[HYLTHYRHISLLU[YL- remarks on the founding of WYLUL\YPU]LU[VY HUK MYPLUK )PSS1VULZ VUL COSE and the work of Ohio Small Business Development Center VM [OL ¸MV\UKPUN MH[OLYZ¹ VM [OL *V\UJPSVM the organization at ^^^JSPLU[ZVOPVZIKJVOPVNV] :THSSLY,U[LYWYPZLZ*6:,HUKP[ZÄYZ[L]LY www.cose.org/40years JOHPYTHU^HZZWLJPÄJHSS`YLZWVUZPISLMVY[OL SCORE Cleveland LHYS`NYV^[OVM[OLVYNHUPaH[PVU ^^^JSL]LSHUKZJVYLVYNTLU[VYZ ¸)PSS1VULZ OHK LUVYTV\Z WHZZPVUHUK ([ *6:,»Z [OHUUP]LYZHY` JLSLIYH[PVU WYPKLMVY[OL]HS\LHUKJVU[YPI\[PVUVMZTHSS PU 1VULZ ZOHYLK HUPUZWPYPUNUHYYH[P]L I\ZPULZZ V^ULYZ [V V\Y YLNPVUHUK V\Y UH- HIV\[ *6:,»Z MV\UKPUNHUK P[Z LHYS` KH`Z [PVUHSLJVUVT`¹ZHPK:[L]L4PSSHYK7YLZPKLU[ /LZWVRLHIV\[*6:,»ZILNPUUPUNZHZ^LSS Connection Calendar HUK,_LJ\[P]L+PYLJ[VYVM*6:,¸;OH[MLY]LU[ HZOPZWLYZWLJ[P]LVU[OLVUNVPUN^VYRVM[OL LU[O\ZPHZTM\LSLKOPZLɈVY[ZIHJRPU [V VYNHUPaH[PVU ¸/PZ L_WLYPLUJL HUK WHZZPVU COSE ANNUAL MEETING 7/6;6)@96.,94(:;960(550 OLSW [V LZ[HISPZO *6:, HUK JVU[PU\LK [V ^LYL PUZWPYPUN¹ ZH`Z 4PSSHYK ¸)PSS OHZ SLM[ H REGISTER A memorial service and reception will be A Celebration of PUZWPYL [OL VUNVPUN Z\WWVY[ OL WYV]PKLK [V ]HS\HISLSLNHJ`PU[OLZTHSSI\ZPULZZJVTT\- TODAY! held at The Country Club in Pepper Pike Northeast Ohio’s *6:,V]LY[OLSHZ[`LHYZ¹ UP[`HUK^PSSJLY[HPUS`ILTPZZLK¹ i Monday, Feb. 16 at 4 p.m. Small Business Rule Breakers THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 REMEMBERING Bill and I went through so much together in Bill Jones, a successful business person 4:30 PM the founding of COSE; Bill, the consummate in his own right, was willing to take on Music Box Supper Club diplomat, and myself, the proverbial ‘bull the challenge of being the first chairman Register at www.cose.org/annualmeeting BILL JONES in the china shop.’ Without Bill, COSE of COSE, the one who would try to build would not have had such a great start. An consensus and trust with these FEATURED RULEBREAKERS: Bill Jones was a great champion of amazingly intelligent person with a great outspoken, cantankerous small BEND Justin Carson THE small business in general, and COSE zest for life, the small business community, business owners.
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