CRYSTALS N ONLINEA Crystals R Selection Guide C R YSTALS L ASE R C R YSTALS See page NONLINEAR CRYSTALS 2.3–2.17 Lithium Triborate – LBO 2.3 Beta Barium Borate – BBO 2.5 Potassium Dideuterium Phosphate – KDP, DKDP 2.7 T E R Potassium Titanyl Phosphate – KTP 2.9 AHE Potassium Titanyle Arsenate – KTA 2.11 R TZ Lithium Iodate – LiIO3 2.12 CR YSTALS Infrared Nonlinear Crystals 2.13 Ultrathin Nonlinear Crystals 2.16 RAMAN C See page LASER CRYSTALS 2.18–2.21 R Neodymium Doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet – Nd:YAG 2.18 YSTALS Yb-Doped Potassium Gadolinium Tungstate – Yb:KGW, Yb:KYW 2.19 Nd-Doped Potassium Gadolinium Tungstate – Nd:KGW 2.20 Titanium Doped Sapphire – Ti:Sapphire 2.20 Lead Thiogallate with Dysprosium Ions Co-doped 3+ 2.21 by Alkali Metals – Dy :PbGa2S4 POSITIONE RS & H OLDE RS See page CR TERAHERTZ CRYSTALS 2.22–2.24 YSTAL YSTAL Organic Terahertz Crystals – DSTMS, DAST, OH1 2.22 O Semiconductor Terahertz Crystals – GaSe, ZnTe 2.24 VENS 2.1 EKSMA OPTICS • Tel.: +370 5 272 99 00 • Fax: +370 5 272 92 99 • [email protected] • www.eksmaoptics.com CRYSTALS SELECTion GuidE YSTALS R C R ONLINEA N See page RAMAN CRYSTALS 2.25–2.26 Crystals for Stimulated Raman Scattering – KGW, Ba(NO3)2 2.25 2+ 4+ Passive Q-switching Crystals – Co :MgAl2O4, Cr :YAG 2.26 YSTALS R C R ASE L YSTALS CR TZ R See page AHE R E POSITIONERS & HOLDERS 2.27–2.29 T Ring Holders for Nonlinear Crystals 830-0001 2.27 Positioning Mount 840-0056-11 2.28 Kinematic Positioning Mount 840-0193 2.28 Positioning Mount for Nonlinear Crystal Housing 840-0199 2.29 YSTALS R RAMAN C See page RS CRYSTAL OVENS 2.30–2.34 OLDE Temperature Controller TC1 with Oven CO1 2.30 H & Oven for Nonlinear Crystals CH3 2.31 RS Oven for Nonlinear Crystals CH4 2.32 Oven for Nonlinear Crystals CH7 2.33 POSITIONE Precision Resistive Heater Kit TC2 2.34 and CO10 series Ovens VENS O YSTAL YSTAL CR Visit www.eksmaoptics.com for new products and prices 2.2 CRYSTALS NO N ONLINEA N LI N EAR CRYSTALS R Nonlinear C R YSTALS Crystals L ASE R C R LBO LITHIUM TRIBORATE YSTALS LBO is well suited for various nonlinear EKSMA OPTICS OFFERS optical appli cations: ● crystals length up to 50 mm and ● frequency doubling and tripling of aper ture up to 40 × 40 mm high peak power pulsed Nd doped, ● thin crystals down to 10 µm thickness Ti:Sapphire and Dye lasers ● AR, BBAR, P-coating T ● optical parametric oscillators (OPO) ● different mounting and repolishing ser- E R of both Type 1 and Type 2 AHE vices phase-match ing ● accurate quality control R TZ ● non-critical phase-matching for ● attractive prices and fast delivery CR frequency con ver sion of CW and ● one month customer’s satisfaction YSTALS quasi-CW radia tion. ● wide transparency region term. ● broad Type 1 and Type 2 2.5 2.5 250 non-critical phase-matching Type 1Type 2 (NCPM) range 200 , µm λ 2 2 ● small walk-off angle 150 ● high damage threshold Type 1 1.5 1.5 100 RAMAN C ● wide acceptance angle XY plane YZ plane q=90 deg f=90 deg ● high optical homogeneity emperature, ºC 50 T 1 1 Type 2 R 0 Fundamental wavelength YSTALS 0.5 0.5 -50 90 60 30 0 0 30 60 90 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Phase-matching angle, deg Phase-matching angle, deg Fundamental wavelength,λ µm SHG tuning curves of LBO NCPM SHG temperature dependance of LBO PHYSICAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES POSITIONE Chemical formula LiB3O5 Crystal structure orthorhombic, mm2 Optical symmetry Negative biaxial RS Space group Pna21 & Density 2.47 g/cm3 H OLDE Mohs hardness 6 Optical homogeneity ∂n = 10-6 cm-1 RS Transparency region at “0” transmittance level 155 – 3200 nm Linear absorption coefficient at 1064 nm < 0.01 % cm-1 Refractive indices: nx ny nz at 1064 nm 1.5656 1.5905 1.6055 at 532 nm 1.5785 1.6065 1.6212 at 355 nm 1.5971 1.6275 1.6430 CR 2 2 2 Sellmeier equations (λ, µm) nx = 2.4542 + 0.0113 / (λ – 0.0114) – 0.0139 λ YSTAL YSTAL 2 2 2 ny = 2.5390 + 0.0128 / (λ – 0.0119) – 0.0185 λ 2 2 2 nz = 2.5865 + 0.0131 / (λ – 0.0122) – 0.0186 λ O VENS Phase matching range Type 1 SHG 554 – 2600 nm Phase matching range Type 2 SHG 790 – 2150 nm 2.3 EKSMA OPTICS • Tel.: +370 5 272 99 00 • Fax: +370 5 272 92 99 • [email protected] • www.eksmaoptics.com NonLinEAR CRYSTALS NCPM SHG temperature dependence: Type 1 range 950 – 1300 nm T1 = - 1893.3λ4 + 8886.6λ3 – 13019.8λ2 + 5401.5λ + 863.9 Type 1 range 1300 – 1800 nm T2 = 878.1λ4 – 6954.5λ3 + 20734.2λ2 – 26378λ + 12020 Type 2 range 1100 – 1500 nm T3 = - 21630.6λ4 + 112251λ3 – 220460λ2 + 194153λ – 64614.5 NCPM SHG at 1064 nm Type 1 temperature 149 °C YSTALS R NCPM SHG at 1319 nm Type 2 temperature 43 °C C R Walk-off angle 4 mrad (Type 1 SHG 1064 nm) EAR CRYSTALS Thermal acceptance 6.4 K×cm (Type 1 SHG 1064 nm) N LI N Angular acceptance 6.5 mrad×cm (Type 1 SHG 1064 nm) ONLINEA N 248 mrad×cm (Type 1 NCPM SHG 1064 nm) NO Nonlinearity coefficients: d31 = (1.09±0.09) pm/V d32 = (1.17±0.14) pm/V Effective nonlinearity: XY plane dooe = d32 cosφ YZ plane doeo = deoo = d31 cosθ YSTALS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS R Please contact EKSMA OPTICS C for special OEM and large volume pricing. Flatness λ/8 at 633 nm R Parallelism < 20 arcsec ASE L Surface quality 10-5 scratch & dig (MIL-PRF-13830B) Perpendicularity < 5 arcmin Wide selection of Angle tolerance < 30 arcmin non-standard size and Aperture tolerance ± 0.1 mm cut angle LBO crystals Clear aperture 90% of full aperture is available at www.eksmaoptics.com YSTALS Please contact EKSMA OPTICS CR for further information TZ or nonstandard specifications. R AHE STANDARD CRYSTALS LIST R E Code Size, mm θ, deg φ, deg Coating Application Price, EUR T LBO-401 3x3x10 90 11.6 AR/AR @ 1064+532 nm SHG @ 1064 nm 245 LBO-402 3x3x15 90 11.6 AR/AR @ 1064+532 nm SHG @ 1064 nm 325 LBO-403 5x5x15 90 11.6 AR/AR @ 1064+532 nm SHG @ 1064 nm 765 LBO-404 3x3x15 90 0 AR/AR @ 1064+532 nm NCPM SHG @ 1064 nm, T = 149 °C 325 LBO-405 3x3x20 90 0 AR/AR @ 1064+532 nm NCPM SHG @ 1064 nm, T = 149 °C 405 LBO-406 3x3x10 42.2 90 AR/AR @ 1064+532/355 nm THG @ 1064 nm 245 LBO-407 3x3x15 42.2 90 AR/AR @ 1064+532/355 nm THG @ 1064 nm 325 YSTALS R LBO-408 5x5x15 42.2 90 AR/AR @ 1064+532/355 nm THG @ 1064 nm 765 RELATED PRODUCTS RAMAN C LBO crystals for SHG of Yb:KGW/KYW laser frequency conversion. See page 5.30 Crystal Oven TC1 149 °C temperature is required to achieve Non-Critical Phase Match- See page 2.30 ing (NCPM) in LBO at type 1 SHG of 1064 nm application. TC1 oven RS is specially designed for this purpose (see technical specifications, p. 2.30). OLDE H & Nonlinear Crystal CH7 oven is designed to keep the crystal at the elevated temperature RS Oven CH7 (40–60 °C) for thermostabilisation of nonlinear crystal. The elevation See page 2.33 of working temperature also extends hygroscopic crystals lifetime. LBO crystal is slightly hygroscopic and polished faces could become POSITIONE foggy after some time of exposition of crystal at ambient enviroment. HOUSING ACCESSORIES Ring Holders Positioning Kinematic VENS for Nonlinear Mount 840-0056 Positioning O Crystals See page 2.28 Mount See page 2.27 840-0193 YSTAL See page 2.28 CR Visit www.eksmaoptics.com for new products and prices 2.4 CRYSTALS BBO BETA BARIUM BORATE NO N ONLINEA N LI As a result of its excellent properties BBO EKSMA OPTICS OFFERS N EAR CRYSTALS has a number of advantages for different ● crystal aperture up to 22 × 22 mm R C applications: ● crystal length up to 20 mm R YSTALS ● harmonic generations (up to fifth) of ● thin crystals down to 5 µm thickness Nd doped lasers ● AR, BBAR, P-coating ● frequency doubling and tripling of ● BBO with gold electrodes for e/o ultrashort pulse Ti:Sapphire and Dye applications lasers ● different mounting and repolishing ser- ● optical parametric oscillators (OPO) vices at both Type 1(ooe) and Type 2 (eoe) ● accurate quality control L phase-matching ASE ● attractive prices and fast delivery ● wide transparency region ● frequency doubling of Argon ion and R ● one month customer’s satisfaction C Copper vapour laser radiation ● broad phase-matching range R term. YSTALS ● electro-optic crystal for Pockels cells ● large nonlinear coefficient ● ultrashot pulse duration ● high damage threshold measurements by autocorrelation. ● wide thermal acceptance bandwidth 2.5 2.4 ● high optical homogenity 2 , µm , µm λ 2 λ 1.6 T 1.5 Type 2 (o-beam) E R wavelength 1.2 AHE wavelength Type 1 1 Type 2 R 0.8 TZ CR 0.5 Fundamental 0.4 Type 1 Fundamental Type 2 (e-beam) YSTALS 0 0 0315 0 45 60 75 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 Phase-matching angle, deg Phase-matchingangle, deg SHG tuning curve of BBO OPO tuning curves of BBO at 355 nm pump PHYSICAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES RAMAN C Chemical formula BaB2O4 Crystal structure trigonal, 3m Optical symmetry Negative Uniaxial (no>ne) R YSTALS Space group R3c Density 3.85 g/cm3 Mohs hardness 5 Optical homogeneity ∂n = 10-6 cm-1 Transparency region at “0” transmittance level 189 – 3500 nm Linear absorption coefficient at 1064 nm < 0.1% cm-1 BBO with gold electrodes for e/o applications Refractive indices no ne POSITIONE at 1064 nm 1.6551 1.5426 at 532 nm 1.6750 1.5555 at 355 nm 1.7055 1.5775 at 266 nm 1.7571 1.6139 RS & at 213 nm 1.8465 1.6742 H 2 2 2 Sellmeier equations (λ, µm) no = 2.7405 + 0.0184 / (λ – 0.0179) – 0.0155 λ OLDE 2 2 2 ne = 2.3730 + 0.0128 / (λ – 0.0156) – 0.0044 λ RS Phase matching range Type 1 SHG 410 – 3300 nm STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Phase matching range Type 2 SHG 530 – 3300 nm Walk-off angle 55.9 mrad (Type 1 SHG 1064 nm) Flatness up to λ/8 at 633 nm Angular acceptance 1.2 mrad × cm (Type 1 SHG 1064 nm) Parallelism < 20 arcsec Thermal acceptance 70 K × cm (Type 1 SHG 1064 nm) 10-5 scratch & dig Surface quality Nonlinearity coefficients d22
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