Drinking age - page 3 VOL XX, NO. 60 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1985 an independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's Faust announces resignation Announcement stuns media; successor to be named soon By JEFF BLUMB recruiting does start on Monday," he Sports Editor said. "We will have a replacement as soon as possible, and certainly no One man's "dream come true" later than next Monday. We won't came to an end yesterday morning. dilly-dally around with it." After months of speculation about Much of the speculation last night his status, Notre Dame football centered around Minnesota head coach Gerry Faust announced his coach Lou Holtz, but Corrigan resignation at his regularly refused to disclose who Is being con· scheduled weekly press conference. sidered as a possible replacement. Showing little emotion save his Minnesota was 6-5 this season un· reddened eyes, Faust stunned the der Holtz and wilt play Clemson In group of reporters by1 calmly ap· the Independence Bowl on Dec. 21 pcoaching the microphone and tel· in Shreveport, La. ling them of his decision to resign, Holtz has compiled a 116-M-5 effective immediately after Satur· mark in 16 seasons at the college day's game with Miami. level, spending time at William & "I called (University President) Mary, North Carolina State, Arkansas Father (Theodore) Hesburgh this and Minnesota. Holtz, whose son morning in Baltimore, Md., and told Skip Is a Notre Dame student, also him of my decision to reslgn,"-Faust served a one-year stint as coach of said. "I'm a fighter till the end. It was the NFL's New York jets In 1976. tough for me to do this. But I think Faust's career record at Notre It's for the best · for me and for Notre Dame stands at 30· 2 5·1, with this Dame. You don't quit. You just year's team holding a 5·5 mark. His change direction for the good of 25 losses rank as the most of any both. coach in the school's history. "I felt this would be the best time because it gives them the oppor· Reactions, page 8 tunity to get another coach before recruiting starts next week. I don't The target of much criticism for want to hold them off by waiting un· his failure to win consistently, Faust til next week. I also wanted the decided to resign on Monday night pressure off the players." after discussing the situation with Speculation already has begun his family. He informed his wife Mar· about who Faust's successor might lene, daughter Julie and son Steve In be. Athletic Director Gene Corrigan person of his plan to resign, and and Father Edmund joyce, ex· called both his son Gerry III, who Is ecutlve vice president of the Univer· away at school, and his parents to let sity and chairman of the faculty them know. board in control of athletics, met He said he tried to reach Hes· yesterday afternoon on the matter. burgh that night In Ba}tlmore, bu\ Notre Dame bead football coach Gerry Faust regularly scheduled weekly press conference late Last night, Corrigan said that a was unsuccessful. Faust did manage spoke to reporters last night in the Monogram yesterday morning. Last night be further addressed replacement could be named as to contact the University president Room of the ACC about his decision to resign yes· his resignation. Story at right. soon as today. yesterday morning, and tendered his terdt~)'. Faust announced his resignation at his "Recruiting is always critical and resignation at that time. Faust followed up his conversa· tion with Hesburgh by visiting joyce to inform him of the decision. He Mubarak defends commando raid on airliner; communicated the decision to Cor· rlgan and then, moments before the press conference was to begin, claims Libya's support of hijackers 'very clear' called his assistant coaches together to inform them. first ever to detonate phosphorus They had said earller that the total Party, Egyptian ambassadors abroad He had not yet Informed the team grenades during a hijacking. "Not a death toll was 60. But Mifsud said and political and labor lea(lers of all of his decision. Word had spread to CAIRO, Egypt · President Hosni single Egyptian bullet killed yesterday it had been lowered to 59 persuasions. the players by the time oflast night's Mubarak's government launched a anybody" among the passengers ami because a Canadian baby was State-owned newspapers called practice, and Faust said that "some vigorous campaign yesterday to crew, the president said. counted twice In the earlier total. the attack "necessary," neat things" happened at the defend Its commando raid on a The fire grenades set the Interior The only public criticism of the "courageous" aqd a lesson In "how workout, which was closed to the hijacked Egyptair jet in which 58 of the Boeing 737 ablaze. raid in Egypt came from two opposi· to deter terrorism and terrorists." press. people died, despite little public In Malta, government spokesman tion politicians, who demanded par· Mubarak said the hijackers had After his announcement, Faust criticism here. Paul Mifsud said the death toll in the liamentary inquiries Into how the closed off negotiations, not even al· had nothing but praise for Hesburgh Mubarak accused Ubya of spon· hijacking and commando raid was deaths occurred. lowing nine children off the plane, and joyce, saying how grateful he sorlng the gunmen who seized the 59. He said one passenger was shot when the pilot radioed the control was that they had stuck with him for plane and told reporters he sent the to death by the hijackers and the ot· A senior army officer, speaking on tower to "please do something. the duration of his five-year con, soldiers to Malta to storm the jet· her 58 people died during the com· condition of anonymity, said that he They're going to kill us all ... You tract. liner only after the pilot reported: mando operation. and colleagues with whom he had have to storm the plane or we will all "I can't thank enough Father Hcs­ 'they're going to kill us all." Hijackers took over Flight MS648 spoken were "shocked at the num· die." burgh and Father joyce, who arc just Mubarak blamed the deaths on Saturday evening on a flight from At· ber of people killed." unbelievable people, and the Uni· hens, Greece, to Cairo and forced It But such comment was atypical. Egypt sent 80 commandos, and the hijackers, who he said were the See FAUST, page 6 to land on the Mediterranean island An Egyptian diplomat said the com· Malta gave permission for the attack. of Malta. They Jet 11 women go and mando raid had made Mubarak Although Mubarak said Ubya's shot three American passengers and "more stable politically than Ire was "connection (to the hijacking) Is two Israelis, killing one of the last week" because it Improved his very clear," he would not Indicate Last issue Correction Americans, and threw them from the standing with the military, which he what action Egypt would take. On Because of an editing error, a plane. said is the key to political stability In Sunday, he reinforced Egypt's forces This will be the last issue of headline on Monday's front page Maltese authorities said that 27 Egypt. ' on the Ubyan border and declared a The Observer before Thanksglv· was incorrect. The resident assis· survivors of the commando raid The official Middle East News state of alert there. ing break. The newspaper will tants will meet with Associate were hospitalized, including the Agency said telegrams of congratula· Ubya denied Involvement In the resume publication Dec. 3. The Vice President for Residence Ufe man alleged to have led the hijack tlon were sent to Mubarak by hijacking. Its official news agency, Observer staff wishes everyone a John Goldrick. team. The pilot, Hani Gala!, returned leaders of all provinces, members 'Of JANA, described the raid as "stupid safe and happy Thanksgiving. to Cairo. his ruling National Democratic and clumsy." The Observer Wednesday, November 27, 1985- page 2 In Brief Eliminating parietals would prove I University has faith in its students A fundraiser for Kevin Hurley raised S650, according to Andrew Souder, one of the Zahm Hall residents involved in the ef­ "First they tell you you can't sleep alone in a strange fort. Fans were charged S I entering the Notre Dame/Saint Mary's place. All-Star flag football game and the men's interhall football game last Then they tell you you can't sleep with somebody else. Dan Sunday. Zahm Hall residents organized and worked the fundraiser. I mean, sooner or later you sleep in your own place. Non-Varsitv Athletics Director Thomas Kelly also was involved in Either way it's okay, you wake up with yourself" McCullough the effort -Tbe Observer -"My Life," Billy Joel. News tditor The second most popular rumor on the Notre Dame campus, after "Gil Thorpe will be the new head football coach," is that the open grassy space between the nature of the intellectual environment. Simply because Of Interest Pasquerillas and the Memorial Ubrary is going to be the students are citizens ofthe Notre Dame community and location of two new dorms - and they are going to be agree to abide by the rules of the University does not coed. necessarily mean students have to like the rules or ac­ For those staying over break, Saint Mary's Of course, if the University were to allow coed cept them unquestioningly.
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