11/14/2017 Packages · msys2/msys2 Wiki · GitHub msys2 / msys2 Packages David Macek edited this page on May 10 · 5 revisions #!/bin/sh Pages 19 This is a pacman dump of all the packages we provide as of 2017-05-01. The commands used to re-generate this Find a Page… list are listed below. Home LANG=C { Contributing to MSYS2 cat "$0" | sed -r \ Creating Packages -e "s/_([0-9-]+)_/_$(date +%Y-%m-%d)_/" \ -e '/^## /q' Devtopics echo { Distributing pacman -Ss | grep '^mingw64/' -A 1 pacman -Ss | grep '^msys/' -A 1 FAQ } | sed -r \ GDB qtcreator -e 's/ \[installed.*\]//' \ -e 's#^mingw64/([^ ]+)#<br/>mingw/<b>\1</b>#' \ History -e 's#^msys/([^ ]+)#<br/>msys/<b>\1</b>#' \ -e 's/-x86_64//' \ How does MSYS2 differ from -e 's/$/<br\/>/' \ Cygwin -e 's/~/:/' } > "$0_" Launchers mv "$0_" "$0" MSYS2 installation exit MSYS2 introduction The list MSYS2 reinstallation Packages Porting Show 4 more pages… Clone this wiki locally https://github.com/msys2/ms Clone in Desktop https://github.com/msys2/msys2/wiki/Packages 1/80 11/14/2017 Packages · msys2/msys2 Wiki · GitHub mingw/mingw-w64-3proxy 0.8.9-1 3proxy - tiny free proxy server (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-MinHook 1.3.3-1 The Minimalistic x86/x64 API Hooking Library for Windows (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-OpenSceneGraph 3.5.5-4 Open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-OpenSceneGraph-debug 3.5.5-4 Open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit (debug) (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-SDL 1.2.15-7 A library for portable low-level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, and keyboard (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-SDL2 2.0.5-1 A library for portable low-level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, and keyboard (Version 2) (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-SDL2_gfx 1.0.1-2 SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functions wrapped up in an addon library for the Simple Direct Media (SDL) cross-platform API layer mingw/mingw-w64-SDL2_image 2.0.1-2 A simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces (Version 2) mingw/mingw-w64-SDL2_mixer 2.0.1-3 A simple multi-channel audio mixer (Version 2) (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-SDL2_net 2.0.1-1 A small sample cross-platform networking library (Version 2) (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-SDL2_ttf 2.0.14-1 A library that allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications (Version 2) (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-SDL_gfx 2.0.25-3 SDL Graphic Primitives (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-SDL_image 1.2.12-5 A simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-SDL_mixer 1.2.12-5 A simple multi-channel audio mixer (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-SDL_net 1.2.8-1 A small sample cross-platform networking library (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-SDL_ttf 2.0.11-4 A library that allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-a52dec 0.7.4-3 A free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-adns 1.4.g10.7-1 adns is an asyncronous replacement resolver library (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-adwaita-icon-theme 3.22.0-1 GNOME icon theme (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-ag 0.31.0.r1666.0e577cc-1 https://github.com/msys2/msys2/wiki/Packages 2/80 11/14/2017 Packages · msys2/msys2 Wiki · GitHub The Silver Searcher: An attempt to make something better than ack, which itself is better than grep (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-allegro Portable library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-angleproject-git 2.1.r5684-1 ANGLE project built from git source (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-ansicon-git 1.70.r65.3acc7a9-2 Process ANSI escape sequences for Windows console programs (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-antiword 0.37-2 Convert MS Word 2.0-2003 documents to plain text or PostScript (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-antlr3 3.5.2-1 ANother Tool for Language Recognition (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-antlr4-runtime-cpp 4.6-1 ANother Tool for Language Recognition v4 (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-apr 1.5.2-2 The Apache Portable Runtime (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-apr-util 1.5.4-2 The Apache Portable Runtime (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-aria2 1.24.0-1 A multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-aribb24 1.0.3-2 A library for ARIB STD-B24, decoding JIS 8 bit characters and parsing MPEG-TS stream (mingw- w64) mingw/mingw-w64-armadillo 7.500.0-1 C++ linear algebra library (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-arpack 3.4.0-1 Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-aspell A spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-aspell-de 20030222-1 German dictionary for aspell (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-aspell-en 7.1-1 English dictionary for aspell (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-aspell-es 1.11.2-1 Spanish dictionary for aspell (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-aspell-fr 0.50-1 French dictionary for aspell (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-aspell-ru 0.99f7.1-1 Russian dictionary for aspell (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-assimp 3.3.1-1 Portable Open Source library to import various well-known 3D model formats in an uniform manner (mingw-w64) https://github.com/msys2/msys2/wiki/Packages 3/80 11/14/2017 Packages · msys2/msys2 Wiki · GitHub mingw/mingw-w64-astyle 2.05.1-2 A free, fast and small automatic formatter for C, C++, C#, and Java source code (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-atk 2.24.0-1 A library providing a set of interfaces for accessibility (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-atkmm 2.24.2-2 C++ bindings for atk (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-avrdude 6.3-1 Software for programming Atmel AVR Microcontrollers (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-aztecgen 1.0.1-1 A simple library for encoding "Aztec Code" barcodes (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-babl 0.1.24-1 Dynamic Pixel Format Translation Library (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-badvpn 1.999.130-2 NCD scripting language, tun2socks proxifier, P2P VPN (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-binutils 2.28-1 (mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain) A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-blender 2.78.c-1 A fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-boost 1.63.0-1 Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-box2d 2.3.1-2 2D rigid body simulation library for games (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-breakpad-git r1451.8915f7b-1 An open-source multi-platform crash reporting system (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-breakpad-svn r1471-1 An open-source multi-platform crash reporting system (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-bsdfprocessor 1.1.6-1 Application for displaying and editing of BSDF files (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-bullet 2.86-1 A 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library for games and animation (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-bullet-debug 2.86-1 A 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library for games and animation (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-bwidget 1.9.10-1 A companion to Tcllib, for Tk related packages (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-bzip2 1.0.6-6 A high-quality data compression program (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-c-ares 1.12.0-1 C library that performs DNS requests and name resolves asynchronously (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-c99-to-c89-git r169.b3d496d-1 Tool to convert C99 code to MSVC-compatible C89 (git) (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-ca-certificates 20170211-2 Common CA certificates (mingw-w64) https://github.com/msys2/msys2/wiki/Packages 4/80 11/14/2017 Packages · msys2/msys2 Wiki · GitHub mingw/mingw-w64-cairo 1.15.4-4 Cairo vector graphics library (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-cairomm 1.12.0-2 C++ bindings to Cairo vector graphics library (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-catch 1.6.0-1 Multi-paradigm automated test framework for C++ and Objective-C (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-ccache 3.3.3-1 A compiler cache (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-cccl 1.0-1 Unix cc compiler to Microsoft's cl compiler wrapper (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-cego 2.32.7-1 Cego database system (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-celt 0.11.3-3 Low-latency audio communication codec (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-cereal 1.1.2-1 A C++11 library for serialization (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-ceres-solver 1.12.0-1 A large scale non-linear optimization library (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-cfitsio 3.380-1 A library of C and Fortran subroutines for reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-cgal 4.9.1-1 Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-check 0.10.0-1 A unit testing framework for C (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-chipmunk 7.0.1-1 A high-performance 2D rigid body physics library (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-chromaprint 1.4-1 Library that implements a custom algorithm for extracting fingerprints from any audio source (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-clang 3.9.1-3 C language family frontend for LLVM (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-clang-analyzer 3.9.1-3 A source code analysis framework (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-clang-analyzer35 3.5.2-1 A source code analysis framework mingw/mingw-w64-clang-tools-extra 3.9.1-3 Extra tools built using Clang's tooling APIs (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-clang-tools-extra35 3.5.2-1 Extra tools built using Clang's tooling APIs mingw/mingw-w64-clang35 3.5.2-1 C language family frontend for LLVM https://github.com/msys2/msys2/wiki/Packages 5/80 11/14/2017 Packages · msys2/msys2 Wiki · GitHub mingw/mingw-w64-clucene CLucene - a C++ search engine (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-clutter 1.26.0-1 A GObject based library for creating fast, visually rich graphical user interfaces (mingw-w64) mingw/mingw-w64-clutter-gst
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