Index to Volume 122 Compiled by Leslie Cody

Index to Volume 122 Compiled by Leslie Cody

12_122(4)_Index.qxd:121(4)_CFN 2007 3/31/10 1:51 PM Page 383 Index to Volume 122 Compiled by Leslie Cody Aaboe, K., 247 ochroleuca , 200 Abies balsamea , 118,169,213,226,231 Alfalfa, 346 grandes , 52 Allonemobius griseus griseus , 110 lasiocarpa , 206 Alnus sp., 30,301 Acer sp., 120,226 rugosa , 118 negundo , 228 Amara quenseli , 109 platinoides , 226 Ambloplites , 305 rubrum , 113,228 rupestris , 303 rubrum var. rubrum , 19 Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. artemisiifolia , 18 saccharinum , 228 psilostachya , 113 saccharum , 118,153,213,228 Amelanchier sp., 212 saccharum var. saccharum , 18 alnifolia , 52 spicatum , 19,118 arborea var. arborea , 18,116 Achillea lanulosa , 17 bartramiana , 214 millefolium var. occidentalis , 17 laevis , 18,106 Actaea pachypoda , 19 sanguinea var. sanguinea , 18 rubra ssp. rubra , 19 stolonifera , 6,106 Agalinis tenuifolia , 106 American-aster, New England, 18 Agelaius phoeniceus , 22 Purple-stem, 19 Agelenopsis potteri , 111 Sky-blue, 16 Agkistrodon mokasen , 73 White Arrow, 16 Agrimonia gryposepala , 18 White Health, 16 Agropyron cristatum , 346 Ammocrypta pellucida , 239 repens , 346 Ammocrypta pellucida , in Two Lake Champlain Tributaries, spicatum , 346 Habitat Use by the Eastern Sand Darter, 239 Agrostis scabra , 19 Ammodramus savannarum , 111 Agrotus vestula , 109 Ammodytes sp., 340 Agueweed, 8 Ammophila sp., 110 Alaska, Evidence for Higher Soil Temperature and Potassium harti , 110 Promoting Invasion of the Common Dandelion, Tar- kennedyi , 110 axacum officinale , in Denali National Park and Pre- urnaria , 110 serve, 67 Amphicarpaea bracteata var. bracteata , 18 Alaska, Nesting Biology of Lesser Canada Geese, Branta Anaphalis margaritacea , 17,116 canadensis parvipes , along the Tanana River, 29 Anaxyrus , 94 Alberta, and Wyoming, Gray Wolves, Canis lupus , Killed by americanus , 160 Cougars, Puma concolor , and a Grizzly Bear, Ursus Andersen, D.E., 129 arctos , in Montana, 76 Andropogon sp., 106 Alberta, Bullsnake, Pituophis catenifer sayi , Nesting Biology gerardii , 6 in, 138 virginicus var. virginicus , 19 Alberta, Evidence of Arboreal Lichen Use in Peatlands by Anemone cylindrica , 7,106 White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus , in North- quinquefolia , 8 eastern, 230 quinquefolia var. quinqefolia , 19 Alberta, Evidence of Raccoon, Procyon lotor , Range Exten- virginiana var. virginiana , 19 sion in Northern, 176 Anisodactylus sp., 109 Alberta, Rumen Papillae Morphology of Mule Deer, Odo- merula , 109 coileus hemionus , and White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus rusticus , 109 virginianus , from East-central, 179 Antelope-brush, 346 Alberta, within Differing Habitats and Management Intensity Antennaria howellii ssp. petaloidea , 17 Levels, The Density of Beaver, Castor canadensis , parlinii ssp. fallax , 18 Activities along Camrose Creek, 299 Apeltes quadracus , 340 Alces alces , 50,77,173,179,231,273,324 Apocynum androsaemifolium , 16,116 Alder, 30,301 Aquila chrysaetos , 268 Rough, 118 Aquila chrysaetos , Nest, Egg Predation at a Golden Eagle, Alectoria sp., 231 268 nigricans , 200 Aquilegia canadensis , 17 383 12_122(4)_Index.qxd:121(4)_CFN 2007 3/31/10 1:51 PM Page 384 384 THE CANADIAN FIELD -N ATURALIST Vol. 122 Arabis divaricarpa , 6 Bear, Ursus arctos , in Montana, Alberta, and Wyoming, Gray glabra , 6 Wolves, Canis lupus , Killed by Cougars, Puma con- hirsuta var. pycnocarpa , 6 color , and a Grizzly, 76 holboellii var. retrofracta , 6 Bearberry, Red, 17 Aralia hispida , 212 Beard, Old Man’s, 231 nudicaulis , 18,212 Beardtongue, Foxglove, 20 racemosa , 214 Hairy, 17 Arborvitae, Eastern, 18,117 Bears, Ursus americanus , in Quebec, Factors Influencing the Archilochus colubris , 154 Abundance of Berry Plants for Black, 212 Arctostaphylos alpina , 214 Bears, Ursus arctos , in Wapusk National Park, Northeastern uva-ursi , 6,214 Manitoba, Grizzly, 323 Ardea herodias , 73 Beaver, 31,169,173,176,299,308 Arenaria serpyllifolia , 19 Beaver, Castor canadensis , Activities along Camrose Creek, Aristida basiramea , 113 Alberta, within Differing Habitats and Management Arrow-wood, Downy, 19 Intensity Levels, The Density of, 299 Maple-leaf, 18 Bedstraw, Licorice, 18 Artemesia campestris , 8 Beetle, 78 campestris ssp. borealis var. scouleriana , 6 Mountain Pine, 205 norvegica , 346 Tiger, 109 tridentata , 53,346 Beetle Remains Discovered in a Pellet from a Great Gray Asclepias exaltata , 7 Owl, Strix nebulosa , Nest, Dytiscid, 78 syriaca , 7,116 Beier, P., 49 tuberosa , 12 Bembix sp., 110 tuberosa ssp. tuberosa , 6 americana spinolae , 110 Ash, Mountain, 212 pallidipicta , 110 Prickly, 20 Bent, Rough, 19 Asher, V.J., 76 Berberis repens , 52 Aspen, 61,205,222,265 Bergamot, 1 Big-toothed, 18,265 Bergman, C., 76 Quaking, 17 Bertram, S.M., 73 Trembling, 52,117,173,176,179,205,228,231,299 Betula sp., 120 Aster macrophyllus , 18 alleghaniensis , 118,213 Aster, Amethyst, 20 papyrifera , 116,118,173,213,301 Wavy-leaf American, 8 papyrifera var. papyrifera , 19 Atrytone logan ssp. logan , 109 populifolia , 106,169 Aulacomnium palustre , 200 Bindweed, Low False, 16,116 turgidum , 200 Birch, Gray [Grey], 116,169 Avens, White, 20 Paper, 19,73,116,213 Yellow, 20 White, 118,301 Aythya affinis , 21 Yellow, 118,213 valisineria , 24 Biro, P.A. and M.S. Ridgway. Repeatability of Foraging Aythya americana, 24 Tactics in Young Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis , Aythya affinis , Eye Colour, Aging, and Decoy Trap Bias in 40 Lesser Scaup, 21 Bison bison , 171,180 Bison, 171,180 Baccharus pilularis , 80 Bison bison , Allonursing and Cooperative Birthing Behavior Badger, American, 111 in Yellowstone Bison, 171 Ballard, W.B., 253 Bison, Bison bison , Allonursing and Cooperative Birthing Balsamorhiza sagittata , 346 Behavior in Yellowstone, 171 Balsamroot, 346 Bittersweet, American, 19 Baneberry, Red, 19 Black-eyed-Susan, 17,109 White, 19 Black-snakeroot, Maryland, 19 Bangs, E.E., 76 Blackberry, Allegheny, 17,117 Bass, Black, 303 Blackbird, Red-winged, 22 Rock, 303 Blarina brevicauda , 120 Basswood, American, 19 Blue-eyed-grass, Strict, 18 Bastard-toadflax, 17 Bluebell-of-Scotland, 17 Beamish, R.J. and J. Wade. Critical Habitat and the Conser- Blueberry, 212,324 vation Ecology of the Freshwater Parasitic Lamprey, Highbush, 8 Lampetra macrostoma , 327 Late Lowbush, 17 Bear, American Black, 111,167 Lowbush, 8 Black, 71,212 Bluestem, Big, 16 Brown, 77 Little False, 17 Grizzly, 31,76,172,272,323 Boal, C.W., 129 Polar, 132,324 Bobcat, 167 12_122(4)_Index.qxd:121(4)_CFN 2007 3/31/10 1:51 PM Page 385 2008 INDEX TO VOLUME 122 385 Bombycilla cedrorum , 154 Buttercup, Bristly, 19 Bonasa umbellus , 169 Early, 20,94 Boreal Dip Net / L’Epuisette Boreal , The , 194 Labrador, 17 Botrychium dissectum , 8 multifidum , 7 Calidris alpina , 275 obliquum , 8 pusilla , 274 Botrylloides violaceus , 342 Calidris pusilla , at Farrier’s Cove, Shepody Bay, New Bruns- Botryllus schlosseri , 342 wick, Cliff Roosting by Migrant Semipalmated Sand- Boutin, S., 230 pipers, 274 Bracken, 117 Callophrys niphon , 108 Branta canadensis , 29,134,324 Caloplaca cerina , 200 canadensis moffitti , 31 cerina holocarpa , 200 canadensis parvipes , 29 holocarpa , 201 hutchinsii , 36 Calystegia spithamaea , 106 hutchinsii hutchinsii , 29 spithamaea ssp. spithamaea , 6,116 hutchinsii minima , 29 Campanula rotundifolia , 7 hutchinsii taverneri , 29 Canada Geese, Branta canadensis parvipes , along the Tanana ruficollis , 32 River, Alaska, Nesting Biology of Lesser, 29 Branta canadensis parvipes , along the Tanana River, Alaska, Canada Lynx, Lynx canadensis , Use of the Chignecto Isthmus Nesting Biology of Lesser Canada Geese, 29 and the Possibility of Gene Flow between Populations British Columbia, Abundance Trends for Hexanchus griseus , in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, 166 Bluntnose Sixgill Shark, and Hydrolagus colliei , Canada, with a Review of Evidence for Resident Relict Spotted Ratfish, Counted at an Automated Under- Populations of the Tautog in Nova Scotia and New water Observation Station in the Strait of Georgia, Brunswick, Winter Predation by River Otter, Lontra 124 canadensis , on Tautog, Tauto onitis , at Western Arm British Columbia, Dynamics of Peripheral Populations of Jeddore Harbour, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, 247 Great Basin Pocket Mice, Perognathus parvus , and Canadian Association of Herpetologists / Association Cana- Western Harvest Mice, Reithrodontomys megalotis , dienne des Herpetologistes Bulletin , 195,377 in Southern, 345 Canadian Field-Naturalist , Advice for Contributors to The , British Columbia, Late-Winter Habitat Use by Mule Deer, 198 Odocoileus hemionus , in Central Interior, 205 Candelariella efflorescens , 200 Brome, Downy, 346 Canis latrans , 31,167,173,176,270,271,312,316 Hairy Woodland, 18 lupus , 31,49,76,172,173,176,202,222,232,273,316,324 Kalm’s, 17 lupus arctos , 142 Smooth, 104 lupus nubilus , 173 Bromus inermis , 8,99 lycaon , 173 kalmii , 6 Canis latrans , Nomadic Behavior of an Old and Formerly pubescens , 18 Territorial Eastern Coyote, 316 tectorum , 346 Canis latrans , Observed Feeding on Periodical Cicadas, Brook, R.W., 21 Magicicada septendecim , Eastern Coyotes, 271 Broom-rape, Naked, 20 Canis lupus arctos , in Northeast Greenland, 1978-1998, Re- Broom-sedge, 19 production and Mortality of the High Arctic Wolf, Bruant hudsonien , 156 142 Bruant, 154 Canis lupus , Den Site Selection in the Rocky Mountains, à gorge blanche, 156 Wolf, 49 chanteur, 157 Canis lupus , from Ages 2 to 24 Months, Weight Changes in Brush, Coyote, 80 Wild Wolves, 173 Bryocaulon divergens , 200 Canis lupus , Killed by Cougars, Puma concolor

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