NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION (CAMP SITTING AT PUDUCHERRY) (SINGLE BENCH) CAUSE LIST Coram : Justice Shri D. MURUGESAN, Hon’ble Member List of cases for 28 April, 2015 from 10.00 A.M. onwards Venue : Conference Hall, Secretariat, Goubert Avenue, Puducherry - 605001 Sl.No. Case No. Status FOR CONSIDERATION / DIRECTIONS : 1 18/32/0/2015 Non-receipt of requisite reports from District Complaint received Magistrate, Puducherry and Supdt. of Police, from Jayasree, Puducherry, vide Commission’s directions dated Kozhikode, Kerala. 03.03.2015. 2 2/32/0/2015-JCD Consideration of report dated 17.03.2015 received L/F No.13/32/0/2015- from Chief Superintendent of Jails, Puducherry. AD Intimation from District Collector & DM, Puducherry. 3 63/32/1/1/2014 Non-receipt of comments from the complainant, Complaint received vide Commission’s directions dated 07.01.2015. from D. Deisy, Karaikal, Puducherry. 4 51/32/0/2014 Consideration of report dated 20.10.2014 received Complaint received from Sr. Superintendent of Police (C&I), from U. Arun & Arul Puducherry. Kumar, Puducherry. 5 7/32/0/2014 Consideration of comments dated 05.02.2015 Complaint received received from the complainant. from Shri Mathew P. Thomas, Pathanamthitta, Kerala. 1 6 8/32/0/2013 Non-receipt of comments of the complainant, vide Complaint received Commission’s directions dated 12.02.2015. from Mrs. V. Kalaiselvi, Rathakrishnan Nagar, North Barthipuram, Puducherry. 7 49/32/0/2014 Consideration of comments dated 05.01.2015 Complaint received received from the complainant. from Suyan Joshi, Puducherry. 8 58/32/0/2014 Consideration of report dated 27.10.2014 received Complaint received from SSP(C&I), Puducherry-cum-Nodal Officer for from Sh. S. Selvam, NHRC. Kalmandapam, Puducherry. 9 57/32/0/2014 Consideration of report dated 18.11.2014 received Complaint received from Sr. Supdt. of Police (C&I)-cum-Nodal Officer from Sh. G. for NHRC, Puducherry. Sugumaran, Puducherry. 10 24/32/0/2013-BL Non-receipt of comments from the complainant, L/F 25/32/0/2013-BL vide Commission’s directions dated 21.11.2014. Complaint received from Dr. K. Krishnan, Vellore, Tamil Nadu. 11 14/32/0/2013 Non-receipt of comments from the complainant, Complaint received vide Commission’s directions dated 18.11.2014. from N. Saravanan, Puducherry. 12 59/32/0/2014 Consideration of report dated 23.12.2014 received Complaint received from the Under Secretary to Govt., Home from Sh. Sugumaran, Department, Govt. of Puducherry. Puducherry. 13 22/32/0/2014-WC Non-receipt of comments from the complainant, Complaint received vide Commission’s directions dated 19.12.2014. from Shri Subhash Mohapatra, Executive Director, Global Human Rights Communications, Puri, Odisha. 2 14 50/32/0/2014 Non-receipt of Action Taken Report from DGP, Complaint received Govt. of Puducherry (U.T), vide Commission’s from Sh. R. Ilamaran, directions dated 30.03.2015. Karaikal, Puducherry. 15 21/32/1/2015 Non-receipt of action taken report from Chief Complaint received Secretary, Govt. of U.T. of Puducherry, vide from Maheswari, Commission’s directions dated 17.03.2015. Navagraha Orphanage Ashramam, Kottucherry, Puducherry. 16 9/32/0/2015 Non-receipt of requisite report from the DGP, U.T. Complaint received of Puducherry, vide Commission’s directions dated from Virapouttiram, 01.04.2015. Puducherry. 17 19/32/0/2015 Non-receipt of requisite report from the DGP, U.T. Complaint received of Puducherry, vide Commission’s directions dated from Odhiyan Salai 01.04.2015. Police Constable, Puducherry. 18 24/32/0/2015 Non-receipt of requisite report from the Chief Complaint received Secretary, Govt. of Puducherry (U.T.), vide from Sh. J. Commission’s directions dated 01.04.2015. Thamilarasan, Secretary, The Pondicherry Housing Board Employees’ Union, Nellithope, Puducherry. 19 32/32/0/2013 Non-receipt of requisite report from DGP, UT of L/F 39/32/1/2013 Puducherry, vide Commission’s directions dated Complaint received 11.02.2015. from Sh. M.M.Y. Hamidou Maraicar, Karaikal, Puducherry. 20 38/32/0/2012 Non-receipt of inquiry report from the Chief Complaint received Secretary, Govt. of Puducherry (U.T.), vide from Sh. Chezhiyan, Commission’s directions dated 10.11.2014. Kanapathichettikulam, Puducherry. 3 21 42/32/0/2013 Non-receipt of requisite reports from Chief L/F 49/32/0/2013-WC Secretary, Govt. of Puducherry and SSP (Crime & Complaint received Intelligence), UT of Puducherry, vide Commission’s from R.H. Bansal, New directions dated 30.12.2014. Delhi. 22 64/32/0/2013 Non-receipt of (i) requisite from SSP, Puducherry Complaint received and (ii) Comments from the complainant, vide from Sh. R. Babu, Commission’s directions dated 02.01. Puducherry. 23 66/32/0/2013-WC Non-receipt of report on the steps taken regarding Complaint received treatment and rehabilitation of the victim from DM, from Sh. Subash Puducherry and (ii) Non-receipt of current status / Mohapatra, Executive outcome of the investigation of Case Director, Global Human Cr.No.252/2013 from SSP, Puducherry, vide Rights Commission’s directions dated 13.04.2015. Communications, Puri, Odisha. 24 52/32/0/2013 Non-receipt of inquiry report from DGP, UT of L/F 54/32/4/2013 Puducherry, vide Commission’s directions dated Complaint received 09.08.2014. from Ms. Kommu Kumari, Puducherry. 25 8/32/0/2012-PCD Non-receipt of compliance report from Chief L/F 9/32/0/2012-AD, Secretary, Govt. of UT of Puducherry, vide 11/32/0/2012-AD, Commission’s directions dated 15.04.2015. 15/32/0/2012-AD, 24/32/0/2012-AD & 31/32/0/2012-AD. Intimation received from Collector & District Magistrate, Puducherry. 26 27/32/1/2014 Non-receipt of requisite report from Superintendent Complaint received of Police, Karaikal, Pondicherry, vide Commission’s from J. Vignesh, directions dated 21.04.2014 and 26.02.2015. Karaikal, Puducherry. 27 44/32/1/2014 Non-receipt of Action Taken Report from District Complaint received Magistrate, Karaikal, Pondicherry, vide from Sh. K. Commission’s directions dated 04.06.2014. Viswanathan, Karaikal District, Puducherry. 4 28 23/32/2/2013 Non-receipt of requisite report from the Complaint received Commissioner (Excise), Govt. of U.T. of from Vasumathi.M, Pondicherry, vide Commission’s directions dated Mahe, Pondicherry. 26.02.2015. 29 34/32/0/2014 Non-receipt of requisite reports from (i) Secretary, L/F 43/32/0/2014 Deptt. of Higher Education, Ministry of Human L/F 53/32/0/2014 Resource Development, Shastri Bhawan, New Complaint received Delhi, (ii) Vice Chancellor, Pondicherry University from the Students of Pondicherry University. and (iii) SSP, UT of Puducherry, vide Commission’s directions dated 22.12.2014. 30 86/32/0/2014 Consideration of report dated 12.02.2015 received Complaint received from Under Secretary to Govt.(Health), Govt. of from Nivedita Prasad, Puducherry. Puducherry. 31 40/32/0/2012-JCD Non-receipt of enquiry report from District Intimation received from Magistrate, Puducherry, vide Commission’s DM, Pondicherry. directions dated 27.06.2014. 32 41/32/0/2013 Non-receipt of comments from the complainant, Complaint received vide Commission’s directions dated 23.06.2014. from Sh. R. Rajalekshmi, Jeevanandapuram, Puducherry. 33 57/32/0/2013 Consideration of report dated 30.09.2014 received Complaint received from Joint Secretary to Government-cum-Director of from Shri A. School Education, Directorate of School Education, Narayanan, a Social Puducherry. Activist, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 34 26/32/1/2014 Consideration of report dated 23.05.2014 received Complaint received from Sr. Supdt. of Police (C&I)-cum-Nodal from Shri V. Officer(NHRC), Puducherry. Vignesh,Karaikal, Pondicherry. 35 48/32/0/2012 Non-receipt of requisite report from SSP(L&O), Complaint from Smt. Puducherry, vide Commission’s directions dated Leena, Puducherry. 10.09.2014. 5 36 21/32/2/2014 Consideration of communication dated 27.05.2014 Complaint received received from District Collector, Deptt. Of Revenue from K. Velayudhan & Disaster Management, Govt. of Puducherry, Nambiar, Mahe, seeking extension of time for submission of the Puducherry. action taken report. 37 56/32/4/2011-AD Consideration of Analysis of reports submitted by L/F 57/32/4/2011-PCD the Investigation Division of the Commission. Intimation received from Distt. Magistrate, Puducherry. 38 44/32/1/2013 Non-receipt of comments from the complainant, Complaint received vide Commission’s directions dated 15.04.2014. from Sh. Haja Mohideen, Karaikkal, Puducherry. 39 67/32/0/2014-WC Consideration of report dated 24.11.2014 received Complaint received from SSP (C&I)-cum-Nodal Officer, NHRC, from Dr. Subash Puducherry. Mohapatra, Executive Director, Global Human Rights Communications, Khurda, Odisha. 40 27/32/0/2012-WC Non-receipt of comments from the complainant, Complaint received vide Commission’s directions dated 05.08.2014. from K. Malliga, Headmistress, Govt. Primary School Navarkulam, Puducherry. 41. 51/32/0/2013 Consideration of report dated 30.07.2014 received Complaint received from Secretary to Govt.(Labour Deptt), Govt. of from Shri Akhand, Puducherry. Journalist & Managing Trustee of India Media Centre, Puri, Odisha. 6 7 8 NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION (CAMP SITTING AT PUDUCHERRY) (SINGLE BENCH) CAUSE LIST Coram : Justice Shri D. MURUGESAN, Hon’ble Member, NHRC Tuesday, 28 th APRIL, 2015 10.00 A.M. onwards Venue : Conference Hall, Secretariat, Goubert Avenue, Puducherry-605001 DISTRICTWISE CASES IN THE U.T. OF PUDUCHERRY {{ Cause List for 28 th APRIL, 2015 Sl.No. Case No. Complainant/ District (Incident Place) Intimation received from 1 18/32/0/2015 Jayasree, Kozhikode, Mahe, Pondicherry Kerala. 2 2/32/0/2015-JCD Intimation from District Puducherry L/F Collector and D.M., No.13/32/0/2015- Puducherry AD 3 63/32/1/1/2014 D.
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