THE CITY RECORD. INDEX FOR FEBRUARY, 1928. t r ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF— ALDERMEN, BOARD OF— ALDERMEN, BOARD OF— Changes in the department, etc., 995, 1018, 1040, 1424. Finance, Committee on, report of the— Public Letting, Committee on, report of the— In favor of adopting resolution amending a resolution In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Presi- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF— for special revenue bonds, $25,000, for making re- American Legion, T. J. Oakley Rhinelander 2d, Post dent of the Borough of Manhattan to contract for pairs to and waterproofing the Soldiers and Sailors No. 6, request for amendment to chapter 1, of article the making safe of roadways, sidewalks and sewers Monument in Riverside drive by extending the time 2, section 8, of the Code of Ordinances, relating to during the year 1928 when emergency arises, with- for use thereof to December 31, 1928, 984, 1217. out public letting; amount, $10,000, 1215, 1406, office hours, 1556. In favor of adopting a resolution amending resolution In favor of adopting resolution authorizing County An ordinance to amend section 2 of article 1 of chapter granting permission to the Church of Mount Carmel, Clerk, Bronx County, to purchase photostat equip- 11 of the Code of Ordinances, relating to the dis- Borough of Manhattan, to construct and maintain a ment, without public letting; amount, $5,470.50, 1215, charge of small-arms, 1574. vault without payment of the usual fee, 984, 1220. 1406. Assessors, Board of, summary of report for 1927 sub- In favor of adopting resolution amending a resolution In favor of adopting resolution authorizing Commis- mitted to his Honor the Mayor, 1215. for special revenue bonds, $75,000, for rehabilitation sioner of Purchase to purchase typewriting machines Brooklyn, President, Secretary, Borough of, transmit- and repair of old County Court House in City Hall for the Law Department, without public letting: ting report of President for the year 1926, 1211. Park by extending the time for use thereof, 1404. cost, $1,421.28, 1216, 1406. Buildings and Sites, Committee on, Chairman, Board of In favor of adopting an ordinance providing for an In favor of adopting resolution of the Board of Esti- Education, request for approval of resolutions adopted issue of corporate stock, $60,000, for the purchase mate and Apportionment authorizing the expenditure by Board of Estimate and Apportionment in 1927 of certain lands for use of the Department of of $12,000 for expense of reception to William making appropriations for payment of rentals of prem- Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, 1220. Thomas Cosgrave, President of the Irish Free In favor of adopting an ordinance providing for an ises used as annexes for school purposes, 1212. State, without public letting, 1216, 1406. issue of corporate stock, $60,000, for the purchase of Chief City Magistrate, request for special revenue bonds, In favor of adopting resolution, authorizing 'Commis- certain lands for use of the Department of Water to be used to establish the minimum pay of Probation sioner of Purchase to purchase sprayer attachment Supply, Gas and Electricity, 984. Officers in the City Magistrates' Courts, commencing for motor vehicles for the Department of Parks, In favor of adopting an ordinance selecting a site for July 1, 1928, 981. Borough of The Bronx, without public letting; the location of a modern waste disposal plant in the cost, $3,945, 1216, 1406. Chief Clerk, County Court, Kings County, request for Borough of The Bronx for use of the Department In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Com- appropriation of $3,500 to pay for office furniture of Street Cleaning, 9$7. missioner of Purchase to purchase filing equipment needed in the chambers of the County Judges, 981. In favor of adopting an ordinance selecting a site for for the Municipal Civil Service Commission, without Court of Special Sessions, Chief Clerk report for the the construction of a new Children's Court House in public letting; cost, $1,810, 1216, 1406. year 1927, 1556. the Fourth Ward, Queens, 1404, 1573. Code of Ordinances, amendment of, relating to— In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Board In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Sheriff Definitions and application for permits, 988. of Education to draw on account of various con- of Richmond County to purchase an automobile, Fees for permits for illuminated signs, 987. tingent expenses, 984. without public letting; cost, $1,195, 1216, 1407. Deeds, Commissioner of, resolution appointing various In favor of adopting resolution authorizing an issue In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Com- persons, 987, 1221, 1407, 1574. of special revenue bonds, $22,200, for revision of missioner of Purchase to purchase two automobiles Designating Avenue T, Brooklyn, as a play street, 1221. the land maps of the County of Richmond, County for the Department of Plant and Structures, without Designating Corona plaza, in the Borough of Queens, Clerk, Richmond County, 1403, 1573. public letting, giving in part exchange one old machine; net cost, $12,680, 1216. 1574. In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Board Designating Fordham plaza, in the Borough of The of Education to draw on account of various con- In favor of adopting resolution authorizing Sheriff, tingent expenses, 1219. Bronx County, to purchase an automobile, without Bronx, 1574. public letting ; amount, $4,025, 985, 1218. Designating Sheridan avenue, The Bronk, as a play In favor of adopting resolution granting permission to the Sisters of Reparation of St. Zita, Borough of In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Presi- street, 988. Designating West 170th street, The Bronx, as a play Manhattan, to construct and maintain a vault with- dent, Borough of Brooklyn, to purchase fuel oil, out payment of the usual fee, 1404. without public letting; amount, $21,000, 985. street, 988, 1221. In favor of adopting resolution authorizing Board of Designating York drive, in the Borough of Manhattan, Governor, his Excellency the, transmitting report of the Industrial Commissioner on unemployment conditions Education to contract for transportation of pupils 1221. Designating 10th avenue, Brooklyn, as a play street, 1221. in the State of New York, 1554. during the year 1928, without public letting; amount, Manhattan, President, Borough of, request for further $40,000, 985, 1218. Establishment of various grades of positions— amendment of special revenue bonds, $75,000, for re- In favor of adopting resolution authorizing Board of Assistant Industrial Instructor in the Department of habilitation and repair to old County Court House in Education to purchase perishable and necessary sup- Public Welfare, 1214, 1405, 1573. City Hall Park, 1211. plies for school luncheons during the year 1928, Chief Clerk and Deputy Chief Clerk in the City Mag- Minutes of stated meetings held— without public letting ; amount, $20,000, 985, 1219. istrates' Courts, 1214, 1404. January 31, 1928, 972. In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Com- Clerk in office of the Register of Kings County, 1403, February 7, 1928, 1182. missioner of Purchase to purchase typewriting ma- 1573. February 14, 1928, 1402. chines for the Police Department, without public County Detective in the County Court, Bronx County, February 21, 1928, 1554. letting, 985, 1219. 1215, 1405, 1574. Mount Hope Cemetery Association, application of, for County Detective in the County Court of Kings In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Presi- the consent of the Board of Aldermen of The City dent of the Borough of Richmond to purchase County, 983, 1217, 1407. of New York to the acquisition and setting apart of County Detective in office of the District Attorney motor vehicle repair parts and replacements, coal certain lands in the County of Kings for cemetery and motor oil, without public letting, 985, 1219. of New York County, 1403, 1572. purposes, 972. In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Board County Clerk, Kings County, 1214. Parks, Commissioner of, Borough of Manhattan— of Trustees, Supreme Court Law Library, Borough Inspector of Construction in office of the Bellevue Request for special revenue bonds, $18,000, for the of Richmond, to purchase law books, without public and Allied Hospitals, 1403, 1572. purpose of repairing and replacing in a safe con- letting, 986, 1219. Parks, Department of, Borough of Manhattan, 982. dition the southwest and southeast towers of the In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Chief Playground Director in the Department of Parks, American Museum of Natural History, 1556. City Magistrate to purchase an automobile, without 1572. Request for special revenue bonds for the purpose of public letting, 986, 1219. installing fire prevention equipment, etc., on the Trolley Car Mechanic in the Department of Plant In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Com- and Structures, 1572. Aquarium Building, to relieve violations filed by the Fire Department, 981. missioner of Purchase to purchase equipment for Superintendent of Construction in Department of Cor- the new Surgical Ward, Kings County Hospital, rection, 984, 1217. Plant and Structures, Department of, request that the without public letting, 986, 1219. Various grades in the office of the County Clerk, Commissioners of Purchase be authorized to purchase In favor of adopting resolution authorizing the Police Kings County, 1404, 1573. two automobiles for the Department of Plant and Commissioner to contract for boarding, stabling and Various grades of positions in office of District At- Structures, without public letting, giving in part ex- shoeing of horses during the year 1928, without torney of Kings County, 1403, 1572. change two old machines ; net cost, $11,980, 984. public letting; amount, $50,000, 985, 1218. Various grades of positions in the Fire Department, Police Commissioner, report of the Police Pension Fund In favor of adopting resolution authorizing Commis- 986, 1220. for the year 1927, 1182. sioner of Purchase to purchase horses for the Police Various grades in the Office of the President of the Public Administrator, New York County, annual report Department during the year 1928, without public Borough of Brooklyn, 1571.
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