![H 012155 WUWA [Publikacja 220X220] [Realiz][EN](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
WuWA was one of the six model WuWA was one of the six model housing estates by the Werkbund, housingWuWA estates was by one the of Werkbund, the six model built in Europe at the turn of the The WuWA Estate built inhousing Europe estates at the turnby the of Werkbund,the The WuWA Estate twenties of the last century. An The WuWA Estate twentiesbuilt of in the Europe last century. at the turn An of the innovative look at the urbanisation innovativetwenties look of at the the last urbanisation century. An 28 26–27 process, city overpopulation, and 28 26–27 process,innovative city overpopulation, look at the urbanisation and 26–27 society’s expectations in terms of living 28 society’sprocess, expectations city overpopulation, in terms of living and 26–27 conditions and ability to deliver the 28 26–27 conditionssociety’s and expectationsability to deliver in terms the of living The WuWA Estate 28 latest technologies in construction – The WuWA Estate 26–27 10–22 9 latest conditionstechnologies and in abilityconstruction to deliver – the 28 10–22 9 The WuWA Estate 37 these werelatest the technologies challenging aspectsin construction of – these were the challenging aspects of 29–30 37 10–22 9 7 29 30 36 7 the post-war period that urban planners – 36 37 the post-warthese were period the that challenging urban planners aspects of 29 30 7 – 36 9 and architectsthe post-war had to face.period The that model urban planners 10–22 9 3–6 and architects had to face. The model 35 37 10–22 3–6 housing estates were to present a totally 35 37 7 housingand estates architects were had to presentto face. aThe totally model 29–30 10–22 9 7 3–6 31 29–30 3536 37 new approach,housing free estates from weretraditional to present a totally 31 36 7 new approach, free from traditional 29–30 3 6 thinking, in the field of construction Contributors 31 36 – 3 6 1 thinking,new in approach, the field of free construction from traditionalContributors Wohnung und Werkraum Ausstellung 35 2 – 1 35 2 3 6 which wouldthinking, change in the its usersfield of forever. construction Contributors Wohnung und Werkraum Ausstellung – 1 which would change its users forever. 31 35 2 These estates were an experiment of 31 Thesewhich estates would were changean experiment its users of Jadwigaforever. Urbanik particular importance and its effects Jadwiga Urbanik 31 2 1 particularThese importance estates were and an its experimenteffectsDoctor of ofJadwiga Engineering Urbanik in Architecture, architect and architectural Space Work Living and 2 1 influenced the development of modern Doctor of Engineering in Architecture, architect and architectural particular importance and its effects Space Work Living and influenced the development of modernhistorian, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Architecture, Art and 2 1 architecture of the twentieth century. historian,Doctor Assistant of Engineering Professor in atArchitecture, the Institute architect of Architecture, and architectural Art and architectureinfluenced of the the twentieth development century. of modern We would like to thank all those who History historian,of Technology Assistant at the Professor University at ofthe Technology Institute of in Architecture, Wrocław; Art and We would like to thank all those who architecture of the twentieth century.History of Technology at the University of Technology in Wrocław; a member of the international organisation DoCoMoMo since 1990, have beenWe wouldinvolved like in to the thank completion all those who a memberHistory of ofthe Technology international at theorganisation University DoCoMoMo of Technology since in Wrocław;1990, have been involved in the completion The WuWA housing estate was a membera member of the International of the international Committee organisation for Technology DoCoMoMo Matters since at 1990, of this haveproject. been In involvedparticular, in we the would completion FOUNTAIN The WuWA housing estate was a member of the International Committee for Technology Matters at of this project. In particular, we would FOUNTAIN a part of Thethe “LivingWuWA andhousing Working estate wasDoCoMoMo a member since of1992, the Internationaland chairwoman Committee of the Polishfor Technology section of Matters at like to ofthank this theproject. following In particular, individuals we would FOUNTAIN a part of the “Living and Working DoCoMoMo since 1992, and chairwoman of the Polish section of like to thank the following individuals Space” Exhibition, opened on June Space”a partExhibition, of the “Livingopened and on JuneWorkingDoCoMoMoDoCoMoMo since 2003; since authored1992, and various chairwoman publications of the on Polish the historysection of for theirlike invaluable to thank contributions:the following individuals DoCoMoMo since 2003; authored various publications on the history for their invaluable contributions: 15th, 1929.Space” Adolf Exhibition, Rading and opened Heinrich on June 15th, 1929. Adolf Rading and Heinrichof architectureDoCoMoMo and urban since planning2003; authored of the inter-war various publicationsperiod; involved on the history Lauterbach were the authors of the of architecture and urban planning of the inter-war period; involved for their invaluable contributions: Lauterbach15th, 1929.were the Adolf authors Rading of theand Heinrich M. Kopernika in the restorationof architecture of the and hotel urban by Hans planning Scharoun of the ininter-war Wrocław period; (WuWA involved Rafał Dutkiewicz M. Kopernika urban planningLauterbach concept. were Particular the authors of thein the restoration of the hotel by Hans Scharoun in Wrocław (WuWA Rafał Dutkiewicz urban planning concept. Particular Mayor of Wrocław WROCLAW CONGRESS CENTER M. Kopernika houses were located in landscapes to Exhibition)in the since restoration 1993. of the hotel by Hans Scharoun in Wrocław (WuWA MayorRafał of Wrocław Dutkiewicz WROCLAW CONGRESS CENTER housesurban were planning located inconcept. landscapes Particular to Exhibition) since 1993. provide the residents sufficient access Mayor of Wrocław WROCLAW CONGRESS CENTER JAPANESE GARDEN houses were located in landscapes to Exhibition) since 1993. Adam Grehl JAPANESE GARDEN provide the residents sufficient access Adam Grehl to air, light, and sun. The houses were JAPANESE GARDEN SZCZYTNICKI PARK provide the residents sufficientGrażyna access Hryncewicz-Lamber Deputy Mayor of Wrocław SZCZYTNICKI PARK to air, light, and sun. The houses were Grażyna Hryncewicz-Lamber DeputyAdam Mayor Grehl of Wrocław E designed by architects belonging to the WuWA is one of the six model housing IGLICA . E to air, light, and sun. The housesDoctor were of Engineer in Architecture, architect and architectural IGLICA D . SZCZYTNICKI PARK designed by architects belonging to the Grażyna Hryncewicz-Lamber Deputy Mayor of Wrocław emD Doctor of Engineer in Architecture, architect and architectural 31 e Silesian section of the Werkbund. Their Katarzyna Hawrylak-Brzezowska WuWuWA WuWA is one of the six model housing b E 31 om . Silesiandesigned section byof architectsthe Werkbund. belonging Their to the Katarzyna Hawrylak-Brzezowska estates created by the Werkbund, built IGLICA 31 w b D historian,Doctor Assistant of Engineer Professor in Architecture,at the Institute architect of Architecture, and architectural Art and 31 o historian, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Architecture, Art and s w em aim was to create using easy-to-copy Wrocław City Historic Preservation Officer WuWuWA k Silesian section of the Werkbund. Their Katarzyna Hawrylak-Brzezowska estates created by the Werkbund, built 31 ie s b aim was to create using easy-to-copy Wrocław City Historic Preservation Officer 31 g k o History of Technology at the University of Technology in Wrocław. in Europe at the turn of the 30s of the o ie w historian, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Architecture, Art and g s technologies, small and medium- History of Technology at the University of Technology in Wrocław. Wrocław City Historic Preservation Officer o k technologies,aim was small to create and usingmedium- easy-to-copy in Europe at the turn of the 30s of the 2929–3030 ie Piotr Fokczyński last century. These estates were an – g MemberHistory of the Lowerof Technology Silesia Chamber at the University of Architects, of Technology Polish Architects in Wrocław. Piotr Fokczyński 2929––3030 o sized flatstechnologies, which would small be functional, and medium-Member of the Lower Silesia Chamber of Architects, Polish Architects SZCZYTNICKI PARK sized flats which would be functional, Wrocław City Architect last century. These estates were an 2929–3030 Association and DoCoMoMo International; her main field of interest is Piotr Fokczyński experiment of special importance, and SZCZYTNICKI PARK – comfortable,sized with flats central which heatingwould be and functional,AssociationMember and of theDoCoMoMo Lower Silesia International; Chamber herof Architects, main field Polishof interest Architects is Wrocław City Architect CENTENNIAL 2828 comfortable, with central heating and CENTENNIAL SZCZYTNICKI PARK 28 Wrocław City Architect experiment of special importance, and HALL 3535 28 running water,comfortable, and at withthe same central time heatingthe and post-warAssociation period andin architecture; DoCoMoMo sheInternational; has designed her manymain fieldservice, of interest is Jerzy Ilkosz it influenced the development of modern HALL 3535 running water, and at the same time the post-war period in architecture; she has designed many service, Jerzy Ilkosz CENTENNIAL 2828 available to an
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