National Film Registry Title Year EIDR ID Newark Athlete 1891 10.5240/FEE2-E691-79FD-3A8F-1535-F Blacksmith Scene 1893 10.5240/2AB8-4AFC-2553-80C1-9064-6 Dickson Experimental Sound Film 1894 10.5240/4EB8-26E6-47B7-0C2C-7D53-D Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze 1894 10.5240/B1CF-7D4D-6EE3-9883-F9A7-E Rip Van Winkle 1896 10.5240/0DA5-5701-4379-AC3B-1CC2-D The Kiss 1896 10.5240/BA2A-9E43-B6B1-A6AC-4974-8 Corbett-Fitzsimmons Title Fight 1897 10.5240/CE60-6F70-BD9E-5000-20AF-U Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre 1901 10.5240/65B2-B45C-F31B-8BB6-7AF3-S President McKinley Inauguration Footage 1901 10.5240/C276-6C50-F95E-F5D5-8DCB-L The Great Train Robbery 1903 10.5240/7791-8534-2C23-9030-8610-5 Westinghouse Works 1904 1904 10.5240/F72F-DF8B-F0E4-C293-54EF-U A Trip Down Market Street 1906 10.5240/A2E6-ED22-1293-D668-F4AB-I Dream of a Rarebit Fiend 1906 10.5240/4D64-D9DD-7AA2-5554-1413-S San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, April 18, 1906 1906 10.5240/69AE-11AD-4663-C176-E22B-I A Corner in Wheat 1909 10.5240/5E95-74AC-CF2C-3B9C-30BC-7 Lady Helen’s Escapade 1909 10.5240/0807-6B6B-F7BA-1702-BAFC-J Princess Nicotine; or, The Smoke Fairy 1909 10.5240/C704-BD6D-0E12-719D-E093-E Jeffries-Johnson World’s Championship Boxing Contest 1910 10.5240/A8C0-4272-5D72-5611-D55A-S White Fawn’s Devotion 1910 10.5240/0132-74F5-FC39-1213-6D0D-Z Little Nemo 1911 10.5240/5A62-BCF8-51D5-64DB-1A86-H A Cure for Pokeritis 1912 10.5240/7E6A-CB37-B67E-A743-7341-L From the Manger to the Cross 1912 10.5240/5EBB-EE8A-91C0-8E48-DDA8-Q The Cry of the Children 1912 10.5240/C173-A4A7-2A2B-E702-33E8-N The Land Beyond the Sunset 1912 10.5240/EC48-4A19-49EE-D069-96EF-I Title Year EIDR ID Bert Williams Lime Kiln Club Field Day 1913 10.5240/B22F-D234-9017-C21F-0A15-I Matrimony’s Speed Limit 1913 10.5240/A1D9-1A94-DE6F-03F3-7F35-Q Preservation of the Sign Language 1913 10.5240/3E58-6E9C-6FA8-60EC-C027-W The Evidence of the Film 1913 10.5240/A136-84B7-7066-7978-231A-W Traffic in Souls 1913 10.5240/986F-C1E6-AB2F-FFFE-87DD-P Gertie The Dinosaur 1914 10.5240/C5E6-4F48-8357-0C9E-6F2C-Y In the Land of the Head Hunters 1914 10.5240/66E8-BFDB-4708-201A-39E5-Z Mabel’s Blunder 1914 10.5240/ED9B-91A3-3D5D-CFD2-DB6B-T Tess of the Storm Country 1914 10.5240/17B4-CE9D-E8A5-758C-C035-K The Bargain 1914 10.5240/CCC4-C661-89B5-42E2-CCC3-W The Exploits of Elaine 1914 10.5240/7960-3F27-F803-2D87-6AA9-3 The Perils of Pauline 1914 10.5240/E6C8-3670-5E24-D040-443D-L The Wishing Ring: an Idyll of Old England 1914 10.5240/706E-211A-C293-59F0-7E3A-7 Uncle Tom's Cabin 1914 10.5240/7FEE-8564-402A-0E20-6EA8-L A Fool There Was 1915 10.5240/4FF0-9778-F801-25ED-AFA3-E Fatty’s Tintype Tangle 1915 10.5240/3E48-A09D-AE88-5269-2A49-M Regeneration 1915 10.5240/D57B-BAE1-7D18-D444-A1A8-5 The Birth of a Nation 1915 10.5240/3D9C-C1EE-09B9-5C43-315D-U The Cheat 1915 10.5240/C3C1-0160-B159-723F-D7F0-6 The Italian 1915 10.5240/02ED-C58B-38EE-7E43-C02C-K Civilization 1916 10.5240/C9A4-A0F6-181B-D600-6CAB-C Hell’s Hinges 1916 10.5240/B688-3919-CAA2-473B-61B3-S Intolerance 1916 10.5240/7031-9A58-097C-704A-FE09-I Shoes 1916 10.5240/FF0B-42A8-BB1B-C885-9573-8 The Curse of Quon Gwon 1916 10.5240/62F2-509B-4495-80F9-0A19-H Where Are My Children? 1916 10.5240/B349-9D97-524E-AD63-FB72-Z Title Year EIDR ID The Immigrant 1917 10.5240/01D2-FAAA-5B8F-5811-B480-V The Poor Little Rich Girl 1917 10.5240/699B-9D92-FE38-ADD3-184B-O Unmasked 1917 10.5240/5D1E-37A9-325A-F5A7-E870-A Wild and Woolly 1917 10.5240/5684-031D-0A21-4372-4194-S The Blue Bird 1918 10.5240/E78A-7BA6-B202-8122-18AD-U A Virtuous Vamp 1919 10.5240/6CAD-68B8-EB28-7CFC-B08E-G Broken Blossoms 1919 10.5240/3E8A-7209-031F-6140-7EC6-0 The Dragon Painter 1919 10.5240/B508-D86F-CA99-2D82-9F6E-3 Daughter of Dawn 1920 10.5240/E8FD-87A4-5B00-3F2C-FB90-F Heroes All 1920 10.5240/62D7-298A-20BF-01BE-00BB-6 Humoresque 1920 10.5240/3052-AAA6-DB03-52D3-C1AC-3 One Week 1920 10.5240/B8E4-CDE8-ED56-75EE-3C1D-A The Last of the Mohicans 1920 10.5240/CF12-4B61-84EA-AB44-9CE4-3 The Making of an American 1920 10.5240/4A05-ED48-10B6-E6C9-CFB8-9 The Mark of Zorro 1920 10.5240/1799-1EE2-5BCF-4FBA-1DE8-T The Mark of Zorro 1920 10.5240/1799-1EE2-5BCF-4FBA-1DE8-T Within Our Gates 1920 10.5240/6400-D37D-B54B-4D67-3C8F-G Manhatta 1921 10.5240/FDC2-54ED-6D38-F133-8DC8-K The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 1921 10.5240/BFEE-9812-9AB2-8DD8-3E4E-Q The Kid 1921 10.5240/3D1A-224C-3ACF-F772-91BE-U Tol’able David 1921 10.5240/6EB5-C5ED-117D-0F47-D3F3-Y Cops 1922 10.5240/8110-0F97-0052-D5C1-E423-G Foolish Wives 1922 10.5240/D5C2-6811-CA17-0D46-B889-W Miss Lulu Bett 1922 10.5240/BBA6-8FEB-32A5-E350-0F47-K Nanook of the North 1922 10.5240/3797-B394-E267-D191-DD49-3 Sky High 1922 10.5240/5A6F-EB1C-0004-4E34-4C3E-Z Title Year EIDR ID Two-Color Kodachrome Test Shots No. III 1922 10.5240/066F-016C-219C-BDD4-18B3-B Safety Last! 1923 10.5240/6396-70B9-3696-7FD6-EC1B-5 Salomé 1923 10.5240/58D7-C8C9-3836-1FB4-7B18-4 Greed 1924 10.5240/C445-357A-5E4D-CBD0-E155-5 Peter Pan 1924 10.5240/CD30-12FD-B12F-BA73-879A-M Sherlock, Jr. 1924 10.5240/316A-D9E0-4A11-A1D0-FA3B-3 The Chechahcos 1924 10.5240/D38A-2EC8-6FEF-B59F-7D5D-H The Iron Horse 1924 10.5240/1BF9-9A56-4624-4D79-BFB1-8 The Thief of Bagdad 1924 10.5240/DBDC-60ED-461C-3B32-36D2-D Ben-Hur (1925) 1925 10.5240/C3FD-B299-F276-2793-E62A-P Clash of the Wolves 1925 10.5240/C92F-B34B-5A2D-5C69-23DC-3 Grass 1925 10.5240/2085-ECE3-CAA8-455E-BDC5-7 Lady Windermere’s Fan 1925 10.5240/5C7D-94F6-651A-32DB-8A5A-D The Big Parade 1925 10.5240/432A-5614-DDE7-8BBA-4446-P The Freshman 1925 10.5240/2AD1-064B-185E-C1D8-4722-K The Gold Rush 1925 10.5240/479A-4BD4-44E6-7E34-077C-Q The Lost World 1925 10.5240/FF5C-CA8E-2DE9-6E9E-7B9B-X The Phantom of the Opera 1925 10.5240/FF74-AAA6-DBD2-8E9B-AECF-A Theodore Case Sound Test: Gus Visser and His Singing Duck 1925 10.5240/29D0-7D31-55EC-48F3-6025-D Ella Cinders 1926 10.5240/BE51-1E28-EEB0-E39A-F083-E Hands Up! 1926 10.5240/0273-78C6-1955-D96B-4407-G Mighty Like a Moose 1926 10.5240/03DE-92A2-DBCE-B07B-0130-K So’s Your Old Man 1926 10.5240/2035-E46E-2DEB-CF5D-FA14-F The Black Pirate 1926 10.5240/BF3C-91DB-E625-C76E-71AA-Q The Son of the Sheik 1926 10.5240/809A-B5BD-ACC2-53BC-8942-D The Strong Man 1926 10.5240/8CAB-1493-0B77-4373-5B41-A Title Year EIDR ID Flesh and the Devil 1927 10.5240/8FBD-A18F-EDBF-3DD1-0587-I It 1927 10.5240/32B4-D2D2-11E6-9933-D685-I Seventh Heaven 1927 10.5240/E5B4-2438-FB59-02CF-45E2-0 Stark Love 1927 10.5240/8F52-7BB1-9136-DE9D-0EFF-S Sunrise 1927 10.5240/F99F-86C6-287E-0C67-31CB-L The General 1927 10.5240/8C49-531E-70B6-3ABC-EB43-U The Jazz Singer 1927 10.5240/9BB5-5D5F-9DB3-6A14-79C0-D The Life and Death of 9413: a Hollywood Extra 1927 10.5240/4C0E-4350-D644-B025-4BE9-5 Wings 1927 10.5240/CB8B-25EC-90A3-3DAB-5EF9-H Fox Movietone News: Jenkins Orphanage Band 1928 10.5240/272A-C61D-F85A-D96E-612E-N Lonesome 1928 10.5240/30F2-8FED-219D-249C-F5EC-M Pass the Gravy 1928 10.5240/5742-EE51-5EBB-0C37-81BF-6 Show People 1928 10.5240/059B-94A0-1091-3146-52A2-8 Steamboat Willie 1928 10.5240/164D-58D5-4C60-31AD-119D-W The Cameraman 1928 10.5240/50FD-8AC6-4C9F-4DD0-FF31-W The Crowd 1928 10.5240/ED23-A6B3-EF78-C676-C15D-X The Docks of New York 1928 10.5240/58F1-E09F-C867-2640-38C9-L The Fall of the House of Usher 1928 10.5240/C39D-B793-22C1-A77E-BB6B-8 The Last Command 1928 10.5240/A48E-5998-89C5-E380-992E-D The Power of the Press 1928 10.5240/A044-7CC1-E4C1-7A5B-B60E-A The Sex Life of the Polyp 1928 10.5240/D5DB-1E81-BFC4-86F7-A83D-9 The Wedding March 1928 10.5240/C79E-2360-A7AD-0756-C8C0-B The Wind 1928 10.5240/CB46-E36D-C1DE-5BC6-1710-2 There It Is 1928 10.5240/3428-83C9-E184-FCA8-2C9D-V Applause 1929 10.5240/0FAB-84B2-9669-8B02-6C4A-B Big Business 1929 10.5240/D569-7062-D40D-93C3-3E6F-A Title Year EIDR ID Black and Tan 1929 10.5240/FEF7-1FD3-FB49-0354-102B-A H2O 1929 10.5240/89AF-6C66-40CA-A58D-48E2-P Hallelujah! 1929 10.5240/BC73-45D2-3EFB-3D5C-9B58-C Lambchops 1929 10.5240/3B7E-49EA-4749-D3BF-E0CF-C St.
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