FRIDAY • FRIDAY Edition t Edition Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper Volume LVII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, SEPTEMBER 28, 1956 Number 3 Figures Show Total School! Crowded Shop Delays Enrollment 1057 Students on Campus; Per Cent From South The Southern Collegian 74 Regtstrar E. H. HO\\ard .mnounccd May Appear ·---------- today a total enrollml.'nt of 1,057 studenb for Washington and Lee Univers1ty'a hrst semester of the By November Henderson Will Play Saturday 1956-57 school year. The figure is Skitch ll ende~n and hie; or­ The Openings i.'ISue of the South­ The Friday nicht dance "ill be on increase of I'Ven OVC'r )ast year'~ che Ira will play for the atur­ hdd from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., \\hile ern Collegian will not appear Octo­ initial registration of 1,050 students. day afternoon jan concert and the the dance on oturda~ night will ber 26 as ongmally scheduled be­ Included In thts yt•ar's 1,057 stud­ Salurda) ('\l.'ning dance, during la'it from to 12 p.m. The 'atur­ cause of the "overcrowded condi­ 9 ents are 9t7 In th~; Collcgt· of Art OpeninJ., dance ..el, not the Fri­ tions" in the university prml shop day afternoon concert will be held and Sctences and School of Com­ day e\ eninr dance it was from to and what Mr. C. Harold Lauck, di­ as er­ 4 6. merce and Admini~trnlton, 106 in WASIIINGTON AND LEE'S new joumali1>m communication., laboratory roncou,Jy reported in the Tuesday Sinwell said he regretted the rector of the shop, call.s "too much the School of Law, ond four special will he open in the ncar future in "hat wR'i formerh Po~ nc IIa ll I. J ohn Ring-tum Phi Chi ~ week publication of the error and com­ work from campus nnd university students. K. Jcnnlngs is t.cen ot the mdio conw le and Doc EJliot is in behind the John Slm\ell, dance board hu i- mented it \\Ill not happen in the sources.'' Figures compiled hy Dt .m of Stud- mike in Ute studio. - Photo by Kres ler 111.'"> mnnaJ{er, !.aid that Ocnn Hud­ future Announcement of the cnts Frank t.. Glll111m show 74 per Editor Jerry Hopkins auid the '>On nnd hi., orchestra "ill be pre­ theme of Openings danre \ct, vlce­ cent of the 305-mcmher Crt·~hmnn humor magazine publishing date has .. cnted at the Friday nlght dance prl''lident' for the ~~e t , and other Ill class Is from the South, which in- Ft.rst vear1 Contributions T 0 The been tentatively set for mid-Novcrn- iMtend or SAturday night, It lnfonnatlon cnncernlnr the doncet. cludes "border !>late " of Maryland. ~ bcr but that the dote is not yet deli- \\ll\ aho reported in the Tuesday "ould be released In the ncar fu­ Missouri, Wc:.t Virginia and Okla- ~ p 'F JA $2 7 168 20 mtc. Edition. ture, he said. homa, and the Di lricl of Columbia. arentS Un mount to J • ln a !o&alement to The RinK- tum In 1955, fn:shmen from the South Phi Hopkins s~ud he would rather made up only 59 per cent of the Contrtbutton to the Parents' Fund Alumm Counctl at Its mid-J>ummer "po:.tpone the publishing date and total. at Washington and Lee Univer ily conventton thts year. The program have the work done on the W&L IFC Will Cut Opening Dances totaled $27,168.20 durmll the fund' wa. conceived and directed by Don- campus than take the busint'!.!. out Prh·ate School Per Cent imtial year of opemuon. it was an- aid E. Smith, director of univerc;ity of town and ha,·e a maga:tine of less Discrepancies To Feature New Sixteen per cent or the fr hm.:m nouncl'<i today development. I qualily than the print _hop •s cap- class is from the North Atlantic Sea­ In a special report to studcnli' 5<-rvmg \\ Mt·. Johru.on on the able of turning out" board, and 10 percent from all other par"nts. Fund Comrruttce chairman fund Commtltce are W. T Dtxon In Constitution Female Vocalist areas, including Canada, llaly, and Wilmer l\1. Johnson, of Gibson l~- Glbb . Bahtmore, Md .; John A taU 0\•erburdened France. land, Md .. thanked contributors and Gooch. Fort Worth, Texas. George Lauck also commented that hiS The Interfraternity Council wiJI Dance Board busme mannger The ratio or 1956 grnduatc~: or Ctled ways the Parents' Fund would C Miller, Manhn!';Set, L . I., N Y . present staCC is overburdened wtth launch tts campaign to amend some John Sinwcll said today that Bobbt private school~ and public schools "enhance the value of a wa~hington James R. Stockton Jack::.onville, present requests for prinhng and of the major flaws m 1ts conshtu­ Cooke, 23-year-old amging starlet is 5.! per cent prtvatc and 48 per­ and Lee education for our sons and Fla.; and Thomas P Whttaker, said he hopes to employ another llon. from Hollywood, would appear as a cent public, an exact reversal of the Cor future generations of students" Tampa, Fla. lino-type operator to work at mght The lFC's president Don Luria, a vocalist with the Dean Hudson or­ 1955 Crechmon c:lac;s ratio. D('an Gtl­ to alleviate some or the problem. sentor Phi Ep from Philadelphia, chestra when It ploys here for the liam's figures show most southern The fund was established lao;t No- stated that this program is not one first night of O~nings Dance set, \'ember upon the recommendation of ln a letter to the Board of Trus- freshmen have public school back­ to be treated lightly. An committee October 26 grounds, whUo tho majority of new thc Parents' Advisory Council, a 56- Dance Plans To Be Issued tees last year it was proposed that headed by Bob Cairns, Sistma Nu, is Hudson's new vocalist attended member body now in Its second year a cinderblock addltion be added to students from the North Atlantic expected to spend two or three Ctty College of Los Angeles where of planners of Washington the rear or the present structure seaboard attended prlvote schools. n~istmg At Student Union, Oct. 4 months drafting the constitutional she majored In dramatics nnd mus­ and Lel.''s future development. Par- for storage purposrs and to provide Choate School, n Wallingford, nmcndmenl!;. ic. It was there thnl the talent Conn., private institution, has the cnts contributing to the fund totaled All 11ludcnt!i \\ill pick up their room for additional machinery. No One or the major pomts under dis­ scouts first spotted her nnd she en­ largest representation in the fresh­ 329. dance plan!! in the Student Union plans concerning the future of the cu~ion is the problem or handling tered upon a profe!'isional career In man cia ·s with 13 studt•nl.s. The • ec­ Rai-.e Faculty Salariec; from 2-5 p.m., October printing shop hove been announced. the fraternity social regulations the entertammen l world. ond largest rept e;.cntation Is Lamar 4 Vtrtually all of the 1955-Sf\ total · Mr. Lauck expressed a feeling If whtch, until the mtddle of last year, Miss Cooke's vocnlisl work has in­ High School of Houston, Texas. a was devoted to helpmll ra1sc faculty Thi\ will appl~ to all perM>n~ nothing is done to lessen the pres­ had hc:cn under the jurisdiction o£ cluded appearances on the major public c;chool. with six fre,..hmen. !alar1e.-.. Proposed future usc of Par- \\ ho~ account' hn' e been rom- ent problem. some of the univet stly a faculty committee. TV staltoru in the Los Angeles and rnts' Fund contributions include fac- pletely paid. 8 ' \\ell 8.\ to per'ions publications will be fo rced to go Other pomts that wtll be con­ Hollywood orcas with such shows as ulty ~!aries, library books, ~pecial who t.till o"e monc) on their elsewher e. the Eddie Fisher &how, Abbott and equtpment, general maintcnancl.' of dnnce plans. Personlt interested stdered for amendment are the meet­ CostciJo's armed forces show and Law Review bwlding and grounds, and providin~ in purchBSing dance plan may al­ Ing attendance regulations and the poss1bihty of the election of the the Harry Richman show. for lectures, seminars. concerts and w do 'iO at this lime. Promotions Awarded; lFC's prc~ident by full umverstty cxhtbtts. Other Star PerfomH!rs Editor Huntley vote rather than by the present Abeloff Named S-3; ln oddttton to the~e posthons, she Washmgton and Lee's overall Par­ system which restncts the electton (nts' Program, includmg council and has landed a featured spot in such to the repr~cntahves of the houses. Names Staff fund activilic:., was JUdged the best SWMSFC Interviews Companies Assigned musicals as "Lady in the Dark" and The new rules regardmg pledge "Brtgadoon' 'at the J arviS and Oleo Robert Huntlt>y, n S<'ntor in the of any college or university m the To Be Held October 2 The ROTC department announced trammg will also be discussed. and theaters in Holywood Washington and Ltoe low school United Stat~ by the American today the promotions of Wilham lntrn iew .. for pfl\itionc; on the Don Luria has requested that all of from Winston-Salem, North Caro­ Abeioff to Regimental Asststant S-3 Besides Miss Cooke, the Hudson Student War l\1r morial • cholnr­ the p l ed~e masters be present at lina, will be t'ditor-m-chtcf for the with the rank of Captotn and also orchestra will also feature an arrny h ip Fund Committee will be held this meeting.
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