United Slales Fencing ~ialion. 1990·92 President : Michel Mamlouk Exe.:uth·e Vice-Presidcnt: George G. Masin Vice President : Gerrie Baumgan Vice President: Jack Tichocek Secretary: Paul Soter Treasurer : Elvira Orly Coul1 se l: Fmnk Nagorney Official Publication of the UnilL'd States Fencing Association, Inc. Otdicuted to the memo.. y of Jose R. IkCaprilcs, 19l2-1969 CONTENTS Volume 42, Number 4 Miguel A. IkCaprilcs, 1906- 1981 Editorial 4 Edit or: B.C. Milligan By the Editor As,~is tllnt Editor: Leith A skins Pruduction Editor: Jim Ackel1 To The Editor 5 Editors Emcritus: Ralph M. Gold~tcin. President's Corner 7 Mary T. Huddleson, Emily JOMSOIl, 8y SI.N Sobel, I'rulr!.nt Eitel Alben Axelrod. Junior Fencing in the U.S.A. Today 8 By Leith Askins AMERICAN FENCING magazine (lSSN 00)2- Hunting The Elusive Coach is publiShed quarterly by tnc Un ited Stutes 14 8436) By .IMI Smilb Fencing Associati on, Inc. 1150 Eust Boulder Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80909. Subscrip­ The Salute 16 tion for non-members of the U.S.F.A. is $ 12.00 8y Ttd Kl tloN in the U.S. and $ 18.00 elsewhere. Single copies Why Fencing Equipment Breaks 17 S3 .00. Members of the U.S .F.A . sub scribe By 8.C. Milligan through th eir dlles. Address all correspondence concerni ng membership to th e u.S.r.A. office The Nadi-Cotronei Duel 19 in CoJomdo Springs. CO. Second class post age Kansas City Aim s 10 be World-Class 22 paid at Colorado Springs, CO an d additional By Slepllen Butler mai ling offices. " 1991 Uni ted States Fencing Association Fencing's Olympic Status Imperiled 23 8y PaIiISO/1I{ F..d itorial Offices: 4 Upland Road W'.A. A Creed for Fencing Officials 24 Baltimore. MD 21210. B)I Mllxwell R./Mac} G,II.t Contributors plcase note: Articles, results of An Overview of Fencing Injuries 25 competitions. photos and cartoons are cordially By Julie /,fo y.r and J.N Konln soli cited. Manuscripts should be typewritten. Hooked on Hook or Wh ere Did All This Sword Fighting Come From? 26 double spaced. Oll one side of the paper only. By Tflomas H. cr.gg Photos should preferably be black and white and with a complctecaption. Unsol icited manuscripts Fencing Bu lletin Bo ard 27 cannot be returned unless submitted with a Competitions on Cowete Surfaces 30 stamped, self-addressed envelolJe. No anonymous B)I Paul Soter anicles accepted. A Basic Weight Training Program for Fencers 31 Opinions expressed in signed articles do not World Cup Sabre a Success 32 necessarily reneet the \'iews of Americall Fellcillg By ll1rry Pintus or the U.s.F.A. Results 34 OEAOLINES: Copy and advcnising material should be received by Jan. 1. Mar. I, JUlie I and Sept. I of each yearl0 be included in the next issue. Issues are intended 10 be mailed OUi by the first day ON OUR COVER: of the following month. We will do our best to guarantee the 3ppearanceof all dated 1l13teri al prior Steve Mormando (I.), was the highest 10 3c<:epting it. U.S. linisher in the WOIfd Cup Sabre held in Herndon, Va., March 14· IS, 1992. He was eliminated by Felix Becker 01 Germany (r.) in a bout that POSTMASTER: Send addresschallges included several controversial calls, to: Fencing, U.S .•'. A., 1750 Amcrican including the action pictured, in which Ellst Uouldcr St., Colorado Springs, Mormando 's point in line was ruled out CO 80909. of time. (Photo by Greg WOrl) 2 American Fencing Volume 42, NO.4 .... ....., GEORGE SANTELLI. INC. 465 SOUTH DEAN ST•• ENGLEWOOD. N.J. 07631 ·1201,871-3105 By the time you receive this issue of American Fencing, it is No, in my possibly 10o-sanguine opinion, at leas\, all of likely that theelectionsofUSFA officers will have been decided . them are doing what they do because they actually love the Whomever the winners are, I hope that moreofus will have voted sport. If they err - and I doubt I am alone in believi ng that some than in the last election , whell the turnout was feeble , to ~ay the of them do so - it is in their myopic perspective, whi ch grant s least. If you didn't vote, don't you da re complai n of the outcome! no possibility of si milar selflessness to those wilh whom they Fencers in this country share this characteristic wit h their disagree. We ai110ve the sport, and we all wish to see it prosper. fellow Americans - they arc far more wi ll ing to criticize the 1 say th is in all sincerity, and 1 hope thar whomever wins, or perceived weaknessesofa given adm inistration than they are to has won, our elect ion, will keep this thought in mind when they offer to help govern themse lves. Ours is an organization whose next have to deal with their fo rmer opponents. recent politics have been marked - and marred, in the opinion Leave the weapons on the piste, and work together to our of this writer. at least - by name-calling und accusatio ns far mutual benefit. more than they have been distinguished by any outstanding acts In th is issue, possibly (J don 't have any records to di spute of leadership on the pari of anyone. In this arena, too, it seems this) the longest, pugewise, in the magazine'S history, we have we in the fenc ing world have chosen to emulate our national another slate of what I consider to be some very good articles . political figures , to the misfortune of our sport un d ourselves. These include an in-depth look at the state of junior fencing in Despite this, and despite the heated purtisanship 011 both this country; a remarkable report on a real duel by perhaps the sides of the political fence in the USFA, members would do well greatest fen cer of all time; another celebrity stage combat to remember that there is one cardinal difference between us and profile by Tom Cragg (who insists he doesn't have 10 pay the Republicans and the Democrats who duel for control of anyone to get his interviews!), a couple of pieces on stalking Congress and the White House. and snaring fo reig n coaches, and several other gems. Had I Nobody is getting ri ch fro m fencing. Oh, they may get a tri p dared to deplete the colTers of the US FA further, we could have or two which might be seen as u "rev,.·ard" for their efforts, bllt easily filled 40 pages wi th text alone. no one pays them to be in a cold gym from e<l rly morning unlil Nevertheless, we sti ll welcome submi ss ions from anyone after midnight, from two or three days 10 a week al a time. who has something to say of interest to American fe ncers. #215 TCA STRETCH UNlTARD ..... ....... .... S98.50 The TCA unitard is "the first significant advance in fencing W1ifonns in years."* Our one pi ece unifonn weigh s less, is cooler and more comfortable than any two piece uniform. There is no overlap between jacket and trousers to catc h a blade, and no suspenders or We won:.ed very hard to mak~ this for you and we'd cuissard to hassle with. The only drawback to the app",cial.!: il if you would design is that it doesn't fit well in unusual sizes, but buy on~ right away. for 80% of you. you'Ulook better and feel better than ever before. Comes in men's sizes 34 - 46 (regular or extra long), and women's sizes 34 - 40. • Journal of Self Serving Statistics, Sept, 91 Mtvluj1JCt1lTU '5 WIJrni" s : T~ know" WlivtlJt, iIIc/udillll th is Wl iform aJld /I,t WtIJTt T, ha~t IJ " t:dr~fy 5"",11 buJ n onzuo CM"ct of t ~t " luaffy coffopsUtIl UttO IJ" irifi"iusimaify 5"",/1 5pact. Should IJ/IOIn.. T wtiUTst Ttlmtrllt . In.. physicIJi uistt" ct of this wtifOrm IJn4 In.. WtlJrtl CIJ1IIIOt hI IIU<"lT.v.tud. Trlplette Competition Arms • 162 W. Pine St. • Mt. Airy. HC 27030 • (919) 786-5294 4 American Fencing Volume 42 , NO.4 We've Fired Our Headline Writer I. Recommend that every new member (at the time of signing up) take a seminar on the rules. 2. Haveeach division hold these seminars onceamonth for I am wriling to point out a minor error that occurred in your a nominal fee ($2-$5). headline and illustration to Ihecxtru(..1 of George Silvers Paradoxes 3. Encourage more fencers to become directors - offer an ofDefcnseof 1599 in VoL42, No.3. Yourtitlenms, "Epee Tactics, incentive such as red uced competi ti on fees. 400 Years Ago." I believe Westsidc Fencing Center in Los Angeles d id some­ Silver, a contemporary of Shakespeare and Sir Francis Drake, thing like this, but I don't get over there and 1 didn't know about it was directing his Paradoxes against the fashionable Spanish, lIntil too late. This kind of thing could be good for everyone. The Italian, and French teachers of the rapier, which were sniously USFA could get it rolling - have it,mnounced at tournaments, do infringing on tbeold English fenc ing schools of sword and budder. a maili ngetc.ltcould beheld at local cl ubs which is good for them The rapier is a predecessor of th e French epec de because it ","ould get fencers in the door fencing, buying equipment, combal, b ut linking it to the epee li ke you did is like treating taking lessons, etc.
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