75c. A Y ear in Advance ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN. TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 29, 1891. Third Y ear —No 122 Stonm Prlntlncc IIouf>«. THAT INTERESTING LAW. ChrlHtMiHH Di.l.ipi In Our l*ublic MitIkmi In . IluMliieni Mwetini*, I The sto<;khojders in the Bt. Johns Amusements. ttobiicrlber umke* hi* Fiual Mtateiiieiit ('an* THE NEWS hi* »pint«ii nf tin. Talked Maiinfm;turing (kiinpany met at the op pbiiil ed time last W'edno adciy ttwamag. An ln<l<»|>«ndeut Newiipaper, of MurtKaicc Law. NEWTON HALLL pleasing progi-ains (roiisisting of n ‘cita- After the jirelirninary business a com­ PubllHhed «‘verv TiHttilnv ffom the KHte**< Kditok NK\VK:-^Witli your iK*riiii**ion tioiis, «*ssays, music, etc., but at- this mittee on organization, consisting of A. Block Corner of State una Kprlns Street*, by and bv requawt of tn.v frietul I uoiiie THURSDAY.EVENING, M’hool the moMt elaborate entertainment L-Baldwin. K. F. White and Geo. A. LOUIS D. GIBBS, aKoiiL Now the point I tried to iiiuke wu* given bv the pupil* of the First Pn- Kditor nnd I’roprietor, Steel, was anpointed. It will betheduty huH not been diapniod hut iiiHtead niy mury room under the management of At 76 eenta a Tear atrletly in Adraaee. ol this committee to S4*e the subscrilM*r8 friend stradieH that ehark the fimt thiiiK. DecembBr 31, 1891 . Mrs. Libbie Brunson. The program for stock and obtain their signatures to Yearly advcrtlHlnK rate* made known on Whether hie application ia proifer and applirntlon. wiu» opened by a song after which diff**r- tlip .\rticles of .Vssocintion and formal BuMlneMH lucala !i cent* per line each time. will Htick is for yonr rettdt*rH to Hiiy. We I^ocala aniona readinjc matter 10 cents per eiit character* were repreweiittKl by little stock subscription, also to a iiaper line each InHerttoii. an* commended to rem<*mber the widow* Mme. Loyejoy ’s ones. While songsappropriate weresung. waiving the r»*quire<l two wi'ek’s notice Buaini'HM Directory card* f 1 a line per year. and orphan*, but according to my Card* of thank* 25 cent* each. each little pupil marcluHl in l)efore the by publication, and conwiiting that tlie MarrIaKe and Death notice* free. friend ’H *tory they are able to take care Leiial Notice* at etatute rate*. audience and after a word ofexplaiiution- first nie»?ting of stockholders for the BlrSettlement* will l>e made quarterly on of themselve* in St. John*. I hope they upon his or her own part would retire. election of fiin'ctors may lie held on WimI- the first of Deceml^er, Marcdi, .Tune, and Sept. fare equally well all over. W’ill my frieud Transient advertisinK payablt^ln advance. The following character* were repre ­ nesday evening, Decemlw'r HOth, at T.fiO Addre** all communication* to pleafM* give,your r»‘aderH an tjstimate of sented: Mother Goose, .Jack and Jill, a I*. .M., in Ihc office of R. M. Steel, over the ST. JOHNS NEWS, St. Johns, Mich. what per cent, of the mortgagea in Clin ­ Solos, Daets, Trios and Quartettes little Cock-sparrow, little boy* —Red, State Bank. Thi* latter action Js rend ­ ton county are held by the widows and White and Blue, Jack Spat and wife. ered imperative from the fact that the Business Directory . or])hans of St. .lohn*? I do hot believe The Milk-maid’s song was then sung by corporation must be in shni>e to trans ­ Mandolin, Harp, Guitar and Biujjo. IN.srU.KNCK. rve can frame a tax law that will do the school at the close of which, the song, juBtice under all circnniHtancee, but I act business on January 1st. KO. ^V. r.sTKs. l-'liv luHurnuce Anent.- “Where ui-e you going my pretty Maid?” This meeting will Is* of «*specinl impor ­ believe thi* new law will come the nearest G h'lrst-cla** iiiHuniiu'e 4it lowest rate*. (>t- wuH sung by two pupils in costume. tance nnd every stockholder should flee witli.^t. .loliiiH N«‘w*. to it of anything we have tried yet. I A GREAT MUSCAL TREAT Going to Market, Yankee-doodle, Utttle make an effort to lie present. _ .VTTOKNKYS. admit that there i* o chance of injustice Rod-riding-hood, Robinson Crusoe, The Tickets on sale at Littell’s News Room. dwin U.-I.ton . Attorney ,at I.aw, St. beiug done to a few. 1 think that da** Little Bachelor who went to London and LIceiiHe to Wetl. .lohn*. «/l(ite over li. Ij. Keudrici;’* of boiTOwerM my friend eiieaks of Hhould bought him a wife. Little Bo-p<*ep, The Date. Name uiid Rraldviive. Akc - Stt)re.E Dev. 21—Newton B I’nyiie, M«iil,J ItnpldM..2:i be jiernfitted to off*et their debt*. old Woman who lived in her shoe. The j Grave .M Hiiiitfi, Gratiot ..................21 "^OKrttN & .Nno N. Office foiiuerly Admission 35 and 50 cents. .1^ occupied liy .\>itcii »\£ .Mo**. St..ioiin*. I should say there was a great difference old woman wa* hel{»ed out of her home Dev 22->-Albert H Davi*. Vivtor .....................21 .Mary 1.. Hathaway, Okenio* .........19 Al. II. tWSTI.K. Att«»rney and Money between a note secure<i by mortgage and and, with her children, sung the Rock-n- Dec 22—Gha* Perkin*, Vivtor ..........................ill W ~t,oniH 'i'. .St. .iohi i* .-*- ---------- ------ oueJJuitia JiQt. The one give* yo u a bye song. ________________ , • Flora A (’a*e, Victor........................ 18 Business Locals . Dec 22—Walter i, CaMe, VlL'tor.....,r.4iTr.^.AJ7 KDKtVA A- MKKHII.K, Attorney* at title to proptwty upon conditions, the The distribution of the piiMents from a Sarah Throop, Victor.....................19 J.aw, St. F .lolin*. 'other does not. Then! are any amount ti-ee next occupieil the attention of Dec 22—Cha* H Holden, Durnnd ..................'ll WATCH WATCH of good mortgagee f I gainst little homee Mother Goose and her gosling*. The Fundn Terry, Olive............................20 Thv ’Dlil Year Go. Tlie New Year Cuuie. A MOXKY LO.V.NINU. _ Dec Kara .1 Ray, EuKh* ....................................... ‘17 Watch Watch ICIIK.AN MOltTtiAtJK COMPANY. that yon could not touch with your presents were all maile by the little ones Alta PenniiiKton, Eaxle .................. 19 The Oy*terM. Ttie Kiitcrtalninent. (Limited.I Capital f7.”.<)<f0. CoiiH ‘r of e.xec'Ution. Now, .Mr. II. thi* cln** of Watch! Watch! Watch! M during the course of instruction and lu e- * Tliursday evening at 12 o ’clock th« Walker iMJd Si»:inff *tr»‘et*. St. .lohn*. .Mon­ I>eople, wlirtse right* I niixtoiitendiugfor, ey to loan, lnve*tnient* made, iiiortKaKrc* fiir sented to their parents upon this day ns Business Locals . old year iiosi-es away autl.lTioVNew VeftT sale. A few jiiiH-e* of land for wale. 1 are a hiw abiding cla** of citizen*. Christmas mementos. The entertain ­ arrives. « - - A good place .to observe the occason IMIYSICI.VN.S. • When the law «aid here .Mr. Su|>ervi*or ment was concIude<l by a grand march in Tttkv Notice! you UHses* that hirm at it* cji«h value to and enjoy yourselves will,lx* at the Good ■p|H. A. .1. WIOtilNS. I'liyaician and Sur- perfect time. l, the uudersignetl, will positively carrj’ Templar ’s Lotige room, whei*e au oyster K**on. Otiice over Sullivan ’* Clothing Mr. no matter if he doe* owe for half THE PEItltlN SCHOOL. no more mail outside of the mail-poucli Store. 4Ktf supper and a musical program will be of it, A. grinn* Now the lawHuyeto Mr. Hero the closing day was fittingly ob ­ after Jan. 1, 1802. E. J. Rintnoeh , given by the Amateur societ.v. No. 2 and .M. l*OST -M. D. IMiy*ician.,Sur>reon and Eureka Stage Driver, the Good Templar ’s lAidge, Old and • Notary I’liidic. Otfice ea*t aide ol main Supervi*or you may deduct the'amount served by the teachers; murti wnvk- ngd Ht.,S Kureka, .Midi. A. ow( ‘8 If. on liie farm and aHee** it to Holiday CIoh Iiik '. young are inv ited to .t, feast of good — ca re being taken by Miss Helen Wheelock thing* and'a jolly time. AKY I*. HA VKNS, H. D. Office over K. II. and the balance you may iiKHe** to.\., in the First Primnrj* Grades. The child ­ As is the custom, the St. Johns Mer­ Feast............................................ 15 ctmts J. Woodruff ’* *tore, St. .lohn*. Office cantile Co. will close their plact** of biiwi- M if to 11 am end 2 to 5 pm. 1 A. Hinile* nnd B. grinn*. ren in these grades are of an age when Fun .................................... IG cents uesH on fniristmafl and New Y’ear days, Feast and Fun ..... .’...... '.............. 25 cents K. .1. W. I’DI.I.AKD, IMiv*lclnn ami Sur- About all the larg<^ debt* the farmers much time and patience i* required to as fallows : The dry goods and boot and jteon. fftflceover Wilson * clothlnn:*tore. owe are secured by mortgugf'e and most slioe departments will close at 10 o ’cl^e DKe*idence corner Cass and Ottawast*. llT-1 start them properly. Recitations nnd ChribtiUH* i* I'aHt. of them were given for punslmHC* money songs were nicely rendered and the A. M., remaining closed all day. Tile We sold many Holiday goods, but grocery department will be closed frof.% on their farms when they first bought Christmas tree loaded with little gifts have a few lett which we sliull sell cheap 10 o ’clot;k A. M. to 4 o ’clock p. .m. to close the line.
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