THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION MAGAZINE 1227 16TH ST .• N. W. WASHINGTON 6, D. C. Entered as second.class matter at the postoffice at Waabin~ton, D. C. VOLUME XLVI JULY, 1951 NUMBER 1 Quarterly Bulletin Of The National Society THE BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE TEA GARDEN IN SAN FRANCISCO'S FAMED GOLDEN GATE PARK. A THOUSAND ACRE PARADISE RECLAIMED DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ADOPTED JULY 4TH, 1776 FROM THE SAND DUNES. ROMANTIC, BEAUTIFUL, UNIQUE. fo the Editor of the New York Times: THE SoNs or THE Recently you gave an account of the eeting at which the Public Education 01 \;;ociation included among its "enemies of JlMERil:AN REVOLUTION odern education" the Sons of the Ameri­ 01 an Revolution, said to be "misinformed" ior petitioning Congre s to investigate sub­ MAGAZINE crsi,·e texts and teachings in the public hools. Se,·eral of us have been studying and Quarterly Bulletin of the National Society of the rring to cope with this serious problem 1 Sons of the American Revolution i~r a decade, with splendid help from Published at Washington, D. C., in August, November, February and May. 01any individual teachers but nothing but pposition from the heads of many of their Entered as second .. clall matter March 31, 1924, at the Post Office at Wuhington, D. C., under the act of 1 August 24, 1912. Additional entry at Baltimore, Md. leadin g educational organizations. The S. A. R.'s reputation as the friend of sound National Headquarters, 1227 16th Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C. rublic education is widely known. I ts posi­ Telephone, District 8490 :ion on the textbook con trm·ersy is stated in our petition filed with the Judiciary National Society of The Sons of the American Revolution Comm ittee of the Senate and the Un­ .\merican Acti1·ities Committee of the Organized April 30, 1889. Incorporated by act of Congress, June 9, 1906 Hou se. A few excerpts will give the gist President General, Wallace C. Hall, 2950 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. of it: "Subversi1·e tcxtbo::>ks arc in general usc !n the public schools of most of the states. TABLE OF CONTENTS * * They originate from sources which are interstate and national in scope. * * * The propaganda therein has a direct tendency Executive Secretary's Memo Pad 2 to undermine and eventually to destroy constitutional government in this country. Albuquerque Chapter Installation 4 "There is an urgent need of a national 6 investigation sufficiently broad in sccpe to Two Living Grandchildren of Revolutionary \Var Soldiers - cm·er all phases of the subject. * * *" 8 As one example of the need for this Major General Karl Truesdell investigation the petition cites the experi­ Religious Freedom 10 ence of a western state in investigating a proposed series of textbooks for use in ele­ If These Walls Could Speak 14 mentary schools. The petition states: 16-20 "A committee of the Legislature of that Old Fort Ontario state found that those texts contained ma­ New Member by States 22-23 terial originating from 113 fronts and that the reference lists therein included the In Memoriam 24 writings of fifty authors with well-known Com munist-front affiliations.'' DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS 25-28 It was also found that a great educational foundation had donated $50,000 to the preparation of this series of books. On this ubj ect the petition continues: tion petitions Congress for a "nonpartisan "False liberalism is being financed by function of education to accelerate the day and impartial inquiry conducted in a judi­ large foundations. * * * These organiza­ of this "new social order." cial manner" to bring out the facts. The tions arc relie,·ed of the obligation to file From Maine to California parents have American people like to get their facts from tax returns under the federal law. Dona­ seen this condition and protested bitterly. tions made to them are exempt from in­ They find a tremendous entrenched inter­ public hearings. come, gift and inheritance taxes." est in the field of education arrayed against We belie1·e the people, particularly the parents of children in the public schools, It is shocking to .millions of Americans them, including left-wing teachers, local :o find that their school children arc still citizen-appeasers, authors of the texts, the have a rif!Jzt to know t!te facts. Let us get subject to texts and courses which tend to powerful publishing firms and, of course, this controversy out of the realm of name calling and ,·ilifi.cation and on the plane '~nderminc faith in fundamental American the left-wing educators who have become economic and political principles-even to­ so successful in shaping teachers' courses of truth as revealed by documents and sworn testimony so the people can decide. da;·, when we are at war. These texts in and educational policies. &eneral reflect the main concept of the left- Against this united front, so powerful as It is the American ·way. GREAT " DOME ROOM" AS NOW RESTORED IN THE HISTORIC "FEDERAL HALL MEMORIAL" to amount to a monopoly in the field of 1~"ing eJucators-that the free economy of JoHN W. FrNGER (SUB-TREASURY BUILDING), CORNER OF WALL AND NASSAU STREETS, NEW YORK CITY educational policy, earnest little groups of capitalism is decadent, that the age of col­ President ~ew York Chapter leqi,·ism or some form of socialism is in­ parents have an uphill fight indeed. May 15,1951. "1 ;table and desirable, and that it is the And so the Sons of the American Rc1·olu- 3 2 Notes from the Executive conditions for the staff. Eagle Rock Chapter, The new draperies on the second Idaho Falls, Idaho Secretary's Memo Pad floor invariably bring forth expressions of Fourteen at-large members of the Idah We wish every member of our So­ admiration from our visitors, and many . n Soc1ety met at noon May 28, 19 5 I, in the ciety could vi it our ational Headquar­ of our own members find it difficult to believe that new furniture has not been Hotel Bonneville, Idaho Falls, Idaho, tnd ters Building and see the results of the formed the Eagle Rock Chapter, Sons of added. It seems that the new draperies rehabilitation program which was au­ the American Revolution. bring out the best in the furniture and • thorized by the Congress in Atlantic The Chapter, so named becau_se the are· City. Those who have visited Head­ lend a new beauty. which is now the site of the City of ldah: quarters have expressed their approval Fluorescent lighting has been installed Falls, Idaho, was known as "Eagle Rock," AN ADDRESS BY COMPATRIOT and pride in the building which now be­ in three of the offices in which addi­ and was also the original name of the tow". MAJ. GEN. U. S. GRANT Ill site, becomes the third Chapter in the Idaho gins to reflect the dignity and prestige tional light was required due to the erec­ (LEFT) WAS HIGH-LIGHT OF Society. Other Chapters have been formed of our Society. One recent visitor told tion of the building next to our property. SAR DELAWARE DAY BANQUET Additional shelving has been provided at Pocatello and Coeur d'Alene, and a AT THE HOTEL DUPONT IN us that he had some difficulty in recog­ fourth Chapter is almost ready to be formed which will enable the staff and visitors WILMINGTON. MISS GRETA nizing the building from the outside, as at Boise. to use many of the books which have McKINSEY (CENTER) AWARDED the removal of the trees enabled him to GOLD MEDAL FOR HER OUT­ see, for the first time, the architectural heretofore been stored in inaccessible Eagle Rock was known to the explorers and early pioneers as a big, jutting piece STANDING TEACHING OF beauty of its facade. However, the most places throughout the building. of lava rock on the bank of the Snake Ri1·er. DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, THE impressive changes have been effected There are too many improvements PRESENTATION BEING MADE to list and describe in the space available, It was identified by the Eagle's nest on the inside the building. bank of the topmost part of the Rock, and BY JUDGE RICHARD S. ROD- so we repeat our invitation to come and Among the mo t recent improve­ became a landmark for the early travele r. NEY (RIGHT). ee for yourself. We are sure that you ments which greet the Yisitor are the Soon a bridge was built across the might\ will experience a new sensation of pride handsome new register and pen set, Snake River, and a store, or trading post, in your Society and will find a re­ with pens which enable the visitor to was erected. The location was then in awakened interest in its activities. 1866, known as "Taylor's Bridge." .-\; register without difficulty. The register We know that there are many appli­ other homes and buildings were erected, it • binder and the matching blotter pad on cation papers in the hands of prospec­ became the village of Eagle Rock. Then, whith it rest were made possible tive members which were not completed in 1891, with all eligible voters casting through the generosity of our Compa­ their ballots, and a favorable vote of 2 i to in time to qualify in the Golden Gate triot the late George Albert Smith. The 9, the name was changed to Idaho Falb. Marathon and we hope that all of those beautiful onyx pen set is a memorial to and the City was chartered. who are working with such prospects Compatriot Elmour D. Lum, and was will continue their efforts to sign them The population in 190 0 was I ,262; in purchased with the funds contributed by up and add them to our membership 1910 was 4,827; in 1920 was 8,064; i1 Mrs.
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