World Qualification Event 2020 Lohja, Finland 13 – 18 January 2020 RESULTS SUMMARY Men WQE 2020 World Qualification Event 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute Men Final Standings Rank Team Players Position - Function 1CHN - China ZOU Qiang 4 S TIAN Jiafeng 3 V WANG Zhiyu 2 XU Jingtao 1 HAN Peng A GRAN Soren C 2RUS - Russia GLUKHOV Sergey 4 S MIRONOV Dmitrii 3 V KLIMOV Evgenii 2 KALALB Anton 1 TUZOV Aleksey A KOZYREV Aleksandr C 3JPN - Japan MATSUMURA Yuta 4 S SHIMIZU Tetsuro 3 TANIDA Yasumasa 2 ABE Shinya 1 V AITA Kosuke A URSEL Bob C 4FIN - Finland SULLANMAA Jere 4 V MOORE Jason 3 SANTTI Iikko 2 POLLANEN Jermu 1 S LUNDBERG Melker A - C 5CZE - Czech Republic KLIMA Lukas 4 S CERNOVSKY Marek 3 V CANDRA Jiri 2 MOKRIS Samuel 1 BOHAC Radek A SAVILL Craig C 6POL - Poland JASIECKI Borys 4 S STYCH Konrad 3 V DOMIN Krzysztof 2 LOBAZA Bartosz 1 KNEBLOCH Kasper A - C 7ENG - England REED Andrew 4 S WOOLSTON Andrew 3 V GIBSON Scott 2 CLARK Fraser 1 JAEGGI Tom A - C 8MEX - Mexico TOMPKINS Diego 4 S COHEN MASRI Ramy 3 V ABREU Ismael 2 TOMPKINS Mateo 1 COHEN EZBAN Ezra A TOMPKINS Douglas C Note: Position and function for each team member: 4 = Fourth, 3 = Third, 2 = Second, 1 = Lead, A = Alternate, S = Skip, V = Vice-Skip, C = Coach CHN and RUS qualified for the World Men's Curling Championship 2020 in Glasgow, Scotland CURMTEAM4-------------------------_76B 1 Report Created SAT 18 JAN 2020 16:47 http://www.worldcurling.org/wqe2020 and http://wqe.curlit.com Page 1/1 WQE 2020 World Qualification Event 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute Men After Play-off Game 2 Competition Summary Session Date Time Sheet A Sheet B Sheet C Sheet D Session 1MON 13 JAN 19:00 CHN38- FIN MEX 2- 12 POL JPN 4- 8 RUS ENG 3- 5 CZE Session 2TUE 14 JAN 14:00 CZE411- RUS ENG 2- 8 JPN CHN 11- 3 MEX FIN 7- 8 POL EE Session 3WED 15 JAN 9:00 ENG57- POL CHN 7- 5 RUS FIN 10- 7 CZE JPN 9- 2 MEX EE Session 4WED 15 JAN 19:00 FIN13- 0 MEX RUS 10- 3 ENG CZE 3- 10 JPN POL 6- 11 CHN Session 5THU 16 JAN 14:00 JPN56- CHN POL 8- 9 CZE ENG 9- 4 FIN MEX 7- 15 RUS EE Session 6FRI 17 JAN 9:00 MEX110- CZE JPN 12- 5 FIN RUS 11- 6 POL CHN 8- 7 ENG Session 7FRI 17 JAN 19:00 POL39- JPN CZE 7- 8 CHN MEX 3- 9 ENG RUS 7- 12 FIN Play-off 1 SAT 18 JAN 9:00 CHN10- 5 RUS Play-off 2 SAT 18 JAN 14:00 RUS87- JPN Standings after Round Robin Rank Team Games Wins Losses 1761CHN - China Q 2752RUS - Russia Q w1 3752JPN - Japan Q w0 4743FIN - Finland 5734CZE - Czech Republic w1 6734POL - Poland w0 7725ENG - England 8707MEX - Mexico Play-offs Bracket Play-off 1 Play-off 2 1 CHN 10 CHN Sheet C Qualified for the 2 RUS 5 RUS 8 World Men's Curling Championship 2020 RUS in Glasgow, Scotland Sheet B 3 JPN 7 Legend: EE Extra End Q Qualified for the play-offs wn Number of wins (n) against tied teams CURMTEAM4-------------------------_76A 11 Report Created SAT 18 JAN 2020 16:44 http://www.worldcurling.org/wqe2020 and http://wqe.curlit.com Page 1/1 WQE 2020 World Qualification Event 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute Men SAT 18 JAN 2020 Play-off Game 2 Start Time 14:00 Session Results and Standings SheetGameTeam LSFE12345678910Extra Ends Total 9 RUS - Russia * 0200200400 8 8JPN - Japan 0020010031 7 Play-offs Bracket Play-off 1 Play-off 2 1 CHN 10 CHN Sheet C Qualified for the 2 RUS 5 World Men's Curling Championship 2020 RUS 8 in Glasgow, Scotland RUS Sheet B 3 JPN 7 Legend: LSFE(*) Last Stone First End CURMTEAM4-------------PO2-000100--_74B 1 Report Created SAT 18 JAN 2020 16:38 http://www.worldcurling.org/wqe2020 and http://wqe.curlit.com Page 1/1 WQE 2020 World Qualification Event 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute Men After Play-off Game 2 Scoring Analysis Team Games LSFEStolen Last Stone Force Points Scored Plus / Ends Eff. Eff. 01234>4Total Minus JPN 8 For752%55% 9 2 16 10 4 4 0 64 +27 Against1 4 7 15 6 2 1 0 37 RUS 9 For459%50% 9 6 13 10 9 5 0 80 +20 Against5 6 5 17 10 5 2 0 60 CHN 8For347%43% 11 715143 3 0 64 +18 Against5 8 2 16 10 2 1 0 46 FIN 7For439%63% 11 1136 7 2 1 59 +13 Against3 10 1 19 6 1 3 0 46 POL 7For439%50% 10 2199 3 1 0 50 -4 Against3 6 3 14 5 6 3 0 54 CZE 7 For238%48% 7 1 12 13 1 1 0 45 -6 Against5 6 6 12 9 4 1 1 51 ENG 7For625%43% 6 5206200 38 -7 Against1 6 1 13 10 4 0 0 45 MEX 7For010%20% 1 1112 1 0 0 18 -61 Against7 18 0 13 14 6 5 0 79 Total 30 64 25 119 70 30 16 1 418 Note: Stolen ends are the ends won without the last stone advantage. Last Stone Efficiency: Scoring two or more points with last stone advantage. Force Efficiency: Forcing the opponent team to score only one point when they have the last stone advantage. Legend: >4 More than four points scored Eff. Efficiency LSFE Last Stone First End CURMTEAM4-------------------------_84D 9 Report Created SAT 18 JAN 2020 16:40 http://www.worldcurling.org/wqe2020 and http://wqe.curlit.com Page 1/1 WQE 2020 World Qualification Event 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute Men After Play-off Game 2 Summary of Big Ends Points Scored By Against Session End Game Result 5 FIN - Finland CZE - Czech Republic3 610: 7 4 CHN - China POL - Poland4 611: 6 4 CHN - China POL - Poland4 911: 6 4 CHN - China RUS - RussiaPO 810: 5 4 CZE - Czech Republic MEX - Mexico6 610: 1 4 FIN - Finland MEX - Mexico4 613: 0 4 FIN - Finland RUS - Russia7 912: 7 4 JPN - Japan CZE - Czech Republic4 710: 3 4 JPN - Japan FIN - Finland6 512: 5 4 JPN - Japan FIN - Finland6 912: 5 4 JPN - Japan POL - Poland7 8 9: 3 4 POL - Poland MEX - Mexico1 712: 2 4 RUS - Russia MEX - Mexico5 315: 7 4 RUS - Russia MEX - Mexico5 915: 7 4 RUS - Russia FIN - Finland7 1 7: 12 4 RUS - Russia CHN - ChinaPO 5 5: 10 4 RUS - Russia JPN - JapanPO 8 8: 7 Note: Big ends are defined as ends with a score of four or more points. Legend: PO Play-off CURMTEAM4-------------------------_84E 9 Report Created SAT 18 JAN 2020 16:41 http://www.worldcurling.org/wqe2020 and http://wqe.curlit.com Page 1/1 WQE 2020 World Qualification Event 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute Men SAT 18 JAN 2020 Play-off Game 1 Start Time 9:00 Session Results and Standings SheetGameTeam LSFE12345678910Extra Ends Total 8 CHN - China * 10230004XX 10 8RUS - Russia 01004000XX 5 Play-offs Bracket Play-off 1 Play-off 2 1 CHN 10 CHN Sheet C Qualified for the 2 RUS 5 World Men's Curling Championship 2020 RUS in Glasgow, Scotland SAT 18 JAN 14:00 Sheet B 3 JPN Legend: LSFE(*) Last Stone First End X Unplayed/unfinished end due to concession CURMTEAM4-------------PO1-000100--_74B 1 Report Created SAT 18 JAN 2020 11:06 http://www.worldcurling.org/wqe2020 and http://wqe.curlit.com Page 1/1 WQE 2020 World Qualification Event 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute Men After Round Robin Competition Matrix Team CHN CZE ENG FIN JPN MEX POL RUS CHN 8 - 7 8 - 7 3 - 8 6 - 5 11 - 3 11 - 6 7 - 5 CZE 7 - 8 5 - 3 7 - 10 3 - 10 10 - 1 9 - 8 4 - 11 ENG 7 - 8 3 - 5 9 - 4 2 - 8 9 - 3 5 - 7 3 - 10 FIN 8 - 3 10 - 7 4 - 9 5 - 12 13 - 0 7 - 8 12 - 7 JPN 5 - 6 10 - 3 8 - 2 12 - 5 9 - 2 9 - 3 4 - 8 MEX 3 - 11 1 - 10 3 - 9 0 - 13 2 - 9 2 - 12 7 - 15 POL 6 - 11 8 - 9 7 - 5 8 - 7 3 - 9 12 - 2 6 - 11 RUS 5 - 7 11 - 4 10 - 3 7 - 12 8 - 4 15 - 7 11 - 6 Standings after Round Robin Rank Team Games Wins Losses 1761CHN - China Q 2752RUS - Russia Q w1 3752JPN - Japan Q w0 4743FIN - Finland 5734CZE - Czech Republic w1 6734POL - Poland w0 7725ENG - England 8707MEX - Mexico Legend: Q Qualified for the play-offs wn Number of wins (n) against tied teams CURMTEAM4-------------------------_76C 7 Report Created FRI 17 JAN 2020 21:46 http://www.worldcurling.org/wqe2020 and http://wqe.curlit.com Page 1/1 WQE 2020 World Qualification Event 2020 Lohja, Finland Kisakallio Sports Institute Men After Round Robin Draw Shot Challenge Stone Last Stone Draw in each Round Robin Game RankTeam Rotation 1234567 DSC 1 JPN - Japan ↻ 129.9 21.6 10.5 5.8 23.1 9.3 50.4 17.36cm ↺ 13.6 15.6 89.8 9.7 12.6 25.4 10.7 2 FIN - Finland ↻ 36.7 26.0 18.7 26.6 140.0 93.4 21.3 39.43cm ↺ 29.9 0.9 107.6 21.3 75.7 87.3 35.4 3 POL - Poland ↻ 135.5 46.8 131.4 73.5 31.9 9.6 60.0 39.66cm ↺ 64.9 52.5 27.0 26.7 28.4 34.2 20.4 4 RUS - Russia ↻ 199.6 173.4 15.8 97.5 44.5 44.8 28.4 42.52cm ↺ 44.9 99.6 18.2 65.0 15.1 30.6 5.8 5 CZE - Czech Republic ↻ 34.1 50.8 18.5 91.4 28.9 38.3 126.5 43.32cm ↺ 165.8 23.9 165.8 45.3 31.4 11.4 19.3 6 ENG - England ↻ 87.6 116.5 31.1 25.8 19.0 15.3 10.5 43.72cm ↺ 99.3 55.3 75.4 81.5 113.0 2.2 21.6 7 CHN - China ↻ 179.4 105.0 32.9 110.5 48.0 31.4 9.8 49.01cm ↺ 53.8 39.7 98.0 45.5 36.7 11.1 76.2 8 MEX - Mexico ↻ 199.6 199.6 88.0 21.9 199.6 88.2 35.3 89.28cm ↺ 115.4 85.5 23.1 192.0 94.4 18.1 109.9 Note: The Draw Shot Challenge (DSC) is the average distance of all the individual Last Stone Draws (LSD), which were delivered by a team during the round robin.
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