VOLUME IV. NUMBER 3 $2.50 I_.. ... INSIDE: OPERATING SYSTEMS Forte’ .A FORTH-Based Operating System ........................... John James .................................... 5 A Standardized Microcomputer Operating System Interface .. Gary Feierbach ................................. 6 A FORTH Based File Handling System ................................. Dr . Donald Delwood ......................... 8 FEATURES: Checksum for Hand-Entered Source Screens ................ Klaxon Suralis & Leo Brodie ..... 15 QTF .Quick Text Formatter ........................................... Leo Brodie ................................. 16 The Sheer Joy of Clipping Recursively .......................... Bob Gotsch ................................ 21 DO LOOP-83 .................................................................. Klaxon Suralis ............................ 25 DEPARTMENTS: Letters ................................................................................................................................ 3 Standards Corner ............................................................................................................... 24 A Techniques Tutorial ........................................................................................................ 28 Technotes ........................................................................................................................... 31 Products Announcements/Reviews..................................................................................... 32 OPERATING SYSTEMS Develop FORTH code for any target No dcrumbading - No trial PROM burning. 8080/280 system on your current 8080,280 This port-addressed RAM on your S-100 host '1 ror Cromemco CDOS based system is the f#OM of your target system , 8080/280 METAFORTH WORD/BYTE WIDE ROM SIMULATOR 0 Simulates 16K bytes of memory (8K bytes for 2708 and 2758) 0 Simulates 2708, 2758, 2516, 2716, 2532, 2732, 2564 and 2764 PROMS e The simulated memory may be either byte or 16-bit word organized 0 No $100 memory is needed to hold ROM data 0 Driver program verifies simulated PROM contents 0 Price $495 each I CONSULTING SERVICES Inner Access provides you with Custom Software Design. We have supplied many clients with both Systems and Application Software tailored to their specific needs. Contact us for your I special programming requirements. FORTH WORKSHOPS ONE-WEEK WORKSHOPS - ENROLLMENT LIMITED TO 8 STUDENTS FORTH Advanced FORTH Advanced FORTH Fundamentals Applications Systems 0 Program Design 0 FORTH Tools 0 FORTH lnternals 0 Program Documentation 0 Engineering Applications 0 Assemblers and Editors 0 FORTH Architecture 0 Floating Point 0 Other Compilers 0 FORTH Arithmetic 0 Communications 0 Cross-Compilation Theory 0 Control Structures 0 Sorting & Searching 0 Romability, Multitasking, 0 Input/Output Project Accounting System Timesharing 0 The Vocabulary Mechanism 0 Process Control 0 File Systems/ 0 Meta-Defining Words 0 Simulations Database Systems OCT. 4-8 NOV. 8-12 NOV. 15-19 OCT. 11-15 JAN. 3-7 FEB. 7-11 FEE. 14-18 JAN. 10-14 $395 Incl. Text $495 Incl. Text $495 Incl. Text Instructors: LEO BRODIE, GARY FEIERBACH and PAUL THOMAS (For further information, please send for our complete FORTH Workshop Catalog.) Inner Access Corporation P.O. BOX 888 BELMONT, CALIFORNIA 94002 (415) 591-8295 FORTH Dimensions 2 Volume IV, NO. 3 Letters Cordic Erratum Holland Hobbyists Infecting the Mumps Dear FIG, Dear FIG, Dear FIG, Someone just pointed out an error in I am in charge of software distribu- I would appreciate receiving some my algorithm outline, shown in Vol. tion in our 150 + member Hobby Com- of your publications for book reviews IV, No. 1, page 14 (box], line 7: “begin puter Club here at Philips Data Sys- in the publications I edit. In addition ANGLE <-ANGLE-Z”.*; XLAST <- -Y; tems, in Apeldoorn, Holland, and we to being an editor for the MUMPS YLAST<- -X end; .” have decided to add FORTH to our Users Group (MUG) Quarterly, I am The minus sign in front of the “X” standard club-supported languages. softwarelfirmware editor for EDP should be deleted. The minus sign in Our current “PI” (!) is based on 2650 News Service, and manage the Soft- front of the “X” on line 9 is correct. processor, and we are now modifying ware Digest newsletter. I would like to Alan Furman an excellent 2650 FORTH implemen- begin getting information about Palo Alto, CA tation made by Dr.E. J. Hannivoort, FORTH into the trade news in the here in Holland. We are now busy computer industry on a regular basis. selecting a new CPU design for use Since December, I have been able to this year (probably 2-80), and will of accomplish the following: course be offering FORTH on the new - arranged for a full-day tutorial on Pushing Frontiers design too. FORTH at the Annual MUMPS Users Dear FIG, Interest in FORTH here in Holland Group in Denver; The Math Edition was one of the is well started - there was a local - arranged for George Shaw’s book review of Leo Brodie’s text to be best issues I have ever read. While the FORTH Interesse Groep (as we call it here in Holland!) meeting yesterday reprinted in the MUG Quarterly; commercial magazines have all turned under The0 van Lottum’s chairman- persuaded Bob Wickizer to include very one dimensional (business), yours - some paragraphs on his use of FORTH is still looking at new ideas and ship, and they are providing an excel- as a complement to MUMPS in his pushing the software frontier. ent range of information on FORTH. However, with more and more of our radiology system; Kenneth B. Butterfield planned for including future arti- Graduate Student members asking what FORTH actual- - cles on FORTH in the MUG Quarterly University of New Mexico ly can do in practice, I would like to ask your help in two areas, namely: and in Software Digest. Thanks for the feedback, Ken, we’ll try a) FORTH Training Course - We will Henry G. Heffernan to stay Four Dimensional. -Editor be organising a Training Course in Washington, D.C. FORTH in our Hobby Club this autumn. While Starting FORTH is an excellent work book for such a course, we really need some more structured FORTH in College material for a 6 to 10 lesson introduc- Dear FIG, tion. Any ideas? FORTH Dimensions This Fall, I will be teaching an intro- b) Actual FORTH Applications - Published by FORTH Interest Group ductory FORTH course at San Diego Where can I get a few self-contained Volume IV, No. 3 State. I will be running a modification applications written in FORTH as ex- SeptemberlOctober 1982 of James’ PDP-11 fig-FORTH on our amples for our members? The screens EditoriallProduction Leo Brodie VAX in RSX-11 compatibility mode. given in FORTH Dimensions are fine, but I am looking for a few example Publisher (The modifications will be mainly to Roy C. Martens make the FORTH follow Starting Games, a Word Processor, a very basic FORTH.) It’s a bit strange to teach it BASIC, that sort of thing, just to show on a time-sharing system, but we are our members what they can expect from FORTH. FORTH Dimensions solicits editorial embarrassingly short of micros. There material, comments and letters. No will be some advantages, though: I will Looking forward to hearing from responsibility is assumed for accuracy be able to distribute materials and con- you, and receiving FORTH Dimen- of material submitted. Unless noted sult with students over the phone net sions regularly. otherwise, material published by the 1. M. Preston FORTH Interest Group is in the public more easily than if we were using a The Netherlands domain. Such material may be roomful of micros. reproduced with credit given to the Congratulations on the success of your I hope to have an article about my author and the FORTH Interest Group. club! As for the applications, any that Subscription to FORTH Dimensions experiences teaching FORTH in time is free with membership in the FORTH for your Teaching FORTH issue. we know of we’re publishing here. There were three games described in Interest Group at $15.00 per year Vernor Vinge ($27.00 foreign air). For membership, Dept. of Math Sciences IIU5, a “very basic BASIC” in 11116, I’m change of address andlor to submit San Diego State University including the code for my simplified material, the address is: FORTH word processor in this issue, and we Interest Group, P.O. Box 1105, San Good luck with your class. We’ll be expect Jots more applications to come. Carlos, CA 94070 looking forward to your article. -Editor -Editor i FORTH Dimensions 3 Volume IV. No. 3 Letters . (cont.) Freedom and Formatting technicians.” Our programming en- pretty low cost for even an incremen- Dear FIG, vironment must seek to do the best it tal improvement in readability. Jq T. Currie has provoked me (as was can in an imperfect world. By now, I have seen about 100 his stated intention). His statements Our engineers and technicians have people start FORTH. None has ever ~ concerning the formatting of FORTH grown up on Pascal and BASIC and complained seriously about formatting source lines are not only provocative Assembler; the physicists are addicted requirements. Scores have bemoaned but outrageous, ignoring many of the to FORTRAN. They are used to “lines FORTH’s tendency to be a “write-only diverse user environments in which of code” and conventions of indenta- language.” As more of our code has FORTH is a useful tool and within tion. Novices look at a block of unfor- been formatted, the moaning of the which the “good” FORTH program- matted FORTH code the way I look at novices has decreased markedly. To mer”
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