2380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARcH 16, citizens of .Morristown, N. J., praying for the establishment of post­ as rapidly as possible by applying for this purpose the idle surplus .now office saVings-banks-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post in the Tre..'lSury, were presented and severally referred to the Comnnttee Roads. on Coinage, Weights, and Measures: By Mr. PffiCE: Petition of William R. Reynolds, president, and By Mr. GIFFORD: Of John Brickley and others, o.( Green Valley, others, of the Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Association, for an appro­ Dak. priation of $25,000 to provide for making experiments in the cultivation of foreign medicinal plants in the United States under the supervision The following petitions, praying Congress fo:r the enactment of a law of the Department -of Agriculture-to the Committee on Agriculture. req_uiring scientific temperance instruction in the public schools of the By Mr. PRICE: Memorial of the county board of supervisors of Saint District of Columbia, in the Territories, and in the Military and Naval Croix County, Wisconsin, for a law providing that railroads shall not Academies, the Indian and colored schools, supported wholly or in part charge more for carrying commodities for a. shorter than a longer dis­ by money from the national Treasury, were presented and severally tance-to the Committee on Commerce. refened to the Committee on Education: Also, remonstrance of citizens of Douglas County, Wisconsin, against By Mr. BURNES: Of citizens of the District of Columbia. proposed change in collection district-to the same committee. By Mr. COOPER: Of citizens of Madison, Marion, and Union Coun­ Also, petition of citizens and business men of Superior, Wis., for a ties, Ohio. new district to inspect boilers-to the same committee. By Mr. DINGLEY: Of citizens of Sagadahoc and Oxford Counties, Also memorial from Franklin City, Wis., concerning the abolition Maine. of the Presidency-to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. ELLSBERRY: Of citizens ofHighJandand Brown Counties, By Mr. REAGAN: Petition of citizens of Houston County Texas, Ohio. praying for action to secure deep water at Galveston, Tex.-to the Com­ By Mr. EVERHART: Of citizens of Chester and Delaware Counties, mittee on Rivers and Harbors. PennsylYania. By Mr. SCRANTON: Petition of members of Wayne County (Penn­ sylvania) bar, for passage of House bill 2124, altering judicial districts of Pennsylvania-to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SENEY: Paper of H. C. Bowen relating to postage on fourth­ SENATE. • class matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By :Mr. SNYDER: Petition of John W. :McCreery and others, of TUESDAY, Ma1•ch 16, 1886. Raleigh County, West Virginia, protesting against the passage of a bank­ rrayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. rupt act-to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Also, petition of W. A. James, A. S. Trimble, and others, of Nicho­ las County, West Virginia-to the Co~mittee on Invalid Pensions. FUNERAL OF REPRESENTATIVE HA.RN. By Mr. STAHLNECKER: :M:emonal of Chamber of Commerce of The PRESIDENT pro tempore announced as the members of the com­ New York in relation to storage of merchandise in bonded warehouses­ mittee on the part of the Senate to escort the remains of the late Rep­ to the Committee on Commerce. resent.:'ltive HAHN to the place of burial in the State of Louisiana, Mr. Also memorial of A. Foster Higgins and others, relating to foreign EUSTIS, Mr. VANCE, and Mr. BUTLER. bills of lading-to the same committee. Also, remonstrance of workingmen of Natrona, Pa., against House EXECUTIVE Co:\IMUNICA.TIONS. bill5576-to the Committee on Ways and Me:1ns. The PRESIDENT jJro tempore laid before the Senate a communica­ By :Mr. STEELE: Petition of Jacob Koontz and 40 others, of Brow­ tion from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting, in compliance with era' Corners; of John L. F. Thomas and 40 others, of Zanesville; of I>. a resolution of January 29, 1886, copies of drawings and report of a R. Goble and 60 others, of Gobleville, and of W. F. Davis and 15 other8, recent survey of the Nicaraguan canal route made by Civil Engineer of Mill Grove, Ind., for unlimited coinage of silver-to the Committee A. G. Menocal, United States Navy; which wa8 read. · on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. The PRE.'5IDENT pro tempore. The papers are on the table of the Also, petition of Knights of Labor of ~abash, In~., for the construc­ Secretary-a largP- bundle. tion of the Hennepin Canal-to the Comnnttee on Rail ways and Canals. Mr. EDMUNDS. I move that the papers be printed, and, with the By :Mr. CHARLES STEWART: Petition of citizens of Newton, letter referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. It is of great Tex. for an appropriation for continuing the work of harbor improve­ publi~ importance, and therefore, although they are voluminous, as I ment of Sabine Pass, Texas-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. know something of their nature, I think it necessary· that they sh~uld By Mr. TAULBEE: Protest of citizens of Estill Co~ty, Kentucky, be printed. against the passage of a bankrupt law-to the Comm1ttee on the Ju- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. It is moved that the communication and the a{lcompanying papers be printed and referred to the Commit- · di~u;.~. E. B. TAYLOR: Petition of citizens of Ashtabula, Ohio, tee on Foreign Relations. That order will be made if there be no ob­ praying for the establishment of a life-saving station at that place-to jection. the Committee on Commerce. :Mr. CONGER. Why should the matter go to the Committee on By :Mr. TOWNSHEND: Memorial of the State of Illinois, to accom­ Foreign Relations? pany House bill 6409-to the Committee on Claims. The PRESIDENT pro tempm·e. It is not for the Chair to answer. Ry :Mr. TUCKER: Petition of citizens of Highland County, Virginia, Mr. EDMUNDS. I will state to my friend from Michigan that the against the enactment of a bankrupt law-to the Committee on the J u- su~ject of building that canal in a foreign country, and the relations of the United States to it, has always been considered as-properly re­ di~ petition of citizens of Virginia, for increase .of salaries of district ferred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, as the-Senator may re­ judges~to the same committee. member on some recent occasions, bills reported, and all that. By Mr. A. \J. WARNER: Petition of N. A. Daniels and 62 others, The PRESIQENT pro tempo1·e. Does the Senator from Michigan soldiers and citizens of Cambridge, Ohio, asking that soldiers be paid make any motion in respect to the ~eference? · the difference between greenbacks and gold for their services during Ur. CONGER. No, sir; I will not make any motion in regard to it. the war-to the Committee on War Claims. However, I should like to have that committee examine the subject By Mr. WHEELER: Petition of William P. Shelton, for a pension­ carefully, and I am willing to leave it there. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. EDMUNDS. That we certainly shall do. Also, petition of Richard ~a.cion, for ~emoval of charge of desertion, The PRESIDENT pro tentpm·e. 'l~he communication and accompa­ &c.-to the Committee on Military AffaiTS. nying papers are referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Also petition of Mary F. Parham and of James 111. Newby, of Lime­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communica.... stone County, Alabama, asking that their war claims be referred to the tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to a. resolution Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. of the 3d instant, a report of the Adjutant-General showing dates of By Mr. A. C. WIDTE: Letter relating to House bill 4728, granting transfer to the Interior Department of. abandoned and other military a pension to Elizabeth Sirwell-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. reservations; which, with the accompanying papers, was orderecl to lie By Mr. MILO WHITE: Petition of L. C. Porter Milling Company, on the table, and be printed. for a reductiop of the duty on burlaps-to the Committee on Ways and The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communica­ Means. tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in compliance with Also, memorial ofthe Knight-s of Labor of Winona, Minn., in favor a resolution of December 17, 1885, information in relation to land-grant of the Hennepin Canal-to the Committee on Railways and Canals. railroads in the State of Kansas; which was read. By 111r. WHITING: Petition of Wales T. Wilder, for special-act pen­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. This communication, and the accom­ sion-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. panying papers, which are voluminous, will lie on the table. Thefollowing petitions, praying Congress to place the ~inage of silver W.A.SlliNGTON GAS-LIGHT COl\fPANY. uponanequalitywithgold; thattherebeissuedcoincertiticates of one, The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communica- two and five dollars, the same being made a legal tender; that one and tion from the Washington Gas-light Company, transmitting, in response two' dollar legal-tender notes be issued, and that the public debt be paid to ·a resolution of the 3d instant, certain information in regard to the 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2381 . capital stock, dividends, &c., of that company; which was referred to favoring the passage of the bill (H. R. 1914) for the restoration of the Committee on the District of Columbia, and ordered to be printed.
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