LUYH # PsH # TITLE in LUYH TITLE Same tune? TUNE NAME TUNE NAME Same text? Notes in PsH 87 in LUYH in PsH87 776 469 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Yes EIN FESTE BURG Yes 466 442 Abide with Me Yes EVENTIDE No two phrases have been returned to Blue PsH version 172 386 Ah, Holy Jesus, How Have You Offended Yes HERZLIEBSTER JESU Yes 173 385 Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed No MARTYDOM Yes *tune adds passing notes in the melody; harmonization is slightly different 551 431 All Creatures of Our God and King Yes LASST UNS No *LUYH has a new 5th stanza and ERFREUEN added 6th stanza 542 247 All Glory Be to God on High Yes ALLEIN GOTT Yes 146 375, 376All Glory, Laud, and Honor Yes ST. THEODULPH No *the first part of the 1st stanza became a refrain on this song; each subsequent stanza was then made into two stanzas, so that the 1st part was always the refrain "All Glory, laud…" in a DC al Fine form 601 470, 471All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Yes (PsH 471) CORONATION No *One phrase in the 3rd staza is changed slightly 1 100 All People that on Earth Do Dwell No OLD HUNDREDTH/ GENEVAN 100 no LUYH went back to an older version GENEVAN 134 of this text 394 441 All Praise to You, My God, This Night Yes TALLIS CANON Yes 20 435 All Things Bright and Beautiful Yes ROYAL OAK Yes one slight change in the 4th stanza-- "God gave us" instead of "He gave us" 189 639 Alleluia (Berthier) Yes TAIZÉ ALLELUIA Yes 179 387 Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven Yes EBENEZER Yes 831 406 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus No HYFRYDOL LOWELL Yes 691 462 Amazing Grace Yes AMAZING GRACE/ Yes NEW BRITAIN 511 239 Amid the Thronging Worshipers Yes BOVINA Yes 695 267 And Can It Be Yes SAGINA Yes 81 354 Angels from the Realms of Glory Yes REGENT SQUARE No *uses "you" instead of "ye" *says "All creation" instead of "Saints and angels" 82 347 Angels We Have Heard on High Yes GLORIA No *2nd stanza has a few small changes 103 198 Arise, Shine, for Your Light Is Come Yes ARISE, SHINE Yes 616 42 As A Deer in Want of Water Yes GENEVAN 42 Yes 674 219 As Moses Raised the Serpent Up Yes O WALY WALY GIFT OF LOVE Yes 105 358 As with Gladness Men of Old Yes DIX Yes 220 467 At the Name of Jesus Yes KING'S WESTON Yes 86 348 Away in a Manger Yes AWAY IN A MANGER Yes 86 349 Away in a Manger Yes CRADLE SONG Yes 790 269 Baptized in Water Yes BUNESSAN Yes 454 577 Beams of Heaven Yes SOME DAY Yes 17 461 Beautiful Savior Yes ST. ELIZABETH Yes 516 627 Bless His Holy Name/ Yes BLESS THE LORD Yes Bless the Lord, O My Soul 363 490 Blessed Assurance: Jesus Is Mine Yes ASSURANCE No second verse is the original Fanny Crosby text 763 280 Blessed Jesus, at Your Word Yes LIEBSTER JESU Yes 257 315 Blest Be the Tie That Binds Yes DENNIS Yes 764 282 Break Now the Bread of Life Yes BREAD OF LIFE Yes 747 420 Breathe on Me, Breath of God Yes TRENTHAM Yes 489 620 By the Sea of Crystal Yes CRYSTAL Yes 23 440 Children of the Heavenly Father Yes TRYGGARE KAN Yes INGEN VARA 206 413 Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing Yes TRURO addition additional stanza added to LUYH 182 388 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Yes EASTER HYMN Yes 137 371 Christ, the Life of All the Living Yes JESU, MEINES Yes LEBENS LEBEN 667 481 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies Yes LUX PRIMA Yes 727 513 Christian Hearts in Love United Yes O DU LIEBE MEINER Yes LIEBE 252 533 Church of God, Elect and Glorious No ABBOT'S LEIGH MEAD HOUSE Yes 419 70 Come Quickly, Lord, to Rescue Me No PUER NOBIS DISTRESS Yes 613 535 Come to the Savior Now Yes INVITATION Yes 495 242 Come, All You People, Praise Our God Yes ADOWA Yes 492 246 Come, Thou Almighty King Yes ITALIAN HYMN Yes 521 486 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Yes NETTLETON No update contains a few small changes that revert back to an older version of the text 56 329 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Yes STUTTGART Yes 614 538 Come, You Disconsolate Yes CONSOLATION Yes 199 389 Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain Yes ST. KEVIN No additional stanza added to LUYH; changed poetry, but retained meaning 473 527 Come, You Thankful People, Come Yes ST. GEORGE'S Yes No descant in LUYH WINDSOR 59 194 Comfort, Comfort Now My People Yes FREU DICH SEHR/ Yes GENEVAN 42 523 425 Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid Yes MELITA Yes 223 410 Crown Him with Many Crowns Yes DIADEMATA No additional stanza added to LUYH; changed poetry, but retained meaning 656 140 Deliver Me from Evil No PASSION CHORALE/ ACCEPTANCE Yes HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN 745 427 Dwell in Me, O Blessed Spirit Yes DWELL IN ME Yes 271 433 Earth and All Stars Yes EARTH AND ALL Yes STARS 818 312 Eat This Bread Yes EAT THIS BREAD Yes 641 422 Eternal Spirit, God of Truth Yes FOREST GREEN Yes 687 464 Father, Long before Creation Yes CORONAE Yes 816 314 Father, We Give You Thanks, Who Planted No NEUMARK/WER GENEVAN 98/118 No Stanzas split to form 4 stanzas NUR DEN LIEBEN instead of 2; refrain added GOTT 356 547 Fill Thou My Life, O Lord, My God Yes ELLACOMBE Yes 254 505 For All the Saints Yes SINE NOMINE Yes same text, however only 5 stanzas instead of 7 19 432 For the Beauty of the Earth Yes DIX addition 1 new stanza; descant added 396 455 For the Fruit of All Creation (Thanks Be to God) No AR HYD Y NOS EAST ACKLAM Yes 677 223 For the Glories of God's Grace Yes MONKLAND Yes 525 416 For Your Gift of God the Spirit No FOR YOUR GIFT BLAENWERN Yes 638 266 Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive Yes DUNFERMLINE Yes 815 300 Gift of Finest Wheat Yes BICENTENNIAL Yes 114 29 Give Glory to God, All You Heavenly Creatures Yes ARLES Yes 212 68 Give Praise to God with Reverence Deep Let God Arise Yes GENEVAN 68 No This is the last 4 stanzas of "Let God and By His Might Arise and By His Might" The rest of the Psalm is covered through a responsive reading the page before 196 118 Give Thanks to God for All His Goodness Yes GENEVAN 98/118 No Very similar--just a few phrasing changes throughout 286 506 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken No RUSTINGTON AUSTRIAN HYMN No "thee" instead of "you" throughout 959 635 Glory Be to the Father Yes MEINEKE Yes 84 214 Glory to God/ Yes ERE ZIJ GOD Yes restructured to fit on 2 pages Ere zij God using repeat signs 950 317 Go Now In Peace Yes GO NOW IN PEACE Yes 161 381 Go to Dark Gethsemane Yes REDHEAD 76 Yes 93 356 Go, Tell It on the Mountain Yes GO TELL IT Yes different accompaniment 943 316 God Be with You Till We Meet Again Yes RANDOLPH Yes 565 244 God Himself Is with Us Yes ARNSBERG Yes 246 516 God is Here No NETTLETON ST. JOHN'S QUADRA addition 1 additional stanza added 284 76 God Is Known Among His People No LAUDA ANIMA TEMPLE BORO No Update of text throughout; retains same meaning, changes a few words 432 46 God Is Our Refuge and Our Strength Yes GERARD/NOEL Yes 25 434 God Moves in a Mysterious Way Yes DUNDEE Yes 281 599 God of All Ages Yes NATIONAL HYMN No First phase slightly changed 853 521 God of the Prophets Yes Toulon No a few words are slightly changed; the meaning is retrained. 623 255 God, Be Merciful To Me (REDHEAD) Yes REDHEAD No 5 stanzas instead of 4; changed language with the same Psalm as the base for the text 927 322 God, the Father of Your People Yes HOLY MANNA Yes 98 355 Good Christian Friends, Rejoice Yes IN DULCI JUBILO Yes 184 397 Good Christians All Rejoice and Sing Yes GELOBT SEI GOTT addition Same text; one additional stanza 249 48 Great Is the Lord Our God Yes DIADEMATA Yes 348 556 Great Is Thy Faithfulness Yes FAITHFULNESS Yes 400 444 Greet Now the Swiftly Changing Year No SIXTH NIGHT ROK NOVY Yes 43 543 Guide Me, O My Great Redeemer Yes CWM RHONDDA Yes 209 409 Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise Yes LLANFAIR Yes 109 72 Hail to the Lord's Anointed Yes ES FLOG EIN KLEINS No Only 4 stanzas instead of 6; WALDVÖGELEIN alternative order of stanzas; slightly different language, however same Psalm 60 335 Hark the Glad Sound! The Savior Comes Yes RICHMOND Yes 478 332 Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding Yes MERTON Yes 80 345 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Yes MENDELSOHN Yes 737 287 Have Thine Own Way, Lord Yes ADELAIDE Yes 227 633 He Is Lord Yes HE IS LORD addition 3 stanzas added 440 452 He Leadeth Me Yes AUGHTON Yes 657 142 Hear My Cry and Supplication No ARISE/ Yes 1 additional, optional stanza RESTORATION added 376 5 Hear, O LORD, My Urgent Prayer Yes TEBBEN Yes 490 235 Here from All Nations Yes O QUANTA QUALIA Yes 26 457 He's Got the Whole World in His Hands Yes WHOLE WORLD Yes 540 504 Holy God, We Praise Your Name Yes GROSSER GOTT Yes 864 423 Holy Spirit, Truth Divine No TEBBEN SONG 13 Yes 538 249 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty Yes NICAEA Yes 145 378 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Yes ELLACOMBE Yes 401 443 Hours and Days and Years and Ages Yes O DU LIEBE MEINER Yes LIEBE 669 32 How Blest Are They Whose Trespass Yes RUTHERFORD Yes 301 112 How Blest Are Those Who Fear the LORD Yes MELCOMBE Yes 101 357 How Bright Appears the Morning Star Yes WIE SCHÖN Yes LEUCHTET 427 500 How Firm a Foundation Yes FOUNDATION No 3 stanzas instead of 5; uses the option of reading the Psalm along with the song 683 231 How Great Is the Love of the Father Yes ANNO DOMINI Yes 553 483 How Great Thou Art Yes HOW GREAT THOU Yes Tune name has changed, same ART tune 436 18 How I Love You, LORD My God Yes ABERYSTWYTH No 2 stanzas instead of 8 507 243 How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Yes ST.
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