THE SPECTRUM VOLUME LV. Z 545a STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1941 NUMBER 31 Hayloft Queens AZ Initiates NDAC Seniors Win U. Of M. Head Will Eight Members Ag Scholarships For Advance Study Work Alpha Zeta initiated the following Address June Grads men at their Founder's day banquet Two graduating seniors and one recent graduate of North Dakota held recently. Dr. Walter C. Coffey, since 1921 dean of agriculture and now Julius Width Agricultural college recently receiv- ed word that they have been award- president-elect of the University of Minnesota, will deliver the Clarence Jordre ed scholarships to take advanced commencement address at the 47th June commencement at NDAC Robert Brastrap study in agricultural subjects at Russel Shroeder other colleges. Monday, June 9, at 10 a. m. in Festival hall. Honorable Fred Everett Tool Raymond V. Olson, senior in agri- J. Traynor of Devils Lake, member of the Board of Higher Edu- Rueben Ruud culture, reports July 1 at the Uni- cation. will represent the Board. versity of Wisconsin where he will Henry Richardson The 216 candidates for college begin taking advanced work in for- degrees include 207 graduating sen- John Conway est soils. Victor Fischer, March Recently pledged but not initiated graduate, and Howard Olson, grad- iors and 9 students who are candi- at this time were Robert Pile and uating senior, have been awarded dates for the master of science de- Loran Ladwig. scholarships to the Virginia Poly- gree. NDAC will confer degrees on The annual award given to the technic Institute and North Carolina 196 students from 43 North Dakota freshman maintaining the highest State College, respectively. Fischer counties, 17 from Minnesota and one average during his first year this will take work in agronomy,. and Ol- year went to Earl Walters. son will specialize in entomology. each from Illinois, Iowa and Wis- consin. Leading in the number of candi- Fannie Helen Dygve, (center front) member of Kappa Kappa dates is the School of Agriculture Gamma sorority, has been selected by Saddle and Sirloin to reign over Collegiate Leaders Honored with 49 of which 47 are bachelor and the barn dance. Her attendants will be: top row, Solveig Ness, Ceres two are master of science degrees. hall; Jean Geissler, Phi Mu; Norma Severson, Kappa Delta; Maxine At Special Convo Wednesday Following are other shools and num- Thorne, Gamma Phi Beta; bottom row, Mary Dahl, Alpha Gamma ber of candidates for bachelor of Sponsored by Blue Key and Sen- Pharmaceutical association for hav- Delta; and right, Grace Colberg, Phi Omega Pi. science degrees; Home Economics, ior Staff, the sixth annual Honors ing the highest averages in their re- 48; Applied Arts and Sciences, 29; day convocation was held Wednes- spective classes. Kathryn Odney re- bachelor and 2 master of science day. ceived the Lehn and Fink gold medal awards; Chemical Technology, 22 Those who were outstanding in for the pharmacy senior with the bachelor and 5 master of science Civil Service Barnyard Joy some division of collegiate endeavor highest average during the entire candidates; Engineering, 26; Pharm- during the school year were recogniz- four-year course. Vollroth and Smith acy, 14 ; and Division of Education, ed. Special divisional awards were also received the Rho Chi awards for DR. WALTER C. COFFEY 21. Offers Posts Seekers Frolic made by the school of agriculture, the two highest ranking freshmen Other highlights of the 1941 com- U. S. Civil Service Commission an- the school of engineering, the school pharmacists. mencement include the baccalaureate nounces that examinations will be In Field House of home economics, the school of Blue Key Scholarship College Cadets Get service at 3:00 p. m. and the alumni held for positions as landscape arch- pharmacy and the department of The Blue Key Master Freshman banquet for all graduating seniors at itects, applications for which must Hay there. You goin' to the barn military science and tactics. award went to Robert Murphy, a Awards At Exercises 6:30 on Sunday, June 8. Dr. Frank be filed with the Commission's Wash- dance? Write home and ask fodder Senior Staff Elects chemist. Blue Key's junior scholar- L. Eversull, NDAC president, will ship was given to John Calhoun, an ington office not later than June 26, if you can have the hay rack to take Senior Staff, honorary senior wo- deliver the baccalaureate sermon and men's service club announced the engineering junior. Betty Lynne, an Wednesday Night music will be furnished by the boys' 1941. the milk maid to the corniest brawl Landscape architects are needed in election of eight new members, elect- applied arts and science sophomore, At the cadet corps graduation glee club. Members of the graduat- of the year. Get out the overalls ed on the basis of scholarship, leader- received the chapter E, PEO Mem- ing class wearing caps and gowns, connection with national defense, parade and tournament Wednesday housing, and other government pro- and scrape off the bottoms of the ship and service at the college. New orial award. A $25 award from the and faculty members in academic night, Colonel Edward R. Cummings jects, and the jobs will pay from legs, comb most of the straw out of mmbers are Allagene Jefferis, Eilaine Eastgate Masonic lodge was given to costume will march formally from John Woodley, an engineering junior. $2,000 to $5,600 a year. your hair and hie on over, because Nelson, Betty Lou Pannebaker, Ruth received the saber given by the Old Main to Festival hall. Applicants for junior landscape tonight promises to be a big even- Kellesvig, Audrey Wells, Lorine Lad- Awarded by the Fargo Rotary club, North Dakota Reserve Officers' asso- Dr. Leon Metzinger is general the Norman B. Black scholarship architect positions must have com- ing, let no one say us neigh. wig, Genevieve Olson, and Muriel ciation to the cadet displaying the chairman of commencement arrange- Kenny Sutton's boys will play the Kotschevar. Initiation services were went to Robert Beard, an agriculture ments. All students and the public pleted either a 4-year college course most outstanding qualities of leader- with major study in landscape arch- hoe-downs, with square dance callers held Wednesday evening at the Gard- senior. Marian Ammann, a home are invited to attend both commence- economics junior, got the NDAC ship. itecture, engineering or design. Ap- much in demand. Decorations will ner Hotel, followed by a dinner. ment and baccalaureate ceremonies plicants for the other landscape be in the usual barn dance theme, Donald Jackson, a senior, was giv- Women's club award. To Betty Cadet First Sergeant Paul Mid- for which no tickets are required. Brattland, an AAS freshman, went architect positions must have the bales of straw and hay, corn shocks en the American Society of Civil En- daugh, chosen the most outstanding above requirements plus professional (most of it just smells) and cow gineers award; Sam Hess, a fresh- the Senior Staff award. Senior junior in the corps, received the experience in this line of work. bells. Prizes will be awarded to the man, the Tau Delta Pi award for Staff's scholarship went to Burnice ROTC medal given by the Sons of Vollrath, a pharmacy sophomore. Lieut. Schumacher For all but the junior position, most appropriately dressed boy and having the highest freshman engineer the American- Revolution. Charles technical experience may be substi- girl, and a cup will be given to the average in the fall term; and Perry Lodge Awards Given Keefe and Wallace Kapaun were Will Organize tuted year for year for the educa- girl chosen as barn dance queen. Clark, a junior, the Kappa Tau Delta Shiloh lodge scholarships were awarded medals for drilling the two tional requirement; and appropriate The prize for the best man's cos- award for the architect with the given to Reuben Gerlitz, an en- best platoons in the regiment. Air Corps Units graduate study in landscape archi- tume will be donated by Carl Rorvig best 24-hour sketch problem. gineering junior, and Robert Pile, an A squad commanded by Corporal tecture, engineering, or design may of Ted Evanson's, and the Herbst Danforth Award ag sophomore. Frances Maier, a George W. Rulon took first in com- Lieut. R. T. Schumacher of the be used to fill a part or for some department store will give the prize Muriel Kotschevar, a junior, was home economics junior, was the re- petition. In individual competition United States Army Air Corps will positions, all, of the experience re- for the best woman's outfit. awarded the Danforth foundation's cipient of the Women's Senate award. John A. Conway and Frank Molland, be in Fargo for two weeks receiving requirements. Chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs. summer fellowship for home econo- The Danforth foundation also gave both sergeants, won awards in saber applications for appointments to the John Thompson. Let the chores go mics. a four-week fellowship to Andrew competition. First place in rifle air corps and organizing flying cadet for tonight and hitch up Bessie and Clark Andreson and LeRoy Carter, Vanvig, an agriculture junior. manual of arms went to Private units from applications in the Fargo- Formal Dinner Final King, prepare to wear the squeak sophomores, and Burnice Vollrath Other awards announced earlier in Charles Page. Moorhead area. out of your new store bought shoes and Byron Smith, freshmen, were the year were also recognized at the Named the outstanding cadet cap- The purpose of his visit is to over at Johnny Smith's barn. Ceres Social Event given awards by the North Dakota convocation.
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