Planning Proposal Planning Proposal - Rezone Land from B2 Local Business to R3 Medium Density Residential Lot 1 & 2, DP 346522 7-9 Alexandria Parade, Waitara, NSW 2077 PO Box 1044 NARRABEEN NSW 2101 Ph 02 9970 5675 Email [email protected] ABN 64 098 723 749 15002.4 September 2015 © Innovation Planning Australia Pty Ltd. Reproduction of this document without prior permission is not permitted DOCUMENT TRACKING Author(s) Robert McGuinness Version No. Status Date File Name 1 Final 18/04/15 15002.1 PP 2 Final 04/07/2015 15002.1 PP_V2 3 Final 16/09/2015 15002.4 PP TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Structure of Report 2 1.3 Consultation 2 1.4 Site Features 3 1.4.1 The Land 3 1.4.2 Topography 4 1.4.3 Existing development 4 1.4.4 Land Title and Easements 7 1.4.5 Context 8 1.4.6 Surrounding development 8 1.4.7 Flooding & Watercourses 10 1.4.8 Ecology 10 1.4.9 Geology 10 1.4.10 Heritage 10 1.4.11 Bushfire 10 1.4.12 Services 10 1.4.13 Contamination 11 1.4.14 Transport & Access 11 1.4.15 Existing zoning 11 2 INTENDED OUTCOMES OF PLANNING PROPOSAL 15 2.1 Objectives and Intended Outcomes 15 2.1.1 Objective 15 2.1.2 Outcomes 15 2.2 Explanation of Provisions 16 3 JUSTIFICATION OF PLANNING PROPOSAL 19 3.1 The need for the planning proposal 19 3.1.1 Is the planning proposal a result of any strategic study or report? 19 3.1.2 Is the planning proposal the best means of achieving the objectives or intended outcomes, or is there a better way? 21 3.1.3 Is there a net community benefit? 22 3.2 Relationship to strategic planning framework 25 3.2.1 Is the planning proposal consistent with the objectives and actions contained within the applicable regional or sub-regional strategy (including the Sydney Metropolitan Strategy and exhibited strategies)? 25 3.2.2 Is the planning proposal consistent with the local Council’s Community Strategic Plan, or other local strategic plan? 25 3.2.3 Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable state environmental planning policies? 26 3.2.4 Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable Ministerial Directions? 29 3.3 Environmental, social and economic impact 30 3.3.1 Is there any likelihood that critical habitat or threatened species, populations of ecological communities, or their habitats, will be adversely affected as a result of the proposal? 30 3.3.2 Are there any other likely environmental effects as a result of the planning proposal and how are they to be mitigated? 30 3.3.3 How has the planning proposal adequately addressed any social and economic effects? 30 3.4 State and Commonwealth interests 30 Planning Proposal - Rezone Land to Residential Page i Lot 1 & 2 in DP 346522, 7-9 Alexandria Pde, Waitara TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 3.4.1 Is there adequate public infrastructure for the planning proposal? 30 3.4.2 What are the views of State and Commonwealth public authorities consulted in accordance with the gateway determination? 30 4 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION REQUIRED 32 5 CONCLUSION 33 ATTACHMENT 1 – Deposited Plan Image xxxiv ATTACHMENT 2 – Air Photo xxxv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Subject site (red arrow). 3 Figure 2. Site location directly opposite Waitara Railway Station 4 Figure 3. View of the site from Alexandria Parade looking north 5 Figure 4. View from the western frontage to Orara Street. 5 Figure 5. View looking east to the corner of the site. 6 Figure 6. View south along Orara Street to the site. 6 Figure 7. View north west to the site with the Asquith Leagues Club in the foreground and high density residential in the background. 7 Figure 8. Pedestrian crossing to the Waitara Railway Station 100m to the east of the site. 7 Figure 9. High Density residential Development opposite the site to the west 8 Figure 10. High Density Development to the west of the site 9 Figure 11. High Density development to the east and west of the site 9 Figure 12. Heritage shop to the east of the site 10 Figure 13. 1943 Aerial photography of the site (source: maps.six.nsw.gov.au) 11 Figure 14. Existing LEP Zone RU4 Primary Production Small Lots 13 Figure 15. The extent of high density development clearly visible surrounding the site. 14 Figure 16. Proposed Zoning R3 Residential Medium Density Residential 17 Figure 17. Proposed height limit of T1 26.5m 17 Figure 18. North Region Strategic Centres (Source: A Plan for Growing Sydney) 21 Planning Proposal - Rezone Land to Residential Page ii Lot 1 & 2 in DP 346522, 7-9 Alexandria Pde, Waitara INTRODUCTION 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The site is known as Lot 1 & 2 in DP 346522, or commonly as 7-9 Alexandria Parade, Waitara The owner of Lot 2, which owns and operates the existing aged care facility (Tallwoods Corner Aged Care) on the corner of Myra Street and Alexandria Parade is seeking to develop the site for the purposes of aged care. The site will provide synergies and efficiencies with the existing operation, due to its proximity to the existing operation and the railway station. The site is currently zoned B2 Local Centre under the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013. It is proposed to rezone the land to R3 Medium Density Residential, with a height limit of 26.5m for the principle purpose of developing housing for seniors, together with a gymnasium and local shop at ground and first floor levels. It is proposed to remove any Floor Space Ratio controls from the site, consistent with the adjoining residential land. This Planning Proposal is the first step in creating a new Local Environmental Plan (LEP). A planning proposal is a document that explains the intended effect of the proposed LEP and the justification for making it. This Report has been prepared in accordance with the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure documents A Guide to Preparing Local Environmental Plans and A Guide to Preparing Planning Proposals. The latter document requires the Planning Proposal to include as a minimum the following four parts: Part 1 – A statement of the objectives or intended outcomes of the proposed LEP (EP&A Act 1979 s. 55(2)(a); Part 2 – An explanation of the provisions that are to be included in the proposed LEP (EP&A Act 1979 s. 55(2)(b); Part 3 – The justification for those objectives, outcomes and provisions and the process for their implementation (EP&A Act 1979 s. 55(2)(c); A. The need for the planning proposal i. Is the planning proposal a result of any strategic study or report? ii. Is the planning proposal the best means of achieving the objectives or intended outcomes, or is there a better way? iii. Is there a net community benefit? B. Relationship to strategic planning framework. iv. Is the planning proposal consistent with the objectives and actions contained within the applicable regional or sub- regional strategy (including the Sydney Metropolitan Strategy and exhibited strategies)? v. Is the planning proposal consistent with the local Council’s Community Strategic Plan, or other local strategic plan? vi. Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable state environmental planning policies? Planning Proposal - Rezone Land to Residential Page 1 Lot 1 & 2 in DP 346522, 7-9 Alexandria Pde, Waitara INTRODUCTION 1 vii. Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable Ministerial Directions? C. Environmental, social and economic impact. viii. Is there any likelihood that critical habitat or threatened species, populations of ecological communities, or their habitats, will be adversely affected as a result of the proposal? ix. Are there any other likely environmental effects as a result of the planning proposal and how are they to be mitigated? x. How has the planning proposal adequately addressed any social and economic effects? D. State and Commonwealth interests. xi. Is there adequate public infrastructure for the planning proposal? Part 4 – Details of the community consultation that is to be undertaken on the Planning Proposal (EP&A Act 1979 s. 55(2)(e); 1.2 Structure of Report This report is structured to provide all the information necessary for the Council and Department of Planning and Infrastructure to determine whether to support the proposal and to pass it through to Gateway Determination as follows: Section 1 provides the background, a description of the site and surrounds, and existing planning controls. Section 2 addresses the requirements in Part 1 above, the objectives and intended outcomes of the planning proposal Section 3 explains Part 2, the provisions to be included in the proposed LEP. Section 4 addresses Part 3, the objectives, outcomes and provisions and the process for their implementation. Section 5 details the community consultation required in Part 4. 1.3 Consultation Several meetings have been held with Council staff to discuss the Planning Proposal. A proposal (for discussion) was lodged with Council in July 2015 to rezone the land from B2 to R3, the same as this proposal. Council staff indicated that the proposal should be updated to address: The need for, and public benefit of permitting senior housing on land in addition to the SEPP; An alternate approach to rezoning the land R3 Medium Density Residential which is considered inconsistent with the zone objectives; and Preliminary concept plans that detail how a development would be appropriately sited on the land in accordance with Council’s DCP and the requirements of SEPP 65.
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