VOL. 42 Ci^J MORRIS BROWN COLLEGE NO. 6 Memories . Morris Brown College MBC Celebrates 94th Founding by Mathias A. Odoemele Morris Brown College celebrated its tunity offered them at Morris Brown to 94th Founders’ Day on the 11th of help fight the acute rising rate of crime March, and the occasion was attended in the black community. He told the by people from all walks of life, in­ students, “You are somebody.” cluding those from representative in­ Dr. Sexton challenged the black com­ stitutions, organizations, and churches. munity, church, and press to improve Speaking at the convocation cere­ communication among themselves, in mony in the college gymnasium, Dr. order to help solve the problems facing Sexton, the distinguished speaker on the the black community today. occasion, said that every one of us is Messages of congratulations and con­ living in a real and difficult world, and tributions toward the welfare of the that the only answer to survive it is college came from different organiza­ hard work and self-discipline. Continu­ tions, churches, clubs, institutions, and ing his speech, titled “The Burden of individuals. Proof,” he said that this real world is a A message from the student body world of survival of the fittest. The was delivered by the President of the person that is hardworking Will become Student Government, Mr. William Blount. a giant, while the one that is lazy will The story of Morris Brown was pre­ eventually become the servant of others. sented by Miss Sencira Flakes, a junior Dr. Sexton stressed the life of the and relative of the founders. black student in regard to his chances Miss Morris Brown College, Lucille in society, and said that the only way Martin, was introduced to the audience to accept the challenge will be to be while the Queen of Morris Brown Col­ ready to pay the price. lege, Dr. Ann Cochran, was feted with Religious Emphasis Week Self-dedication, service, and respect great honor and respect with assistance Financial Aid for one another bring self-satisfaction, from the college band. She was later at MBC Dr. Sexton advised the Morris Brown presented with a gift from the Morris students. Brown family for long service to the Will Not Be Cut by John Nwokoro Dr. Sexton predicted that the gap college. between old and young, black and white, The convocation was marked with The observance of Religious Empha­ and unfortunately black and black, will different activities, including a concert In a recent interview with Mrs. Irene sis Week takes place each year about continue to be in existence if something and modeling show by Henri O’Bryant, Jones, Financial Aids Director, the possi­ the third week in March. The 1975 is not done to bridge it. an alumnus of the college. ble reviewing of the needs analysis sys­ celebration was held March 18 to 20 He called on the students to take the Dr. Robert Threatt, President of the tem to determine the awarding of fed­ throughout the Atlanta University Cen­ moral, religious, and educational oppor­ College, was presiding. eral funds to students was discussed. ter. Schools who had not applied in the The purpose of Religious Emphasis is Dr. Sexton speaking at Morris Brown College Founders’ Day Program past for funds from the government are to gear and enhance the religious life of applying now. Funds that had been ap­ all the colleges within the center. Here proved for colleges by the College Sch­ at Morris Brown College, the event was olarship Services were more than Con­ conceived as a short period devoted to gress had appropriated for colleges to special Religious Activities emphasizing use. Therefore, an analysis was needed the moral, religious, and cultural needs to find other means to make a student of the college. qualify for less, in order to spread funds. The observance of Religious Empha­ By doing this, black colleges would be sis Week — held annually since 1886 — affected more than others. is planned to include such activities as Mrs. Jones said, “I don’t feel that religious lectures and assemblies — acti­ it was necessary to make the student vities which will highlight the spiritual body aware of the possible reviewing of foundation of the institution and stimu­ the ‘needs analysis,’ because the issue late present-day students to experience was still being debated in Congress.” religious renewal. She also stated that letters had been Just as mathematicians assign un­ written to Congressmen, expressing our solved problems to infinity and scientists feelings, and that their representation work with the unknown, through Reli­ was more effective than students writ­ gious Activities the spiritual unseen pro­ ing letters. mises are proclaimed as a true and real Since the time of the interview with experience. Mrs. Jones, the Financial Aids Office (Continued on p. 6) (Continued on p. 6) An Open Letter to the Morris Brown Family Up to this time, I have given no amount of academic freedom, which in AN direct expression of the views, feel­ turn would create a kind of situation INTERVIEW ings, and opinions that I have formed where students could be challenged to with respect to the character and con­ grow tall enough to wear the crown WITH dition of Morris Brown. I have re­ which has been placed on their heads. frained from this up to now purposely. From this we could say, in the words I wish to speak with some authority, SGA of Lerone Bennett, “It is not the time and in order to do so, I have waited for the catfish, but time for the whale.” till, I trust, experience has brought my We could make our students aware PRESIDENT opinion to an intelligent maturity. I that no longer can they have eighteen- have been careful, not because I think by Cleon T. Day & Angelia McCrary inch afros and one-half inch minds. We what I say will have any effect in shap­ could instill a sense of excellence and ing the opinions of the school, but we could create the atmosphere which Morris Brown College S.G.A. President Speaks Out on the Business He Knows Best because I only wish to go in the right must have been present when Beethoven direction, and according to truth. wrote his symphonies, or when Michael- For Morris Brown to be a great angelo painted. Mr. William Blount, president of the Mr. Blount was asked if there were institution, she must first realize her In essence, we all must be chal­ Student Government Association, has at any time problems which made it al­ potential from within. She also must lenged to strive for excellence. But, caught our attention as a man of high most impossible to function effectively. realize that new duties call forth new we must understand that history has intelligence. He has involved himself “Being able to depend on people is responsibilities, and that her mentality taught that major civilizations have with the school and students with the one,” Blount admitted. “Also, difficul­ cannot outdistance her morality. She fallen because the masses were ignored. intention of making things better; con­ ties within the organization, such as must also consider her most important Anyone who has Morris Brown’s inter­ sidering the strain the school has under­ plant operations.” The support from stu­ product — the students. This can only est at heart will be willing to explore gone, we indeed feel he has done the dents was the last he named, which in be done through a sincere and program­ all avenues which will make her a great best expected. In a recent interview, some cases has caused a few’embarrass­ matic effort. school. To do this, we must excite our Mr. Blount was asked, “What has the ing situations. Morris Brown must use her faculty, students and make them aware of their SGA done this year to benefit the But in spite of these difficulties, the staff, and student body to accomplish responsibilities as students, to them­ students?” In discussing the areas of Student Government went on to ac­ those ends which she pursues. Some­ selves, and to the school .... that our activities, he explained, “In the area of complish its goals, without the full where I read that old men have visions destiny is interrelated — we will perish activities we have sponsored as well as participation of the officers and student and young men have dreams — Morris separately or we will survive working co-sponsored many activities, such as support. Being the strong leader that Brown must combine these two. She together. Also, we have to give some the shows and movies that were pre­ he is, Blount realized beforehand that must acknowledge the visions and let moral leadership to insure that the sented. The purpose of this type of such problems would occur, and he ad­ the dreamers dream. She must exploit character of the family does not decay. entertainment is not for money-raising, vised the next SGA president to expect all of her talent. By pursuing this And finally, we must be willing to lis­ but to provide the kind of entertain­ the same problems. course, she can create an academic at­ ten to the many and not the few. Then ment that proves enjoyable to the stu­ “There is a reason for students not mosphere that will encourage intellec­ we will be able to say to our students: dents.” wanting to participate or involve them­ tual growth and a stronger sense of “It is, above all, an eloquent tribute to SGA has recognized the intensive selves within the school, mainly the unity among all concerned.
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