,. , .. ... , ,.. Ration Calendar Showers 0'" "A" e ••,... I e.,lrl .., '11 COrl'lIE .",OD n u,I... II., H: ) lUG". ''',OD 11 u.I... M., II: IOWA: Sbowen and cooler In .ed E. '" meat ........ e.,lre Kay IJ: eut portlona: fresh to O. II. aa. J .'anlp. e.,ire Ma, :U: THE DAiiY· IOWAN. IHOB8 •••••• 11 uplre. .I... IL .trolll" winds. Ive Iowa City's Morning Newspaper int FIVE CENTS THB "1I8GCl,\,.SO palSs IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY. MAY 5,1943 ftl AllI8Cl&nJ) rul. VOLUME xun NUMBER 188 Ibs, 125 !iveq a , which Ir Son e ~in, i~ .- Y 17, is any. 1t CrOll! at Cap.. Ith I\II(j II Wort uro ean Ie Ie Iy , He act the " ' al they e e I schOol .- I{a col. , JaCOlis n!anlry was a guard Izer e I In· un. an e ,( Camp 1sferred e ~inl ; T Jacobs MINERS START RETURN UNDER TRUCE AS U.S. TAKES OVER Ickes Orders 6-Day year in French Lieut·Gen. Frank M. Andrews ng lite Yanks, Mine Week as Wage -= Drive Toward Deadlock CORtinues Dies in Plane Crash iltlcelani UMW etai.f Lewis L ! 'DON, Wcdu day (AP) - Lieut.·Gen. lhauk M. And­ Big Navy Base rew . di tinguj hed II)ing gencul and commander of aJl U. Refuses to ~omment force iu thc Eul'op au theat l' of operation, \\'8 killed Monday Concerniflg Deer.. ill lilt airplane accident ill I· land , his II adqu81:tcrs ann nne d Allied Column Pushes urly toda)". WASHINGTON (AP) - An Til plan el'alIbed" in au i olat d locality jn Iceland." aud Forward Along North ordet' Cor a ~1x -day week in most "full information conce/'Iling the accident i. not yet available," Shore of Lake Achkel coal mines wps Issucd tDday by I he bI·i f a 111101lnCemell t lid. Fuels Adminblrator Ickes, while The tl'agedy 011 the bl eak i lund cluim d the lifo of the eighth ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN the miners' walle controvel'sy ap­ American grnerll! to be kill rl or mi iug jn this wa,·. Bud the 139· NORTH AFRICA (AP) - Bi­ peal'ed to be as deadlocked as ever yeor.old Andrews wo Ihe highest-ranking nited Slat artily xerte now is within heavy al'tillery despite ,enefal resumpl10n of ofJ'icer 10, t. mnge of American and French production under a i5-day truce. .A squarc·jawed, dt'l'ply· tlllln!'d, alld bal'd·righting' mllll, And· Ickes. govenunent boss of the troops driving along the northern r['w~ on I" ·b. 5 hud lukl'll over the comnlllnrt, succeed· mines, ordered the six-day week Europea n shol'cs of Lake Achkel toward the - 'ing GCIl. Dwight D. Eiscuhower, big navol base, front dispatches to assure, he said, Ulat coal output reported tonigh t. meots needs ot war industries. ' L H "I H e caDlO to this ])ost from the This allied column pushed for­ Some lllbor men took the view 6ermans ose eavi y eO lUm~llld or American troops in ward two more mileH overnight to lbat its aSliural'lee QI ovel·time pay the middle east. occupy more than half the north­ for miners opened an avenue 10r In Western Caucasus To most 01 his offieel'l and ern shores 01 the lake, and now . John L. Lewis, the United Mine men, Andrew8 wa "the len· has swung toward Bizerte, meeting . Workers' chleltaln, ·to retreat from his present wage demands, but eral," and a nylnr reneral, lor Nazi Forces Withdraw othel"5 minitni~~ Jts importance. be was ' one or the few offlcen BULLETIN OpcrtltOI"S' reprelentatlves and 01- Above Novorossisk, of his rank and ale with a WITII THE A MER I CAN ficials in lelie,' office said that pUot's rallnl, ARMY IN NORTHERN TUN1- Abandon Krymskaya most mines have been on II six- Since early In his career he had SlA, (AP) - An Amerlcan­ day-week for some time. French column pusbln&' alonl' Lewis himself had no comment LONDON. Wednesday (AP)- been an enthusiastic airman, was Ihe nortbern shores of Lake ;~ "Fl)R VICTORY" SIGN Is made by miners aa they start doWn the immediately, Heavy and bloody fighting in the a strong advocate of a powerful Achkel advanced two miles over shaft to work, abbve, In the Underwood mlnes, Throop, Pa., In re­ Ickes" ottlae said the six-day western Caucasus which has cost army air al'm, and it was partLy n\fbi and now stands wltbln sponse to President Roosevelt's plea thllt mining ot coal be continued. ordel' did not aPply to any mines the Germans "serious losses in at his Instance that Flying Fort­ heavy artillery range of Blzerte. At the mine, the Stars IlIld Stripes are pictured Jlytng, right. as the which have not received maximum U. S.1Iag ~ raised over every mine. (International Soundpbotos) price Increases to provide for the manpower and equipment" was resses-one of the principal types "some l'esistance" in rough coun- additional cost of the six-day announced carly today by the So- of heavy bombers - were de- try, Associated Press C01Tespond­ week. viet command sevel'al hours aftcl' vel oped , ent Harold V. Boyle J'j!POl'ted Irom MeanUme, wHh virtually all the Ihe Germans acknowledged a As long ago as 1935, Andl'ews the front. Nazis Acknowledge ' millers a\ work, the war labor forced withdrawal in that area had urged giant !Ieets of (our- Meanwhile, AmerlcaQ. troops I!oent -announced hearingll would engined bombers. 'InnlD, eut lrem -e&pnu"d ~­ be reSl.imed TI1ur~lIr by the panel some 20 miles above the por~ of When be \0011 over hi. new te\tr we.., strlklnl toward lSI­ Imminent Prospect .' f'qa~ial .Victories it appoinled to find the facts of Novorossisk. and the loss to the command here, he a lIerletl tbat zerte alid southcast toward the sort coal wa.e dispute. The RUssians of the town of Krym· "my flnt Job I. to Inoreawe and Tupls. same panel wall directed alBO to skaya. Intensify the bomblnl ot the 'rhe Ndzi retreat east of Mateur Of European Invasion WASHlNGTON (AP)-ln I'apid­ damaged a tran ~por t, bringing to inquire into tho anthracite dispute, The RUssian war bulletin, for enemy." continue~, Boyle said, and the !ire order, the United States navy 222 the total or Japanese ships an- l{earings were stopped when the the lIrst time confirmlng persist- As a pilot, Andrews held sev­ Americqils are mopping up axis LONDON (AP) - The Nazis Scores of Workers described yesterday hQW Its forces nounced as sunk or damaged by bo.rd refelTe4 the case to the ent Indications that the Kuban re- eral United States and world rec­ sold ~ers ! apparently ,in large num- acknowledged yesterday that the had forged a nc\'{ link in a far­ American submarJnes. The. late$t W~ite House I,st week after it glon ot the western Caucasus had ords for long distance flights, and ber, wlio were by-passcd and then grim prospect of an allied invasion Injured When Fire flung chain of advanc!! ba~c s mcn­ J apanese losses: two destroyers, became clear a Ceneral work stop- become a local point of major once when urged by friends to pocketed belween the Jefna posl- of Europe is so imminent that it Sweeps Bi~ Factory uci n ~ Japan's Pacific empire, had one medium tanker, one mellium page was in prospect. struggle, made no claim to any quit solo flyin" he replied: "I tion and Mateur when the U, S. might bypass the Tllnisian bridge­ sunk six J apanese vessels in sub- cargo ship, one medium SIlPply Thus far, Lewis IlJId the UMW speciIic advance, saying that in don't want to be one of thosc troops plunged in a Hgh tning, 14- head lind corne in the form of an ELKTON, Md. (AP) _ A shat- marine forays and had put a su- ship, oue medium lrallsporlr-aU have failed to send representatives seme sectors hand-lo-hand fight- genenls who die in bed." mile advance into the strategic amphibious assault on the Sardin­ perlol' J apanc e surface fOrce l.o sunk in the Pacj[jc and far east- to the hearings but the board has ing was raging. The German Andrews, 59, organized and rall center. ian and Sicilian stepping-stones, tering explOSion, followed by fire flJghl in a 110dh Pacific cncounlel', and one large transport damaged proceeded without them, bridgchead at Novorossisk was en- commanded the U. S. army's ,en­ Part of the Amcrican forces even before the collapse oC Tunis in a number of buildings of tile Tho developments: and probably Hunk. ~ At a press ~nterence today dtngered, whethel' Qirectly, it was era 1 headquarters air force from pursued Ule retreating Nazis to- and Bizerte. Triumph Explosives, In c" caused 1. American occupation of the 3. DeLalls dlsclosed by the navy Pl'esldent ROOllevelt strongly indl- too em'ly to tell. March, 193 5, until March, 1939. ward Ferryville, power center of Broadcasts by the Vichy radio the death of at least 15 workers 1Rus sell islands, Which guard the showed the scope 01 our victOl'y in cated that he considered the d ls- The Russians reported air flght- He had celebrated his 119th the Bizerte naval base, 10 miles and the chief miutary commen­ yesterday with scores injured and exposed flank of ~uadalcana: in the war's Clrst naval action in the pute to be wJthln the domain of ing on a tremendous scale, an- birthday anniversary since taking nOl1hcast of Milteur.
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