Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1995-96 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 8-31-1995 The thI acan, 1995-08-31 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1995-96 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1995-08-31" (1995). The Ithacan, 1995-96. 2. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1995-96/2 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1995-96 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. OPINION ACCENT SPORTS INDEX Accent .......................... 13 Outside search Adopt a pet Guessing game Classifieds .................... 20 Comics ......................... 21 Board should seek new· Tips on.where to get an Football team uncertain of Opinion ......................... 11 president beyond Colleg~. 11 animal companion 13 starting offensive line 22 Sports ........................... 22 Thursday, August 31, 1995 -The Volume 63, Number 2 28pages Free ITHACAN- The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Whalen to leave College in 1997 downsizing. [If By Mamie Eisenstadt the decision INSIDE "I told the Board [of Trustees] I would stay Ithacan News Editor w a s through the 1996-97 year; I am then history. I After over two decades at the downsizing-re­ • Campus reacts to President helm of Ithaca College, James J. lated] I would James J. Whalen's decision to have always considered 1996-97 the end." Whalen announced his decision to have said adios step down .......................... p. 5 -James J. Whalen, president step down from his position as presi­ long before dent at the close of the 1996-97 this," he said. • A look at Whalen's times edge of Whalen's definite plans to was going to leave the College at thus far .............................. p. 7 year. He ex- leave, either. "We were never told the end of his 1993-97 term. In an The announcement, made at a plained that he that when the three years were up article in the Oct. 21, 1993 issue of faculty meeting on Monday, Aug. had been plan­ President were, for the most part, public that it was definitely, positively it." The Ithacan, Whalen is quoted as 28, comes amidst a restructuring ning to leave Whalen knowledge. said Warren Schlesinger, chairman saying, "Who knows in 1997. May program slated to last several years the College Herman "Skip" Muller, chair­ of Faculty Council and associate the Board will ask me to continue and cost faculty and staff 236 posi­ since his term was last discussed in man of the Board of Trustees, said accounting professor. and maybe I'll be really be eager to tions, at last count. 1993. that he was not aware of Whalen's "It was not public knowledge," continue. Or maybe it'll be time for Whalen said his choice to leave "I told the Board [of Trustees] I plans to leave the College when his Schlesinger said. He said, however, me to think about doing something was not a result of controversy sur­ would stay through the 1996-97 term was originally discussed in that he had heard murmurings of it else." rounding the downsizing program, year; I am then history," Whalen 1993. "Did I know about it? No, I before the Aug. 28 announcement. Whalen said that his presidency but rather a simple decision to move said. "I have always considered didn't know about it," Muller said. Previously, Whalen also told The is not contractual; he is at the Col­ on. "I wouldn't try to tie it to 1996-97 the end." He said his plans The faculty had no prior know!- Ithacan that he was not sure if he See WHALEN, page 5 Adding them up SUCCESSFUL VENTURE Freshman FRESHMEN enrollment ENROLLMENT . could impact Semester ........... Enrollment Fall 1995 ....................... 1640 downsizing. Fall 1994 ....................... 1328 Fall 1993 ....................... 1368 By Bridget Kelly Fall 1992 ....................... 1568 Ithacan News Editor Fall 1991 ....................... 1639 Fall 1990 ....................... 1632 Returning students, faculty, and staff may notice a larger number of new faces on campus than they have the past two years. said he is open to suggestions. "I'm Freshmen enrollment is approxi­ certainly more than willing to listen mately 300 students higher than it to faculty and staff." was at this time last year, said Larry Whalen said he must also keep Metzger, director of institutional the financial stability of the College research and enrollment planning. in mind, however. "I just want to "Obviously we won't have a defi­ make sure the institution remains nite count until October, but at this viable," he said. "We're not look­ point in time we are looking at a ing to make a profit; we just need to projected freshmen enrollment of make :enough money to do the 1,640," Metzger said. Last year's proper; thing for our students and The Ithacan/Jason Erlich freshmen enrollment was 1,328 stu­ our faculty." Erica N. Krenis '98 checks out of open registration with her schedule. Stephanie Parks '96 (back dents. CJ~s sizes will not be altered to camera) works in the check out lines for the Registrar. See related story on page 4. The downsizing plan adopted significantly, Whalen said. How­ by the College last year may be ever, some adjunct faculty mem­ altered slightly in response to the bers h;ive been hired in Humanities enrollment increase, said President and Sciences. James J. Whalen. "We've hired some additional Quick meal options exp3nd "We're going to continue with faculty members. Some of the the restructuring, but our pace may people who were going to go are Food Court area offers increased hours and better selections slow in certain areas," Whalen said. now still with us," he said. "The It is too early to predict exactly school that I would be concerned what impact the increased enroll­ about would be Humanities and Bridget Kelly "People need to be patient because it's obviously ment will have. "What exactly does Sciences to make sure that they do Ithacan News Editor still a new operation and there will be adjustment [the enrollment] mean; I think we'll have a1sufficient number of faculty Students tired of the same snacks of times and cash registers, getting lines moving in have to sort that out," he said. mem~rs. I don't think we have a and limited hours at the Snack Bar Theplanwillbeflexible, Whalen big p~blem there." However, he may be pleasantly surprised at the the right way and things like that." said. '.'We set up the guideposts last said if enrollment causes difficulty changes recently made in the area -John B. Oblak, vice president for year," he said of the staffing plans the sta,tus quo could change. now known as the Food Court. Student Affairs and Campus Life devised last spring. "I think they "Iflsomebody says, 'Hey wait a John B. Oblak, vice president were reasonable, but if they have to minutt J.J., this is a bit of a prob­ for Student Affairs and Campus this morning," Oblak said on Mon­ Food Court have been completed, be modified they can be modified." lem,' then we can address it," he Life, said the Food Court was day morning. He noted, however, it some things still need work, Oblak Whalen said it will take a while said. opened the first week in August, was not an average day. ''Today is said. "People need to be patient tofigureouthowexactlytheenroll­ Wqa.len said the size of the fresh­ though the renovations had not been a little artificial because of Convo­ because it's obviously still a new ment is affecting different depart­ men class can be mainly attributed completed at that time. "We opened cation and all the faculty and staff," operation and there will be adjust­ ments. "What we need to do is, over to the :amount of financial aid that theCourtfortheEmpireState games he said. ment of times and cash registers, the next couple'of months, sort out was given out last year. 'The big­ and we kept all of it running. Some The food in the new area is of getting lines moving in the right exactly where students are and ex­ gest single factor was clearly fman­ of the equipment was not yet there. better quality than the previous food, way and things like that." actly what they need,.. he said. cial aid," Whalen said. We opened with temporary things." Oblak said. "I think the quality of In a previous interview with the · If members ·of the C-otlege com­ "Last year the Board approved a Oblak said the Food Court has the product is up, considerably up." Ithacan, Oblak said the cost of the munity have ideas about the enroll­ financial aid plan that made us com­ ·done good business so far. 'They T,he choices range from pizza to .the renovations could not be disclosed ment that they want to~. Whalen petitive with some other institu­ did a tremendous number of busi-. Sara Lee Deli. because it could jeopardize Daka' s . · _SN.ENROLLMENT, next page riess dollars in the first three hours '· ·· While the· renovations .in ¢e . See DINING, next page 2 The Ithacan August 31, /995 ' Development names ·news· staff me111bers By Ithacan Staff · Weym.er. f·,o rm e d y: . versity .Development staff, ·nine of ·terns at Drexel University in Phi la- Two new staff members joined will be respon~ · served as direc­ . which were spent as the director of delphia, where she earned a degree . the Office of College Relations and siblc for the tor of develop­ ' the Cornell Fund.
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