/- N z / so ' hs' ! j -.- -. ' 'w. > B A & a z B e TH E KENYA GAZYTTE Ppblished by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.RO.) (E . TE I . .E . .. i . L T'F E .EE . .E-X . -K . 7X EEE::EEEEE Vol. CV- NO. 68 NAlROBl,'4th July, 2003 Price Sh. 46 CO NTENTS GAZSTTE NOTICES GAZE'JTS Nçm C8s,..-ICol1ld.) PAGE PAGE Tlie Radiation Pfotection Act ' Appointment of Board The Customs and Excist Act Appointment of 1450 . Pre-shipment Inspettion Agents, etc. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1454-1456 n e Locai Government Act Nomination of Counciïîor, Probate and A'dministration .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1456-1474 l 450 . The Physicaf Planning Act--completion of Part Develop- The Law of Succession Act Appointments 1 zk 5 () frltr Ilt I>l an , etc. .. -. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. 1 11,/ 5 't'he Magistrates' Courts Act lncrease of Limit of The Bankruptcy Act Receiving Orders .. .. .. .. .. .. 1475-1476 J tlli Sdi (lti (Jll .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1450-1451 The Co-operative Societies Act lnquiry Orders, etc. .. 1476-1477 . The Children Act Appointment of Magistratt .. .. .. 145 1 The Trade Unions Act Registration ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1477 The Exchequer and Audit Act Appeintment of Chairman of the District Tender Committee ,. .. .. .. 1 451 Local Government Notices .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1477-1478 The Registration of Tkles Act-dssue of Provisional Disposal of Uncollected Goods .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1478 (T tlllri ti (llltfhs , (lttl. ., .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1451-1452 . lwf)s s (lf I7tlli cit, s .. .. .. .. .. .. .- .. .. .- .. .. .. .. .L .. ' l t/:/ il -- l 11 */6' The Registered L and Act .. Issue of a New Certificate O f Lease y etc ... .. .. .. .. J. , . ., .. 1452-1454 Change of Names . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1479 rt J saa jnM CCIRItIGENDt9M GAZII'r1X NOTII)H No. 4405 IN Gazc.tte Notice No. 5328 of 7002, tklh:cl7l the deceased's narne ' THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT appeal'ing as KtMuriuki Kiumbi Nuinoi'' ko read ''Muriuki Kiumbia Nyingi alias 'Muriuki Kitibia Nyingi', also amend the petitioners (Cg7, 265) namcs appearing as (1) Maina h4uriuki, ('24 Julius Kabethi lduriuki and IkEVOCATION OF NOMINATION OF COUNCmLOR two others'' to ?'ec/# (1) Maina Muriuki, (2) wtulil-!s Kabethi Mtlriuki and IN EXERCISE of the powers conferrcd by section 27 (2) of the (3) Fred Kinyua Muriuki''. 6 Local Government Act, the Minister for Local Government revokes the nomination of-- SHEIK DOR as a councillor' for the Mombasa Municipal Council. !( D.ated the 30th Jtlnc, 2003. UARET-I'E fço-rlcE No. 4403 dt MinisterjbrE C. tpKcl. /M GAoIvTeHrnAm.ent. THE RADIATTON PROTECTION AC7' 1 ( Cap. 243) ' l APPOINTMEI'IT Or7 POARD MEMPFRS $ IN EXERCIS' l E of the powers conferred by se' ction 5 of the Radiation Protectgon Act, the Minister fc'r Health appoints-. j GAZETTE No-rlciï No. 4406 . l Tus l Upder subsecticn (1) (c) i -Aw oy svccssslox AcT Jesika Sidika Wamba'ni (Dr.) (Chairlimrtj,' 21 (cap. 1 6t)) . j' , Appoyxysoxr Under subsectitm (1) (18 i . IN EXERCISE of the powers confen'cd by section 47 of the Law Director of Medkcal Services; of succession Act, the Chief Justice appointp- ' ' ' U l nde. r subsection (1) (c) (i) ' i Gilbert M. Njupma, j puke M. xorara, Dircctor of Occu . pational Health'y j sunjor uesjdeftt Magistrate and Resident Magistrate' at Kiambu, Under subszction (1) (c) (5i).- l respectively, to represent ttle High Court for the purposts of that Diroctor of Education', !l section. ' Dated the 16th June, 2003. Uftder stkbstction (1) (c) (5h)-.- J s cjcjjsRu , Director of Industly; 1 Chieflustîce. I Under su , bsection (1) (c) (iv)-- ' l . Dircctor of Agriculturlr, Under subsection (1) (c) (v) Gaznaas xoa-jc: No . 4407 Secretary National Council for Sciertce and Technology; ' vjjs sxw oy' succEssloN ACT Under subsection (1) (c) (vi) . 1 (Cap . l 6O) David Muchori Maina (Dr.), APPOINTMENT Hemy Otieïïo Abwao (Dr.); ) jx Exyxcjsyr ot'. the powers confened by scction 47 of the Law Under subsection (1) (d)-- t Of Succession Act, the Chief Justice appoints- chi ' s'rtpuî!x M . GI'rHINJI G ef Radiatioa Protectdion Officer. jsenior Resident Magistrate at Narok, îo repiesent the' High Coun for azctte Notice No. 1890 of 1999, is revokcd.( the purposes of that spction. Datcd the 15th May .1 , 2003. oated the 26th June, 2003. c. K. NGILU, J. E. GICHERU, Hittistcr 'f or >fecfl/l. c-hîeflustice. I t GAZE-ITF NOTICE N(). 4408 GAZEITE NOTICE N0. 4404 THE MAGISTRATES' COURTS ACT TI.E LOCAL GOQERNMENT ACT ((up . 1(j) (.Cap. 265) INCRE&SEOF LIMIT OFjtmsojcvrlox NOAIINATION oy Cotmtml-olk IN EXERCISE of the powers con f en. e d 1) ysection 5 (1) of the IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 39 (c) of the . Magistratesg Conrts Acts the Chief Justice increases the limit of Lical Governmcnt Act, tbe Minister for Locai Goverdmcnt , jurisdiction of noininates GH . -BER'I M . NJUGUNA R'uou.u cllEm-oRus . , a Senior Resident Magistrate to Kenya shillings eight hundred as a cbuncillor for the Marakwet County Couqcil- thousand (K. Sh. 800,000$ *1th effect from 1st July, 2003. Dated the 3f.)th Jupe, 2903. j Dated the 16th June. 2903, ' E. K. MAITHA, l 1. E. GICHERU, qiinisterfor f/c'tb?l Governnlent. I Chirflustice. 4th July, 2003 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1451 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 4409 GAZEU E SOTICE N0. 44 l 3 T14I! MAGISTRATES' coulzl's A# THE EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT ACT ( CJ/). l 0) ( Cap . 4 l 2 ) INCREASE OF LTMTT OF JUR ISDICTION THE BXCHEQUER AND AUDIT (PUBLIC PROCUREMENT) (AMENDMEXT) REGULATIONS. 2002 ' IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 ( 1) of the Magisîrates' Courts Act, the Chief Justice increases the limit of OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT jurisdiction of PROViNCIAL ADMINISTRATION AND NATIONAL SECURITY Duke M ..Morara, LAIKIPIA DISTRICT Lucy W. Muhiu, APPOINTAIENT OF CHAIRMAN OF'THE DISTRICT TENDER COMMITI'EE Rcsident Magistrates to Kenya shillings five hundred thbusand (KSh. 500,000), witil effect from 1st Jttly. 2003. IN E.XERCISE of the; powerq collfel-red by regtllation%8 (c) of the Datcd the 16th June, 2003. Exchequer and Audit (Public Procurement) (AmendmeTlt) Regulations, 2002, the District Commissfoner, Laikipfa Dfsttïct appoints J. E. GICHERU, Chiqf Justice. MICHAEL ALOSA District Education Ofticer, Laikipia, to be the Chairman of the District Tender Committet:. GAZEI-I'E NOTICE NO. 4410 Dated the 30th June. 2003. THE MAGJSTRATES'.COURTS ACT ELIUD PARSANKUL. District Conkmissioner, Izzfki/pic. (Cap. 10) INCREASE OF I-JMIT OF JURISDICTION IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 ( 1) of tlhe M agistrates' Courts Act, the Chief Justice increases the limit of GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 4414 jurisdiction of THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT UNITER P. KIDULA (C*.c/?. 28 l , section 7 1 ) Chief Magistrate to Kenya shillings three million (K' Sh. 3,000,000), ISSIJE OF A PROVISIONAL, CERTIFICATE with effect from 1st July; 2003. WHEREAS ( 1 ) Hilda Mwihaki Karania and (2) Dennis Gachau Dated tbe 30th June, 2003. Karania, as administratol's of Samuel Njama Karania, both of P.O. Box 1 852 1-00500, Nairobi in tht: Itepublic of Kenya, are registered as 1. E. GICHERI), ' proprietors lesseeg of that piecc of land known as L.R. No. Chief Justice. 209/8292/42. situltc in the city of Nairobi, by virlue of a cel-tificate f)f title registered as I .R. 28850/1 , and whereas the said ctnlificate of title issued thereof has bten losts notice is given that after thc expiration of ninety (90) days from the date hereof. l shall isslle' a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within GAZEU E NOTICE NO. 44l l that period. THE MAGISTRATES' COURTS ACT Dated the 4th July, 2003. (Crz/7. 10) R. N. MULE, INCREASE OF D MIT Oy JURISDICTION Begistrar ofTitles, Nairobi. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 ( 1 ) of the M agistrates' Courts Act, tlle Chief Justice increases the limit of GAiEr'rE NOTICE No. 4415 jurisdiction of- .<A< TihlE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT ' WINPRED B. MOKAYA a Resident Magistrate to Kenya shillings five hundred thousand (KSh. (Cap. 2.8 t, section 7 1) 500,U0O), with effect from 1st July, 2003. ISSUE O17 A PROVBIONAL CERTIFICATE Dated the 26th June, 2003.' WHEREAS Indravadan Bhimji Anand Shah, of P.O. B0x 57273, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya? is registered as propi-ietor lessee of J. E. GIC/ERU, tlat piece of land known as L.R. No. 8272/54, situatc in the city of Chieflustice. Nairobi, by virtue of a certificate of title registered as I.R. 47623, and l whereas sufficient evidence has becn adduced to show that the certificate t')f title issued thereof has been losts notice is gjven that after the expifation of ninety (90b days from the date hereot l shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that n()' obfecti/n has bcen GAZE'PTE NOTICE NO. 4412 received within that penod. Tl'lE CHILDREN ACT Dated the 4th Jtlly. 2003. G. G. GACHIHI, (No. 8 //2001) Rqist rar t!f Titles, Nairobi. APPOINTMENT OF MAGISTRATE IN EXERCISE of the powers contkrred by section 73 (rf) (ii) of the Chïldren Act (No. 8 of 2001.), the Chfcf Jtrstfce appoints- GAZETFE NOTICE N(). 4416 GIDEON K. MUTAI 'FHE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT District M agistratu 1, to preside over cases involving children in ( Cc,p . '28 1 , section 7 i ) t respect of Meru Town and the whole of Eastern Province, with effect ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE from 1st July. 2003. ' W HEREAS Richard Mutua Nguli, of P.O. Box 93256, Mombasa Dated the 30th June, 2003. in the Replblic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in freehold J.E. GICHERU, interest of that piece lof land containing 0.0452 hectjte Or thereabollts, Chieflustice. situate within M ombasa Municipality, Mombasa Dlstrict.
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