‘ (f f l X l E E N P A G E S ) r a i C B T H K E B Youil^ipiasik A d v e r t M o f cm f t g e 14.) SOUTH IKANGHESTER, COim ^ TOIDAT, AUGUST 21, 1932. • S’Ai. 'Vi- CAUCUS ENDORSES SCENE OP CLASH IN nUNOIS MINE WAR REGULAR SLATES 4 Towi Cwmttee's Sdectkms ROGERS PLANS MRS. WCORMCK Calk On tmamlmiim T o Co-operate h CeoiAer For DdegatMMis To Con- TOQOITPOUCE DIES WITH AU feoflTO-^leclara Fw Work Wttk Rot Says It yentioiis Afiproyed; Bing' BOAWINFALL Is Not For GoTOTBiMiit To Enforce — KOs Presents ham Has Clear Sailing For EM yatside Six-Poiiit Program For Econonue RekAflitation; Nonunation A gain— Jte- Business h t e r e ^ Will Not Others SpOk H B Q Conference At Wadnngton, Former Boskuid and Once solts Throngh State. 4 Allow Time For Position; Estranged (Juldren See Washington, Aug. ^ 26.— (A P )— world; Edsel FOrd, Detroit automo­ President Hoover today recommend­ bile manufacturer; and Melvin A straight Republican organiza­ T raylor. Has Served 9 Years— 20 ed to a national gathering of out­ tion slate of delegates was nom­ Queago’s Social Leader Atlee Pomerene told of the hopes standing business men plans for and purpMfss of the gigantic Recon­ inated in the caucus of that party Years In Politics. sharing Jobs now available, w as struction Finance Oorporation. here last night There was not a Pass Serenely Away. to decrease unemployment, as the ’Tt is not proposed," the presi­ dissenting voice as 250 Republi­ dent had explained, "to engage In step which would do most at this c a n approved of the slates proposed W illard B. Rogers, who completes artificialities, nor is it proposed nine years this fall as a member of Chicago, Aug. 26>— (A P )—Death time to "accelerate our progress.” that you attempt to settle here in a by the Republican town committee. the local Police commission, and Here is a night view of the spot near DuQuoin, Bl., udiere deputy sheriffs, using machine guns, revolvers hM, finally brQught to an. end the Standing before more than 200 day great economic problems of the None of the delegations was In­ who is rounding out 20 years in poli­ members of the business and indus­ future. It is simply proposed that and blackjacks, turned back an automobile , cavalcade of more than 12,000 striking miners who sought. ' oarear of Mra. Edith Rockefeller structed, but Republicans here tics in Manchester, wUl not be a picket two n^es. Police are seen looking-.over.cars at the scene of the battle in which 26 to 100 men-werj trial committees created |n each vou organize for action in the prob­ candidate for the appointment as 2tcCormick—social" dictator, lin­ pretty generally imderstand what injured. FedereJ Reserve* district and stun- lems immediately before us." Police Commissioner this fall, he candidates will receive the backing guist and patron of the arts, who moned to the national capital by After the applause that fifilowsd stated today. Mr. Rogers sasrs that _____________ ^ ^ _______________ ___ ________ ____________ _________________________ ---------------------------- once was acclaimed the richest him, the Prerident linked his job- his imeech, the president took a seat of Manchester. his bifsiness interests will not allow woman in the world. '■sharing plea with suggestions for on the platform ,While Robinson in­ Favorable to Bingham the time necessary to carry on the She died peacefully yesterday, "a better distribution at credit." troduced Mills for the next speech. The state convention slate Is Job to the best advantage of all con­ "Momar CABHET atter a lingering Illness of cancer of Attack Along Entire Front Six Spedfio Alms favorable to United States Senator NEW MANCHU STATEflllOIS cerned. • ^ the breast, in a suite in the Drake The chief executive set as the aim Six specific endeavors for promot­ pintm Bingham as a candidate to Out This Fall Hotel at 8:49 p. m. (C. 8. T.), sur­ of the national conference « co-ordi­ ing economic improvement—cowm- succeed himself and will no doubt Mr. Rogers’ term nms out this rounded by members of her family nation of governmental and private dinated by a central committee at favor the nomination of former FOR RADICAl STEPS THAN TWICE SIZE W JAPAN and Edwin Krenn, her. faithful activities, so as to enable a directed business chieftains—were recom­ Governor John H. Trumbull to op­ 4 friend and business associate who attack against depressing fketors mended by Secretary Mills. pose Governor Cross. The state tossed into the market .bis personal along the entire economic front. Out He told the assembled commit­ delegation named last night is com­ LAW N SPRAY, DISH fortrm e o f r.o re than $1,000,000 In of executive meetings between busi­ posed of Miss Marjory Cheney, tees that this program had been May Decree Nationalization Coimby Japs Will "Recog- an attempt to bolster up the dwin­ ness leaders and administration presented to their chairmen in yes­ Judge Raymond A. Johnson, William WATER DEMONIAC, J. Shea and Judge Thomas Fer­ dling fortunes of John D. Rockefel­ chieftains here yesterday, there terday’s all-day meeting and be^ guson. The names were put before nze” EleTen Tines As ^ ler’s younger daughter. emerged a proposal for today’s con­ lieved "worthy of consideration" of Key Industries In Ger* Washington State Community the caucus by Senator ^bert J. Mrs. McCormick succumbed to ference looking toward creation of a foe conference. Smith who said that it Is custom­ Shocked Wheh Booze Flows the malady as serenely as she had central contact group to co-ordinate "We are not setting up an eco^ ary to send the two Representatives nuuiy. With Forced Loans. As New Y o il % t e With from Hose and Taps. lived her life, filled though it was private and governmental activities. nOmic coimcU to endeavor to direct in the General Assembly to the with romanitoi bitter personal, dis­ In a speech delivered at the seis- the econolnic policies of the coun­ state convention. The names were (M ^ d n e JapaBese h 100 Spokane/ Wash., Aug. 26 — appointments;' business. successes sion opened by the Presldeiti, try,” the Treasury secretary assur­ unanimously endorsed by the cau­ (AP) —- Housewives washed and finally A social reverses. Franklin W. Fort, chairman of the ed the gathering: ’ B erlin , A u g . 26.— ( A P ) — Itotion - cus. th ^ dishes in moonshine, and The final hifiletin from her doc­ Federal Home Loan Bank system, "W e are creatinjp a central organ­ Jiidge Hyde promptly opened the allzatlon of several key industries the forbidden liQuid sprayed out tors said: i annoimced that the National Bank ization for the purpose of contact caucus at eight o’clock and he was and further taxation of German of nozzles onto lawns at V^nd- “Mrs. McCbrmlCk' dle^ at 8:40 receivers had been .• ina|ructed to and co-operatipn to assist in the suspend foreclosure proceedings for task to be performed by foe Recon­ named to preside.. Loidr Lister capital to finance a gigantic labor s o r Commimity yesterday. Hohenthal was named clerk. The Everyone Was amazed. (Oontiniied on ,Page Tim e) 60 days. struction Finance Corporation, Fed­ business of the caucus was election creation project were discussed to­ W ashington,' • Au g . 26.— ( A P ) — In his plea for spreadings avail­ eral Reserve Banking System, tha day as possible plans to Chancellor One woman broxight a bottle of the delegates to the state, sena­ Pu-yl'Will'rule o v b t Jl' country mors of dishwater to the sheriiTs of­ able jobs, the Preeidenti who pre­ Home Loan banks, foe hanking ana S’n m s von P a p e n ’s govenunent. torial and congressionsd conven­ than twice as bigentire JiQ>a- fice. J sided over the meafings; .said: industrial committees and such vol­ tions and^tlits was rapidly attended Aroused by these reports, leading untary groups as may associate nese em ^e and with about half its "Hm!^' observed a deputy; HA’ ANBRIBtlOie May Be Needtot FntfiQe Too > industrialists have cidled on the to. Following the election of state "moonshine." , - . "Aa a matter of national policy,, themselves with foe latt v ifo a convention delegates nominations chancellor, it was learned today to ipulati^ if F orej^' Minister Yks- At Windsor he- found the the shosrteifing of hours Is-necessaK view to developing hdpful stepf for delegates to the congressional toiic over his forthcondng economic, U ^ U the water ca$to itot aliQ^ to meet, the thf looking to ^ ad t)tf economic rehahi- conventitm were asked. ilioy, w h i^ will be disclQscid'Suti' U y J a p w ^ from a coimimiiMy,.^NMi hW Ped moment, iMit it may be necessary, to litfitlon and more toMnedlfitefo itt a ^ g s s ; to ,t estabafttment'off by w taU towe r aiiW 'to n k . " u l f e . *T&eTiir®6»^aackfo toefo hrm ers the toaa.'St^ROf. Manehukuo. ■dSaput^ drifF a'huckst Of liQuid S l^ .S h d SJiddeQ s d v a n c a jp bo- ^ xMlIis’ Fnignun tnation as delegates to thOv Congres­ It has bera^’intimated that plans out bf the w ^. It was water. hbrissvliig demcto." The oix-^Mlnt program of husi- ■ « . sional convention; Thomas J. are afoot tor "i^stemized economy,” Japan undoubtedly will recognize He tiumed on the power pump Nevertheltosi Mr. Hoovw stated neal, induSMal 'and figricultuTal 'en- A t Rogers, Ernest Kjellson, John L. fall. There is little douUL that he which mfght mean nationalization the republic ' over which China’s Goveimbriuid Ooi^Tmie^ and it pumped liQuor.
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