a. SOUTHWEST COLLECT ION COMP TEXAS TECH LUEEOCK , TEXAS 79409 i Thursday, April 20, 1972 Twelve Pages WEST (Week of April 20-26) TEXAS TIMES Dedicated to Informing the Citizens of West Texas Black Faculty Member Appointment Announced PARTICIPANTS ON THE "CROSS TALK" Program tonight, at 9:00 p.m., on KTXT-TV, Channel 5, are Mrs. Becky Hamilton, a math instructor at Alderson Junior At Texas Tech University Last Friday Afternoon High School; Abel Acosta, community relations representative; and William Powell, tri-ethnic coordinator for the Lubbock Public Schools. Charles E. Henry of 2623 E. Auburn, Lubbock, has been appointed instructor in the Department of Health Communica- Local School Program to Be Aired On tions at the Texas Tech University School of Medicine. KTXT-TV's "Cross Talk" Tonight at 9:00 Assuming his new duties June 1, Henry KTXT-TV, Channel 5, educational tele- principals seeking to help them in their will become the first Black to join the full- vision at Texas Tech University, will present interests and concerns. Currently they rely time faculty at either Texas Tech University a special program on the newly formed on teaching experience and human exper- or the School of Medicine. Human Relations Program of the Lubbock iences to aid teachers in multi-ethnic Henry's appointment brings to 33 the Independent Rhool District Thursday, schools. Acosta and Powell visit Lubbock number currently appointed to the School April 20th, at 9:00 p.m., called "Cross schools holding cultural awarness seminars of Medicine's faculty in preparation for its Talk." The program is one of a series and where possible shed light on problems first classes in the fall of this year. produced by Channel 5 for the purpose of faced by teachers working with minority John A. Buesseler, M.D., vice president improving communication between local children. for health affairs and dean of the School government officials and the citizens of Mrs. Becky Hamilton is a new teacher of Medicine announced Henry's appoint- Lubbock. in the Lubbock school system. She has ment Friday, April 14th. Featured guest panelists on the program attended several of the Human Relation Henry is presently a biology teacher at will be Mr. William Powell, tri-ethnic coordi- Seminars and has had the opportunity to Coronado High School. nator, Mr. Abel Acosta, community rela- put the program's ideas to work. She should In addition to his appointment as in- tions representative of the Lubbock School prove to be a valuable source to the effec- structor, Henry was also appointed as District and Mrs. Becky Hamilton, a math tiveness of the work of the Human Rela- coordinator of curriculum and health ca- teacher at Alderson Junior High School tions Program of the Lubbock Independent reers development for the medical school: Medicine is another step toward allowing in East Lubbock. School system. A native of Palestine, Texas, Henry me to fulfill my philosophy to live happily The Human Relations Program in its During the "Cross Talk" Program, the earned his B.S. degree in biology from as a result of my experience and make some first year, originated from the Emergency viewing audience will be able to telephone Texas College in Tyler in 1956, where he worthwhile contribution to mankind." Assistance Program set up to assist Lub- in any questions they might have about graduated "cum laude" and was voted the He studied at Prairie View A&M College bock schools in desegregation activities. It the human relations subject as it deals with most outstanding science student. He re- in 1960, the University of Texas in 1962 was not funded this fiscal year by federal Lubbock schools. ceived his M.Ed. degree from Texas Tech and Howard University in Washington, D.C. money and derives its own programs and Other "Cross Talk" programs in this in 1971. in 1965. funds through the Lubbock Independent series will include the school tax question, The new faculty member received ser- He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha School District. Both Acosta and Powell job discrimination, welfare for the elderly, vice awards for teaching in Lubbock Public Fraternity and was honored by the Class- work closely with teachers and school V.D., and the Grievance Committee. Schools and for Project Upward Bound at room Teachers Association of Lubbock for Tech. He has been active in Y.M.C.A. pro- being a certified professional educator. Local Delta Chapters Entertain East grams in Lubbock and assisted in the Adult He is the son of the late Rev. E.W. Henry, Basic Education programs of the Lubbock Sr., and Mrs. E.W. Henry of Palestine, Texas. Public Schools. Henry and his wife, Janice, a nurse at Lubbock Cub Scouts Here Saturday Commenting on his appointment, Henry Methodist Hospital, have two children, said, "My position with the School of Melvin, 17 and Carolyn, 13. Lubbock Chapter NAACP Delays Report of Crosbyton School District Discussion of Firing The executive committee of the Lub- mics teacher over a black who reportedly bock Chapter of the National Association was more qualified for the position. for the Advancement of Colored People There are approximately 800 boys and (NAACP) met in a closed session last girls enrolled in the Crosbyton School Dis- Saturday afternoon to discuss the firing trict with only one black employed as a of the coach of Crosbyton High School teacher's aide. and a resolution to President Richard According to reliable sources, the super- Nixon on the busing issue, at Mount Ver- intendent of the district has names of non United Methodist Church. minority members (Black and Mexican- The Legal Redress Committee, with American) who are qualified to teach in Reverend M.T. Reed as chairman, Harold the school district. Chatman and Tom Burtis; met with Supt. A new coach, Odis Summers, was hired S.T. Hawkes, Principal Roger Carter, Cros- last week by the school board at $2,100 byton Review publisher Billye Stockton per year above state schedule. Summers and Mary Frances Harris at the Superin- was the assistant coach of football at the tendent's office in Crosbyton last Tuesday high school and will also be track coach. DELTAS ENTERTAIN Cub Scouts last Saturday at Mackenzie Park. It was a windy morning to discuss the matter of the firing The previous coach, who was fired re- cool afternoon, but the Sisters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, shown above, shared an of the coach. The Redress Committee's cently, was "discharged because of insub- afternoon with approximately 50 Cub Scouts of Packs 132 and 139. report was given to the executive committee. ordination" and not because of racial rea- The Lubbock Alumnae Chapter of Delta plenty of goodies and drinks, furnished by The local chapter, according to Dr. F.L. sons, as had been previously reported to Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and their sister the organization. There were games aplenty, Lovings, president, would not release any the Lubbock NAACP, it- was pointed out chapter, Eta Lambda Chapter of Texas including racing some of the Texas Tech information concerning the committee's in the meeting between parties last Tues- Tech University, an undergraduate chapter, sisters—who did give the young Cubs a run report until a later date. A spokesman for day. entertained approximately fifty young fel- for their lives in the racing events. the local chapter told a Times' reporter that The only Black employed by the school lows in two Cub Scout packs here last Pack 139 hiked from Mae Simmons no statement would be released until furth- district at the present time apparently was Saturday afternoon at MacKenzie Park. Park—through tall brush—to the Saturday er action had been taken. hired with Title I funds. Pack 132 of Wheatley Elementary afternoon picnic. They were supervised by Also discussed at the Crosbyton meeting In the firing of the coach last season, School and Pack 139 of Ella Iles Elemen- Jeff Joiner and T. J. Patterson; while Pack last week were two other items. They were: there was a 3-3 tie and the vote was tary School were the recipients of the lovely 132's Cubmaster is Charles Birmingham. (1) Not enough blacks are employed by broken by the president of the school picnic presented by the sisters of Delta Mrs. Mildred K. Lusk is president of the the Crosbyton School District; and board, on recommendation of the superin- Sigma Theta. the Lubbock Alumnae chapter and Stepha- (2) The hiring of a white home econo- tendent. The young fellows helped themselves to nie Williams is prexy of Eta Lambda chapter. Page 2 WEST TEXAS 77MES Thursday, April 20, 1972 red for our blood shed for this nation; the green for land in changing hands and the Unity of our As I Seen Brothers and Sisters through God and power to by T. J. Patterson the people." (Tulsa Urban League, Tulsa, Okla.) As I See It the Ghetto Choir of Tulsa, Oklaho- ************************** ma is about a lot of things in this country. To There has to be something done about the pollu- Important ElectionsElections Around the Corner hear these young people sing songs they have tion of water in east Lubbock. It's getting hot written and composed, makes one glad he's an and the runoff water located northeast of the over- This media would like to take this opportunity American—as well as being Black. and remind our many readers of the upcoming pass (East 24th Street) has to be taken care of if elections next month. It is important that each of Those young people—who travel over this land— we're going to have an odorless neighborhood.
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