.- •. .... -\ /. 416 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY 9, requiring sugar manufacturers receiving Government bounty to World's Columbian Exposition on Sunday; which was referred use American-made machinery-to the Committee on Ways and to the Committee on the Quadro-Centennial (Select). ~eans. Mr. McPHERSON presented the memorial of H. G. Deland, By Mr. PICKLER: Petition of ministers and delegates of and 173 other citizens of Bergen County, N.J., remonstrating Central Association of Congregational churches of South Da­ against the further purchase of silver bullion by the Govern­ kota, held at Pierre, S.Dak., November 9, 10, and 11, 1892, and ment; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. representing 92-3 churches, a-sking that the World's l!.,ai.r be Mr. GALLINGER presented a petition of the Merchant Tailors' ·closed on Sunday-to the Select Committee on the Columbian Exchange, of Boston, Mass., praying for the passage of House Exposition. bill 8536, limiting the free entry of wearing apparel of foreign By Mr. SIPE: Resolutions adopted by a conference of Baptist manufacture; which wa-s referred to the Committee on Finance. ministers held at West Newton, Pa., remons'hrating against the He also presented memorials of the New Hampshire Ba-ptist repeal of the present law closing the World's Columbian Expo­ Convention, comprising 85 churches and 9,282 members; of citi­ sition on Sunday-to the Select Committee on the Columbian zens of Keene, N.H .. and of the Christian Arbitration and Peace Exposition. Society of the Unij;ed States, remonstrating against the opening Also, memorial of citizens of Murdocksville, Pa., remonstrat­ of the ·world's Columbian Exposition on Sunday; which were re­ ing against the repeal of the present law closing the World's ferred to the Committee on the Quadro-Centennial (Select). Columbian Exposition on Sunday-to the Select Committee on He aJ.so presented petitions of the New Hampshire State the Columbian Exposition. Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, and the New Hampshire State Also, resolutions adopted at a meeting of the citizens of West Board of Agriculture, praying for the passage of the Washburn­ Elizabeth, Allegheny County, Pa., requesting the passage of an Hatch antioption bill; which were ordered to lie on the table. act restricting and regulating foreign immigration~ to theSe­ Mr. PASCO presented a petition of the Board of Trade of Jack­ lect Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. sonville, Fla., praying for the passage of legislation regulating By Mr. WILLIA~ A. STONE: Petition of 66 citizens of Clar­ indiscriminate im.migration; which was ordered to lie on theta ble. endon Borough and vicinity, against any legislation that will Mr. McMILLAN presented a petition of the Board of Trade of · allow the opening of the.. World's Columbian Exposition on Detroit, Mich., praying for the construction and control by the Sunday-to the Select Committee on the Columbian Exposition. United States of the Nicaraguan Canal; which wasordered to lie By Mr. ORLIGER: Protest of ~assillon (Ohio) International on the table. Association of Machinists Lodge, against certain methods of Mr. QUAY presented memorials of the First Presbyterian work at West Troy, N. Y.-to the Committee on Labor. Church of Bloomsburg; of the Ministerial Association of Sun­ By Mr. WILSON of West Virginia. Thirteen petitions of bury; of the Sabbath Association of Chester County; of the Meth­ citizens of West Virginia, as follows: Five petitions of citizens odist, Episcopal, Congregational, Baptist, and Disciple Churches, of Jefferson County, 4 petitions of citizens of Randolph County, the Society of ChriStian Endeavor and Epworth League of Smith­ and 1 petition each of citizens of Hampshire, Pendleton, and field, all in the State of Pennsylvania, remonstrating against the Tucker Counties, each praying that his war claim be referred to repeal of the law closing the World's Columbian Exposition on the Court of Claims under the provisions of the Bowman act-to Sunday; Vf hich were referred to the Committee on the Quadro­ the Committee on War Claims. Centennial (Select). Mr. TELLERpresentcdapetitionof the Denver (Colo.) Cham­ ber of Commerce, praying for the passage of legislation provid­ ing for a national quarantine; which was ordered to lie on the SENATE. table. Mr. HANSBROUGH presented a petition of citizens of Steele MoNDAY, January 9, 1893. County, N. Dak., praying for the passage of the Washburn­ Hatch antioption bill; which was ordered to lie on the table. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER·, D. D. He also presented a petition of citizens of Pembina County, The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday last was read and N.Dak., praying for the closing of the World's Columbian Ex­ approved. position on Sunday and that the sale of intoxicating liquors be PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. prohibited thereat; which was referred to the Committee on the The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a petition of the Custom Quadro-Cen tennial (Select). Cutters' Association of the State of New York, praying for the Mr. SHERMAN presented memorials of the Union Meeting passage of House bill947 3, limiting the free importa ti.on of wear­ of Christian Churches of Bellville, a memorial of the Union ing apparel; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Meeting of Christian Churches of Cambridge, a memorial of a Mr. CULLO~ presented a petition of citizens of Shelbyville, Union Meeting of Christian Churches of Bowling Green, a me­ Ill., praying for the immediate repeal of the purchasing clause morial of 43 citizens of Dayton, and a memorial of 8! citizensof of the Sherman silver-bullion act; which was referred to the Cincinnati, all in the State of Ohio, remonstrating against any Committee on Finance. repeal of the law closing the World's Columbian Exposition on He also presented petitions of citizens of Jefferson County, of Sunday; which were referred to the Committee on the Quadro­ l:o; citizens of Franklin County, of farmers and laborers of Franklin Centennial (Select). County, of citizens of ~aeon County, of citizens of Christian H e also presented the petition of H. H. Campbell and other County, and of Mansfield Grange, No. 917, Patrons of Husbandry, bankers of Cincinnati, Ohio, and a petition of the Cincinnati · of Montgomery County, all in the State of Illinois, praying for (Ohio) Chamber of Commerce, prayingfor the repeal of the law the appointment of a Senate committee to investigate the com­ providing for the purchase of silver bullion by the Government; bine formed to depreciate the price of grain, etc.; which were which were referred to the Committee on Finance. .....__. referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. He also presented a petition of the Charlestown (Ohio} Farmers' ~r. BUTLER presented the petition of E. W. Metz, of New­ Association, praying for .the passage of the Washburn Hatch berry, S.C., and 20 other citizens residing in different parts of antioption bill; which was ordered to lie on the table. the United States, praying for the appointment of a Senate Mr. BERRY presented a memorial of citizens of Dardanelle, committee to investigate the combine formed to depreciate the Yell County, Ark., remonstrating against a repeal of the law price of grain and now existing between the elevators, millers, closing the World's Columbian Exposition on Sunday; which and railroads at Minneapolis and St. Louis, and asking for the , was referred:to the Committee on the Quadro-Cen tennial (Select). postponement of the Washburn-Hatch antioption bill until Mr. FRYE presented a petition of Pomona Grange, Patrons such committee reports; which was referred to the Committee of Husbandry, of Waldo County, Me., praying for the passage of on Agriculture and Forestry. the pure-food bill and the Washburn-Hatch antioption bill; which Mr. HOAR presented a petition of the St. Botolph Club, of was ordered to lie on the table. Boston, ~ass., praying for the repeal of the present law for the NICARAGUA CANAL. purchase of silver bullion by the Treasury of the United States, commonly known as the Sherman act of 1B90; which wasreferred Mr. MANDERSON, from the Committee on Printing, to whom to the Committee on Finance. was referred the resolution submitted by Mr. SHERMAN Dacem­ He also presented a petition of the Merchant Tailors' Exchange ber 22, 1892, reported it without amendment, and it was c~nsid­ of Boston, Mass., praying for the passage of House bill8535, to ered by unanimous consent, and agreed to, as follows: Resolved, That 5,000 extra copies of the report of the Committee on Foreign. limit the amount of wearing apparel and personal effects which Relations on Senate bill No. 1218, relating to the Nicaragua Canal, and the may be admitted free of duty; which was referred to the Com­ accompanying documents be printed for the use of the Senate. mittee on Finance. He also pre sen ted the memorial of E. W. Porter, pastor, on BILLS INTRODUCED. behalf of the Waterford (Conn.) Baptist Church, and L. W. Pierce, Mr. DAWES introduced a bill (S. 3695} to ratify and confirm ' pastor, on behalf of the Waterford (Conn.) Congregational an agreement with the Pawnee tribe of Indians in Oklahoma Church, remonst.rating against the repeal of the law closing the Territory, and to make appropriations for carrying the same into ., 1893. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 417 effect; which was read twice, and referred to the Committee on ADDITIONAL QUARANTINE POWERS. ll)dian Affairs. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate Mr. MANDERSON introduced a bill (S. 3696) for the relief of the quarantine bill. Brig. Gen. John R. Brooke, United States Army; which was The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the con­ read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Mili­ sideration of the bill (S.
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