. JnSTTOBSS-RUN AVEi U q B DAJ^Y GPPflbuiAnON OF.3 HEI EVENING HBBAIiD Fair and slightly colder tonight. for th® montb of November, 1020, Tuesday partly cloudy, slowly rls-' ing temperature. MANCHESTER, COIW., MOJ®AY, DECEMBER 6, 1926. (TWELVE % PRICE THREE CEl VOL. XLI., No. 56. Olasalfied Advertliliit on Pii«e 6 lAbTaTCY . R e f u s e d A c ig a r e t t e , r AliABM BELL, mNOINO, f Farm Buyer with Big Gun, Knife FALLS OHUBCH BURNS FIGHT a n d is KltiLED to Qtirr CARBARNS ■- ^ ! New fork, pet. , 6.—Refusal Boston. Mass., Dpc. 6.— Stirs up East Hampton^s Frank Powers, member of the of. a, reqnest for a cigarette to:r congregation of 'the Unitarian day led to the miurder 6f George Nm SATURDAY church, erected here 200 years Bast Hampton, Dec. 6.— Deputy move out and had arranged to seek Crahdley, according to the po­ of Its Career ago, saw'lt*aflre today. He seis­ Sheriff Young and Constable other living quarters. The man lice. Crandley Is alleged to hay© Flood of this place are combing then disappeared and returned asked .Charles Johnson, 6f the ed the rope of the church bell, Saturday to the home of .John which was also the village fire- the woods In the Mount Pleasant New, York Hotel, where both FINALjraON section for a man believed to be Johnson, armed With the gun and -were living, for a smoke. John- bell. But the .fire burned the insane, carrying a revolver of knife, and appeared to be ),h a C(®TN. SYSTEM OF fastenings and the bell came -:son’B refusal,, police said, led to, heavy calibre and a large curved highly excited condition. He sud­ a .fight- dming which Crandley A p p r a is a l v a l id NEWSMATORS ■ crashing down. Pow<tf« got oht knife. denly disappeared again. Johnson was'killed. Johnson is now he- . -s , of -the way in the nloh of- time. and his neighbors notified the au­ Transfer Affects Many Local The stranger, believed, to be a < ing, sought. ‘ , The church yvas destAiyed. : Pole, visited several farms In the thorities, and the woods in. the vi­ S. Supreme Court Sustains ^ ^ ® Mount Pleasant section last week cinity were searched without -lo­ State-Law for Fixing Con- TAKESEATSAS Men; Also Raises Difficult and bargained to purchase six of cating- the mysterious strangnw* d e ^ e d Land 'Values. / them, stating they were to be oc­ The man Is about forty.years hid cupied by his relatives. The occu­ and Is attired in laborer’s cloth­ Washington, Dec. 6:— ^The Problems For Comucticut pants of the farms prepared to ing. ■ SESaiM BEGINS WINTER BURIED TEAPOT DOME Gonnapllcat law : under whlck ' prei>.erty la'valued when con- Company. ‘ deihned for park purposes All Except •was liferentlally held valid by Both Houses Crowded For TOWN IN SNOW, LINDGREN, SINGER, SIMPSON TO URGE TRIAL LOOMS ‘ the Suprem'e court today in dismissing the appeal of John Definite orders for abandonliig B." and Loulis M. Macken of Historic Ritual of Recou^ tbe local carbarns were posted In IN NEW ESCAPADE LEGISLATIVE PROBE Waterbufy.; the office of the Connecticut Com­ FREEZES rriip FOR A. B. !^ ct< m : tte %oirt Fm- - ; Property of the Mackens pany, yesterday afternoon. Manches­ ■-was takpn for park purposes yening— ’Noon Is Signal ter will cease to be the operating by the city of Waterbury. base for Stafford and local cars Highways Kept Open— Trol­ SqiTeiiie Court Roles & - ter next Sunday mornins when the new 'Swedish Nightingale’ Takes Will Not Charge For W o il For the S^Month Term. runs go Into effect. Motor men and conductors of the ley Service Secretary and H, F. Sin- Washington, ^ Deb. 6 .-T^opgress entire Hartford division, which In­ Poison, Calls Cab, Moves In Hall-MOls Case— Com- Washington, Dec. 6 (United cludes Manchester, will start bid­ Many Autos Stalled— c f e Must Face Jqry— camd back to wpiski tq^qy^ fjscijsg. a Press) .— With historic ceremony, ding in. at the Wethersfield avenue To Boston Hospital. ty Shrinks From C ^ . vertlble' mounted"*- of • problms, the final session oi the Sixty-ninth carbgrns In Hartfo'rd tomorrow with only- twelve scant weeks Congress was ushered in today to night at 8 o’clock. The first section, Near Coasting Accident. Capt Robison on Stand. *whl6h; to solte‘’thVm, and , the oplu- dole out a tax reduction, wrestle which Includes men high up In the ion was general; among • the leaders with prohibition legislation and seniority list, will bid In. at- this Boston, Dec. 6— Lydia Llndgreh, Somerville, N. J., Dec. 6.— New deal with the business of the na­ Following what was an Intima­ 37, grand opera star, known as the when the gavels felt,that the :d3^h« time. The. second sectipn, of men that the "world famous Hqll-MlUs tion. who are,further down the list, will tion of Winter'on Friday evening, "Swedish Nightingale,” whose two trial Is all over, soinehody has .to Washington, Dec. fi.— Another session of tlie. sijty-n}n_th ’ Cbn- when Manchester had tts first ap­ Pine ladies with lorgnettes; busi­ have an opportunity to bid in on great fears have been . dea.th and pay the bills of the iong-;drawn out conspiracy trial, growing out of the gress- would - pass’ into hlstoiry; on ness men from over the country; preciable snowfall .of the season, darkness, swallowed a dose of poi­ Vessels, in Wednesday while the spare men prosecution, but the taxpayers of W1 scandals” was assured today silk hatted diplomats; wounded will bid in on Thursday. Both of came the storm of Sunday, which son In her suite, at the. Copley Somerset county are not anxious to little ^accomplished 'outsldeVof the continued practically unabated un- when the Supreme Court held that Veterans from hospitals and - glad- these sections will start bidding in Plaza Hotel early today. assume the .responsibility. routine ind-the oecessary. MiclugsuhGanada Trap. hand government officials peered At times the fine Then, gathering, her baggage and ex-Secretary of the Interior Albert It ■will: be a' sesgloii, ace.ording to at_l:30 in the afternoon of the days | “ Lk^s^Sv^en b?‘ a^sVr"^^^ The question of settling the bills, Bi Fall and Harry F. Sinclair must down into the wells of the Senate personal papers together, she tele­ its' leaders/ that-wHI’-- s^ej^f anpcli and the House of Representatives named. wind assumed blizzard proportions. which are estimated to be froin sfamd trial on the indictment gfow- phoned for. a taxicab, and drove to sharp • flghtlk^, ''mgeh' pplltlcal ma- when the stroke of noon summon­ Local Men Affected To add to the severity of the $75,000 to $125,000, will dis­ ing out of Fall’s leave of Teapot . Sault Ste. M-ajle, Mich., Dec. 6— Manchester has only 22 men on city hospital. There emergency noeuvarihg,’ much . oratory,aufi ed the national legislators to orga­ storm was a temperature on Satur­ treatment probably saved her life. cussed tomorrow at a special^eet- Dome to Sinclair. little oif first rate-aeComRlishjneat. HbP^e of freeing 121 ships, valued the first list,^headed by A. H. Gil­ nize for the work at hand. day night of about two below No reason was given for her tak­ ing of the Board o.f Chosen JPrSe-^ Pall had nothing whatever to do "Lame duck” congresses rare.ly set man. In addition to this, nine ngmes at $150,000,000, Imprisoned In the Vice President Dawes in the zero, and severe temperature con­ ing the poison. holders, and it has been reported with arranging- the government’s any records, fqr achievement, and appear on the second list and 19 on ice jammed St. Mary’s River .with Senate and Speaker Longworth in tinued throughout all of yesterday Paul Quirze, operatic tenor, hus­ that a .committee of .tgxt)ayefs will lease with E. L. Doheny for oil this one is expected,to prove ho the third. These 19 are on the spare t$eir crews of approximately 4,000 the House immediately called for and well into the night. This morn­ band o f the “ Nightingale” was no^ be on hand to oppose payment. , storage facilities at Pearl Harbor, exception. ■ order and introduced the chaplains board and do not bid in on the ing moderation set in and the No Charge, Simpson. men, -wnhed today as the blizSard, -titled at the Hotel St. Andrew, New Hawaii, Captain, . J. K. Robison,-D. To Keep Bills Oft- with below-zero temperature, con- for prayer. < regular runs. sform abated. Fully eight inches of Senator Alexander Simpson, Who York. S. N., . retired, told the jury at the The efforts of the’leaders will: be fihued toTage, The entire fleet is Organization lUtnal Runs to Manchester and Stafford snow fell, but with that Manches­ acted as. special progecptor. h ^ an­ devoted to keeping - legislatlbh off Took Plenty, of Cash , FallfDoheny conspiracy trial to­ suffering fpom lack of food and a. The solemn ritual of organiza­ will not be the same as f9rmerly i s ter was fortungte compared with Lindgren took along with her to nounced that he will not charge, for the statute books, rather than see- tion plescribed by the constttntlon far as the operators of the cars are day. ^Pbe actual negotiation^ were number of ;tbe ships are in dire other sections of the country where the hospital beside her baggage his services, and that he will ask carried pn chiefly by subordinates Irig how .much.
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