Mathematics Calendar The most comprehensive and up-to-date Mathematics Calendar information is available on e-MATH at http://www.ams.org/mathcal/. April 2005 May 2005 * 8–9 Workshop on Sampling, Spectral Theory and Their Applica- * 4–5 Latent Variable Models and Survey Data for Social and tions, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia. Health Sciences, Centre de recherches math´ematiques, Universit´e Organizers: Amin Boumenir (UWG), email: [email protected]; de Montr´eal, Montr´eal, Qu´ebec, Canada. Vu Kim Tuan (UWG), email: [email protected]. Organizer:MaryE.Thompson(UniversityofWaterloo). Invited Speakers:L.Littlejohn(Univ.ofUtah),H.Volkmer(Milwau- kee Univ.), A. Zayed (DePaul Univ.). * 9–July 3 Uncertainty and Information in Economics, Institute for Description: This workshop is intended for researchers and grad- Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore. uate students workingon Samplingand Spectral Theory and Their Description: The program will consist of tutorials and a workshop Applications. The two-day workshop consists of three mini series with ample opportunities for collaborative research amonglocal of lectures delivered by experts in the area and includes the latest and international participants. In addition, the Tenth Conference trends, updates and methods. Each speaker will deliver 3 one-hour on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge will also be lectures; no other contributions are planned. Due to the restricted held on June 10–12, 2005 in conjunction with the workshop in the number of seats, participants should register by April 1st, 2005 by program. e-mailing one of the organizers. The organizers have no funding Program: Introducingprobabilistic analysis to manageuncer- to support the attendance of participants. tainty and limited information in basic microeconomic models Information: Contact Micky Weldon, email: [email protected], has enriched our understandingof economic behavior and made tel: 678-839-6489. fundamental advances in the mathematical theory of economics. This program will have three sub-themes: game theory, information * 29–May 1 2005 Midwest Geometry Conference, Ohio State Uni- economics, and finance, with uncertainty and information as the versity, Columbus, Ohio. underlyingthread connectingthese sub-themes. Specific topics Workshop Topics: Positively curved manifolds, Ricci flow and include basic game theory, coalition formation, auctions, incen- solitons, geometric group theory. tive compatibility, automated and algorithmic mechanism design, Local Organizers: Andrzej Derdzinski, Tadeusz Januszkiewicz, equilibrium and asset pricing. In addition to participating in the Fangyang Zheng. workshop and tutorials, program visitors will give seminars related Plenary Speakers: Huai-DongCao (Lehigh), Ben Chow (UC San to the core themes and engage in research interactions and new Diego), Claude LeBrun (Stony Brook), Igor Mineyev (Urbana- collaborations. Champaign), Xiaochun Rong (Rutgers), Ralf Spatzier (Ann Arbor). Confirmed participators: Robert Anderson (University of Califor- Information: Status: Conference is tentative pendingapproval of nia at Berkeley), Bernard Cornet (Universit´e Paris 1 and University of support from NSF. http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~andrzej/ Kansas), Pradeep Dubey (State University of New York, Stony Brook), mgc05.html Joseph Y. Halpern (Cornell University), Peter Hammond (Stanford respect to participation in the meeting, this fact should be noted. This section contains announcements of meetings and conferences All communications on meetings and conferences in the mathematical of interest to some segment of the mathematical public, including ad sciences should be sent to the Editor of the Notices in care of the American hoc, local, or regional meetings, and meetings and symposia devoted Mathematical Society in Providence or electronically to [email protected] to specialized topics, as well as announcements of regularly scheduled or [email protected]. meetings of national or international mathematical organizations. A In order to allow participants to arrange their travel plans, organizers of complete list of meetings of the Society can be found on the last page of meetings are urged to submit information for these listings early enough each issue. to allow them to appear in more than one issue of the Notices prior to An announcement will be published in the Notices if it contains a call the meetingin question. To achieve this, listingsshould be received in for papers and specifies the place, date, subject (when applicable), and Providence eight months prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. the speakers; a second announcement will be published only if there Thecompletelistingof the Mathematics Calendar will be published are changes or necessary additional information. Once an announcement only in the September issue of the Notices. The March, June/July, and has appeared, the event will be briefly noted in every third issue until December issues will include, alongwith new announcements, references it has been held and a reference will be given in parentheses to the to any previously announced meetings and conferences occurring within month, year, and page of the issue in which the complete information the twelve-month period followingthe month of those issues. New appeared. Asterisks (*) mark those announcements containingnew or information about meetings and conferences that will occur later than revised information. the twelve-month period will be announced once in full and will not be In general, announcements of meetings and conferences held in North repeated until the date of the conference or meetingfalls within the America carry only the date, title of meeting, place of meeting, names of twelve-month period. speakers (or sometimes a general statement on the program), deadlines The Mathematics Calendar, as well as Meetings and Conferences of for abstracts or contributed papers, and source of further information. the AMS, is now available electronically through the AMS website on the Meetings held outside the North American area may carry more detailed World Wide Web. To access the AMS website, use the URL: http://www. information. In any case, if there is any application deadline with ams.org/. 472 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 52, NUMBER 4 Mathematics Calendar University), Sergiu Hart (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Tom Plenary Speakers: Frederic Campana (Nancy, France), Yves Benoist Henzinger (E´cole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Ali Khan (Paris, France), Jan Willem Klop (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), (Johns Hopkins University), Felix Kubler (Universitaet Mannheim), Francoise Point (Mons, Belgium), and the Brouwer Medal Award Isaac Levi (Columbia University), Eric Maskin (Institute for Ad- Winner. EveningLeisure Lectures by Jean Doyen (Brussels, Belgium) vanced Study, Princeton), Rohit Parikh (City University of New and Burkard Polster (Monash, Australia). York), John Quah (University of Oxford), Roberto Raimondo (Uni- Sessions and Organizers: 1a. Differential Geometry, N. Poncin versity of Melbourne), Kali Rath (University of Notre Dame), Ilya (Luxembourg) and M. Schlichemaier (Luxembourg), 1b. Algebraic Ge- Segal (Stanford University), Sudhir Shah (University of Delhi), Henry ometry, O. Debarre (France), 2a. Mathematical Statistics, R. Gill (The Tulkens (Universite´ Catholique de Louvain, Belgium), Anne Villamil Netherlands), M. Hallin (Belgium) and P. Massart (France), 2b. Cod- (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Myrna Wooders (Uni- ing/CryptoTheory,H.vanTilborg (TheNetherlands) and A.Canteaut versity of Warwick), Nicholas Yannelis (University of Illinois at (France), 3a. Harmonic Analysis, A. Valette (Belgium/Switserland) Urbana-Champaign) and Sang-Seung Yi (Seoul National University) and C. Molitor-Braun (Luxembourg), 3b. Partial Differential Equa- Registration: Registration forms for participation in the tutori- tions, G. Lebeau (France) and J. Hulshof (The Netherlands), 4a. als or workshop are available at http://www.ims.nus.edu.sg/ Computer Science, B. Hoogewijs (Belgium), 4b. History of Math- Programs/uie/index.htm. Completed forms should be received ematics, G. Alberts (The Netherlands) and M. Bullinck (Belgium), by the Institute at least one month before commencement of each 5a.NoncommutativeAlgebra,L.DeBruyn(Belgium)andJ.Alev activity. Registration is free of charge. Institute membership is not (France), 5b. Model Theory, F. Point (Belgium) and Z. Chatzidakis required for participation. (France). Information: Contacts: For general enquiries, please email email: [email protected]. For enquiries on scientific aspects of the program, June 2005 please email YenengSun at email: [email protected] information at website: http://www.ims.nus.edu.sg/Programs/ * 1–5 10th International Conference Mathematical Modelling uie/index.htm. and Analysis and 2nd International Conference Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Trakai, Lithuania. * 14–20 Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory,Universityof Aim: The Conference focuses on various aspects of mathematical Leipzig, Germany. modellingand usageof finite difference and finite element meth- Topic: Lecture series by Helmut Hofer on “Fredholm theory in ods for numerical solution of modern problems of science and Polyfolds with Applications”. engineering. Organizers: Kai Cieliebak, Helmut Hofer, Dusa McDuff, Klaus Conference organizers: The International Association for Math- Mohnke, Matthias Schwarz. ematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS). The European
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