THE MQRNrS'G OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, JTTLY 8, 1905. trade, running from Puget Sound to Nome at the result. The Telephone has been plans for the organization of a "Pacific and other Alaskan porta. She will prob- idle ever since built. For several days Coaat Pharmaceutical Association." Such MANAGER OF ably reach Portland about the ralddlo of men htvo been at work placing her In PLAN an association Is believed to be desirable 3.O00.O00 se- HOTEL 110 August. She should carry feet condition to run, though the greatest since it will not only bring the various This makes the third steamer now un- crecy has been observed. It is known, state associations closer together, but company, MS der charter or loading for this however, that in a few days sho will be will prove beneficial In many other ways. the Sandhurst being here, and the Ilford out on the river. Among the papers to be read at the Fifth in d Washington-Street- i TWO COMPANIES expected before tho end of July. f congress relative to the history of phar- was reported yesterday the macy It that on are the following: British steamship Tottenham. Captain Gamecock Hauled Beach. Pharmacists of the Coast Will "Source, Supply and Purity of Drugs Mann, had been chartered by J. J. Moore The men who have been working on and Chemicals." Lyman F. Kebler, Bu- EUROPEAN PLAN & Co., of San Francisco, to carry lum- the sunken steamboat Gamecock In tho Hold Session, reau of Chemistry, Department of Agricul- ber to China from a Coast port, presum- Cowlitz River came to Portland yesterday ture; Charles H. LaWall, Philadelphia, ably Portland. The Tottenham Is now Pa.; E. L. Boston, Mass.; "Phar- Psoras, $1.90 to S3.9 Zlrst-Cla- sa Cbeck-JBetlaaa- ifi. Talbot to H. C. cargo and reported that the boat bad been Patch. Fer Dy Succeed In Japanese waters, having taken a upon beach, 15 macy In the United States Service." Acecrdlnr to Loeatloa. CcsnAeted With Hotel. Tacoma in May. She was christened hauled the and that but from inches of water remained in her amid- Georgo F. Payne, Atlanta, Ga.; "Wom- Campbell in D., P. & A. and Brlnkburn some time ago. but resumed en In Pharmacy," Mrs. M. M. Gray. Chi- her name of with a change of ships. She Is as far up as she can be J. F. DAVIE S, Pre. Seea Xrwu Tottenham hauled, and on Monday will be pumped PAPERS TO BE DISCUSSED cago; III.; Mrs. J. F. Flshnar. Chicago. Columbia Northern. owners two months ago. She is some- HL: "State Boards of Pharmacy and what larger than the Comerlc. out. The hull Is In good condition, but the house was damaged by the lifting State Board Examination." Wllhelm power of the load of wood she carried. Bodemann. Chicago, 111.; "Price Cutting and Competition." S. A. McDonnell. San ARTHUR FITGER ARRIVES. Francisco. Cal.; "Histological Pharmacog- St. Lending Members of the Profession Charles Hotel Load at St. Johns and St. Helens. nosy," Albert Schneider, San Francisco. AT ONCE Cal.; 'REORGANIZATION H. Kruger From Oregon, "Washington . "The Manufacture of Pharmaceut- First of Fleet From Europe Is In On Tuesday the .steamer W. and ical Preparations," A. C. Zelg, San Fran- CO. (INCORPORATED.) left San Francisco for Portland for a Will cisco. Cal.; "Sale of Poisons and Poison the Columbia. lumber cargo which will be loaded at St. California Gather at FSJONT AND MORRISON STREETS was Lawa and Regulations," J. H. Flint. San ASTORIA. On. July 7. (Special.) The Helens and St. Johns. Her last trip Lewis and Clark Fair. Francisco. Cal.: Juris- PORTLAND, OREGON to Dutch Harbor, and It Is probable she Pharmaceutical Steam- German ship Arthur Fltger arrived In prudence." R. II. "Wiley, San Francisco. Appointment of the Seattle today, 142 days from Bremen, with a car- will soon return to that run. Taylor CaL: "Toxicology, Experimental Phar- European Plan Reeas 75c to 92.00 ship Man, First Move to Be Made go of 2300 tons of cement and 400 tons Young & Co. handle her here. It 1? ex- macology, and Related Subjects." Albert First-Clas-s Restaarant In Connection of coke for Portland. pected that a number of Fair bound pas- H. Brundage. Brooklyn. N. Y.; J. F. by Recent Purchasers of Captain Dertker reports a very pleasant sengers are on board. Pharmacists from the entire Pacific Kent. Brooklyn. N. Y.; E. H. Barttey. voyage, although some rough weather was Coast and from nearly every state In Brooklyn. Y.; Brooklyn. tho Allied Companies. N. E. E. Caldcr, encountered off the Horn. Not an acci- Launch Lino to Fair. the Union, will begin to gather In Port- N. Y.; H. M. Simmons, San Francisco, dent occurred during the passage, and no land on Sunday for the Lewis and Clark Cal.; "Retail Pharmacy and Storo Man- vessels were spoken. Nearly every detail Is now arranged for Congress which agement." H. P. Hynson, Baltimore. Md.; The Arthur Fltger is the first of the a river ride schedule to the Exposition Pharmaceutical will meet "Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Organic and lEe ESMOND HOTEL In session the American Inn, July 11 i 1905 fleet to from Europe. She grounds. number of launches have at Inorganic," T. Francisco, formerly gen- arrive A to 14. inclusive. A particularly large at- F. Green. San Marcus Talbot, assistant comes consigned to Girvjn & Eyre. The agreed to leave the city landing on Cal.; "Pharmacy and Dispensing," C. S. OSCAR. ANDERSON, Manager agent of tho Pacific Coast Steamship tendance Is expected from. California. eral Bardowle left a few days before the Flt- schedule time whether passengers are on Washington and Oregon. N. HaHberg. Chicago, III.; "Pharmaceu- Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, . .Company at Seattle, is to succeed H. C. ger, but has not been spoken. From now hand or not. The obstacle heretofore has tical Legislation," James H. Beal. Sclo, ORECOH on sailing Europe The congress will be thoroughly repre- Campbell as manager of The Dallees. Port- vessels from are due been the float at tho Fair end of the sentative of the pharmaceutical branch O.; "The Manufacture of Synthetics, Free 'bus to and from all trains land & Astoria Navigation Company and at almost any time. "While the Fltger line which is controlled as a concession. of the medical science", many of tho most William J. Schlcrfelin. New York City: is listed as a grain vessel, seems more "Drug and Food Analysis," W. Blgc-lo- ;tha Columbia & Northern Railway Com- it prominent pharmacists In the United D. probable that sho will find a lumber char- participating. Preparations are Bureau of Chemistry. Washington. : Rates pany. ter unless sho lies here until the grain Marino Notes. States D. C; "Vegetable Pharmacography and 75c to $3.00 PerDay resigned position. chartering seasons opens being made to entertain the visiting mem- Mr. Talbot has his In the Fall. 'Tho June receipts at tho Custom House bers during their stay at the Exposition. Materia Medlca," L. E. Sayre. Lawrence, Mr. Campbell said yesterday that ho had Several sailing vessels have been fixed for totaled 552.470. The is Kan.; "The Manufacture of Sera and Re- lumber In days, among annual statement After the disposal of the attendant received no notification of the appoint- the lant fow them being complied. routine business the meeting of lated Products." Charles T. McCHntock. Intend- tho British Pythomcne. which laid here at the Detroit. Mich.: "Vegetable Morphology raacy Degrees, J. T. McGill. Nashville. DAILY METEOROI.QGICAL KEPQET. ment of his successor, but that he The German ship Niobe is expected to congress, numerous papers treating phar- Tenn c -- Sodree Supply to trip week. several montrp. The Fltger will probably and Taxonomy," Henry Kraemer. Phil- and of American ed take a jiext not Sunday. finish loading lumber at Iho Eastern & macy In its various subdivisions and Plant Drugs." J. U. Lloyd. Cincinnati. O.; PORTlAND, July T. Maximum It Is expected that the reorganization of reach Portland before phases, prepared by adelphia. Pa.; "Entrance Requirements Uftvetfr. Western mill today. and authorities, will to Colleges of Pharmacy," W. M. Searby, "Source. Supply and Purity of Imported ture. 83 desr.; minimum, 06. Rlvef reading; the. two companies will begin next Mon- be read. A general discussion will fol- 11 A. II., S.0 .feet; change lhjsfeaat Sjt! "Word was received yesterday that the 8an Francisco, Cal.; "Standards of Pur- Plant Drugs," Charles LaWall, Phila- at day, when Mr. Talbot is to roach Portland. Xcw Coaster in the River. low the reading of the papers. delphia, Pa. hour, fall. 0.4 ota foot. Total precipitation i were sold, several Portland & Asiatic liner Nicomedla ar- ity." W. T. Wenzell. San Francisco, CaL; 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. none; total since Bert:, Since the properties Hongkong 5. .months ago, presumably to tho Northern A steamer that Is expected to prove of rived at July May Form Coast Association. "The History of Pharmaceutical Titles Papers on Pharmacy. tember t. 1004. 33.08 Inches: normal, great The Hopkins in America." M. I. Philadelphia. inches; deficiency, 11.07 Inches. Total uteiv OPaclno. tho appointment of a new man- value to Portland merchants arrived yacht El Primero reached Wllbert shine July 6. 1003. 13 hours and 87'mlmrtes:; In yesterday She port yesterday morning two days It in understood that the Oregon and Pa.; "Statistics of Pharmacy Degrees," The papers that will bo read relating ager has been looked for at any time, by the river afternoon. after Washington Pharmacy to pharmacy on possiDie, io noura aoa ai qudiuh. anyone is the Doe steamer Newport, which will at Astoria and on tho Columbia.
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