Hawks win season Every element of opener 2-0 against hip hop culture at Fanshawe Falcons. The 416 Graffiti Expo. For a season preview, Check out the story see page 20. on page 11, Humbec EtCetera Thursday, September 18, 2003 www.etcetera.humberc.on.ca Volume 32, Issue 1 Two weeks of hassles resulting from the double-cohort, like crowded classrooms, long parking line-ups and packed hallways prompted north campus students to take time out in the arboretum to enjoy some greenery ... in more ways than one. Dental plan opt out returns $81 What's inside Students sink teeth into refund This U/eeA^ BY FARRELL per semester. school. It's my own money com- is $80 for me." she said. DAWN Problems plague AND BEN RYCROFT First-year business marketing ing out of my pocket. And that $80 continued on puffe 3 . Internet users in resi- student, Alan Farrell, was unaware dence While many students are happy of the increased fee. Staff, faculty work page 4 with Humber's new dental plan, "As a first-year Humber stu- not many know they can get their dent, not only is it intimidating to $81 back if they don't want the start studying at a college and all, without contract coverage. but there seems to be a lot of things New Toronto TV station All full-time students are auto- not in your face and everything's launches tomorrow BY KIRK VILLAMARIN the evening of Oct. 2, if Ernie Eves matically enrolled in the HSF not really presented to you," Farrell page 14 and the Tories are still in power, we Health and Dental Plan when they said. "It should be keyed out and it Ontario community college teach- are in for a tremendous fight." pay their tuition. However, stu- should be understood the seond ers and support staff may have to Talks broke off on Aug. 31, dents who already have dental you sign your tuition, the second pull out the strike card in the New Under 19? You'll have a when faculty and management did insurance, or who don't want the you start school, that this is refund- Year if management's handling of sober night at CAPS not reach an agreement on a new coverage can receive a refund. able." compensation and workload issues page 19 contract. According to the faculty During last year's Humber Second-year law clerk student does not improve considerably. union, management is asking teach- Students' Federation election, the Ashley Protto is planning on get- 'They [management] want us to ers to teach more students, work majority of voters chose to have ting her refund as soon as possible. go backwards. They want us to give four additional hours a week, New women's rugby the dental plan added to the "Eighty bucks could go towards things up . and we won't do that," accept reduced benefits and accept team at Humber? said Humber faculty union presi- Student Insurance Plan increasing a textbook that I need for class. My page 21 continued on page 4 . the student activity fee by $40.50 parents don't pay for me to be in dent, Maureen Wall. "As well, on EtCetera News Only a quarter of students cast vote for their future BY PETER ARMSTRONG apprenticeships. McGuinty said he also plans to Ontario l.iheral leader Dalton increase funding to English as a McGiiinty urged students to take Second Language programs in control of their own future and use school to go along with the Liberal their voices at the election polls at platform for a stronger, unified the Oct. 2 provincial election. Ontario. At a rally of Liberal supporters "I've got a problem with Tory on Sunday. Sept. 14, McGuinty math," he said, referring to finan- embraced the crowd and stressed cial promises made by Premier the importance of student participa- Ernie Eves. "Not only do 1 not like tion in politics. the way they add, but I can't stand "Only 25 per cent of students the way they divide. I'm talking arc voting," he said at the rally, about how they divide Ontarians held at the Woodbine Banquet Hall, and pit one group against the just south of Humber. other." ^'ou have more at stake in the NDP candidate Howard future than anybody else because Hampton spent Sunday at Queen's you're our youngest voters," he Park answering media calls, then said. met with the two Ibronto Muslim If elected, the Liberals have leaders who were illegally detained promised to put a freeze on tuition in the U.S. fees for colleges and universities, Premier Ernie Eves attended a expand admission capacity by 50, grand opening BBQ for a PC can- 000, improve student assistance didate in the Toronto Danforth programs and double the number of area. Out-of-towners can Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty addressed weak student voter turnout at a Woodbine Banquet Hall rally last week. He's promising to freeze tuition. vote here at school BY PETER ARMSTRONG voters list. A who's who of the election To vote in this district, voters Students aged 18 and older who will need a driver's license with BY ANDREW HETRAM live in Etobicoke North during the their school year address on it. Tories (Right centre, lower Liberals (slightly left centre, NDP (left centre, supports school year can vote in this district, If the license has an old address, of of of taxes, limit size government, support public programs like labour, social programs and pub- even if they live in another riding two additional pieces of identifica- of pro-business) schools and health centres) lic services) during the summer. tion are required, one with the "There is no reason to go that voter's name and signature (like a -Banning teacher strikes and lock- -Banning Conservative imple- -Increasing taxes for anyone mak- far to vote," Kuldip Singh Sodhi, credit card or passport) and another outs during the school year mented corporate tax cuts ing over $100,000 NDP candidate for Etobicoke with their name and new address, -Holding referendums on munici- -Freezing income taxes -Tuition fees lowered by 10 per North said. ""It's the same such as a utility bill. pal tax hikes -Scrapping private schools, lower- cent province." "It's your right to vote," Baljit -More tax cuts for individuals and ing tax credits and instead, funding -Implementing low-cost public A voter can use proxy voting to Gosal said. Hc'sthe current MPP home owners public schools auto insurance cast a ballot in their hometown rid- representing the PC Party in -Overhauling social systems like -Freezing university and college -Raising minimum wage to $8 ing, which allows the voter to Etobicoke North. "You have a stu- health care to crack ille- tuitions immediately appoint another person to vote on dent council as a voice to represent down on gal use -Raising the minimum wage to $8 -Funding for 120 new community their behalf .\ proxy form is you in the school. Students should -Revoking licenses for two-time over four years health centres available online and can be faxed consider this government a provin- drinking and driving offenders -Removing private MRI and CAT -Freezing rent for a period of two or mailed to that person. cial student council." -Investing $2.6 billion in infra- scans clinics years Students who live in Etobicoke For further information on how structure and 10 million in equi- -Funding public hospitals and pub- -Building affordable housing units North all y ear should have received to vote in this riding, contact ment for colleges and universities lic schools over four year a notice of registration card in the Elections Ontario at 416-326-6300. mail, telling them they're on the Students will have to cover cost of stolen projector BY ASHLEY HICKEY being installed. where the mutimedia projector had and running by Sept. 19. were bought this summer in an William Hanna, dean of media once hung. Investigation continues into effort to equip all computer labs The north campus suffered its first studies, said that despite insurance, "The good thing is, they knew the disappearance of the projector. with projectors. loss of the new school year when a Humber will have to cover the what they were doing," Hanna said. Most computer labs are equipped To prevent further theft, lab multimedia projector was stolen majority of the cost to replace the "They didn't damage the mount or with video surveillance cameras hours will be reviewed and could last week. equipment. any wiring." and require the use of swipe cards potentially change, making it diffi- The 58,000 Epson Powerlite Staff and students arrived in With no damage, it's easier to to gain entrance after regular class cult for students who need to have 7800 Multimedia Projector was class on Monday, Sept. 8 to find install a new projector and Hanna hours. access to computers after sched- stolen from L209. just days after wires dangling from the ceiling hopes to have the replacement up Three new media projectors uled lab hours. Humber_ Et Cetera 2 September 18. 2003 — Rocket riders are seeing only red BY KATHLEEN YETTA because it was overcrowded. rush hour periods. Even with the "The bus is always packed. I earlier pick-up times however, stu- In spite of the TTC's efforts to like that it arrives earlier now, but dents are having problems riding increase service to Humber to now I have to wait another 10 min- the buses. accomodate the double cohort, rid- utes because the bus was full," he "It's disappointing but we have ers say the Rocicet is not living up said.
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