GENUIN ~ E JOHN DEERE PARTS Joe Thomplon Co. VOLUME 58 Impl.~.nt Aug'ust 3, 1978 Hale County - Abernathy, Texas - lubbock County NUMBER 34, Abemathy, Tnas, 298-2541 ~~c,k , _PI:lQ,", "62 -1038 Family Film To Be Mark Pope To Play In Greenbelt BaNI Shown Sunday SWPS will withdraw offer (Kat! HEARD QU!EN CANtOIDATI!) TIME TO RUN, a film that Is a mixture of pro. bleml andsolutlons,will be to provide site for'breeder shown at Gold Auditorium, SUllday the 6th,A ugust. The Berl Sprinller, preIidIDt 'tt w\ll beaftel' 1Il10 before a plant IICIDe fore~ 1I81ion1. feature,fI1med in Eastman­ Southwestern PublIc Serrice can be built, and It will be a 8OlJ'I'II1rDTERN JOINED color by World Wide PIct­ Company, said today IbI& tile NW'dI project IIIbjed to the Industry group In 1974 wilen ures, will be shown once electric company II witb- IIiIrtdown and teIUq and not It made the offer of the pleat 1Ieglnulng at 7.00 PM. drawing Ita oller to provide one III which we CII! depend for site and the $10CHnlll1111. Filmed on location in $10CHnIIlI1II and a plant lite far day-tooday operaUOII. Helium Breeder AssocIa.. the Southe rn Califomia building the naUon's fInt gIto, "One of our problelna Is the was fonned In 1978 by .... of area, TIME TO RUN stars cooled breeder reactor. lig baltle that COllUnues over the original members of tile Ed Nelson, Randall C.rver, "This has been a hard the ClIncb River' Breeder utility group. HBA wu atartecI Bamara Sigel, Joan Win­ decision for us to mike. We Reactor. Tbe President Is to serve as the organiIaUIII to I mill and Cordon Rigllby. have beeD hoping, for nead1 unalterably oppoeed to ClIncb contract with the federal Nelson plays Warren Cole, four years, that the plant wauId River at the ume time that be gcivernmelt for research IJId a hard driving success­ be built In our servIee... Is vague about what breeder development When It .­ oriente d , Industrial and However, the program teclJlolo&y be wauId 81IpJlOI't. establlabed, It wu hoped that scientific engineer who, baa.. Local 4-H Members Attend Electric Camp with unusual and COI&IIIIIDa '!be Co~ aeema Just .. there would be a sIgnIflcant because of ove .... involve­ .ponsored by Southwestem delays, and the time ... come InsIItent that ClIncb River be Increase In the federalllllppCllt High above the plains 01 ment with hI! work, has Mark Pope Kori Heard Tex.. , In the cool of the Public Service Company for us to make otber plml to be built and PBys11ttle attention to of the gu-cooled tecbnolotlY failed to 'communicate with sure that our customerI will gaS<OOI'ed or other breeder wblcb, In tum, would develop ••• Sacramento' Mountal.. of are, Ie ft to right: Bryan honorable mention A11 South his wife Fran, played by have plenty of electricity In tile altematlves. As a resuIt. all the addIUona1 uWity support. Mark Pope hubeen New Mexico, a delegation Freele, Doyle Albrecht and Plains defensive tackle and Joan Wlnmill, Or their son future," SpriniJer said. breeder debate Is on ClIncb SomJnrestern will conUnue to selected to play in the 29th at 4-Hn and leaders from Kelly Chamben. Back roW, Jeff, played by screen new­ AnnnalCreenbelt BowiAll­ All District in basketball. Southwestern annolllCeCl In River, although many of III are reaearcb nuclear fusion .. a Hale County are atllending left to right: Mark Ebeling, comer Randall Carver. Star Football Cluslc In Mark will be a fre shman Polly Dav;, and linda Smith. September of 1974 that It bad convinced tbe gas·cooled charter member of the T_ the 4-H Electric Camp this TIME TO RUN allows Childress, Tellas on August at An~lo State Un ive .. ity week whlcb Is located 28 The Southwestem Instructor the vlewe r to become entered Into an agreement wItb breeder Is better. ThIs baa Atomic Energy Researcb 11, 1978. Mark wal chosen thll fall. He is the son of mtle•• outheast 01 Cloud­ \I Don Pemberton from Involve d on anyone Or General Atomic Compally, delayed the building of a Foundation, In the IUlloD for his oulltandlng perro..­ Mr. and Mrs. James D. Pope lubbock. CIOft, New Mexico. Those more of the three different developer of tbe gu-eooled demonaIraUOII plant, and It Is process. tbe atoms are joined, mance as a member o( the and the grandson of Mr. and attending 'the camp" levels. Viewed purely as nuclear reactor, to provide the not to tbe best Interests of our ratber than split, and the Abemathy High School Mrs. J. o. (B i 11, Pope of ente rtainment, it's the plant site and $10lHnllllGn for a cusIADlen to keep walUng hydrogen In seawater Is the fuel football !e.m in 1917. Abernathy. nuclear breeder reactor with III arollld for this problem to be for making electricity. suspenseful story of Jeff's College recrultel1l Each CreenbeltBowl Report On Trip To United Nations electric generating capability Of solved," Springer pointed out. "We will continue 011 our plan attempts at sabotage in the from throughout the South­ pI aye r chooses a que en 300,000 kilowatts. General AtMllc baa been to use coal as our base fuel. We (By Toby Barrick) He re,t1so, each momlng nuclear generating plant _ltwOl be InChlH... nfor candidate. Mark's candi date w~ 011 the gas-eooled will. also, look at other nuclear The 29th Annual United at breakfast, the officers of conceived, designed and the event which has a long is KOri Heard, daughter of "WHEN WE made our breeder since 1961. In 1968, a Nations Pilgrimage for a bus tour, Or other grouf?, managed by his father. Jeff ofW alternatives and' continue our list of college and profess­ ,Mr. and M!!. PelT)' He ard of In 1974, we made a ~ group of uUllUes representing support of the fusion program. Youth sponsored by the Odd conducted a devotion. After strongly feels that the plant Ional playe!! from Its past Abemathy. Kod is a se ni or mittment lor a demonatraUon about one-third of the '!be decision we have reluc­ Fellow and Rebekah lodges breakfast each day we were Is a threat to the envlron- games. Such as individuals and a cheerleader a t .~ bE"r­ 01 the United States and given a briefing for the ment, and he puts his feel- pillnt ready to tum out elec). generat~ capability In the tant1y made about the g811- ... Mike Hargrove with the nathy High School. bulB, 1IU country was fonned to join Canada, began for the day'. activities, and then Ingllin action. bicity on a daily Just cooled breeder will not. In any Texas Range II, Dr. Frank Kori's father. Perry , was Texas delegation with boardedthebus to go to the Vlewedon an emotional any of our other plants. At that General Atomic In support of way, Interfere with our ability Ry.n with Ibe Cleveland invited to pla v in the regl'stratlon on Sunday United Nations Building. level,TlMETORUNisthe time, It looked like we wauld get the pnigram. It, also, has had to serve our customers, either Browns, Jerry Tubbs, All Creenbelt Bowl whe n he that kind of pillnt In the limited financial support from IIOW or In the future," SPrinller aftemoon,June 25,1978, at The first day we had a dee'ply moving drama of 8Ilb' American for Oklahoma graduated from hi~h sc hool !!Dnls, Texas, lodge Hall. group picture taken on the the conflicts that are tear- 1980's, It now appeal'll that It the federal government and concluded. U1\iverslty and Bob HarriSon, in 1951. Sa~r w ... served by the , Royal Stalrc.se ofthe U.N. Ing a family apart-conflicts All American forOklahoma Mark Pope w ill be in !!Dnlslodgestoan delegates Building,a spot reservedfor that develop between hus- University, have played in Childress fora week', pre­ and their bmme.. "Royalty". We then had a b.nd and wlfe,and between AHS REGISTRATION A&M Mothers Will 4-H Club To Have the game and gone on to paration priOr to the ~ am t" . The chartered bus left guided tour through the father and son. In an notable sports careetl. Kori will join him Th,, "dav !nnls Monday at 7,30 a. m. building. attempt to find freedom AUG. 21-22 Sponsor Picnic Fabric Sale Aug. 16 Mark Pope I. I 1978 and Friday for a picn iC 'a nd with 2S youths from an The purpose of the U. N. from the evergrowing host- graduate of Abemathy High queens I contest The 4-H Clubs of Hale over Tellas aboard, along Pllgrimate for Youth Is to illtles, Jeff takes to the Charles Bowen Cuidance Aug. 5 I n lubbock School and was an outstand­ Otheractivitle s includP d wlthtDur director, Mr. give young people an road, hoping to discover Counse lor for the Abe mathy County are sponsoring a ing athlete during his high f.bric sal. the week of will be a nine -hole Colf Robert !. Wilson, Jr., and oppot't¥nlty to, study and .ome meaning In his con- Schools ~ nnOUllced the foH­ The lubbock Area school years.He was" three Toumament for High School two a.llstant tour leaders, observe the U. N. In action. fused life. owing registration schedule Federation of Texas A&M August 14-18 as a money year lettermln in footban raiSing project to finish out and Col1e~ coaches at Muriel Musick and Cheryl Thlsls.,lx-weeks program, Approache d from a for Abernathy High School University Mothers' Clubs and a two year letterman Childress Co u n t ry Club expense involved in the Ever.
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