.. ~arbbaman Zilla llarisbab Court Compound, Bardhaman-713101 zp [email protected]: 0342-2662400 • Fax:0342-2663327 Memo No. 5l[{; /BZP/14th F.C./2016-17 Date .?.'f./ ..~~.!/2017 ORDER In pursuance of G.O. No. 288 (Sanction)-RD/CCA/W/5M-3/2015 dated 06-02-2017 a sum of Rs. 20,81,98,000/- (Rupees twenty crore eighty-one lakh ninety-eight thousand) only as the allocation of general performance grant for the financial year 2016-17 under 14th Central Finance Commission Grant of the Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal, Panchayat & Rural Development have been received by Burdwan Zilla Parishad in transfer credit of Bardhaman District. Out of the total amount of Rs. 20,81,98,000/- (Rupees twenty crore eighty-one lakh ninety-eight thousand) only, is the share of 277 nos. of Gram Panchayats. Now, as per decision taken by the Bardhaman Zilla Parishad, this fund being Rs. 20,81,98,000/- (Rupees twenty crore eighty-one lakh ninety-eight thousand) only as shown in Annexure-A is transferred to the designated Bank NCs of 277 Nos. of Gram Panchayats of this order which will be utilized. This grant under the recommendation of the Forteenth Finance Commission, shall be utilized in accordance with the guidelines prescribed in this Department's G.O vide No. 839/SS/RD/CCA/W/5M-3/2015 dated 1st December, 2015 without any deviation. Allotment of fund is no authority to incur any expenditure unless the same is covered by sanction of the appropriate rules / authority. No expenditure should be made in excess of this allotment. Monthly sector wise expenditure report in the prescribed proforma to be sent to the concerned Panchayat Samitis within 1st date of every succeeding month. The Executive Officer of the Panchayat Samities will send the consolidated report of all Gram Panchayat to the Zilla Parishad within 5th date of every succeeding month. 4~ AdditionalExecutiveOffi~~ Bardhaman Zilla Parishad ,rt (}9 Memo No. 54~ /355 /BZP/14th F.C./2016-17 Date ...:1::./••••':1.• ./2017 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the 1. Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal, Panchayat & Rural Development, Joint Administrative Building, (6th to 9th Floors), Block: HC, Plot No.7, Sector-III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata- 700 106. 2. Karmadhyaksa, Purta Karja 0 Paribhan Sthaye Samiti, Bardhaman Zilla Parishad 3. Finance Controller & Chief Accounts Officer, Bardhaman Zilla Parishad. He is requested to take necessary action for transfer of the released amounts to the concerned Gram Panchayats Ale as per Annexure of this order. 4-9. Sub-Divisional Officer, All Sub-Divisions 10. District Panchayat and Rural Development Officer, Burdwan 11-42. Sabhapati, Panchayat Samiti (All) 43-74. Executive Officer, Panchayat Samiti (All) 75-352.Prodhan, Gram Panchayat (All) 353. CA. to Sabhadhipati, Bardhaman Zilla Parishad for appraisal of Sabhadhipati, Bardhaman Zilla Parishad 354. CA. to District Magistrate, Burdwan for appraisal of D.M., Burdwan 355. Accountant, Bardhaman Zilla Parishad 4~/"'", Additional Executive of¥i~; I Bardhaman Zilla Parishad Release of Performance Grant (2016-17) under 14th Central Finance Commission Grant Annexure to Sanction No.288(Sanction) -RD/CCAlW/5M-3/2015 dated :06.02.2017 Release of Performance Grant (2016-17) under 14th Central Finance Commission Grant Annexure to Sanction No.288(Sanction) -RD/CCAlW/5M-3/2015 dated :06.02.2017 Zilla Parishad Order No. IBZP/14th FC Performance Grant Performance Grant TOTAL SINo BLOCK GRAM PANCHAYAT Allocation as per Allocation as per APPORTIONMENT Area (Rs. In Lakh)) Population (Rs. In Lakh) ( Rs in Lakh) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ANDAL ANDAL 0.52 9.57 10.09 2 ANDAL DAKSHIN KHANDA 0.37 7.37 7.74 3 ANDAL KAJORA 0.41 9.52 9.93 4 ANDAL KHANDRA 0.37 5.97 6.34 5 ANDAL MADANPUR 0.68 9.67 10.35 6 ANDAL RAMPRASADPUR 0.13 5.36 5.49 7 ANDAL SRIRAMPUR 0.14 2.25 2.40 8 ANDAL UKHRA 0.26 5.98 6.25 9 AUSGRAM- AUSHGRAM 1.99 7.81 9.79 10 AUSGRAM- BERENDA 1.28 7.51 8.79 11 AUSGRAM- BILLAGRAM 1.37 8.28 9.65 12 AUSGRAM- DIGNAGAR-I 1.02 4.23 5.25 13 AUSGRAM- DIGNAGAR-II 0.63 3.66 4.29 14 AUSGRAM- GUSHKARA-II 0.53 3.97 4.51 15 AUSGRAM- UKTA 1.04 7.19 8.22 16 AUSGRAM - AMARPUR 2.31 7.44 9.75 17 AUSGRAM - BHALKI 2.48 7.75 10.22 18 AUSGRAM- BHEDIA 1.22 7.91 9.13 19 AUSGRAM- DEBSALA 1.83 6.32 8.15 20 AUSGRAM- ERAL 1.48 8.06 9.53 21 AUSGRAM - KOTA 1.34 6.73 8.07 22 AUSGRAM- RAMNAGAR 1.54 10.06 11.60 23 BARABANI BARABANI 0.62 6.82 7.44 24 BARABANI DOMOHANI 0.34 5.11 5.45 25 BARABANI ITAPARA 0.68 5.25 5.93 26 BARABANI JAMGRAM 0.99 5.06 6.05 27 BARABANI NUNI 0.53 4.51 5.04 28 BARABANI PANCHAGACHIA 0.04 3.19 3.24 29 BARABANI PARURIA 1.18 8.20 9.38 30 BARABANI PUNCHRA 0.92 5.76 6.68 31 BHATAR AMARUN-I 0.62 4.07 4.69 32 BHATAR AMARUN-II 0.68 5.29 5.97 33 BHATAR BALGONA 1.16 9.36 10.53 34 BHATAR BAMUNARA 1.35 9.02 10.37 35 BHATAR BARABELUN-I 0.65 4.30 4.95 36 BHATAR BARABELUN-II 1.04 4.31 37 BHATAR BHATAR 5.35 0.96 10.02 10.98 Additioh~~l,,~ Bardhaman Zilla Parishad Release of Performance Grant (2016-17) under 14th Central Finance Commission Grant Annexure to Sanction No.288(Sanction) -RD/CCAlW/5M-3/2015 dated :06.02.2017 Release of Performance Grant (2016-17) under 14th Central Finance Commission Grant Annexure to Sanction No.288(Sanction) -RD/CCAlW/5M-3/2015 dated :06.02.2017 Zilla Parishad Order No. S4 ~ IBZP/14th FC Performance Grant Performance Grant TOTAL SINo BLOCK GRAM PANCHAYAT Allocation as per Allocation as per APPORTIONMENT Area (Rs. In Lakh)) Population (Rs. In Lakh) ( Rs in Lakh ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 38 BHATAR BONPAS 0.92 5.91 39 BHATAR ERUAR 6.82 1.39 7.94 9.33 40 BHATAR MAHACHANDA 1.52 8.45 41 BHATAR MAHATA 9.96 0.99 8.35 9.34 42 BHATAR NITYANANDAPUR 1.25 6.44 7.69 43 BHATAR SAHEBGANJ-I 0.77 4.16 4.93 44 BHATAR SAHEBGANJ-II 1.36 5.60 6.97 45 BURDWAN - BAGHAR-I 0.81 6.11 6.92 46 BURDWAN - BAGHAR-II 0.73 5.84 6.57 47 BURDWAN - BELKASH 1.42 11.35 12.77 48 BURDWAN - BONDUL-I 0.92 6.63 7.55 49 BURDWAN - KSHETIA 1.38 8.97 10.36 50 BURDWAN - KURMUN-I 0.81 4.77 5.58 51 BURDWAN - RAYAN-I 0.55 9.56 10.12 52 BURDWAN- RAYAN-II 0.49 3.87 4.36 53 BURDWAN- SARAITIKAR 1.08 6.44 7.52 54 BURDWAN- BAIKUNTHAPUR-I 0.67 7.44 8.11 55 BURDWAN - BAIKUNTHAPUR-II 0.74 5.46 6.20 56 BURDWAN - BARSUL-I 0.40 5.27 5.67 57 BURDWAN - BARSUL-II 0.61 7.48 8.09 58 BURDWAN - BONDUL-II 0.66 3.7f"_l 4.37 59 BURDWAN - GOBINDAPUR 1.23 8.09 9.32 60 BURDWAN - KURMUN-II ! 0.61 3.56 4.17 61 BURDWAN - NABASTHA-I 0.93 5.92 6.85 62 BURDWAN - NABASTHA-II 0.62 4.11 4.73 63 DURGAPUR ARIDP~ GOGLA 0.64 8.30 8.94 64 DURGAPUR FARIDPUR GOURBAZAR 1.39 7.43 8.82 65 DURGAPUR FARIDPUR ICHHAPUR 1.07 8.20 9.28 66 DURGAPUR FARIDPU~ JEMUA 0.43 5.31 5.75 67 DURGAPUR FARIDPUR LAUDOHA 0.99 7.87 8.86 68 DURGAPUR FARIDPUR PRATAPPUR 1.35 6.03 7.39 69 GALSI-I BUD-BUD 1.17 8.23 9.41 70 GALSI-I CHAKTENTUL LOWAPUR 0.84 6.60 7.44 71 GALSI-I KRISHNARAMPUR 1.08 6.90 7.99 72 GALSI-I LOWA-RAMGOPALPUR 0.92 6.74 7.67 73 GALSI-I MANKAR 0.69 6.98 7.66 74 GALSI-I PARAJ 1.26 8.96 10.22 75 GALSI-I POTNA-PURSA 0.52 5.72 6.24 76 GALSI-I SERORAI 0.95 7.29 8.25 77 GALSI-I UCHCHAGRAM 1.30 7.42 8.73 Additional·J4lBExecutive Officefi-4t0 Bardhaman Zilla Parishad - ------ Release of Performance Grant (2016-17) under 14th Central Finance Commission Grant Annexure to Sanction No.288(Sanction) -RD/CCAlW/5M-3/2015 dated :06.02.2017 Release of Performance Grant (2016-17) under 14th Central Finance Commission Grant Annexure to Sanction No.288(Sanction) -RD/CCAlW/5M-3/2015 dated :06.02.2017 Zilla Parishad Order No. IBZP/14th FC Dt. Q '1/2~If- Performance Grant Performance Grant TOTAL SINo Allocation as per BLOCK GRAM PANCHAYAT Allocation as per APPORTIONMENT Population (Rs. Area (Rs. In Lakh)) (Rs in Lakh) In Lakh) 1 2 3 4 5 6 GALSI- 78 ADRA 0.69 4.85 5.54 GALSI- 79 BHURI 1.14 8.00 9.14 GALSI- 80 GALSI 0.67 7.47 8.14 GALSI- 81 GUHAGRAM 1.24 6.09 7.33 GALSI- 82 KHANO 0.85 6.12 6.96 GALSI- 83 KURKUBA 0.82 5.90 6.72 GALSI- 84 MASJIDPUR 0.93 5.14 6.07 GALSI- 85 SANKO 0.42 4.73 5.15 GALSI- 86 SATINANDI 0.74 4.52 5.26 87 JAMALPUR ABUJHATI-I 0.55 6.01 6.55 JAMALPUR 88 ABUJHATI-II 0.58 5.18 5.76 JAMALPUR 89 AJHAPUR 0.85 10.11 10.96 JAMALPUR 90 BERUGRAM 1.01 7.73 8.74 JAMALPUR 91 CHAKDIGHI 0.81 9.89 10.69 JAMALPUR 92 JAMALPUR-I 0.34 6.07 6.41 JAMALPUR 93 JAMALPUR-II 0.50 6.13 6.63 JAMALPUR 94 JARAGRAM 0.95 9.43 10.38 JAMALPUR 95 JAUGRAM 0.62 9.08 9.71 96 JAMALPUR JOTESRIRAM 0.80 8.43 9.23 JAMALPUR 97 PANCHRA 0.89 8.22 9.11 98 JAMALPUR PARATAL-I 0.66 5.81 6.47 99 JAMALPUR PARATAL-II 0.50 4.85 5.35 100 JAMURIA BAHADURPUR 0.60 4.19 4.78 101 JAMURIA CHINCHURIA 0.79 4.42 5.21 102 JAMURIA CHURULIA 0.97 5.59 6.55 103 JAMURIA DOBRANA 0.09 3.00 3.09 104 JAMURIA HIJALGORA 1.04 5.51 6.55 105 JAMURIA KENDA 0.28 3.64 3.91 106 JAMURIA MADANTORE 0.63 3.44 4.07 107 JAMURIA PARASIA 0.25 4.36 4.61 108 JAMURIA SHYAMALLA 0.54 5.93 6.47 109 JAMURIA TOPSI 0.18 1.48 1.66 110 KALNA-I ATGHORIA SIMLON 0.72 8.38 9.11 111 KALNA-I BAGNAPARA 0.72 7.25 7.97 112 KALNA -I BEGPUR 0.75 6.63 7.38 113 KALNA-I DHATRIGRAM 0.62 10.76 11.38 114 KALNA-I HATKALNA 0.44 10.64 11.08 ~ )'_'lI-,_}17 Additional Executive OffIcer Bardhaman Zilla Parishad Release of Performance Grant (2016-17) under 14th Central Finance Commission Grant Annexure to Sanction No.288(Sanction) -RD/CCAlW/5M-3/2015 dated :06.02.2017 Release of Performance Grant (2016-17) under 14th Central Finance Commission Grant Annexure to Sanction No.288(Sanction) -RD/CCAlW/5M-3/2015 dated :06.02.2017 Zilla Parishad Order No.
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