Planning and Highways Committee - 26 March 2015 Item 5 Application Reference: DC/057381 Location: BARNES HOSPITAL SITE, KINGSWAY, CHEADLE, STOCKPORT, SK8 2NY Proposal: Restoration, conversion, extension, alterations and part demolition of former hospital building to provide 38 residential units and erection of 117 new houses, with associated access, parking, landscaping and open space (Full Planning Application) Type of Application: Full Planning Permission Registration Date: 23/12/2014 Expiry Date: 24/03/2015 Case Officer: Mark Burgess Applicant: Henley Homes Agent : Turley COMMITTEE STATUS Planning and Highways Regulation Committee. Residential development in excess of 100 dwellings on a site with an area of more than 3 hectares and Departure from development plan. Application referred to Cheadle Area Committee for comment/recommendation. BACKGROUND Members will recall the submission and consideration of a number of planning application for redevelopment of the former Barnes Hospital site over the last 13 years. Most recently, full planning permission for the conversion and extension of the former hospital building to provide 78 no. residential apartments and 100 no. residential apartments within three blocks to the North and outline planning permission for the erection of 63 no. residential dwellings to the East and South and the erection of 59 no. residential apartments within two blocks to the South West, with associated access, parking, landscaping and open space was granted in 2013 following consideration by Cheadle Area Committee, the Planning and Highways Regulation Committee and following referral of the application to the National Planning Casework Unit (Reference : DC052222). An associated listed building consent for the development was also granted in 2013 (Reference : DC052220). Since the granting of planning permission and listed building consent in 2013, the site owners (Barnes Village Ltd) have agreed terms with Henley Homes to deliver the restoration of the former hospital building through enabling development. Henley Homes have undertaken detailed research into the local market requirements which has demonstrated that it would be difficult to procure sales for 237 apartments. This Planning and Highways Committee - 26 March 2015 has resulted in a new masterplan for a housing led development which allows for a significant reduction in overall unit numbers from 300 as approved in 2013 to 155 as currently proposed. DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The current application seeks full planning permission for the restoration, conversion, extension, alteration and partial demolition of the former Barnes Hospital building to provide 38 no. residential units and the erection of 117 no. new houses within the site (Reference : DC057381). In addition to the planning application, listed building consent is sought for the restoration, conversion, extension, alteration and partial demolition of the former Barnes Hospital building to provide 38 no. residential units (Reference : DC057383). The main components of the proposal total of 155 no. residential units are described in more detail below :- Former Barnes Hospital Full planning permission and listed building consent is sought for the restoration, conversion and alteration of the former hospital building to create 38 no. residential units. This element of the proposal would include the demolition of existing unlisted structures to the Northern elevation of the building and the erection of a modern two storey extension to the Northern elevation. The proposal, which would provide a mixture of one, two, three and four bedroomed units, would largely be in the form of modern townhouses within the existing building (15 no.) and proposed extension (7 no.) but would also include some apartments (14 no.) and duplexes (2 no.). The proposal would include the repair and renovation of the existing building, using like- for-like materials in terms of brick, stone, slate, lead and timber casement windows, and repair and renovation of internal staircases, concrete corridor floors and timber intermediate floors. Development within the grounds of the former Barnes Hospital building Full planning permission is sought for the erection of 117 no. residential units within the grounds of the former hospital building. The proposal would comprise a mixture of two storey, two bedroom (16 no.), two storey, three bedroom (16 no.) two and a half storey, three bedroom (18 no.), three storey, three bedroom (42 no.) and three storey, four bedroom (25 no.) units. The properties would be arranged in four terraced blocks to the North, three terraced blocks to the East and twenty two semi- detached and terraced blocks to the South of the former hospital building and would comprise five basic house types. All of the properties would have private front and rear gardens and between one and two parking spaces, including garages, hardstanding and roadside parking. Associated development The existing vehicular access to the site from the West would be retained. Improvements to the access would include a double lane exit for vehicles, widening of the footway and provision of a cycle path facility along the A34 frontage, improved Planning and Highways Committee - 26 March 2015 pedestrian crossing facilities and reconfiguration of the right hand turn facility onto and off the A34 for vehicles entering and leaving the site. The site would be served by an all movement priority junction with a spine road into the site and an internal layout incorporating a mix of traditional and shared surface roadways. The proposal would include a pedestrian link to the East of the site, connecting to the existing public right of way into Cheadle. A total of 252 parking spaces are proposed to serve the development. The existing pond to the South West of the site would be relocated to the North and the playing field/football pitch to the North would be reinstated. The Northern portion of the site would also include an informal meadow, planted bunds, pathways and re- modelling of the woodland area. Formal open space is proposed by way of three Local Areas for Play (LAP), one to the North East of and one to the North West of the former hospital building and one to the South West of the site and a Local Equipped Area for Play (LEAP) to the North East of the proposed Northern housing blocks. Informal landscaped open space is proposed throughout the site. The convalescent garden adjacent to the former hospital building would be re-introduced within a reconstructed courtyard. The applications are accompanied by the following supporting information :- • Planning Statement. • Design and Access Statement. • Heritage Statement. • Planning Application Methodology Statement. • Archeological Desk-based Assessment • Transport Assessment. • Framework Travel Plan. • Arboricultural Statement. • Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey. • Ecological Surveys. • Badger Survey. • Flood Risk Assessment. • Environmental Noise Impact Assessment. • Energy Statement. • Crime Impact Statement. • Viability Appraisal Report. SITE AND SURROUNDINGS The former Barnes hospital site covers an area of approximately 7 hectares and comprises the main Grade II listed former convalescent hospital building which is surrounded by extensive areas of bare ground, vegetation and woodland. The site includes a pond to the South East of the former hospital building and an unused football pitch to the Northern portion of the site. Vehicular access to the site is taken from the A34 Kingsway from the West. Levels vary across the site, sloping down from the centrally located former hospital building to the North. The site is bounded to the North and East by the M60 and M60 slip road and to the Planning and Highways Committee - 26 March 2015 West by the A34 Kingsway. The Southern boundary of the site is delineated by a public footpath and an operational railway line. The former hospital building has been vacant since 1999 when it became surplus to requirements and was closed by Manchester Healthcare Trust. Since then the building has been unused and ownership of the site has been regularly changed. During this time, a number of development proposals have been submitted to and considered by the Council, involving the repair and adaptation of former hospital building and residential development within the site. Due to the economic climate, the condition of the building and the form of the supporting development approved, none of these previous proposals have progressed. Due to the length of vacancy, the former hospital building has been the subject of vandalism resulting in significant damage and large elements of the building are unprotected and exposed to the effects of weather. POLICY BACKGROUND The Statutory Development plan for Stockport comprises policies set out in the Stockport Core Strategy Development Plan Document (Core Strategy DPD), adopted in March 2011 and policies set out in the Stockport Unitary Development Review (Saved UDP) which have been saved by direction under paragraph 1 (3) of Schedule 8 to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. The main part of the site is located within the Major Existing Developed Site in the Green Belt (MEDS), the Northern portion of the site is located within the Green Belt and the whole site is located within the Landscape Character Area (River Mersey), as defined on the UDP Proposals Map. The former hospital building is a Grade II listed building, the site is subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) and is adjoined by a Public Right of
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