March 9, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 6977 do something worth doing, about improv­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I thank the Senate, I move, in accordance with the ing the status of this vital area from Chair. previous order, that the Senate stand in the standpoint of better transportation, recess until 9:45 a .m. tomorrow. better education, better health, and all ORDER TO PROCEED TO CONSID­ The motion was agreed to, and at 6: 19 of those factors which, mixed together, ERATION OF S. 427 TOMORROW p.m., the Senate recessed until tomorrow, could help to bring our section into the Thursday, March 10, 1977, at 9:45 a.m. mainstream of American development. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Today, I visited the Appalachian Re­ I ask unanimous consent that on the gion Commission. In the Commission completion of the order for the recogni­ NOMINATIONS office I thanked those who have been tion of Mr. ScHMITT tomorrow morning working on this program through the the Senate proceed to the consideration Executive nominations received by the years. And I asked the privilege of not of the public works bill s. 427. Senate March 9, 1977: only speaking but also of having the op­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without AGENCY FOR INTERNAT IONAL DEVELOPMENT portunity to shake hands individually, objection, it is so ordered. John J . Gilligan, of Ohio, to be Adminis­ thanking each person, some 90 of them trator of the Agency for International De­ gathered there. It is highly important velopment. PROGRAM that we never forget on the Hill in our DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE endeavors that without our staffs we Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Peter F. Flaher ty, of Pennsylvania, to be could not accomplish our work. In the tomorrow may be a long day. It is hoped Deputy Attorney General vice Harold R. commissions, the agencies, and the de­ that the Senate can and will complete Tyler, Jr., resigned. partments, Government could not func­ action on S. 427 a bill to provide addi­ DEPARTMENT OF CoMMERCE tion without these people who have ex­ tional authorizations for the public Charles Linn Haslam, of North Carolina, to pertise and commitment in handling works employment program, to author­ be General Counsel of the Department of well the positions of trust in which they ize a program for employment of teen­ Commerce, vice John Thomas Smith II, function. aged youth in community improvement resigned. Thus another hour in these years that projects, and for other purposes. COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION I have been mentioning is called to your Rollcall votes will undoubtedly occur Carol Tucker Foreman, of the District of attention. during the day. Columbia, t o be a member of the board of And so, for me, because of the friend­ directors of the Commodity Credit Corpora­ ORDER THAT NO ROLLCALL VOTES OCCUR TOMOR­ tion, vice Don Paarlberg, resigned. ship expressed-and the word "friend" ROW BEFORE 12 NOON EXCEPT TO ESTABLISH IN THE MARL"i"E CoRPs has been used very often-! recall that A QUORUM Lt. Gen. John N. McLaughlin, U.S. Marine from the hills of West Virginia and now I ask unanimous consent, so that com­ in labors on Capitol Hill, out to the un­ Corps, when retired, to be placed on the re­ mittees may n<.,t be interrupted in any of tired :1st in the grade of lleutenant general discovered ends, there is much that is their meetings, that no rollcall votes oc­ worth the wear of winning; it is service in accordance with the p r.:>visions of title 10, cur tomorrow prior to the hour of 12 U.S. Code, section 5233. and the love of friends. And I have been noon except any rollcall votes that might blessed to a very considerable degree in have to occur in relation to the estab­ both of these bounties. lishment of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without CONFIRMATIONS ORDER FOR RECESS UNTIL 9:45 A.M. objection, it is so ordered. Executive nominations confirmed by TOMORROW Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, the Senate March 9, 1977: I would not anticipate any vote on a AMBASSADOR Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, motion to direct the Sergeant-at-Arms I ask unanimous consent that when Paul C. Warnke, of the District of Colum­ to request the attendance of absent Sen­ bia, for the rank of Arnbasador during his the Senate completes its business today ators, but it may be necessary. That is it stand in recess until the hour of 9:45 tenure of service as Director of the U.S. Arms the reason why I made the exception in Control and Disarmament Agency. tomorrow morning. the request. U.S. ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without But, hopefully, committees may be able objection, it is so ordered. AGENCY to meet uninterruptedly until 12 noon Paul C. Warnke, of the District of Colum­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, tomorrow. I believe under the order previously en­ bia, to be Director of the U.S. Arms Control tered, Mr. ScHMITT will be recognized for an d Disarmament Agency. not to exceed 15 minutes after the regu­ RECESS UNTIL 9:45 A.M. The above nominations were approved sub­ lar order for the two leaders. TOMORROW ject to the nominees' commitments to re­ spond to requests to appear and testify be­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen­ Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, if there fore any duly constituted commit tee of the ator is correct. be no further business to come before the Senat e. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PROPOSED INCREASE IN THE inclusion in the REcoRD as a reminder pension plan and an insurance plan. In the MINIMUM WAGE that it is potentiaUy·dangerous to simply past five years we have increased our num­ extend existing laws without careful ber of employees and laid no one off. HON. CLARENCE J. BROWN consideration of the possibility that those We see the prospect, under higher mini­ extensions will actually hurt the very mum wage laws, of curtailing additional OF OHIO people the original law was intended to hiring and perhaps even phasing out some IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of our people because we can no longer af­ helo. ford the costs connected with the kind of Wednesday, March 9, 1977 The full text of this very logical and payroll we are facing. We will turn, instead, Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I E-loquent letter follows: to new technology, specifically, to computers have recently received a letter from one I am writing with respect to proposals to and terminals which will enable us to cut of my constituents expressing his views increase the minimum wage from its present back our labor force, especially those at the on the proposal to increase the mini­ $2.30 to $3.00 or more with cost-of-living lower end of the pay scale. As increments built in. We would, no doubt, be considering this mum wage. a manager of a small kind of approach with no minimum pay in­ newspaper, this constituent deals con­ I am the manager of production for a daily newspaper (circulation under 8,000) crease. But increases will make it mandatory stantly with wage-related problems, and which presently employs about 20 production and urgent. It is not a prospect we look for­ is perhaps in a much better position to people, full and part- time and about the ward to. People remain more dependable judge the practical effect of an increase same number in other departments. Our pay­ than computers and much more fiexible. in the minimum wage than we who sit roll is currently about $350,000 annually and They have more fun at Christmas parties. her e in Congress. I submit this letter for is our single largest expense. We have a An d they need work. 6978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 9, 1977 New technology will not necessarily re­ tion of contract disputes. In the last H.R. 2846. Had I been present, I would duce the work force tfor my newspaper). Congress the distinguished chairman of have voted "Nay'' on rollcall No. 47. But it will require the employment of peo­ ple able to work with computers, and few the Judiciary Committee, Mr. RoDINO, of those would be earning minimum wage introduced legislation designed to cor­ anyhow. New technology will shift the work rect many of these problems and in this force around, requiring the employment of Congress two bills have already been CARTER IS CONFUSING better skilled people at the expense of those introduced, one by Mr. RODINO and one with few skills. I presume that minimum by my friend and colleague from north­ HON. ROBERT H. MICHEL wage legislation is intended to provide bet­ ern Virginia Mr. Harris, a member of ter pay for people either entering the work the Judiciary Committee. OF ILLINOIS force or lacking the skills required to attain IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES higher paying positions. The effect will be The present system is too time con­ the opposite of what Congress intends, un­ suming and expensive to the contractor Wednesday, March 9, 1977 less my experience is unusual. and the Government. It is often ineffi­ Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, the Peoria We have few people earning the minimum. cient and as a consequence unfair. The Journal-Star recently published an edi­ But as it has increased (and rightly so) from procedural protections for the contrac­ torial "Carter Is Confusing" which docu­ $1.60 to $2.30, it has forced increases in the tor are inadequate and the widely pay of others working here.
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