The Solemn Installation of The Most Reverend Martin David Holley, D.D. Fifth Bishop of the Diocese of Memphis in Tennessee IN AETERNUM MISERICORDIA EIUS October 19, 2016 Cook Convention Center Memphis, Tennessee Ministers of the Liturgy His Excellency Most Reverend Christophe Pierre Apostolic Nuncio to the United States Installing Prelate His Excellency Most Reverend Joseph Edward Kurtz Archbishop of Louisville His Excellency Most Reverend Martin David Holley, D.D. Bishop of Memphis His Excellency Most Reverend James Terry Steib, S.V.D., D.D. Bishop Emeritus of Memphis Their Eminences Donald Cardinal Wuerl Justin Cardinal Rigali Theodore Cardinal McCarrick Their Excellencies Concelebrating Archbishops and Bishops Concelebrating Abbots and Priests Attending Deacons Rev. Msgr. Peter P. Buchignani Rev. Robert W. Marshall, Jr. Rev. Russell D. Harbaugh Rev. James J. Martell Rev. Msgr. Victor P. Ciaramitaro Rev. J. David Graham Rev. Richard D. Coy Rev. Msgr. Albert E. Kirk Rev. Ernie DeBlasio Rev. Michael E. Werkhoven Rev. John B. McArthur Rev. Richard J. Kaump College of Consultors of the Diocese of Memphis Rev. Mr. Carlos Donato daSilva Rev. Mr. Ruben Villalon Rivera Rev. Mr. Jeff Drzycimski Deacons of the Liturgy Rev. Robert Szczechura Master of Ceremonies, Diocese of Memphis Rev. Mel Ayala Rev. James Valenzuele Rev. Yoelvis Gonzalez Rev. Claude Williams Rev. Kevin McQuone Rev. Matt Worthen Rev. Dexter Noblefranca Ajani Gobson Rev. J. Keith Stewart George Stuppy Assisting Masters of Ceremonies Seminarians of the Diocese of Memphis Altar Servers Deborah Donald Wendy Vasquez Lectors Ryan Barge Vincent Culliver Tiffany Donald Benjamin Holley Logan Holley Alexis Holley Gift Bearers Religious and Lay Members of the Diocese of Memphis Intercessors Marc Cerisier Director of Music Matthew Bogart Organist Donna Sloan Scott Elsholz, dma Cantors Diocesan Choir Representing Parishes Throughout The Diocese Instrumentalists of the Memphis Area His Holiness Pope Francis His Excellency Most Reverend Christophe Pierre Titular Archbishop of Gunela Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America His Excellency Most Reverend James Terry Steib, S.V.D., D.D. Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Memphis in Tennessee His Excellency Most Reverend Martin David Holley, D.D. Bishop of the Diocese of Memphis in Tennessee he bishops themselves . having been appointed by the Holy Spirit, are successors of the Apostles as pastors of souls. Together with the supreme pontiff and under his authority they are sent to continue throughout the ages the work of Christ, the eternal pastor. Christ gave the Apostles and their successors the command and the power to teach all nations, to Thallow men in the truth, and to feed them. Bishops, therefore, have been made true and authentic teachers of the faith, pontiffs, and pastors through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to them. Second Vatican Council Decree Concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church, Christus Dominus, 2 Prelude Psalm 100 Knut Nystedt Make a joyful noise to the Lord! For the Lord is good; Serve the Lord with gladness! His steadfast love endures for ever Come into his presence with singing! and his faithfulness to all generations! Know that the Lord is God! He has made us, we are his people, Make a joyful noise to the Lord! and the sheep of his pasture. Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Go through his gates with thanksgiving, Know that the Lord is good, enter his courts with praise! his love endures forever, Give thanks to him, bless his name! and his faithfulness to all generations! Text: Psalm 100. Music: Knut Nystedt. Variations on an Original Theme, Op.36, Variation IX: Adagio Edward Elgar Strengthen for Service Leo Nestor Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands Lord, may the tongues which 'Holy' sang That holy things have taken; Keep free from all deceiving; Let ears that now have heard thy songs The eyes which saw Thy love be bright To clamor never waken. Thy blessèd hope perceiving. Feet that have tread Thy holy courts From light do thou not banish; The bodies by Thy body fed With Thy new life replensih. Text: Syriac Liturgy of Malabar (5th century). Music: Leo Nestor. Installation of Most Reverend Martin David Holley, D.D. | 1 There's A Wideness In God's Mercy Calvin Hampton There's a wideness in God's mercy Like take him at his word, And our lives would the wideness of the sea; There's a kindness be all sunshine In the sweetness of the in his justice Which is more than liberty. Lord. There is plentiful redemption In the blood that has been shed; There is joy for all the Fearful souls, why will you scatter Like a members In the sorrows of the Head. crowd of frightened sheep? Foolish hearts, why will you wander From a love so true For the love of God is broader Than the and deep? There is welcome for the sinner measures of our mind, And the heart of and more graces for the good; There is the Eternal Is most wonderfully kind. If mercy with the Savior, There is healing in our love were but more simple We should his blood. Text: Frederick W. Faber (1814–1863). Tune: st. helena, Calvin Hampton Douze Pièces pour Orgue—1. Prélude Théodore Dubois Bishop Holley invites all present to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. O most pure heart of Mary, full of goodness, show your love towards us. Let the flame of your heart, O Mary, descend on all people. We love you immensely. Impress on our hearts true love so that we may long for you. O Mary, gentle and humble of heart, remember us when we sin. You know that all people sin. Grant that through your most pure and moth- erly heart, we may be healed from every spiritual sickness. Grant that we may always experience the goodness of your motherly heart, and that through the flame of your heart we may be converted. Amen Introductory Rites Entrance Antiphon I will sing for ever of your mercies, O Lord; through all ages my mouth will proclaim your fidelity. Text: Psalm 89:2 Music: Marc Cerisier. Processional Hymn Hymn for the Holy Year of Mercy Please sing as indicated by Cantor Refrain b 4 & b b 4 . ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ . *Mi- se -- ri cor - des si - cut Pa - ter!œ Miœ --- seœ riœ cor - desœ siœ - cut Paœ - ter!œ Verses Give thanks to the Father, for he is good Conduce a su pueblo en la Historia in b 2 &inb æternum…b ww He created the world with æternum…4 Perdonaœ y acoge a sus Hijos wisdom1. Give thanks to the in æternum… Misericordes…Father, for he isin æternum… Misericordes…good 2. Give thanks to the Son, Light of the Nations. 2 | Installation3. Let us ask the Spirit for the of Most Reverendseven holy Martin David Holley, D.D. gifts 4. Let us ask for peace from the God of all peace b 4 & b b œ œ 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ **in æ -ter - num mi -- se ri -cor -- di a e - ius. b 2 & b b w w 4 œ 1. He created the world with wisdom 2. He loved us with a heart of flesh 3. Fount of all goodness and the sweetest re ---lief 4. The earth waits for the Good News of the Kingdom b 4 œ & b b œ œ 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ in æ -ter -num mi -- se ri -cor -- di a e - ius. b 2 & b b ww4 œ 1. He leads his people throughout history 2. As we receive from him, let us also give to him 3. Comforted by him, let us offer comfort 4. Joy and pardon in the hearts of the little ones b 4 & b b œ œ 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ in æ -ter -num mi -- se ri -cor -- di a e - ius. b & b b w w 42 œ 1. He pardons and welcomes his children 2. Hearts open to those who hunger and thirst 3. Love hopes and bears all things 4. The heavens and the earth will be re ---newed b 4 & b b œ œ 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ in æ -ter -num mi -- se ri -cor -- di a e - ius. *Be merciful as the Father is [merciful]. **For his mercy endures forever. Please sing as indicated by Cantor Refrain bbb 4 . ‰ œ œ ‰ . & b b 4 . ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . *Mi- se -- ri cor - des si - cut Pa - ter!œ Miœ --- seœ riœ cor - desœ siœ - cut Paœ - ter!œ Verses Givebb thanks to the Son, Light of the He leads his2 people throughout &Nationsb b ww in æternum… He loved us history in æternum…4 œ He pardons and with a1. heart Give thanks to the of flesh in æternum… Father, for he is welcomes his childrengood in æternum… 2. Give thanks to the Son, Light of the Nations. Misericordes…2. Give thanks to the Son, Light of theMisericordes… Nations. 3. Let us ask the Spirit for the seven holy gifts 4. Let us ask for peace from the God of all peace De Él recibimos todo, a Él nos donamos Demos gracias al Hijo, juz de los inb æternum…b Que4 el œcorazónœ se abra a pueblos in æternum… Nos ha amado &quienb b tieneœ hambreœ 4 y œsed in œæternum…œ œ œ conœ un corazónœ œ de œcarne inœ æternum…œ Misericordes…**in æ -ter - num mi -- seMisericordes… ri -cor -- di a e - ius.
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