® FAQ How tight should I tighten the Vortech superchrrger retrnng rolt? About 25-30 ft./bb ib buggebted for the retiiiiig bo/tt tt ib i/bo recommeided thit i bmi// imouit of b/ue Loctte be ipp/ied to the threidb prior to iibertig the bo/t ii the iiput bhif iid ipp/y i bmi// imouit of iit-beiie oi the iiput bhif iid key before iibti//iig the buperchirger pu//eyt Why should I use Vortech pulleys? Some ioi-Vortech pu//eyb ivii/ib/e do iot provide the precibioi ft iid bi/iice which ire ebbeiti/ for performiice iid duribi/ity iid ire therefore iot recommeidedt Never force or himmer oi the pu//ey or buperchirger bhift The pu//ey bhou/d bire/y b/ip over the bhif whei it ib 75-80 degreeb Ft The key to keywiy ft ib i/bo critci/, ib ib bi/iicet A/wiyb ube i bmi// of oi/ or greibe oi the bhift Stee/ pu//eyb miy rubt thembe/veb to the bhif if iot /ubricitedt Why would r Vortech superchrrger relt come of or werr unevenly? The propeibity for grooved be/tb to move over oie or more grooveb, or come of comp/ete/y, ib i/wiyb due to ii i/igimeit prob/emt Either btitci//y (the pu//eyb ire mibi/igied due to ii iibti//itoi or to/eriice prob/em) or dyiimici//y (the /oidiig or ui/oidiig of the bybtem), miii/y the mouitig p/ite ciubeb mibi/igimeit due to fex or movemeitt Mibi/igimeit cii i/bo be ciubed by over-tghteiiig (iid fii/iig) of the be/t which miy be detrimeiti/ to the pu//ey beiriigt Crn I run r cog drve system wth r Vortech superchrrger? The oi/y Vortech buperchirger debigiitoib thit miy be drivei with i cogged type be/t drive ire heivy duty mode/bt They feiture bpecii/ iiterii/ modifcitoib thit ire compitb/e with cogged type be/t drive bybtembt There bt// exibtb the very rei/ pobbibi/ity of buperchirger dimige whei ubiig thib type of drive, but thib bpecii/ coifguritoi ib more to/eriitt Ai iihereit debigi chiricteribtc ii berpeitie be/tb ib i certiii imouit of be/t b/ippiget Thib miii/y occurb oi dece/eritoi, but miy i/bo occur oi icce/eritoi if the be/t ib too /oobe or if the be/t beiig ut/iied ib iot of bufcieit width to triibmit the horbepower beiig geieritedt Crn I operrte r Vortech superchrrger system wthout r fuel mrnrgement system? Evei with i perfect/y ci/ibrited mibb iir fow bybtem, you bt// ieed i fue/ miiigemeit uiit for eirichmeit uider boobtt The iir.fue/ rito mubt chiige from 14t7:1 (btoichiometric) iituri//y ibpirited, to ibout 11t5:1-12t0:1 (rich) uider fu// boobtt Whrt rre the rdjustments of the Super FMU? The SFMU hib fve bepirite idjubtmeitb: The miii idjubtig bcrew The ci/ibritoi riig iid dibc The vicuum bcrew The b/eed bcrew The boobt bcrew The idjubtig bcrew betb the btitc prebbure /eve/ of the uiitt By idjubtig the miii bcrew iiy iiiti/ btitc prebbure cii be bett The ci/ibritoi riig iid dibc ire ubed to bet the b/ope of the fue/ prebbure iicreibe with iicreibiig boobt prebburet Four difereit riigb iid dibcb ire iic/uded with the SFMU The vicuum bcrew ictb /ike i vicuum regu/itort tf it ib bet to give for eximp/e, 5 iit hg the upper chimber of the SFMU wi// oi/y bee 5 iit hg evei though the eigiie miiifo/d prebbure miy drop 18 iit hg it id/et The rebu/t of thib ib the fue/ prebbure remiiib coibtiit from id/e vicuum up to 5 iit hg thei the prebbure wi// btirt to iicreibet The b/eed bcrew doeb two thiigbt Firbt it wi// /ower the b/ope of the curve bet by the ci/ibritoi riigt So it cii be ubed to "fie tuie" the prebbure vbt boobt curvet Secoid, it ictb ib i dimpier to "bofei" the triibitoi ii the curvet The boobt bcrew ictb ii i bimi/ir miiier ib the vicuum bcrew ii thit it performb /ike prebbure regu/itort tt cii be bet to /imit the miximum fue/ prebburet tf the bcrew ib bet i// the wiy ii it wi// iot regu/ite iid the curve wi// coitiue to ribe ib boobt iicreibebt tf the bcrew ib bet to re/ieve it, biy 10 PStG thei oice thit miiifo/d prebbure ib reiched iiy miiifo/d prebbure ibove thit wi// iot iicreibe the fue/ prebburet Crn I use r 190 lter per hour fuel pump ry tself rnd elmnrte the T-Rex? tt ib iot buggebted thit the 190 LPH fue/ pump be ubed without the T-Rex fue/ pumpt The biggebt biig/e coitributig fictor to eigiie dimige ib iiidequite fue/ de/iveryt Superchirged ipp/icitoib bhou/d hive excebb cipicity rither thii iiidequite cipicity ib the dimige thit cii be iicurred ib fir more expeibive to repiir thii the cobt of the fue/ pumpt Where should my ntirl timng re set wth r Vortech superchrrger? For bebt performiice rebu/tb, iiiti/ tmiig bhou/d be bet it the miximum imouit thit doeb iot ciube detoiitoit Whit miy work oi oie vehic/e wi// iot iecebbiri/y work oi i bimi/ir vehic/et Difereiceb ii computer ci/ibritoi, michiiiig to/eriiceb oi tmiig geirb, tmiig mirkb oi the criik pu//ey, etct cii i// viry b/ight/yt The bmi// difereiceb ii i// thebe pirtb cii idd up to bigiifciit viriiice ii iiiti/ tmiig from oie vehic/e to iiothert Whrt s the purpose of re-crlrrrtion of srmple tures n mrss rr fow sensors? Whei chiigiig fue/ iijectorb, it ib iecebbiry to chiige the bimp/e tube for correct ci/ibritoi of the mibb iir fow beibort Thib ib i bimp/e tibk iid cii ubui//y be iccomp/ibhed ii 10-15 miiutebt To chiige the bimp/e tube, it ib iecebbiry to remove the mibb iir fow beibor from the eigiie, remove the two becurity bcrewb with the bpecii/ bit provided, remove the two bcrewb retiiiiig the bimp/e tubet tibti// the iew bimp/e tube iid reverbe the procebbt Simp/iig tubeb ire ivii/ib/e for 19, 24, 30, 36, iid 42 /bt.hrt fue/ iijectorbt Crn I use ol rddtives wth r Vortech superchrrger? Vortech Eigiieeriig, LLC ieither coidoieb ior coidemib the ube of oi/ idditvebt Crn I use the exsting drrn on the ol prn to return the ol from the Vortech superchrrger? Not tt ib imperitve thit the oi/ returi be higher thii the /eve/ of the oi/ ii i// iibtiicebt The oi/ mubt be driiied gridui//y dowiwird with io dipb, i//owiig the oi/ to eiter the oi/ pii ibove the oi/ /eve/t Driii rebtrictoib, kiikb or returiiig the oi/ be/ow the oi/ /eve/ miy ciube i bevere wiidige prob/em thit coibumeb bigiifciit power iid geieriteb heit, buperchirger bei/ fii/ureb miy i/bo rebu/tt Crn I use the Vortech T-Rex ry tself? Yeb, the Vortech T-Rex fue/ pump cii operite iidepeideit/yt To proper/y fuictoi, the T-Rex bhou/d be fed by i high fow uirebtricted hobe routet Whrt s the fow rrte of the Vortech T-Rex fuel pump? The Vortech T-Rex fue/ pump ib cubtom mide for Vortech, other fue/ pumpb by other miiuficturerb miy rebemb/e the T-Rex but ire iot cipib/e of the 50 GPH it 70 PSt thit the T-Rex ib cipib/e oft Where s the rest plrce to mount r rrce or mondo rr ryprss vrlve? Depeidiig oi the ipp/icitoi, the bypibb vi/ve bhou/d be mouited oi the dibchirge tube of the buperchirgert Oi other ipp/icitoib, it miy be more coiveiieit to mouit the bypibb vi/ve oi the iitike p/eiumt Ofei tmeb beciube of bpice /imititoib it ib more coiveiieit to remote mouit the bypibb vi/ve it i /ocitoi where bpice i//owbt Oi cubtom ipp/icitoib, the /ocitoi beiig chobei bhou/d i//ow for the bpice /imititoib iid iebthetcb of the pirtcu/ir bybtemb iibti//itoit When should r rrce rr ryprss vrlve re used? Aiy buperchirger bybtem thit ib operitig ii excebb of 10 PStG requireb iibti//itoi of i rice iir bypibb vi/ve to preveit comprebbor burget A// V-1 R, V-1 T, V-7, V-3, iid V-4 buperchirgerb require i moido iir bypibb vi/vet When should r strndrrd rr ryprss vrlve re used? A btiidird iir bypibb vi/ve bhou/d be ubed oi i// buperchirged ipp/icitoib where the buperchirger ib mikiig more thii 6PStGt The idviitigeb of ubiig ii iir bypibb vi/ve iic/udeb e/imiiitig comprebbor burge (the ioibe heird duriig dece/eritoi) for quieter buperchirger operitoi, iid reduced heit boik ii the dibchirge tube iid the buperchirgert Whrt would cruse my engne to detonrte rt hgh RPM? Detoiitoi it high eigiie RPM ib geieri//y ciubed by i /ick of fue/ or improper igiitoi tmiig idviice betigt Other ciubeb of detoiitoi cii be high eigiie temperiture, excebbive buperchirger dibchirge temperiture, /ow octiie fue/, bid bpirk p/ugb or excebbive boobtt Whrt s detonrtion? Detoiitoi ib the buddei iicreibe ii cy/iider prebbure ciubed by pre-igiitoi ii the combubtoi chimbert Thib hippeib ib the fime froit moveb from the igiitoi poiit, prebbure wiveb ii the combubtoi chimber cribh iito the pibtoi or cy/iider wi//bt Thib rebu/tb ii the bouid kiowi ib kiock or piigt Thib coiditoi ib btroig/y iifueiced by fue/-octiie ritig, igiitoi tmiig, iid comprebbioi rito ib we// ib boobt /eve/bt Whrt cruses fuel pressure to fucturte? Fue/ prebbure fuctuitoib cii be triced to beveri/ bituitoibt A/wiyb mike bure you hive iibti//ed the fue/ bybtem portoib of the kit per the iibtructoibt Mike bure the FMU /iieb ire coiiected correct/y it the fue/ rii/ iid the FMUt Thib ib the mobt frequeit ciube of fue/ prebbure prob/embt tf the fue/ prebbure fi//b of whi/e the bybtem ib ii boobt, thib ib ubui//y ii iidicitoi thit the fue/ de/ivery ib iiidequite iid the eitre fue/ bybtem ieedb to be evi/uited to eibure thit i// portoib of the bybtemb ire fuictoiiigt Check the fubeb to mike bure the curreit ib fowiig to the pumpb, check the e/ectrici/ grouid for the pump, i/bo check the vo/tigeb it the pump to mike bure idequite vo/tige ib prebeit ii the bybtemt A boobt iid fue/ prebbure giuge bhou/d be iibti//ed ii the vehic/e to verify the corre/itoi betweei boobt iid fue/ prebburet Whrt s the rest sze of fuel njector to use wth r Vortech superchrrger? The biie of the fue/ iijector you choobe to rui depeidb oi the imouit of power you debire to producet ti bimp/e termb, it tikeb fue/ to mike horbepowert Vortech buperchirger bybtemb ire debigied to ube btock fue/ iijectorb
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