PUBlJCATIONS Of THE UNITED STATES ~NTERNATIONAl TR.APE COMMISSION ' . tu '.;\ r 1l' I ) 1. ,, /. JANUARY 1951 TO SEPTEMBER 1977 United States International Trade Commission I Washington, D.C. 20436 l \ U1VJTED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION ! 1 I COMk!ISSIONERS 1 Daniel Minchew, Chairman I · Jnseph 0. Parker~ Vice· Chairman · · George M. Moorf' Catherine Bedell ltalo H. Ablondi Bill Alberger Kenneth R. Mason, Secretary to the Commission --------- Address all communical.ions to Office of the Secretary United States International Trade Commission Washington, D. C. 20436 rI UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. PUBLICATIONS OF THE U.S. TARIFF COMHISSION AND U.S. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION January 1951~September.15, 1977 OUTLINE OF CONTENTS lt. Introdt1ct,ionl)." ') ... It.,. o c Ito".<-., ••••• :11,.,. o.". o ••••••••••••• o ••• " •• t;; Q •• 111. 15. "a o a,..... .,. ~·l J. 13 c General repot.·ts,. •.• 0 ..... ~"(.I >II. e. fo. '1 0 •• 0 ~ •• 0 Ill \I •••• v G" •••••• 0 ••••••• 0 ••• ~ •• v ••• ". ,, ' Ill,..(:; 3 1. Cumulative 2. Periodic 3. Miscellaneous C" Reports on countr~es 'or other geographic areas o •••••• ~ ••••• II •• 0 • "' ••• 9 ... #., ~ •• , ..... Q 17 DQ Reports 011 con1modities.t'o11,,, .• ,,.~·····~··••o~···•••o•••••o•a••••••••••"•1t••i..••e1Jl',., 21 E, Alphabetical listing of firms or subdivisions on which investigations have l)ee11 cond uc te.d J ,, • o " • _, • # ••••••• ,. •••• c ••• o ••••• (II s ••••••• "' " • " Q • o •••• o ••• r: , ~ a ,, ... , " ,, ,,, 58 1 , f.o:y~.£.~2..Ei. This index lists all publications issued by.the.Tariff Commission and U.S. International Trade Commission during the period from January 1, 1951, through September 15, 1977 (i,e., through USITC Publication 832). This publication supersedes TC Publication 422 issued in September 1971. Publications issued before 1951 are, in most cases, ·out of pr.int. Special needs fo:i.: nuch publ:Leations should be taken up in 1.r.dtii}g or in person with the Secretary'"s Office. 2, .!?.e.P~'?-0.i.t'2.EY_J.:•.Lb:carif;.s_. In many cases, the publications listed herein may be found J.n Fede1:al Depository Libra1·ies, These include leading public, university, and coJ.l('!ge l.ibraries throughout. the country. A complete list of depository libraries may bt~ obtai.ned f ·r·om the Suuerinte.ndent of Documents of the U.S. Government Printing Off ice, Washingtor.1 > D• C, 20Lf02 .. 3, R~J.l:'.~.§.L<i_._~~d_Q_i;-_def§.• Publications which are listed as available from the Commissi.on no.y be obtained wfthout charge as long as the supply lasts, i:'ubLlcntions :;hown as available at the U,S, Government Printing Office may be ordm:etl trout the Di.vision ·ot Public Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D,C. 20if02., Oi.:de.17s shonld be accompanied by check or money ord~r o All such orders and •:he.(:ki3 should be made ont to the. Superintendent of Documents, not,. to the Coimnission. !;, .J!:~".P]:.?}!~!J,<;'.ll._<2f__ ~1mbol§_. In the following sections publications are listed ·under t:1."' ;3<ov,:;ral categor-tes sho'l'm in the Outline of Contents.· Summarized informati.on conce1:ni.ng e:1ch r·"'·port. :ts :::hown in a series of six columns. For columns 1, 2, and 5, the headings are Guf.t:ic:Lently eicpJ.8.natoi:y. The symbols used in columns 3 and 4 are as follows: 2 EXPLANATORY SYMBOLS Column 3 - Nature of report Symbol KeQ.lanation Sec. 7 'Report under sec. 7, Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951, the "esc,ape elause0 provision. , Sec. 7-EO Annual follow-up report under E.O. 10401, where President has taken "es cap~" act ton under ser.. 7, Sec~ 22 Report under sec. 22, Agricultural Adjustment Act, relating to import interference with agricultural programs. Sec. 303 Report, under sec. }03 of tne Tariff Act of 1930; as amended. Sec. 332 Report specifically requested by Congress under, sec. 332, Tariff Act of 1930. Sec. 336 Report under sec. 339, Tariff Act of 1930, relating to differences in cost of production between the United States and other countries, Sec. , 337 f:.3p01=t under sec. JJ7, Tari ff Aci: 11f, 19JO" r.els,tJng to u?:lfa:l.r impot:t practices. AD Rr~po;:•; under sec. 201( a) of the Ant id umping Act, 1921. TEA-I Indt1stry :investigation for reUef for an ;Lndustry as a whole under sec. 30l(b) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. TEA-F Finn investiga,tion for adjustment assistance under sec. JOl(c) tl) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. 'l;EA-W Worker investigation for adjustm~nt, assistance £oi:· a group of workers under sec. 30l(c)(2) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. TEA-IA) Industry investigations under se:c, 351( d) 0£ the Trade Expansion 1.c t 'fEA,..IR) of 1962. · TEA-I-EX) GEN Report issued under the Commission's general investigative powers, provided in sec. 332, Tariff Act of 1930. APTA Rep1J1:t i2.s11ed vnd<x sec, JO?. (e) of thP. A11 '::omotiire Produr.ts Tr..<J,dP Act of 1%!). SRS Staff research study. Column 4 ,... Where obtainable (and price, if any) Symbol Explanation , USITC Report may be obtained from the Commission without charge, as long as available. Gpo;...2.5{ Shows price at which report may be obtained from Division of Public Documents; not available at the t:ommiasion. OP Out of print,• but may be read at the Commission or in depository .libraries• 3 rI Where Date Nature of obtainable: Report Item of .'issue·· report : (and price,: number : . if an ) B. ~eneral:Reports American _selHng price: :. 1966. SEC. 332 US ITC TC 181 conversion rates. Annual reports: . ·•.. ! Thirty-fifth, 1951 .. 1952 GEN OP Thirty-sixth, 1952 1953 GEN OP Thirty-seventh, 1953 1954 GEN OP Thirty-eighth, 1954 1955 GEN OP Thirty-ninth.. , 1955 : -1956 GEN.· OP Fortieth, 1956 1957 GEN OP Forty-first, 1957 1958 GEN OP Forty-second, 1958 1959 GEN OP Forty-third, 1959 1990 GEN OP Forty-fourth, 1960 1961 GEN OP TC 3 Forty-fifth,. 1961 ·.1962 GEN OP TC 47 Forty-sixth,. 1962 : . 1963 GEN GP0-25 TC 77 Forty-seventµ, 1963 1964 GEN GP0-25 TC 119 Forty-eighth~ 1964 : . 1965 GEN GP0-20 TC 146 Forty-ninth, 1965 1966 GEN GP0-15 TC 168 Fiftieth, .1966 1967 GEN GP0-20 TC 193 Fifty-first, 1967 1968 GEN GP0-20 TC 227 Fifty-second, 1968 1969 GEN GP0-25 TC 273 Fiscal year ended June 30, 1969 1970 GEN GP0-30 TC 301 Fiscal year ended June 30, 1970 1971 GEN GP0"'.'35 TC 356 Fiscal year ended June 30, 1971 1972 GEN GP0-40 TC 467 Fiscal year ended June 30, 1972 1973 GEN GP0-45 TC 536 Fiscal year ended June 30, 1973 : 1974 GEN GP0-65 TC 648. Fiscal year ended June 30, 1974 }975 GEN GP0-80 TC 710 Fiscal year ended June 30, 1975 1976 GEN GP0-$1.05 None Fiscal year ended June.30, 1976 and·.· : '1976 GEN GP0-$1. 40 USITC 790 transition quarter Automotive products: Petitioh for adjustment assistance by certain workers of: Ford Motor Co. (Pennsauken, N.J.) · : 1966 APTA-W-1 US ITC TC 171 General Motors Corp. (Grand Rapid$, 1966 APTA-W-2 US TIC TC 176 Mich.) Fram Corp. (Birmingham, Ala.) : 1966 APTA-W-3 US ITC TC 184 Maremont Corp. (Cleveland, Ohio) : 1966 APTA-W-4 US ITC TC 191 Borg-Warner Corp. (Memphis, Tenn.). 1967 APTA-H-5 US ITC TC 195 Rockwell-Standard (;orp. (Adrain, Mich.) •. 1967 APTA-W-6 US ITC TC 198 Eaton, Yale & Towne, Inc. (Detroit,. 1967 APTA.,.W-7 US ITC TC 199 Mich.) Eaton, Yale & Towne, In~. (Lackawanna, 1967 APTA-W-8 US ITC TC 202 N, Y.) American Motors Corp. (Milwatik~e, Wis,) 196 7 APTA-W-9 US ITC Tc·203 Amer;ican Motors Corp. (Kenosha, Wis,) 1967 • APTA-W-10 US ITC TC 204 Chrysler Corp. (D~troit,. Mich.) 1967 APTA-W-11 US ITC TC 205 ,''i' General Motors Corp. (Wilmington,_ Del.) :.1967 APTA-W-12 US ITC TC 208 General Motors Corp •. (North Tarryto"l:ffi, .·: . 196 7 APTA~W-13 US ITC TC 209 N. y •) General Motors Co_rp. (North Tarrytown, . .1967 • APTA-W-14 US ITC TC 210 . ·N.Y~) 4 Where Date Nat~re of obtainable: Item of Report report : (and price,: number :iSS\:!e if an Automotive products~-Continued Petition for adjustment assistance by certain workers o.f-~cpntinued .,. General Motqrs Corp. (North Tarrytown, 196 7 APTA-W-14 US ITC TC 210. N • y •) Eaton, Yale & Towne, Inc. (Cleveland, 1967 APTA-W-16 US ITC TC 212 Ohio) Borg-Warner Corp. (Detroit, Mich.) 1967 APTA-M-17 US ITC TC 218 Rpckwell-Standard Corp. (Mishawaka, 1967 APTA-W-18 US ITC TC Z20 Ind.) Borg-Warner Corp. (Detroit, Mich~) 1967 APTA-W-19 usrrc TC 223 PPG Industries, Inc. (Ford City, Pa.) 1968 APTA-W-20 US ITC TC 224 PPG Industries, Inc, (Creighton, Pa.) : 1968 APrA-W-21 US ITC TC 225 c. M. Hall Lamp Co. (Detroit, Mich.) 1968 APTA-W-22 USITC TC 236 Benzenoid chemicals, imports of: l/ ~964 1965 GEN US ITC TC 159 1965 1966 GEN US ITC TC 183 j 1966 1967 GEN US ITC TC 216 I 1967 : 1968 GEN USITC TC 264 1968 1969 GEN US ITC TC 290 1969 1970 GEN USITC TC 328 1970 l971 GEN USITC TC 413 ! 1971 1972 GEN USITC TC 496 1972 1973 GEN US ITC TC 601 1974 . : 1976 GEN :. USITC USITC 762 1975 1977 GEN : ·USITC USITC 806 r 1976 : 1977 GEN US ITC USITC 828 f Brussels Tariff Nomenclature draft : .
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