' v - - . S A ,r'r THE 3IORXIXG OKEGOMAX, MONDAY. APRIL 16, 1917. t - STARS OF THE 13TH ANNUAL COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY TRACK AND FIELD MEET RUN OFF SATURDAY BEAVERS WIN FIRST, "PINKY" WILL WIPE V.: ' - r'-- r II . T j: 7-- 6-- 2, THEN LOSE, 0 MAT WITH MUFF at-- " s 1 if perfect t 1 i m f - - ?: - s A Johnson for Tigers Pitches A Seattle Boxer Says He Will isfaction weig lis r "- Season's First No-Hi- t, M ?l j. - y V' j II Knock Bronson Down as more than half v No-Ru- n I r He Clash. H rsr--' . Xj ; Fast as Can Rise. dollar, maintai "CHIEF" STRIKES OUT NINE HE DID IT TO MADDEN ing the quality of this perfect hat Two Putouts, Two Assists, One Hit Jack Grant Says He Performed Ac- and One Run Also Are Credited cording to' Promise, but De- was good policy. to Vernon Hurler Stumpf clares It Will Be Im- Fails as Pinch Hitter. probable in This Case. If x ? r n Pacific Coast League Standings. Eddie Brewster Pinkman says he Is W. L. PC! W. L. P.C. Muff Bronson down Just fan Fran'co 10 4.714:Salt Lake... 5 6 .500 going to knock Lou 7 get up pair Gordon Angelee 5 .545! Portland 6 .4ii3 4 - as fast as he can when the Vernon 7 7 .0001 Oakland 4 10 .1!S6 ft M meet for the Northwest lightweight Yesterday's Results. championship at the Rose City Athletic 2-- s ; At Los Angeles Portland Vernon l (I Club, April 24. The present kingpin $3:50 2. I At San Francisco San Francisco v A- ' - I Hats Oakland , y- .' of lightweights in this section of the t ; At Salt Lake No games with Los Ange- If if. r country unloads this secret in one of les, snow. i his frequent letters. Jack Grant, the veteran Portland LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 15. (Spe- referee, was told yesterday what Pink-ma- n cial.) After a whirlwind assault on the if' said. "Well, I'll tell you," mused game Tiger machine in the morning for Grant. "Just before the last Pinkman-Bronso- n a seven to two victory, the Portland battle the Seattle boy told me Beaver ball club went down to an in- II 1 I ""' II something which made me laugh at the glorious 0 be- I -- defeat this afternoon sounded even more unreason- . f fore the no-h- it pitching of "Chief'" time and v - able than his latest remarks. ';'.. Johnson, to whom is accredited the 5 1 $ - 1 - game f ' Jt "Eddie was explaining to me how he 4 - first of the kind for the season. could knock Lloyd Madden down as fast In the morning Brenton and Fisher '-f . 1 1'1 as he would get up. I thought this -.: worked against Fromme and Mltze and Y 3 u: ; ij impossible, Pinky went the seven runs were netted from six i was but right f by s. back to Seattle and did it, didn't he? hits the kindly assistance of Messrs. Fromme, Hollocher and Rodgers. They tell me he had Madden wallowing FURNISHERS John- - all over the floor and sent him to the cSc - But in the afternoon "Chief" V - six in HATTERS- son struck out nine men, made two 1 V r-- - . mat at least times four rounds. put-out- s, two assists, one hit and one r N I won't say that it is impossible for him run, which is going tome for a pitch- to treat Bronson as he says he will 286 Washington Street er. He had good support, the only err- after he made good his threat against or by Callahan being a hard try for Madden. However, it's improbable, to - one he ought to have had. n say the least." ing bright then. "Gee, but it's a ftood The Beavers presented Messrs. Hel- Despite a badly cut right eye re- thing that the Coast League schedule frich and Leake, supported by Mr. ceived in his scrap with Sammy Morris SPOKANE OUT SSOO keeps Portland on the road for three ''t:-- weeks year," pur- Fisher, in their justly celebrated avia- at Tacoma last Thursday night, Weldon this said the portly tion act: Mr. Helfrich let the Tigers Wing is working out in every way save veyor of Portland pastiming last nifcht. take three runs and five hits, while boxing.. The little Albina boy is out on "If we were to open here Tuesday the Mr. Leake cordially reciprocated by (1) Samuel H. Bellnfa, of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Clnb. Shaking; Handn With (2) Ralph Spearrow. of the the road every morning getting ready grounds would be wet with probaale I.lncola HiKh, Who Gave the Former National Pole Vault Champion a Real Battle Saturday. Both Cleared the Tor rain. I hope up by letting them take five hits and three Bar 12 Feet C and Height Told Sptnrrow his tangle with Muggsy Marshall, it clears ntsxt runs. Stumpf, of Portland, broke into at Inches at That Bellah He Would Give Him the Gold Medal If He of Seattle, whom he battles In the semt-wind- Tuesday." Mould Give Bellah the five Points. It Was Agreed on Without Any Further Parleying. (3 Mattox, Oregon Pinkman-Bronso- n Two More Games Called Off . box score, the limelight and the Wl-Ys- to the af- the Aggie Freshman Sprinter, Winner of the ril Open Dash. 4) Captain Ralph Coleman, of O. A. Winner President Roy W. Edwards, of discard In rapid succession. He was Half-MU- C fair. The balance of the card will be tle sent in to pinch hit in the sixth and of the e and Second In the Mile. This Quartet of Athletes Will Be Seen in Action at the Indoor Relay arranged soon. on Account of Rain. Portland Baseball Boosters, has issued stayed up Just long enough to get Carnival Under the Auspices of the Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallls, Or., Next Saturday Afternoon. a call for 200 of the leather-lunge- d, three strikes called on him. - Al Sommers and Billy George box 10 ones to be present at a dinner and . Morning game: rounds in Bend tonight. Jack Allen meeting to be held at 12 o'clock today Portland I Vernon throughout the country, James J. Cor-be- tt all railroad lines but Manager May asks and Fred Gilbert meet in one of the in the orange room of the Oregon Ho. BRHOA BRHOA says he answer any all so tel. The chairmen of com. Hollo'er.s 5 3IDoane.r. 4 0 0 will and that all secure a receipt that the preliminaries. TEAM TO LEAVE TODAY the various Bodgers,2 S 21118 1 21 Dalny.l . .. 4 O O10O O questions. All right, James. For why MILE RACE IS ADDED fare and a third may be obtained for mittees will report what they have . 1 OIGallo'y.3. 4 O O S 3 did you ever say Tom Cowler was a the round trip. "Ping" Bo file, 125 - pound done. Wilie.r. 4 12 ' the local Farmer,! 5 2 10 O'M'Larry.2 3 0 1 2 2 great boxer? A delegation of Portlanders have punch absorber, has enlisted in Troop "Twenty thousand for an opener," is WH'm8,ra 5 O 2 2 llGrtggs.l. 3 1 1 11 0 planned on leaving on 8:30 again year. Borton.l. 3 0 2 13 HCallah'n.s 3 0 0 3 5 the o'clock A, Oregon Cavalry. the slogan this The sale Slglln.3.. 4 0 UMattick.m 4 4 1 Writers in covering dog shows talk train Saturday morning while several i of booster buttons is large and Presi- Fisher.c. 3 0 2116 UMItze.c. 4 012 0 about "dog aristocrats." Anyone who others have arranged their affairs to Poor Fred Fulton. When he fouled Manager Kick Williams Blames dent Edwards expects to have the 3000 Brenton.p 3 2 S'Fromme.p 3 0 0140 4 puts upper lip leave Portland in Carl Morris in New purchased sold 10 U U back his and bites a time to take in the York the other Efarly before next Saturday. Conlfey 1 O O flea on his foot is no aristocrat. Indoor Carnival at 0. A. C. Will festivities Friday night previous to the night it was the sign for nearly all of Jump From California Lou Wagner, chairman of the commit- Totals. 37 7 14 27 17 Totals. 33 2 6 27 15 track and field meet. the sporting writers in Gotham to pan Here for Slump Swartz tee appointed to call on the various Batted for Fromme in ninth. Tou may have noticed dogs always Not Be Postponed. nim roundly. His brilliant perform fraternal organizations of the city, Portland 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 7 make considerable noise at a kennel AIIEARX MAY REPLACE DARCI ances against Reich, Cowler and Weln and Cole Are Released. has been making excellent progress and Vernon 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 show. That is to drown out the com- ert were forgotten. They are saying will talk today and advise the boosters Errors, Hollocher, Rodgers, Doane, Calla- ment made by the spectators. You that the big plasterer quit and they say how many are expected to be in line. han. Stolen bases, "Wllle, McLarry. Three-bas- e x r hits, Williams. Wilie. Two-bas- e hits, yoursedf would not stand for it if Australian's Fight With Smith Off mat uiton routed Morris purposely.
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