THE JOURNAL OF THE ASSEMBLY CH' THE SPECIAL SESSION LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEVADA 1958 BEGUN ON MONDAY, THE THIRTIETH DAY OF JUNE, AND ENDED ON TUESDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF JULY CARSON C ITY. NEVADA STATE PRINTING OFFICE - - JACK MCCARTHY, STATE PRINTER 1958 ARRANGEMENT AND CONTENTS OF VOLUME l'AGE Ll£GISLAT1VE CALl£NlJAl-L ..................................-..................................... ........ V INDEX TO ASSEMBLY BILLS...................................... ............... ..................... VI I:-.rDEX TO ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS AND MEMORIALS ......_. .. ........ VII I :'>/UI<;X TO SENA'l'E BILLS................................................................................. VII l'F.R80 'KEL OF THl£ K:l£VADA ASSEMBLY ............................................... VIII .\.SSE:\lBLY PROCEEDINGS.................................................................................. 1 NOTE: Due to the brevit y of the 1958 Special Session t here is no Genera l Index to the proceedings in this volume. ASSEMBLY LEGISLATIVE CALENDAR Lef}iS IC&t-ive day Date Page number l ...................................... June 30, 1958.... ............................................ l 2 ...................................... Jnly 1, 1958..... ............................................. 11 INDEX TO ASSEMBLY BILLS No. 1'i.tle, Jnti·ucZ.we1· and Page 1.... An Act directing the employment security departme nt of the State of Nevada to enter into an agreement with the Secretary of Labor to provide for temporary unemployment compensation paymen ts under the provisions of the Temporary Unemployment Compensation Act of 1958 (Public Law 441, 85th Congress) ; defining certain words and terms; declaring the necessity of state legislation: providing for certain terms and conditions of the agreement a nd duties of t he e mployment security department ; and other matters prope rly relating thereto. Committee on Labor. 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16. 2 . A n Act direct ing the employment secu rit y de partment of the Sta te of Nevada to request the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to transfer a sum of money equa l to the total a mount used in paym ent of temporary u nemployment compensation pursuant to the provisions of the Temporary Unemployment Com­ pensation Act of 1958 (Public Law 441, 85th Congress) from Nevada's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund to the general funds of the Treasury of t he United States in order to accomplish the r estoration of funds provided for in section 10·1 (a) of the Temporary Unemployment Compensation Act of 1958; c reating the temporary unemployment compensation costs restoration fund in the state t1·easury; authorizing a nd limiting the uses of moneys in such fund : making a n a ppropriation for the temporary unemployment compensation costs restoration fund ; providing for the te rmina tion of such fund and the reversion of moneys therein to the general fund; defin ing certain words a nd terms and decla ring the policy of the legislature ; a nd other matters properly rela ting thereto. Committee on Labor. 8, 9, 1 2. 3 ...A n Act creating the temporary unemployment compensat ion repayment fund in the state t reasury ; authorizing a nd limiting the uses of moneys In such fund ; g-ranting the executive director of the employment security department of the State of Nevada power to accept g ra nts a n d refunds from the U nited S tates under certa in cond itions; m aking an a ppropriation for th e tempora ry unemploy­ ment compensation repayment fund ; proviuing for the termina tion of the tempo- 1·0.r y unemployme nt compensation r epayment fund and the reversion of mon eys therein to the general fund ; defining certain words and terms a nd declaring the policy of the legisla ture; a nrl other matters properly r ela ting thereto. Committee on L nbOI'. 8, 9, 12. 1~. 15, 16. INDEX TO ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS AND MEMORIALS Concurrent Resolutions No. Title, Introduce1· and Page !._. E xpressing sympathy of m embers of the legislature to Assemblyman and Mrs. George F ran klin, Jr., and family upon the death of their grandchildren, Barton Ma nning, J r., a nd Christle Manning. Committee on L eg islative Functions. 8, 9, 16. 2.... Congratulating the people of Alaska upon the passage of legisla tion admitting them to t he Union a nrl encouraging them to t a k e the steps necessary to ma ke Alaska th e 49th sta te. Collins, Hendel, Crawfor<l. 1 4, 1 5, 16. Assembly Resolutions .Vo. 'l'itle, Introduce1· and Page L .. R ela tcs to appointment of a ttaches. Committee on L egislative F u nctions. 4. 2 .... D irects L egisla tive Commission to con sider m ethods of providing adclitlona l staff anti a fores t ry camp fo 1· Nevada School of TnJustry. Crawford. 11. 3.... D irects L egis lat ive Commission to investigate a dminist rat ion of u n employment compensa tion funds. Crawforrl. 1 1. INDEX TO SENATE BILLS ( For titles to Senate Bills see Senate Journal ) N o. 4 .. - lG, lG. PERSONNEL OF THE NEVADA ASSEMBLY Special Session, 19r>R Ootml y Numc m11l 1mrty Mu'itiny culclre s.~ Church ill... ..........Eric l:'alludan (D) ............................................ 498 S. Maine, Fallon Harold E. Fitz (D) ...................................... Stillwater Road, Fallon Clnrk. ........... ...... William B. Byrne (D) ............................ 255 Water St., Henderson l\I. J. Chris tenseu (D) ........................ 225 Fremont St., Las Vegas George l!'rnnklin, .Tr. (D) ....................120 S. Third St., Las Vegas Maude F razier (D) ............................ 1940 Ballard Dr., Las Vegas 'l'om Godbey ( D) ................. ............... 609 Avenue L., Boulder City Helen Herr (D) ........................................ 1332 S. 5th St., Las Vegas Harley H. Leavitt (D) ..........................................................Mesquite .J;\uies G. Ryan (D) ..........................212 ,V, Utah Ave., Las Vegas George Von 'l'obel (R) ..............................1 325 S. 2d St., Las Vegas Douglas ...............H enry ,V, Berrum ( R) .................................................... Gnrdnerville Elko. .................... Genc J ~rn ns (D) .. ..........................................610 W. Birch St., E lko Hugh D. i\Icl\Iullen (R ) ...................................... 101 Court St., E lko R obert 0. Vaughan ( R) ............................Profe ssional Bldg., E lko Roy Young ( Il) ................................................................................ Elko E smernlda .......... t I-Inrrey Humphrey (D) .................................................. Silver Peak E ureka ........... .. .. L. G. CHrrnthers ( D) ............................................................ Beowawe H nmhol<l t .... ....... l!'. C. Buckingham (D) ..............................................Paradi se Valley Albert Pasquale ( D) .............................................. .... Paradise Valley Lander..... ........... ·willinm ]), Swackbamer (D) ................................ B attle Mountain Lincoln.. .............. t\elsou C. Bleak ( R) .................................................................... Pioche l\Iul'l'ay Fullerton (D) ................................................................ Pioche Lyon.................... Bruce Barnum (D) .................................. l:'. 0. Box 272, Yerington J ohn 1<' . Giomi (D) .......................................................... Smith Valley i\liuernl... ... Charles A. Hendel ( R) ........................P. 0. Box 1245, Hawthorne Bruce i\I. Parks (D) ................................36 1 Baker St., Hawthorne Nye .......................L eRoy David (D) ....................................................................Tonopa h Robert Rcn •rt (D) ........................... ........................................... Beatty Ormsby ............... Archie Pozzi, .Jr . (R) ..........................3 Circle Drive, Carson City Richa rd L. Waters, Sr. ( D ) ............... ............................ Carson City Pershing... .......... All>er t Olaeta (D) ........................................ P. 0. Box 673, Lovelock Storey. .................l\Ii<:h ael R. Nevin (D) ....................................................Virginia City Wai:: hoe..... ........ .. James C . .Bailey (R) ........................................ P. 0. Box 1511, R eno Chester S. Christensen (D) ..................974 Pyramid Way, Sparks Don Cnl\Tford (D) .................. Vya, Nevada, via Cedarville, Calif. ~· reclerick L. H ill (R) ........................................ P. 0. Box 316, Reno :\fo rvi 11 B. Ilnmphrey (R) .............................. P. 0. Box 1750, Reno i\Lr>< . Mabel Isbell (R) ................................ 1235 Sharon Way, Reno H owar<l F. l\kKissick (R) .............. Suite 200, Ryland B ldg., Reno Clifford SHnforcl (R) ........................................177 5 Allen St., Reno Artie Valen tine ( U) .. ............................................16 50 D St., Sparks t J nmes R Wood (R) .................................... 2101 Phillips St., Reno ' \'hit<" !'in!'. ...... roe Collins (D) ........................................................ Collins Hotel, Ely t mta C'ollins (D) ....................................................1100 Mill St., E ly t•:van I. De8pai11 ( R) ........... ............................3 16 Ogden Ave., Ely Wal tl'r Dn1H·n11 ('))) . P . 0 . Rox !"141, 1\frGill t:\J)JHlintPcl to flll ,. fH'A n~~· JOURNAL OF THE Assembly of the State of Nevada SPECIAL SESSION 1958 THE FIRST DAY CARSON C1TY (Monday), June 30, 1958. Pursuant to the provisions of
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