ARTS Grace Grade 18 6 18.Pdf

ARTS Grace Grade 18 6 18.Pdf

II !tl siANNUri S uryrwnsrry (Abstract) DSS-Awarding cnace Gnacles to winnens o'F University Arts Festlval, Ihter Univensity Arts Festival and Sourth Zone Ants Festival 2.AL7 -!B - Sanctioned - Ordens issued. OI:FICE Oi: TI-IE DNREC i'OR OF STUDENT SERVICES No. DSS/A1I 2587lAnts Grace Grades/2@U -!B Dated, Civil Station , L4-06-20!8 Read: ?EL1O . No : DSSlA1lGene n.r I / 2AO9 cl atcd rO / 05 / 2OrL. P) I'lodlfied instructions of Kannur Univensity Examination Bnan ch 'Fon applying and effecting Gnace Grades of all kinds dated a6/08/L6 (3) ApDlications fon gnace grades neceived fnom pnincipals of vanious .n1l ao6 < ORDER (1) Grace 6nade/Manl<s fon winnens of Un ivers ityl Inte n Univensity/ south zone Ants Festival are awarded on the basis of univensity order read (1) above and on the basis of the apprications fonwardeci and reconrmencled by Pnincipals of colleges. (2) Vide instnuctions in papen reaC(2) above., Examination Branch has stipulated that requests for affecting Grace planl(s/Gnades must be collected in the prescnibecl format (Annexune 6) for effecting gnace marl<s (Please - refen Exam site - Instnuctions - Genenal & Conduct of Exami-nations ) from the students anr! fonwarded to the controllen of Exam:inations by the pnincipals in one lot, semesten hrise. Requests for affecl;ing gnace rnanl<s uncen various of spont s /Ant s/NCC/NSS and PhysicaLly challenged sharr be- nade togethen in the same form in the case of students eLigibte for gnace manl<s o-F mone than one categony. sepanate 'Fonms shouLd be r-rsed fon each stuclent. (3) Vlde paper (3) above, the principals of vanious colleges have r^ccornmended and foruvarded the applications for Gnace cnades in nespect of the IItr year tic stlldents of thein colleges who have won with .A, grade in the univensity/rnter un ivens itylsouth Zone Arts Festival zoLT -Lg as shown in the Appendix-I. (P.r.0) (a) The Directon of Student Senvices has recommended fon awanding eligible pencentage of Grace Gnades to III year UG students who have won with a 'A' grade in the Un ive ns itylI nten University/South Zone Arts Festival 20L7 -!8 as detailed in the list (Appendix-I). (5) Aften considening the matten in detail, Vice Chancellor has acconded sanction to awand Gnace Gnade pencentage to the III year UG students who have won with a 'A' gnade in the Univensity/Inter Un ive ns ity/South Zone Ants Festival 2Of7 -fB as shown in Appendix-I, subject to the conditions mentioned in the remarks column of the same and complying with the guidelines of papen read 1 & 2 above. ondens ane issued accordingly, sd/ _ REGISTRAR To 1) The Pnincipals of colleges concenned 2) The Tabulation Sections - Exam Bnanch 3) Computen Pnognammen (to post in the Univensity Website) Copy to : PS to VCIPA to pVC/pA to Registnan/pA to CEl SF /DF /FC SECTION OFFICER Alrgendi)cl ro U.O.No:DSS/A112587lMts crace 6racle/2017-18 Dated 14-D6- Aol€ Llsl oI lll '/ear Degree StLtcients eligib!e for Grace Grade in the University Arts Festival s o o CJ) ,2 o o l{iarue B-eg.No. S ub icct Itcnl ilenr- N COLLE6 E, t(Ufl-lUpt RAtvlDA i(avithalapanam L AN USREE SAJEEVAN N615CZOR26 B. Sc. (Urdu) A 4% 2 SREEI.IARI C.P. N G 15AEG R3 6 B.A. Sansl(rit ElocLrtion IA 3 I\ VISI] U NAROTI] NG15AMAR36 B.A. Th r-rlla I IA s% L PRINCE BEN I\Y NG 15AEGR4,O B.A. Debate (Mal.) U 2 ITJIC DEL COLLEGE, MADII(I(AI, I(ASAiIAGOD 1 SANIU. A Mt(158R00:' 0 B.Com Pencil Drawing t COLLE6E FOIi APPI.IED SCIENCE, [(IJTI-iU P,1\RA!\,,I BA 1 ANUnAG.t(.t(. AK15CCsR17 B.Sc. Photosra phv IA tl. [Vi.G. COI.LEG E, IIiIT_TV Com puter t. ANURAG RAVEENDRAN MG15BROO4,7 B.Com Desigining t Prabandha Rachana 2 silu'n-lt. P P M G 15CPFIR17 B.Sc (Sanskrit) A 3% Veen a (F a u rasthya n] 1 SN EI.IA REMESI-I. K E MG15CPFIR1.6 B,SC ) t A SIIX SVED !!\5'TOTI.,JTE FOiX TECi.NNIC/{L sTI-jD!ES, TAL! 1{RAIVtrEA 1 M U l-lAlvl l\,1 l: D VASITI-I sT158R0121 B.Com Duffnruttr-rkaIi IA tla/o 2 SALMAN FARIS BIN I.IAIMEED.M.K. ST15BROO77 B.Com Duffnruttul(ali IA 4% 6 CHiNIVIAV/-\ /-lliTs 8r SC{EI\iCE COLLEGE foil. VVOIVIEI\1, C[..iALA, I(AI\!l\lt-.,|t 1 GOPII(A. M CW15CBTR17 B.S c GroLrp Da nce{F) lt A 2 NtDlltst'tA. t( CW15CBTR22 B.Sc Grou p Dance(F) A ? ANAGI-IA. V C CWl5BCARO2 B. Sc Group Dance(F) A 4 AIIIIRA, P CWl5BROOO6 B.Com Group Dance(F) lt A 3% GREESI'IMA RADI-IAKRISI]NAN CWl5BROOlO B.Com Group Song(lndian) t 6 SAYANA. V CW15BBAR36 BBA GroLrp Sone{lnd ian} III A 7 AP'IDA. M B CWl5CBTRO2 B.Sc Grou ir SonB(lndian) t Lalitha Sa ngeetharn ALKA PAYYAI\I BALLY C\A/15CBTRO3 B.Sc (Fe m a le) II A 4.% 9 SAYAI\A V P CW15BROO25 B.Com Malayalam Skit IA 3% 10 SANGEETI]A 6OPALAN. K V CW15BBAR35 BBA M a lava lam skit IA 3% 11 /\NAGIlA UTHAMAN CWl5CBTROS B.Sc. Mime II A 3% 12 NAINA. M K CW15BROO17 B.Com M ime lt A 3",,o '13 G REESI-INA. I( V CW15BROO11 B.Com Group Da nce(F) lt A 3% t4 APARNA I\AiMBIIADATH I\I URALIDI.IARAN CWl5BROOO4 B.Com 6roLrp Song{lndia n) III A Appendix to U.O.No: DSS/A1l2587lArts Grace Grade/20L7-18 dated t-4-06-2018 List of lll Year Degree students eligible for Grace Grade in the University Arts Festival 7 PII.ATI-IARA CO-OP ARTS & SCIENCE COLIEGE, PII.ATFIARA 1_ PRIYESH.M.V. PL15BROO14 B.Com Group Dance(M) t A 2% 2 ANJALI BABU PL15BROO16 B.Com Margamkali A 3% CHAITHANYA. R P1158R0022 B.Com Margamka li lt A 3o/o 4 HARITHA MOHAN PL15BROO13 B.Com Group Da nce(F) A 2% 5 MALAVIKA. P P PL15BROO27 B.Com Margamkali lt A 3% 6 RAJANI. I( V PL15BBAR14 BBA M ime t A 2% 7 ABHUITH PAVITHRAN. V P PL15TTMRl.O BBA(T) Paricham uttul(ali IA 4o/o 8 SANOOP. P PL15TTMR36 BBA(T) Malayalam Drama A 3% 9 SHAI(HIL. T PL15TTMR39 BBA(T) Poorakkali A 3% 10 UNNII(RISHNAN. P V PL1sTTMR43 BBA(T) Poorakka li II A 3o/o L1 MAYUKH. P V PL15BCAR13 BCA Computer Designing IA 5% Best Actor in 72 SHOBITH CHANDRAN. V PL15CC5R20 B.Sc Theruvunadaka m IA 5% 13 YASWANTH. V V PL15CCSR22 B.Sc Parichamuttuka li IA 4% 14 SOORYA RAMACHANDRAN PLl5CPH RO9 B.Sc Marga mkali IA 3% 15 NIDHIN. S PL15CPHR14 B.Sc Group Dance(M) l 2% 16 NITHIN. P PLl5CPH R15 B.Sc Group Dance(M) t 2o/o 17 VISHNU RA] VARMA PL15CPHR16 B.Sc Parichamuttuka li IA 4% 18 ADITHIY. R PLl5CPHR2O B.Sc Parichamuttuka li IA 4% 19 ATHIRA. K V PLl5CPH R18 B.Sc Cherukatha Rachana l A i (Malayalam) 3% 20 AMAL CHANDRAN. I( PLl5CPH R21 B.Sc Poorakka li II A 3% 21 Best Actor in ARUN KUMAR. I( G PL15CPHR23 B.Sc IA Malayalam Drama 5% 22 SHUIN I(RISHNAN. T V PLl5CPH R26 B.Sc Paricha m uttuka li IA 4% 23 SREEHARI. P T P L1.5CPH R27 B.Sc Pa richamuttuka li IA 4% 24 VISHNU. P V PLl5CPH R28 B.Sc Group Dance{M) l A 2% I /!.,{i!rJiir:. !r} t-].0.i.]1):11S5/A:1/2t$7lArls Crar* 6fade/201.7-19 daaed 14-06-2018 l:esliva! li,ir of ,1, Yt,')r lJt!::te* students eligible fcr Grace 6rad? in lhe University Arts s, rASYA C+LLS€E OI TIl\:' A':TS, PIIAYHARA .I ,:iL[SSY TI.IOMAS LC15A8r,:i103 folk Dance {Group} $A 396 ? {ilrRT:lAilA s. Mg'!ot1 LClSABl\: !10r. 8"A. Foli( Dance (GrouPl sll.PA Asli0l lr,,! LC15A8l!1109 B.A. Folk Dance t€rouP) uA 4 vlDYAsr.tiali. N tc15AB$1110 8.A. Folk Dance {6.oup} ltA 3",n 5 l"r:l:\i:'.1usllA. P LCl5ABNROS B,A. Foll< Dance (GrouP} ilA ri IAIJU.8 Lc15A8Ng:.2 B.A. Bangoli [,A \b,L Mapp!!appattu 7 5!:,UT!!r. P. V LclsAtirSR10 B.A, {tndividuall A slappilappettu 8 I(!ERTHAI{A. T\' LC15AMS{&4 B*. ' {Group} (,A ,viappilappatl'r I r.irf,,85t!A l r.lNl. P K LClSAMSRO5 NA {6rou pJ lA 1",,8 s {ci-!-{{! cr A}t}LlrD sclehlcE , }rANt{s$JA*Al.Ji, llAsAfiAG0s Cinema Niroapanam 1 :]AITUO'EN. A cM158R00jto B.Com {Ma!ayalamJ IA :.* riALr.t\!D,4 C0i-t!sr of Ar1T5 & setr,\:cs, rr*L&, r&5p.$A60t L ARPtlf!. ( NL15CG6fi08 Aq. Yekshaganam lt A 3y5 2 A8r{rrASH. S Ntl5CGGRO? B,SC Yalchaganam IA 315 3 SAGAR. K Nt"15C6GR11 B.Sc Yakshaganam A 316 3% v:tGs. v N "58!rS047 B.Com Yakshaganafi IA 5 PRAJI{A. K tqL1"5s&0002 B.Cem 'akshaganarn I' A lla 6 s['A[I,J:ITHA. B NL158ROOB9 B.Com Yakshaganam i_z ?.R.!{.S.9. COLLrGr, SnATTANNUn (Female) A an/ r sr..r RASr-r, RAJ Pn15CPtiS15 B.Sc Ghazal $t 2 hANJ!THA, C K pR15AE6R21" Akharaslokam A 3 SANGET.I CHAI{DRA$, I( Pfi15AEGRO9 B,A.

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