May 23, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1047 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS EARMARK DECLARATION Currently, the time from injury to treatment for continue to advance in the field of mental ill- eye injuries in the Iraqi conflict averages more ness, an awareness month such as the Bebe HON. ROY BLUNT than 18 hours due to the lack of field-ready, Moore Campbell National Minority Mental OF MISSOURI easy-to-use eye injury stabilization materials. Health Awareness Month can encourage in- The use of taxpayer funds is justified because creased knowledge and possible treatment for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many of the injuries suffered by our military families who are affected by such a debili- Wednesday, May 21, 2008 personnel serving in the Middle East are a re- tating problem. Mr. BLUNT. Madam Speaker, pursuant to sult of lED (improvised explosive device) mor- I strongly support the designation of the Republican Earmark Guidance, I submit the tar and direct action injuries. Between October Bebe Moore Campbell National Health Aware- following information. 2001 and June 2006, over 1,100 troops with ness Month and I have profound respect for Requesting Member: Congressman ROY combat eye trauma were evacuated from the late Bebe Moore Campbell who made BLUNT. overseas military operations, making serious great strides in bringing mental health aware- Bill Number: H.R. 5658. eye wounds one of the most common types of ness to both the African-American and the Account: Defense-Wide—RDT&E, Ballistic injury experienced in current U.S. conflicts. general American public, through her literary Missile Defense Terminal Defense Segment. Walter Reed Army Medical Center feels works and advocacy. As a celebrated writer Legal Name of Requesting Entity: LaBarge strongly that the project has considerable mili- and journalist, noted author, radio commen- Inc. (subcontractor of Raytheon). tary relevance and plans to collaborate in the tator, community activist, advocate, and recipi- Address of Requesting Entity: 1505 Maiden program. ent of numerous awards and honors, Bebe Lane, Joplin, MO 64801. f Moore Campbell was an exceptional individual Description of Request: $10 million is in- and it is beyond fitting to name this awareness cluded in this bill for key components of the SENSE OF CONGRESS REGARDING month in her and her work’s honor. ESTABLISHMENT OF A BEBE Short Range Ballistic Missile Defense, a Stun- I would like to commend Congressman MOORE CAMPBELL NATIONAL ner interceptor used by both the United States WYNN and Congresswoman WATSON for their MINORITY MENTAL HEALTH and Israel. The use of taxpayer funds is justi- leadership in bringing this resolution before AWARENESS MONTH fied because the need for this capability was Congress. demonstrated during Israel’s conflict in Leb- SPEECH OF anon in 2006 and remains a top concern for f U.S. troops deployed around the world. Da- HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. vid’s Sling is a joint U.S./Israeli program devel- OF MICHIGAN IN MEMORY OF JAMES ‘‘JIM’’ NELSON oping the affordable Stunner interceptor for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES use by both countries. Monday, May 19, 2008 Requesting Member: Congressman ROY HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS BLUNT. Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to OF TEXAS Bill Number: H.R. 5658. support H. Con. Res.–134, the Establishment Account: Army—RDT&E, Medical Advanced of a Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Technology. Mental Health Awareness Month. As dis- Wednesday, May 21, 2008 Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Missouri proportionate numbers of African Americans, State University and Crosslink. Latinos, Asians, and others of color continue Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise Address of Requesting Entity: 524 N. to be affected by a lack of resources for men- today to remember James ‘‘Jim’’ Nelson, a Booneville Ave. Springfield, MO 65806. tal illness, we can now take steps to bring so- pioneer in his community and grandfather of Description of Request: $6 million is in- lutions to the public consciousness with the the Republican Party in Denton County. cluded in this bill to develop a localized drug establishment of this awareness month. Though my political life began after Jim’s delivery system for use on amputee and burn According to the 1999 Surgeon General’s leadership of the Denton County Republican victims who are wounded in combat. Effective Report on Mental Illness, more than Party, his legacy and commitment to conserv- localized controlled drug delivery will provide 54,000,000 Americans have a mental disorder ative principles is renowned. I am proud to call amputees and burn victims the needed pain in any given year, although fewer than his son, J. Michael Nelson, and daughter-in- and healing therapeutics while minimizing the 8,000,000 seek treatment. law, State Senator Jane Nelson, good friends required dosage because the drug will be de- Minority mental health consumers often fall of mine. livered locally and not systemically. This will into the category of the ‘‘working poor’’, facing Jim was one of the few Republicans in Den- aid in reducing chances of developing drug re- additional challenges because they are under- ton County in the 1970s, and he worked hard sistance and dependency both of which re- insured or uninsured, which often leads to late to build the party’s base there. He can be duce healing time and reduce quality of life. diagnosis or no diagnosis of mental illness. credited, in large part, to the overwhelming The use of taxpayer funds is justified because According to the 1999 Surgeon General’s success of the GOP in North Texas today. Be- there are an estimated 20,000 injuries in Iraq Report on Mental Illness, African Americans sides the Republican Party, Jim was involved and many amputees are not wearing their are misdiagnosed at a higher rate within the in business, arts and charitable organizations. prosthetic device due to discomfort resulting mental health delivery system, and greater ef- He also served as Texas Education Commis- from inflammation and infection. fort must be made to accurately assess the sioner from 1999 to 2002. Requesting Member: Congressman ROY mental health of African Americans. Jim was one of the hardest-working individ- BLUNT. Bebe Moore Campbell through her dedica- uals I have ever met. The last time I saw him Bill Number: H.R. 5658. tion and commitment sought to move commu- was at his Mayday Manufacturing Co. ware- Account: Army—RDT&E, Medical Advanced nities to support mental wellness through ef- house. Jim was right in the middle of it all, Technology. fective treatment options, open access to working on the line in the warehouse giving in- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Missouri mental health treatment and services, and im- structions. This is the type of tireless dedica- State University and St. Johns Health System. prove community outreach and support for the tion that Jim applied to every aspect of his life. Address of Requesting Entity: 524 N. many loved ones who are unable to speak for Madam Speaker, it is truly an honor to rise Booneville Ave. Springfield, MO 65806. themselves. today and remember a man who, throughout Description of Request: $6 million is in- Here in Congress, we must lead the fight for his long life, did so much to better those cluded in this bill to fund technology to allow important issues such as mental illness, for all around him and his community. My thoughts for the improved ability to quickly treat soldiers of our citizens regardless of their ethnicity or and prayers are with his family. Jim will be who sustain severe eye injuries in the field. medical hardship. As our health care systems greatly missed. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:47 May 24, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21MY8.129 E23MYPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS E1048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 23, 2008 EARMARK DECLARATION Requesting Member: Representative JOE Name of Earmark and Amount: Multiple KNOLLENBERG. Ranges: Live Fire Shoot House, Urban As- HON. DON YOUNG Bill Number: H.R. 5658. sault Course, Infantry Squad Battle Course, OF ALASKA Account Information: Army, RDTE, PE Grayling—$4.36 million. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 0603002A, Line 30. Legal Name and Address of Receiving Enti- Name of Earmark and Amount Listed in the Wednesday, May 21, 2008 ty: Michigan National Guard, Lansing, Michi- Report: Mild, Traumatic Brain Injury Assess- gan. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam Speaker, I ment and Triage Using Smart Sensor Tech- submit the following: nology—$3.2 million. Earmark Description: Each range facility Bill Number: H.R. 5658, Air Force, RDT&E, Legal Name and Address of Receiving Enti- provides the ability for combat leaders to train Line 221, PE #0708611F (Support Systems ty: William Beaumont Hospital, 3601 W. Thir- and evaluate their unit during live fire exer- Development). teen Mile Rd., Royal Oak, MI 48073. cises in an indoor building, a built- up/urban Legal name and address of entity receiving Earmark Description: Funding will be used area, and an outdoor squad tactical movement earmark: Biomass Energy Systems, Inc., 100 for a Beaumont Hospital-led consortium on engagement scenario. Range targetry includes Overlook Center, 2nd Floor, Princeton, NJ mild traumatic brain injury assessment and wireless systems, solar-battery power, sta- 08540. triage using smart sensor technology in mili- tionary and moving, automated target sys- Description of how the money will be spent tary helmets and vehicles.
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