IAAPA ATTRACTIONS EXPO 2016 TARGET PLAN NOVEMBER 15 - 18, 2016 ORANGE COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER - LEVEL 1 NORTH/SOUTH BLDG - ORLANDO, FLORIDA FX FX FX FX FX FX FX FX B FHB FHB FX FHB B FHB FHB H FX H FX F F FREEMAN LABOR DESK Gove rnor 30' 20' 20' 20' 40' 20' 20' 20' 20' H igh Rev Sh o ck 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 30' 20' Haining 30' 20' Insurance Second Buzzpark Oyun PRODUCT A pplic a t ions Trampoline Dalian EB Beijing Water Jinda Bung eeSupply.com Agency FX U.S. Lilliput Play Clip 'n Liben Grp LLC Par ks Motion China Shanghai Ginflatables Jaclean, Star Grp Parklari Falcon's LOCATOR #2 Froggy's Entertainment Design Yidong Coating 6192 DOF Ekipmanlari Ins. Homes, Inc Climb Corporation 20' 20' Betop LLC Simulation Xiaofeixia Co. Ltd 20' 20' Inc LLC Tur.San.ve Tic. Fog Technology Amusement 20' Supernova Ltd. Sti 20' 20' 20' Culture 20' Amusement Fabrications Robotics 20' 20' Creative Grp Co. Ltd Ltd Equip Co.,Ltd Aquaventronics 10/14/16 30' Games To 1891 20' 3491 3591 Tech Co. 20' 30' Equip Co. 20' 6191 MOVE-IN SCHEDULE AS OF 30' 1691 2091 2891 3091 3291 3891 4091 4691 5391 5491 5890 N aumann 30' Orca Coast H a l l o w een & Ltd Ltd 30' Go 40' Cogito Eco California Attractions Radex, Tianjin Afortune FCT Map-A- Marlin Carnival Day Gibbons Family Zhe jiang 20' Nature Playground Sho w/ Escape Silicones Phipher New Automation Finish Speak Umbrella Ltd Inc 30' Flames Park 30' Amusements Sports Scapes Room City Brother Int'l Pte P ty Ltd Business Fans Store Net M a t e r ials Co Creative Tourist Ltd 1390 Coach 1890 2090 2190 2290 2690 3190 3290 3390 3490 Train 3690 20' 3990 4090 4190 4290 4490 4690 4790 4890 5390 5490 6190 Photobooth 20' Zigong Vangoh Simulator Suppl y Co C hi na Assoc of Guangzhou RESTAURANT Launch Leisure Amusement Parks 20' Co.,Ltd N XT Mothe rA pp Chetu, Kaiqi Ultratec L a n t e rn & Heigl Zod iac 30' a nd Attra ctions 40' Designer L a n d s cape RentMaster Sibo 20' Ltd Logic 30' Craft, (CAAPA) 20' Capture Inc D e c o r a tion Tech Insurance P al ms Digonex Storetech Rilix Stereolife Grp Co., Special Elect JumpOrange HONGYUAN 20' 1889 Inc 2189 3089 3589 3689 3789 3889 3989 Ltd Effects T ech 1689 20' Oceaneering 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 4389 4489 4589 5189 5389 Co. Ltd HONTEX Surewin Designmaster 70' CAVU SterlingRisk Creative Luckey Signature D ra pe WM AZ Hand Ti p p mann Bounceabouts 20' Insurance 20' M edal lion Intrax F en ce by 30' 20' Visions Climbers Research Kings Deacero P olymers Trucks S po rts Leisu re Ltd Entertainment United Venders Milco, Cannonball Jump N Designwerks Inc A ir Bl aster Maxtron Show Jump 8:00am - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2016 1888 1988 2088 2188 3088 3188 3288 3388 3488 3588 3688 3788 3888 3988 4088 4188 4288 4388 4488 4588 5388 5488 States Archery Tag 40' 40' 5988 40' 40' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Lighting Systems Postal 40' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Zoom 20' Concept Gabi Toy EMCTickets 40' Service ICOMBAT Hot Shots Aqua-Cycle Mirror Oak Island Holiday True Zhejiang 20' Bounce Partymachines.com Blowers, Beijing Hi- (9) INDUSTRY BINS at Mazes American Juma 4886 LLC tech 1900 20' 30' 20' Photography Water Trikes Creative Creative Time 20' 20' (1) FUNWORLD Walgreens Int'l Classics, Amusement Inflatable inflatables 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Equipment (1) SHOW DAILY 20' 20' Inc 20' Co., Ltd PRODUCT 1386 1686 1886 2086 2286 2686 2886 3086 3286 3486 3686 3886 4086 4286 20' 4486 20' 4686 4786 5186 5386 5486 5586 5986 20' 6186 LOCATOR #1 T N A 1:00pm - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2016 Triaxe R Scooter U R 30' A E T N RESTAURANT S N INFLATABLE PAVILION 185 E A FIRST-TIME EXHIBITOR PAVILION BANNER R B 20' 20' 20' Midas 20' 20' 20' 40' 20' 40' 20' 20' Z he jiang Shanghai Breeze Act ion CTR 20' 20' 20' 30' Event 30' 30' 40' Nannan IR D e sign Supply Seura Escapol ogy A m us e ment Heh ao Creative World Rob oL abs Ace Rainbow Aier American Bepoz Seaside ACME T ech Ene rgy and Treetop Ride UK Department for E quip LLC Int'l Tekin Inflatables X POWER 184 Winterland Specialty Casual Made In Co. Ltd Product Engineers Inflatables Inflatable Marsh 20' 20' 20' Co. Ltd 20' 20' 20' Quest Dev 20' Puzzled Ltd Manufacture Parking Richco Int'l International Trade Furniture America 20' 20' Studio Amusement Switzerland Ltd Group 20' 20' Ltd 20' Inc 20' 30' Boxx Pumps Inc Vehicles Bom ar Soft 20' 20' 20' 30' Rides 20' 8:00am - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2016 Meleap Inc. 30' Inc. and 30' 30' FullDome.Pro InCord P la y grounds 5484 183 30' I nt ernat ional 2884 2984 3484 3584 3684 3784 3884 3984 30' 4684 30' 30' 1784 2084 2284 40' 40' 3084 3284 4084 4284 Galaxy Invent Inst itute Zigong 20' LEDgen o f V e n u e & J2 LED K e nw ood/ Vaughan Towel IBIX Surface PICA Circus 20' Navitar R ich Tech SenSource Tec h LLC Neptune Nice, Pool C huangying Tentan 40' Ent ertainment 40' C GX Jolt Lighting Co Tracker N orth USA Product Trading Inc Safe Hill Int elligent T ec hn ol og ies Ra dios T e c h C o. Lt d MediaFront America Aoqi 5683 5883 6083 D D FX 182 283 483 683 883 Lighting American 2083 2183 2883 2983 3083 3183 3283 3383 3483 3583 3683 3783 3883 3983 4283 4383 4483 4683 dTable. Inflatables 40' NetWeave Zhuji Mtn Mile C a r p as y El i ason/ 80' Social Alive Dapper Flitz Int'l Riverside D ee p Blue Cuddles Ice Creative Lo n as El 20' Ilertren Tork Limited 20' A rt is tic Accelowait TMA Sys C om mu ni ca tions Entertainment AllTraq Yor un Adventure Carrusel, C hem- Pruf Networking Risk Cadaver Ltd P la st ics and SL Con tracto rs Wave Soc ks Ind Park S.A. D ecv Ridewerks HaulzAll com, LLC 30' FX 2082 2182 2682 2782 Friends 1:00pm - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2016 2882 2982 3082 3182 3282 3382 3582 3682 3782 3882 3982 20' 1082 20' 4282 20' 4482 4582 60' 80' Shenzhen Buena C ity 20' 20' 20' Polin Machines DEAL Golden iPixel LED L e high Evolis, Chelsea Studio USA Lektron Surface Silly Farm 30' 40' 30' WOW Light V ista S pl ash Amuze Foundations IA C POS 2017 A ni ma land Krust Outfitters Inc Taylor Int eriors Buttons LED Tech America Sup pl ies Children's 80' SimWay AB 30' Co C o.,Ltd Surrey Co Tours Products 180 2681 2881 2981 3181 3281 3381 3481 3581 3681 3781 3881 3981 4381 4481 4581 P roducts 5481 8270 20' Dynamic Dynamic 1781 20' 20' 20' 4081 20' 20' FX 60' eibe National Holovis Fibrart Produkt ion Oneail FX Kolmax- Elasco S plas htones American 60' Mascot Georgia TapSnap C learwater MG Am e rican + V e r trieb Browz Purchasing E ar th Studios Plus Products Makers Expo Photo M u s ic Imports Gas Prod Attractions GmbH & Co Premier Enviro Partners A nc hors 10' Motion Entertainment T echn oHUNT.com Bounce Time Inflatables 280 2080 2180 2680 2780 2880 2980 ToolBox 3180 3280 3480 3580 Tech 3880 3980 4380 4480 4580 4680 4780 EZ Inflatables Inc. Attractions 40' Arc ade 20' 20' 40' 8070 Ltd 40' WOA TT- P r oM i nent 20' GENERAL MOVE-IN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 20' 40' 20' 20' Chester Fac tory Rides BCI 40' Rides TIAB, Enplug 20' Sun- Schult Kangaroo Built 30' Kahala and Fun JRS *IAAPA World Integ rated Fluid B-AIR 70' 40' Inc Inc of Staches C ontr ol s, Axalta Tree-Mendous Zero Gravity Fibrart Trailers Bra nds Srl Ventures Poma Solutions Coating Sys GmbH Slides Ltd 3679 3779 Attractions Inc 4879 20' 1 Adventure 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 40' 20' 20' PRODUCT 20' Parks Inc 20' LOCATOR #3 5678 20' 5178 5478 East 30' 278 478 778 1078 1378 1778 2078 2278 2678 2878 2978 3078 3178 3278 3378 3478 3578 FHB FHB 3878 3978 4078 4278 4378 4478 4578 4678 4778 JumpOrange FX FX FX FX FX FX FX FX FX Inflatables NOVEMBER 12 - 13, 2016 BA FX FX R N N NE 30' ER AN Mfg Co. FHB FHB FHB B FHB 20' B 30' H Ltd F One 20' 10' 30' 8260 20' 20' 20' 20' 30' 30' 20' 20' 20' 40' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 30' 20' Moonwalk Zhengzhou Kraftwerk 30' Inflatable 40' RHETROACTIVE The A.C. Monster Co nver gence.net Xtrem Syrup Sys EyeClick Telescope Laserforce Bears MistAmerica USA 10' Producers Lighting Living Great MedTech CXC Aventures/ Inc Vortex Vertical Wolong 8060 8160 Y 20' GGE City 20' 20' Contract Int'l 20' Playgrounds 20' 30' Group Inc Technologies Delta Strike Wristbands Simulations Treetop 20' Reality 20' Y C Aquatic 20' GmbH Entertainment Studios Quest Furniture 20' Amusement 30' 30' L 20' Int'l 30' Coasters 30' 30' 10' N 20' 30' 20' 30' Structures 30' N 475 675 875 1075 + Design 1875 3075 3275 3475 Creative 4075 4475 4675 4875 E Int'l 6 Strong/ Beaudry Guangzhou EcoZip by R ub y Red Tear-Aid 2 O Medallion 20' M DI 30' 40' Zhuang Int'l Inc opticwash Berk Works 20' Repair 20' G Inte r a ctive Gorsky Eco li ne Paint 40' Mi n t LLC 5674 5974 30' Screen Lun Studio 40' Concession Patches T Virsix S up ply R 20' Animation Theme Glimmer I 874 974 Legacy 1674 Tech Co.
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