PLYMOUTH Pl!SUC LIBRAR) PL YM• LiTH, rl.H. •3264 Cemetery InscrirJtions in th!, To,m of Plymouth, New HaP.1;.>shL•e Transcribed and Indexed by Norton R. 13agley and . • .I fiichael O. V,tcca • Tr.e fly1:1outh Hist~rica} S:>ciety The Russell List of Inscriptions The only prior list of inscriptions for some Plyr.•outh cemeteries is one to be found in the· N .E. Historical Society. A co 0 ,y :-,as been zeroxed and is included in this work. It is not known who r.iade the entire list. Under the cr:-metery opposite the Grafton Coul.'lty Fairground is typed "submitted by George M. Russell, July 11, 1892." These lists include burials through about 1900. For the sake of convenience, these lists will be referred to as the Russell List. ~ihoever made t:-1e lists, or typed them, c~mfu:=ied some cemeteries. For example, aorne burials known to be in the Spencer yard b.fi~ listed under the Llloueett (Cookville) cemeh\ry, etc. As far as cnn be ascertairrnd, there is this c~mfusion among ti1e Spencer, Ccotville and l-Iunt cr~rnetr~ri,is but not the Stearns, Lower Ir;tervale and unior: cemeteries. Appropriate notes have been made in the :. .resent list to show discre,-;:iencies between the Russell List and present firidir.i:;s. In a few instances Russell includes an inscription not no1.; found and such inscriptions have been included in the present list. Since Russell's time there has llcen considerable a2,in,.; of stones and sane have apparently been lost or liroken. where present readings do not agree with Russell List, appropriute r,~narks are made. 'I'he first one and a quarter pages of the Russell List have been misplaced. They go with Lower Intervale cemetery. These lists include the following cemeteries: Union Cemetery (Plyr..outh­ Bridgewater line); Low::ir Intcrvale; Grafton Fairground (Hunt) op1)Qsite Mr. Bzekiel Elliott ri~errill Is ( Cookville); Spencer; Stearns; Eben Blodgett Place (Ireland-Yeaton 11:Iill) and the Plymouth 'l'own Cen,i·(ery (Riverside). Also referred to is a cn• etery near Alfred Cook's where he listed Jacob Merrill, Sr., and Mary, wifr.i of l::zekiel .Merril.l, also about 20 others ( not named). J\.ccording to the 1890 map of Plymouth, thE! Cooks livl~d in_ what is called Cookville, but these two names do not Hii:icar on the list; a Jaco1) does, but not a wife of Ezekiel Merrill. .. .... • ' - Index to Cemeteries Cemeteries have been indexed by name or by cemetery location. In certain instances, such as Pilsbury and Pillsbury, or Cumings and Cummings, the names have been combined in one group. There are instances inwhich there will be repetitions of the same person, e.g., when the person has a separate gravestone but may also appear on a monument erected to the whole family. Where the maiden name of the wife is given, e.g., Mary Smith, wife of JoseJX). Snow, the name will appear as Snow, Mary (Smith). In some instances where there are names of children, with names of rarents or initials given, and the parents do not appear on graves~ones; the entry will read Infant son of C.L. and L.P. Ward. Such an entry has been made to help researchers find people who must have lived in town but who may not have gravestones of their own or who removed from town but once lived here. Cemeteries Stearns Lone grave near Reservoir Road Lone grave near Junction of Cwnmings Hill and Texas Roads Ellis, Dearborn, Reservoir Road Spencer, West Plymouth Hunt (opposite Fairgrounds) Cookville Near Yeaton Mill Lower Intervale Turnpike, West Plymouth, Route .3A Beech Hill, north of Campton Line Union, Bridgewater, Plymouth Line Pleasant View, West Plymouth • Stearns Cc:-.:(-.'ttiry Clay, Mary, wif,o of Caleb Curr,in .... i::, PriscilJ.a, 1·!if2 :,f Cc1pt. Pin[,rcy S '.E,arns, .ri..aror~ s~:earns, Aaron St,iar: s, ALthoi:y St~arns, Clarissa Stt,arns, Fr'-'(;.U~' Stec.rns, Judith -" St, -~r:-:s. Luc St•~Ul'C.fJ' !•!!J.l'~" S l1"'fir1d:.~, Sa1. 1 ah !< a i ct ,, r: nc111P. s ; :~:Py Steari s, 11if·-~ of Caleb C1 ay i·· .riscilla SL~:... r1;D, \•;if0 of Ca11t. Pin[~rny C . :· .i.~ t!_)3 Sciavey, Al, ena .. • Stearns Cemetery Several of the stones in this yard are on the groun and one is badly broken. There are several field stones which look like headstones. The yard needs a great deal of work in stones are not to be lost. The earlier Russell list gives all the atones but includes some differences in reading which will be indicated in parentheses. Aaron Stearns, d (June) 9, 1865, (ae 72) stone on ground and fragmented Clarissa, wife of Aaron Stearns, d July 17, 1832 in the )6th yr of her age Freddy W., son Aaron and Lucy Stearns, d J~ne 22, 1845, ae 6 wks 5 dys (Stone is now off pedastal) Lucy R., wife of Aaron Stearns, d Sept. 18, 1877, ae 74 Mary, wife Caleb Clay, d Nov. 20, 1851 (4), ae 32 yrs 10 mos Aaron Stearns, d lfov. 9, 1857, ae 89 yrs Sarah G. Stearns, d May 24, 1863, ae 62 Judith, wife of Aaron Stearns, d Aug. 13, 1844, ae 73 yrs, 4 mos, 10 dye Anthony T. Stearns, d March 7, 1844, ae 37 yrs 8 mos Priscilla, wife of Capt. Pingrey Cumings, d Nov. 6, 1848 ('7), ae 4(l yrs, 9 mos, 16 dye ....'I • In an open fie1d, surr::mnded by an iron :e .·j:. f.;mcr: on Heservoir Road, is a single e;rave of a RPV ~)lutinnar:/ L/ar soli:i, ,e -:t)ward. This is prosuried to he Joshua Howa~•d, C;1pta:i n, volunteer f1•or'i ?7 .. r:··(:uth, Col. ·i,hipple I s 'nrigade to assist Stark at Stillwater and Saratot_:n. ,. Lone Grave 1: ,~,,:, Jnnction of Cu1:1 i ~- :.. f· Iii.11 and 'i'i~x,.,s Roads On Texas Hill P...:,11tJ a~):)ut a h2lf rdle soutr: ::, f i ts junction with Cun •incs Hill Road on tb , left lJand side in a S!Pall i.!':;n-r·ailed c~metery which C:Jntains a sinr;le g ·: ·ace. St::irn•. i :, no• ,, flat on th·~ c.:ro::r:d , nd is broken. ·.,hat can ~)e react now sRys: --ena S 1J;1 vey, <.:ied Hay ---, l~Jl, ae 22 yrs 19 dys. Stearns 1:'lymouth History e:;ivc•s Uw follot·1inG: 1.lprl,!US Se,1vey, son of Joshua of J,ndover m March lJ., 1829, Almeria Sanhorn of S&nh:)J~nton, April 21, 1819, dau of ;..·111iarn and Lois ('v:ood1,H-m) .Sanborn. At th,· d<.:te of ilis r1arriage he rrioved to Ply1:1auth, living east of Ply!i:Outh mour.tain and an th,! Pervier Road ( the old u.,me f~r this sectic>n of Texa,:3 ;lill Ro<id). :1,~ d Se;;t. 18, 1834. She d Hay 10, 1831. Upon a broken _stone :m. thA famr th :-' / occupied is inscribed: Almena Seavey d Hay 10, 1831, c.e 2:l yrs 19 dys. '.2hey had· one child, infant, d 1831, buried with the mothnr • . • l ~ . • .. Ellis-Dearborn - Rc>s,!rvoir Road Dearborn, l .. hicai.l De c::rborn, Ju,0 y Df,.,rborn, Bt>njan:i1-, Dourbor~, C~ndace D~artorn, Charl0s Dearborn, Ed1mrd De,:,rhorn, Eli;:.,:betlt Dec1rborr., infant s~m Dec 1r~:orn, Levds Dcartorr2, Lydin Dearborn, Ruth (Gill ) I),,ar~orn, Sm:m!·'l Dearborn, Srn·uel A. Dec..:rborn, Sarah, ,-;ift~ S.A. Dec.i.rborn, S1.:rah Dt~ar1)orn, Sarcih El 1 i:,, !1enjn: in l.:l lis , :~etoey Ellis, Dorot:1tJa El2.is, Geori;e \l. Ellis, Gilrr:an Ellis, Ichabod El2in, !fa.rtha ,. E2.lis, J. ,nncy Greene , Judi tL (1)e;~rliorn), wife C::ar'..,.- s M. Gr::rme : :'.<_hes, Lary J. •Judi '.-.1~ .J-,~:.1rh:,:::•t, , :~·if - of CL;n•l_,,s 1.L Ruth Gi1.l, ,:if" ·:,inj:l' · 1 r)e(;p!;(n·n ... .. • Ellis-Dearborn on Reservoir Road Gate broken and removed, stone wall needs attention; brush is beginning to grow; branches from trees litter yard. George W. Ellis, Co. G., II N.H. A. (Flag) Betsey B. Ellis, February 5, 1818 - February 23, 1897 (stone broken off) Arthur W., son of G.W. and M.A. Ellis, died September 17, 1897, ae 4 mos 14 dys Martha Ellis, d __1876, (atone broken), ae 62 yrs. Cyrena A., dau of J.M. and J. Wells, died Dec,mber 20, 1849 (there is a sunken slate ne~t to this one) Nancy B. Ellis, wife of Ichabod Ellis, April 22, 1788 November 13, 1871 Ichabod Ellis, August 31, 1789 August 20, 1875 Gil.man F. Ellis, died March 31, 1900, ae 44 yrs, 3 mos, 24 dye A. Dorothea Ellis, June 24, 1835 - February 9, 1918 Benjamin F. Ellis, January 13, 1832 - October 1, 1904 There is a broken fragment on line with above Ellis st.ones Mary J. Hushes, died September 16, 1851, ae 26 (On line with this stone is a broken headstone, no readable description) In this row are two large field head stones; also a small slate head stone but no inscriptions Samuel A. Dearborn, died November 19, 1854, ae 32 ( On line with this stone is a slate stone broken off) ..•.• Sarah, wife of S.A. Dearborn, died September 30, 1869, ae 46 Judith Dearborn, wife of-Charles M. Greene, died August 14, 1854, ae 35 Sarah B.
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