^ "wmm .-# ' >' .B',ygfift). '•; < ••- .:-*.:,^#»f/,V. <•& ; iSSftiii'.«&4A','^| ^fe^s-s^V ,v- '•••'. r *'• * "i'V* A *jtfV<*s*#& ^bJhi-^Xi ^®m&?Mmi$ i& '«DI ffATUKttfff ' IfftfJKirMt 9W* Priest Produces ptwarfawnewis««itpirinuiifljr(Aeet*diiig' to toe provisional Desr—Peter C. Dorr, died Jane with the application of Christian [arrangements nine ot the Irish![1 9 at 283 Breck street. Funeral 3.15 Payment ^Spirit Pictures" truth but against the historic Bishops will participate in thejj,un e 22 from St. Joseph's facts of Christianity and man's Conference. Church.* 1U Put .water Heater In Magazine Test!guesse s and inventions. And The close study of lay action, this contest is planned and con­ which ia such a feature of the] Donohue — Mary Ellen Bone- (By N. C. W. C. News Service,) ducted by ministers and theo­program, has been suggested by hue, died June 19, at 267 Spring­ Your Home New York, June U-.-Father logians who are ____insid_e the]th e organization and growth of I field avenue, aged 69 years. £y " 14^ & i ffip a payment of seventy-five cents($0.75) 1 Catholic lay activity in America. Spiritism and Common Sense to be so elated over their anti- Funeral June 22 from St Am­ and the balance in exceptionally low |rs in great demand these days to Christian views that they put brose Church. produce "spirit" pictures for the bells on themselves. The situa DEATHS * w •fait' « i ^ l "^fr , monthly payments, we will connect to the various scientific magazines. He Stevenson—George Stevenson, tion is astonishing." *"> ii kitchen boiler in your home a ruggedly con­ has spent his spare time, apart Bauman — Mrs. Mary A. died June 20 at 35 Wilmington v r? s from his priestly duties, investi­ Maaseth Bauman, died June 16_ treet. Funeral June 23 from structed, neat appearing, speedy COPPER 8 ^*\W %s V< S* f- gating spiritism and has follow Moosignor Mackin at Norton street, Irondequoit, N. Blessed Sacrament Church. In­ COIL WATER HEATER and guaran­ ed it not so much with the mind Y., aged 79 years. Funeral June] terment in Holy Sepulchre ceme­ of a scientist as with the uncom­ At 85 Years Starts tee satisfactory operation or no sale. 19th. from St. Joseph's Church. tery. plicated logic of a boy, for that is New Parish School,Intermen t at Holy Sepulcbrj the way, to strip spiritism of the) cemetery. Some day you'll have a gas-fired water frauds commonly practiced in its. (By N. C. W. C. News Sorvice) Ryan & Mclatee *»»-«wif»«>vi4«»s»^^^^!^w name. heater in your home. We want you to Washington, D. C, June 18.— De Roller-Joseph V. De Roller, Undertakers In a recent demonstration for! died June 16 at Lexington Hos­ New Location I f <v \ Eighty-five years old this month, have its many advantages NOW. Hence * the Popular Mechanics Magazine.'the Right Rev. Monsignor James! pital, New York city, aged 43 207 Chestnut Street this offer. Father de Heredia, showed how^. Mackin, pastor of St Paul's years. Funeral June 19t19thh . from near Monroe Ave. spirit pictures could be made Church, will celebrate his .birth-!*No&. 6688 StS.t Jaco b street and at St. STONE' 1444 #•*-*» under "test" conditions so that'day by participating in exercises'Joseph's Church at 9 o'clock. In 1 Telephone Genesee ffll 'Phone, write or call for futher the closest observer could not for the laying of the cornerstone terment at Holy Sepulchre ceme Jos. L. Logan, information detect how it was done. Uaing'of the new St Paul's School, al^ry. the Magazine's own equipment, {project involving the expenditure) UNDERTAKER •*r* induing camera, plates and'of $200,000. Monsignor Fuma- Ross—Sarah Ross, died June 118 Saratoga Ave. chemicals, numerous "8pirit"|Bonj.Biondi, the Apostolic Dele-! 17 at Park Avenue Hpspital, aged Residence, 54 Hortense St. 37 years unera une at views were produced even to the'gate, will preside "at the exer^! * P ' J 19 No. Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation Joiner street and from 0ur white cloud of "ectoplasm" eises, which will be held Sunday, ^ 14 CLINTON AVENUE NORTH commonly associated with them.'j^y i. Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Joveph P Cull •'".I Afilhon> V\ Culr.^i, The priest clips his "ghosts"-- Monsignor Mackin has under Dietz-George A~ Dietz died '.v;-. a beautiful child, a gliding fig ! taken the work of erecting and Cuihane Bros. 65 Joslyn place. <• jure, aline of marching soldiers;financing the parish school with^tJl l T.*_ Undertakers WORK. Ian aged woman-from foreignlthe enthusiam of a man less than iFuneral June 20 from St. Jo­ periodicals. He always has a half his years. Already there;seph' s Church. !4li Lake A*O. Rochester, fi. Y. l. supply with their surfaces wash.'8tand as monuments to his zeal, j.enwood 836 ed with luminous paint and freah-'and energy the handsome St.' Heid—Anna Heid, died June Presusaption I must fain, when Shakespeare 17, at Lyell road, Grates, aged 9 I revise, ly exposed to the light. A sitterjpau]'8 Church and a smaller! enters the studio. Perhaps fear-| hoolhouse, years. Funeral June 20 from Because you find me everywhere,'I talk with BC now pressed for Holy Ghost Church, Cold water, Harry C. Hermance ing fraud he has even brought| d ti na. His one dream! my I's. accommo a 0 N. Y. Interment in Holy Sepul­ UNDERTAKER 2. hid own camera. He examines,j to see the new echool complet­ 8 chre cemetery. Phone Stone 1624 By Adam I was sponsored, Eve never climbed everything relating to bis miss­ ed and a substantial part of the; ion. Father de Heredia refuses to 683 Main Street East the tree. debt paid of f before his death. Ritz--Catherine Elizabeth Ritz, Rocheiter, N. Y. use the plates until the •> subject Wan always brain* the eyilt woman shares his The veteran prelate h»b«e^ >: has written his nante on them to Charles E. Aahton Anthony L.Mark *#^$r '; pastor of St. Paul's since 1886.l d 14 _n. Funeral June 20 insure that no shifting can be agi ya 3. Previous to that and following from gt. Bridget's Church. In Ashton & Mark I'm the forest way to Heaven, the indolent done. his ordfaation in 1868, he was terment_at_Holy. .Sepulchre, ... .-.„». ._v,.Undertaitera„.,..^^.... •CS^Z^,.<rJ--S%.C^^ . The Jesuit watches him sign •..-.-,# - i^-,:,J,v^-,J-4«PPiie*A^-.-^«,,-^.. .— — assistant at St." ^Matthew's Psr-'cemetery. i Telephone, M*ta 3588 the plate, bis own hand, in the I pave the road to health, with longevity's iah in this city, and pastor of St.1 1 510 Main Street West palm of which is the paint-treat exercise. Mary's Church, Rockville. His] Stone-Mary Claire Stone, ed, spirit picture..—reeting lighting! ... ,-._„„_ ., ,™. ._4- —.. — — ~ - first} task on assuming the pas-jditd June 17 at Little Falls, N. jottpl J.Jnttf], Z H«P« M**f v;»3|«w>"-*'-"'«-^'-" on-Qnfr«p^er«..The.;P^te.'ia^theni •cy**%-^*r-, y, jtnimnsn^ raj? less, torate of St Paul's wae the erec-jY* Funeral June 21 at 69 Sfaer-i placed in the camera by the sub tion of a chapel and Bchoolhou8e|wo°d avenue, Rochester, N. Y., ject himself, who may even press PUISRIL DIRECTORt S It's I defers departure, retirement is for at a cost of $13,000. Later he'^m St. Augustine's Church, the bulb. The sitter is eager soother plane. built the present parish rectory Interment at Holy Seiulchrel Phone Main 1666 He insists on developing and ;,- • .1 5. at a cost of $6,000 and in 1892 thec«m«tery- printing the plate inomediateley 182 Main Street West ^,V-*v- ,'^%^-w ^f/vN*?.' t^x^^iK^^^it^^ie'f'w WJ'IQ »fc my beat on the farm, I love to hear the cornerstone for the present St.' cattle low, His eagerness increases. The Paul's Church was laid by Card-' Blum-Jacob A. Blum, died MTABUBHKD I»73 print is still wet, but there-un Calling the restful night, with the sunset's inal Gibbons. 'June 18 at Lee Private Hospital ruddy glow. mistakably- is not only bis own L. W. Maiet's Sons Originally there were 300 Cath-[af •<* 54 years. F uneral June 21 likeness, but that of the aged k__ 6. olica in the parish and 40 childreaa' 165 Henerietta street and UNDERTAKERS r mother for whom no normal *^ "Fm the foundation of endeavor, prosperity in the pariah school. Today there|from Blessed Sacrament Church, 870 Clinton Avenue N. person ever ceases to yearn. I lead from its source, are close to 4000 souls and 200iInterment in Ho,y Sepulchre Phone* «tt I'm the salt mixed with Mother-Love, keeps children being educated. Manylcemetery- the youth on life's course. Loretto College distinguiabed statesmen, includ­ Wm.H.Rossenbaeh 7. ing U. S. Senators, and foreign] Schneider-Dorothy Schneider, I'm the parent stem of industry, I branch over Alumnae Organize died June 19 at 221 Henrietta Panerral Director ambassadors have been members! Lady Asaistant land and sea, of the parish. Admiral William 'street aged 14 years. Funeral (By N. C. W. C. News Service) Phones, Bell I48S Genesee, 4" Stoat With all her inventions, I'm evolution's ances­ S. Benson is now a member, be­ IJ une 22 from St. Boniface St. Louis, June 15. - On| 048 Rain at. 0CI*a« tral tree. ing a former president of St. Church. Interment in Holy Sep 8.
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