CRIME STATISTICS CRIME SITUATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA ( JULY TO SEPTEMBER 2020_21) TABLE OF CONTENTS . Introduction . Broad categories of crime . Crime Statistics Analysis . Highlights of the 17 Community-Reported Serious Crimes . National crime overview . Contact Crimes . Kidnapping . Trio crimes . Contact Related Crimes . Property Related Crimes . Other Serious Crimes . Crime Dependent on Police Action . Crimes committed by children . Provincial crime overview 2 CATEGORIESFinancial year 2017/2018 OF CRIME 17 COMMUNITY REPORTED SERIOUS CRIMES CDPA Contact Contact Property Other Crimes Crime Related Related Serious Dependent on Murder Arson Burglary Theft other Police Action for Detection Attempted Malicious Residential Commercial murder Damage to Burglary Crime Illegal possession of firearms and Assault GBH Property Business Shoplifting ammunition Assault Theft of Motor Drug related crimes Common Vehicle Driving under the Aggravated Theft out/from influence of alcohol Robbery Motor Vehicle and drugs Common Stock Theft Sexual offences Robbery detected as result 3 Sexual Offences of police action NATIONAL CRIME SITUATION JULY TO SEPTEMBER 2020_21 RSA: JULY TO SEPTEMBER 2020_21 July to July to July to July to July to CRIME CATEGORY September September September September September Case Diff % Change 2016_17 2017_18 2018_19 2019_20 2020_21 CONTACT CRIMES ( CRIMES AGAINST THE PERSON) Murder 4 900 5 137 5 554 5 446 5 107 -339 -6,2% Sexual Offences 12 562 12 495 12 745 13 730 11 423 -2 307 -16,8% Attempted murder 4 577 4 720 4 889 4 856 4 941 85 1,8% Assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm 40 590 39 949 39 893 39 807 34 890 -4 917 -12,4% Common assault 38 160 37 625 38 289 38 993 36 851 -2 142 -5,5% Common robbery 13 837 12 755 12 746 13 201 9 864 -3 337 -25,3% Robbery with aggravating circumstances 37 490 35 885 36 304 37 617 32 745 -4 872 -13,0% Total Contact Crimes ( Crimes Against The Person) 152 116 148 566 150 420 153 650 135 821 -17 829 -11,6% Total Sexual Offences Rape 10 078 10 048 10 213 10 985 8 922 -2 063 -18,8% Sexual Assault 1 602 1 637 1 743 1 964 1 758 -206 -10,5% Attempted Sexual Offences 475 515 481 498 451 -47 -9,4% Contact Sexual Offences 407 295 308 283 292 9 3,2% Total Sexual Offences 12 562 12 495 12 745 13 730 11 423 -2 307 -16,8% SOME SUBCATEGORIES OF AGGRAVATED ROBBERY Carjacking 4 336 4 350 4 249 4 882 4 803 -79 -1,6% Robbery at residential premises 5 761 5 613 5 603 5 308 5 760 452 8,5% Robbery at non-residential premises 5 795 5 075 5 360 5 394 4 937 -457 -8,5% Robbery of cash in transit 37 67 46 40 64 24 60,0% Bank robbery 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 Case Higher Truck hijacking 311 324 291 312 411 99 31,7% CONTACT-RELATED CRIMES Arson 1 245 1 140 1 126 1 057 986 -71 -6,7% Malicious damage to property 29 242 27 944 27 893 26 985 26 005 -980 -3,6% Total Contact-Related Crimes 30 487 29 084 29 019 28 042 26 991 -1 051 -3,7% 5 RSA : CRIME SITUATION Actual figures July to July to July to July to July to Count % CRIME CATEGORY September September September September September Diff Change 2016_17 2017_18 2018_19 2019_20 2020_21 CONTACT CRIMES ( CRIMES AGAINST THE PERSON) Murder 4 900 5 137 5 554 5 446 5 107 -339 -6,2% Rape 12 562 12 495 12 745 13 730 11 423 -2 307 -16,8% Attempted murder 4 577 4 720 4 889 4 856 4 941 85 1,8% Assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm 40 590 39 949 39 893 39 807 34 890 -4 917 -12,4% Common assault 38 160 37 625 38 289 38 993 36 851 -2 142 -5,5% Common robbery 13 837 12 755 12 746 13 201 9 864 -3 337 -25,3% Per capita (*Ratio per 100 000 of the population) July to July to July to July to July to CRIME CATEGORY September September September September September 2016_17 2017_18 2018_19 2019_20 2020_21 CONTACT CRIMES ( CRIMES AGAINST THE PERSON) Murder 8,8 9,1 9,6 9,3 8,6 Sexual Offences 22,5 22,1 22,1 23,4 19,2 Attempted murder 8,2 8,3 8,5 8,3 8,3 Assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm 72,8 70,5 69,3 68,0 58,6 Common assault 68,5 66,4 66,5 66,6 61,9 Common robbery 24,8 22,5 22,1 22,5 16,6 6 RSA: JULY TO SEPTEMBER 2020_21 July to July to July to July to July to CRIME CATEGORY September September September September September Case Diff % Change 2016_17 2017_18 2018_19 2019_20 2020_21 PROPERTY-RELATED CRIMES Burglary at non-residential premises 19 042 17 615 17 677 16 892 15 881 -1 011 -6,0% Burglary at residential premises 62 091 55 484 54 412 49 930 39 304 -10 626 -21,3% Theft of motor vehicle and motorcycle 13 584 13 076 12 328 12 253 10 146 -2 107 -17,2% Theft out of or from motor vehicle 36 657 32 751 32 000 30 586 22 846 -7 740 -25,3% Stock-theft 7 250 7 864 7 931 7 878 7 339 -539 -6,8% Total Property-Related Crimes 138 624 126 790 124 348 117 539 95 516 -22 023 -18,7% OTHER SERIOUS CRIMES All theft not mentioned elsewhere 84 382 75 674 75 408 71 362 58 154 -13 208 -18,5% Commercial crime 18 893 18 474 20 834 21 518 21 987 469 2,2% Shoplifting 17 638 15 996 15 224 15 192 13 808 -1 384 -9,1% Total Other Serious Crimes 120 913 110 144 111 466 108 072 93 949 -14 123 -13,1% Total 17 Community Reported Serious Crimes 442 140 414 584 415 253 407 303 352 277 -55 026 -13,5% CRIME DETECTED AS A RESULT OF POLICE ACTION Illegal possession of firearms and ammunition 4 059 4 710 4 411 4 485 3 631 -854 -19,0% Drug-related crime 75 779 84 124 79 508 45 682 29 094 -16 588 -36,3% Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs 18 784 21 464 21 817 26 079 7 828 -18 251 -70,0% Sexual Offences detected as a result of police action 1 842 1 783 1 884 2 533 1 568 -965 -38,1% Total Crime Detected As A Result Of Police Action 100 464 112 081 107 620 78 779 42 121 -36 658 -46,5% 7 17 COMMUNITY REPORTED SERIOUS CRIME . Contact Crime . Contact Related Crime . Property Related Crime . Other Serious Crimes 17 COMMUNITY-REPORTED SERIOUS CRIMES TREND OVER THREE-MONTHS PERIOD 159 990 139 990 136 305 136 974 134 024 129 422 119 990 117 678 99 990 105 177 79 990 2019/2020 2020/2021 59 990 39 990 -4 602 -19 296 19 990 -31 128 -10 July August September EASTERN CAPE FREE STATE GAUTENG KWAZULU/NATALLIMPOPO MPUMALANGA NORTH WEST NORTHERN CAPE WESTERN CAPERSA Kwazulu Northern Western Republic of Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng /Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Cape Cape South Africa Jul_Sep 2019_20 42 752 23 018 115 234 62 747 23 387 24 544 23 095 10 269 82 257 407 303 July_Sep 2020_21 38 208 19 662 96 817 55 550 20 820 22 056 20 926 9 746 68 492 352 277 Case Diff -4 544 -3 356 -18 417 -7 197 -2 567 -2 488 -2 169 -523 -13 765 -55 026 %Change -10,6% -14,6% -16,0% -11,5% -11,0% -10,1% -9,4% -5,1% -16,7% -13,5% 9 17 COMMUNITY REPORTED SERIOUS CRIMES TOP 30 STATIONS July to July to July to July to July to Position Station Province September September September September September Case Diff % Change 2016_17 2017_18 2018_19 2019_20 2020_21 1 HONEYDEW GAUTENG 2 812 2 646 2 616 2 621 2 164 -457 -17,4% 2 JHB CENTRAL GAUTENG 3 446 3 123 3 237 2 779 1 841 -938 -33,8% 3 DURBAN CENTRAL KWAZULU/NATAL 2 796 2 494 2 495 2 200 1 816 -384 -17,5% 4 MITCHELLS PLAIN WESTERN CAPE 3 372 2 817 2 800 2 797 1 778 -1 019 -36,4% 5 PARK ROAD FREE STATE 2 338 2 474 2 463 2 471 1 658 -813 -32,9% 6 WITBANK MPUMALANGA 2 258 2 225 2 323 2 188 1 658 -530 -24,2% 7 RUSTENBURG NORTH WEST 2 260 2 232 1 761 1 843 1 606 -237 -12,9% 8 KRAAIFONTEIN WESTERN CAPE 1 987 1 880 1 934 1 635 1 567 -68 -4,2% 9 PLESSISLAER KWAZULU/NATAL 1 533 1 672 1 586 1 502 1 524 22 1,5% 10 CAPE TOWN CENTRAL WESTERN CAPE 3 945 3 907 3 200 3 028 1 519 -1 509 -49,8% 11 DELFT WESTERN CAPE 1 356 1 469 1 616 1 856 1 495 -361 -19,5% 12 PINETOWN KWAZULU/NATAL 2 181 1 724 1 923 1 775 1 487 -288 -16,2% 13 BROOKLYN GAUTENG 1 881 1 798 1 648 1 800 1 452 -348 -19,3% 14 RANDFONTEIN GAUTENG 1 719 1 812 1 618 1 560 1 445 -115 -7,4% 15 NYANGA WESTERN CAPE 2 076 2 051 1 963 1 535 1 443 -92 -6,0% 16 MFULENI WESTERN CAPE 1 376 1 589 1 659 1 596 1 440 -156 -9,8% 17 WORCESTER WESTERN CAPE 2 155 1 765 1 480 1 584 1 422 -162 -10,2% 18 AKASIA GAUTENG 1 599 1 434 1 835 1 551 1 409 -142 -9,2% 19 EMPANGENI KWAZULU/NATAL 1 606 1 444 1 465 1 371 1 409 38 2,8% 20 PRETORIA CENTRAL GAUTENG 2 317 2 146 2 287 2 218 1 391 -827 -37,3% 21 MIDRAND GAUTENG 2 151 1 861 1 754 1 752 1 380 -372 -21,2% 22 KHAYELITSHA WESTERN CAPE 1 770 1 538 1 459 1 420 1 374 -46 -3,2% 23 TEMBISA GAUTENG 1 270 1 489 1 258 1 585 1 336 -249 -15,7% 24 HILLBROW GAUTENG 2 472 2 278 2 097 1 933 1 322 -611 -31,6% 25 NELSPRUIT MPUMALANGA 1 737 1 483 1 541 1 377 1 321 -56 -4,1% 26 ALEXANDRA GAUTENG 1 212 1 431 1 334 1 400 1 319 -81 -5,8% 27 MILNERTON WESTERN CAPE 1 619 1 610 1 553 1 497 1 312 -185 -12,4% 28 KIMBERLEY NORTHERN CAPE 1 686 1 661 1 699 1 649 1 308 -341 -20,7% 29 KEMPTON PARK GAUTENG 1 839 1 743 1 746 1 525 1 302 -223 -14,6% 30 IVORY PARK GAUTENG 1 614 1 468 1 512 1 417 1 289 -128 -9,0% 10 CONTACT CRIME CONTACT CRIME Contact crime refers to those crimes in which the victims themselves are the targets of violence or property is targeted and the victims in the vicinity during the commission of the crime are subjected to threats of violence or the use of such violence.
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